A framework of traits-based theory in ecology based on the

A framework of traits-based theory in ecology based on the information of herbarium
Jiajia Liu
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Science
Functional traits are recommended rebuild community ecology, especially the newly
proposed functional diversity which is quite important for community structure and
function. However, with the shortage of functional traits data which is often the thing
happened in regions with high species diversity. Here, we are using traits data measured in
herbarium for all the species in a 20 ha plot in Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest, to test
whether functional trait(e.g. leaf area ) are randomly distributed along the environmental
gradients, and we found a significant relationship between functional traits and
environmental factors. For example, subplots near the valley tend to have a high leaf area
index but low wood density. The nonrandom spatial distribution pattern of functional traits
supports the availability to use the information in herbarium. And we suggest that it is
important to extent the function of the traditional herbarium but also take it as a fast but
precise way to get the trait data.