Abstract Wild type E. coli grows faster than both KO11 and LY01, reaching its peak optical density after only 10 hours, and achieves a higher optical density than the other two. Geneticly modified KO11 grows more slowly, taking 16 hours to finish growing, reaches a lower optical density, and produces more ethanol than wild type E. coli. LY01 grows more slowly than the other two, ceasing growing after 21 hours, and reaches the lowest optical density of the three. It produces less ethanol than KO11 but more organic acids. Introduction As the fossil fuel reserves of the earth become depleted, more and more people are turning to renewable fuel sources. One of these sources is plant biomass in the form of ethanol. Escherichia coli produces ethanol from glucose in a fermentation process, though not very efficiently. E. coli was genetically altered by adding genes for ethanol production from Zymomonas mobilis. The resulting strain is known as KO11. This new strain was subjected to increasing concentrations of ethanol. A mutant of KO11 able to tolerate ethanol concentrations of up to 45 g/l was isolated. This bacterium is knows as LY01. The goal of this project is to study these three strains of E. coli. We will examine the growth of these bacteria and the production of metabolites. The metabolic fluxes of products (succinate, lactate, formate, acetate, and ethanol) can be combined with the stoichiometry of the reactions involved to determine the movement of intermediates. This knowledge can then be used to gain a better understanding of how the recombinant bacteria function and can lead to better genetically altered strains. Methods A 700 ml stock solution of Luria-Bertani (LB) broth consisting of 9 g/l tryptone, 4.5 g/l yeast extract, and 4.5 g/l NaCl was prepared along with 300 ml of LB broth consisting of 10g/l tryptone, 5 g/l yeast extract, and 5 g/l NaCl and 200 ml of glucose solution consisting of 300 g/l glucose. All solutions were sterilized. After having been sterilized and cooled, 100 ml of the 300 ml LB broth was inoculated with E. coli. After allowing the inoculated LB to incubate at 37oC for 8 hours, the bacteria cells were removed from the LB using a centrifuge. The cells were then re-suspended in 100 ml of fresh LB from the 300 ml stock solution. 150 ml of glucose solution and the bacteria suspension were added to the 700 ml of LB in the fermenter. Keeping the mixture stirred and heated to 37oC, samples were taken every thirty to sixty minutes and the optical density recorded. The cells were removed from 6 ml of each sample by centrifugation and the liquid frozen and stored so that it could be analyzed by HPLC chromatography later. The fermentation was run until the optical density of three consecutive samples failed to rise. At least six samples were collected from the exponential phase and linear phase each. Results and Discussion We found that, for the three strains of E. coli under observation, the exponential growth phase was short compared to the linear growth phase. Wild type E. coli exhibited an exponential growth phase lasting only 1.5 hours, KO11 exhibited an exponential phase lasting 2 hours, and LY01 grew exponentially for 3 hours. These growth profiles were expected as KO11 was engineered to produce ethanol and so should have a higher ethanol tolerance than wild type E. coli. LY01 inherently has a higher ethanol tolerance than KO11, as LY01 is nothing more than KO11 that was selected for high ethanol tolerance. Specific rates were determined for the exponential growth phase of each of the three bacteria. A plot of the natural logarithm of dry cell mass (in mg) against time was generated. The slope of this plot is the specific rate. For wild type E. coli the specific rate was 1.464, for KO11, it was 1.2524, and for LY01, it was 1.0378. The specific rates for the exponential phases of each of the three bacteria were calculated using the following equation. = d(ln(x))/dt In this equation, is the specific rate, x is dry cell mass, and t is time. The difference in the specific rates of wild type E. coli and KO11 is most like due to the addition of ethanol-producing genes and the removal of the succinate-producing gene. The lower specific rate of LY01 is most likely due to the mutations undergone be KO11 as it became more tolerant of ethanol. Graphs of the exponential phase for each of the strains can be seen below. Wild Type E. Coli y = 1.464x - 3.8197 ln(cell mass) R2 = 0.9986 0.000 -0.500 -1.000 -1.500 -2.000 -2.500 -3.000 -3.500 -4.000 -4.500 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 Time (hrs) 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600 KO11 y = 1.2524x - 3.5625 R2 = 0.9921 ln(cell mass) 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 hours y = 1.0378x - 3.4944 R2 = 0.9948 LY01 ln(cell mass) 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 hours The amount of time spent in the linear growth phase also varied for each of the strains, as did the rapidity of growth. Wild type E. coli grew the most rapidly in the linear phase achieving a peak optical density of 9.23. KO11 grew more slowly in the linear phase and achieved a peak optical density of 7.27. LY01 grew more slowly in the linear phase than either of its two predecessors and achieved a peak optical density of 6.15. Specific growth rates for the linear phase can be found by dividing the slope of the cell mass versus time plot by the cell mass at any given point. Cell mass can be determined from optical density by the following equation. A = 0.0005 * B In this equation, A is dry cell mass in mg and B is optical density. This equation is a result of the experiment outlined in appendix I. Since the slope of the growth plot is constant and the dry cell mass is always increasing, the specific rate in the linear phase is always decreasing. Graphs of the linear growth phase for each of the strains can be seen below. O.D. Wild Type E. coli 8.000 7.000 6.000 5.000 y = 1.4459x - 3.1945 R2 = 0.9978 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 4.000 4.500 5.000 5.500 6.000 6.500 7.000 7.500 Tim e (hrs) KO11 7.000 6.000 y = 1.3883x - 3.0437 R2 = 0.9985 O.D. 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 4.000 4.500 5.000 5.500 6.000 6.500 7.000 Time (hrs) O.D. LY01 5.000 y = 0.4058x + 0.1234 4.500 R2 = 0.9961 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 0.500 0.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 Time (hrs) The concentration of metabolic products formed by these three strains varied. Wild type E. coli produced primarily lactate while KO11 and LY01 both produced mainly ethanol. In KO11 and LY01 the concentration of succinate was essentially zero. The final concentration in g/l of ethanol was 4.2 for wild type E. coli, 18.3 for KO11, and 12.1 for LY01. These results agree with expectations. KO11 and LY01 should not have produced any succinate, as the pathway leading to the formation of succinate is turned off in these two bacteria. The final ethanol concentration in LY01 is lower than KO11. A flux analysis will be necessary to determine why this is true. The concentrations of formate, acetate, and lactate, were between 0 and 10 g/l with the exception of lactate in wild type E. coli, in which it was the major product. Graphs depicting the metabolic products formed by each of the three bacteria are shown below. Wild Type E. coli Organic Acids 25 20 Succinate Lactate g/l 15 Formate 10 Acetate 5 Ethanol 0 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 hours KO11 Organic Acids g/l 20 succinate 15 lactate 10 f ormate 5 acetate ethanol 0 0.000 3.000 6.000 9.000 12.000 hours LY01 Organic Acids 15 succinate g/l 10 lactate 5 formate 0 acetate 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 hours 20.0 25.0 30.0 ethanol Conclusions While an analysis of the metabolic fluxes will be necessary for a complete understanding of these bacteria, we were able to draw some conclusions from what we have done thus far. We have found that wild type E. coli grew faster than the other two and reached a higher optical density. The genetic modifications necessary to produce the KO11 strain resulted in a slower specific growth rate as well as the expected increase in ethanol production. LY01 grew more slowly than the other two and reached the lowest optical density of the three. It produced less ethanol than KO11 but more organic acids. The next step in this project will be to complete a flux analysis. This will enable us to answer some lingering questions regarding the decrease in ethanol production from KO11 to LY01 and the increase in the production of organic acids between these two strains. Acknowledgements This research was done at Iowa State University by the research groups of Dr. Jacqueline Shanks and Dr. Ramon Gonzolaz. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant EEC-0087696.