Year 9 Homework Project: Gothic Writing TASK: As part of this unit of work you will be required to undertake an independent study based on the topic you are studying. This booklet is designed for you to complete on your own to support your knowledge and understanding of this area of English. How to use this booklet You must read task carefully, and complete the number of tasks, as directed by your teacher. Tasks can be completed on paper; by hand or using a PC. Make sure that you complete all tasks with as much effort and detail as you possibly can, as you will be awarded an overall level/grade for your independent study. You will be required to complete this independent study at home or in the school homework club. Your completed homework should be submitted on the following date, in the form of a project. Deadline: _______________________ Task One: Reading Gothic Texts Reading Tasks 1. Read the opening to a range (at least three) gothic stories. Compare how the writers set the scene and use language to engage the readers. Or 2. Read a gothic novel (or selection of short stories). Write a review of the story, including a comment on how effective it is a story. You can find some gothic stories in the English pages of the portal. Task Two: Spotlight on Characters Creative Task 1. Create your own gothic characters – draw and label them according to gothic conventions (include personality traits and physical appearance). Task Three: Planning and Developing Writing Task Choose two 1. Write a recipe for the perfect gothic story – remember to include ingredients and instructions about how they ingredients should be mixed together. 2. Expand your vocabulary by making a gothic dictionary (remember to include explanations of the gothic terms you include). 3. Plan three different gothic stories with different settings and characters. Task Four: Looking at Texts Evaluation Task 1. Read the article on the Independent website: Do you agree with the writer’s ideas and comments? Task Five: Looking at different texts Writing Task Before you begin this task, discuss gothic films with your parents. Make sure they are happy for you to watch one 1. Watch a range of film trailers and evaluate the gothic conventions that are used. You can search for trailers according to genre on 2. Watch a gothic film. Write a review of the film, including comments on what is effective and what you think should be improved. For examples of film reviews go to