Cultural Effects of Migration: A Comprehensive Analysis

For migrants:
Positive effects
• For the migrant there will be new possibilities in the
new country, the people can find new friends and
meet new people
• They can learn our culture code, new symbols of
predominant group of people, our traditions, rituals,
value system and language.
• Creating new trends in art, music, considered as
results of encounter of two or more separate
customs, combining the new with the old (music,
cinema, dance, cuisine)
• Migrants who decided live in our country have full
liberty in organizing different venture from domain
of culture, arts and religion.
• The migrants have a higher percent number of
literacy as the Turkish population.
• In the emigration areas the investments in the field
of health, education and culture should be conduced
• The employment, the climate and the culture is
important for their decision.
• Migrants are needed in order to do jobs that Italians
do not want to do anymore.
Negative Effects
o There is a complete assimilation of the new
country. So they lose their traditions, manners
and customs.
o When they return they are not easily understood
by their countrymen. The new morality that they
carry are foreign to them.
o Migration for migrant at first isn’t easy, because
they get used to with new culture, new trends
and new tradition. They lose family, friends and
specially language. For youngest generation
living in new country can be uncomfortable, cuz
people who live in this country can not accept
their, their religion etc but it isn’t close way for
o The life of those migrants can be different,
because they have to change food habits or
language or tradition. The reason might be, that in
the destination country there aren't the same food
and things like in the home country.
o Less people attend theatre, cinemas, philharmonic
hall etc, its like as simplifying culture when
culture which is characterised by simplicity,
facility, lack of depths, but in the same time “high
culture” is declined.
o The majority has different accents but although
they speak Turkish the other segment belongs the
community who speaks a language which relative
to the Turkish language
o Lot of Italians are angry with migrants because
they believe migrants get Italians’ jobs
o Sometimes both migrants and citizens are
reluctant with each other.
Effects for the country of origin
Positive effects
o New ideas and attitudes are transmitted by the
immigrants when the repatriated or through the
o Multicultural melting pot: The existence of
different cultures enrich the current cultural
environment with new ideas creates multicultural
o Plenty of languages, cultures, flavors and arts.
o The most important feature of the migrants who
come to turkey is that all of them are Muslims.
o The migrants are on free migrant status they prefer
the locations in turkey where there relatives
Negative effects
 When people emigrate in another country, the culture
in the origin country can get lost.
 Stability regarding civilization because intellectual
people leave
 Less people to continuing tradition and culture and
other activities.
Effects for the destination country
Positive effects
o Acceptance and cooperation
o Multicultural societies.
o Cultural blend: The coexistence of different civilizations enriches
the cultural environment with new ideas and creates multicultural
o Wide range of languages, ideas, flavors and art.
o Migrants enrich with their customs and traditions, culinary habits,
manners, religious attitudes, festivals and music the cultural life in
the new home. All this facts creates a cultural exchange between
locals and migrants. For Example the people can create new ideas
even introduction of new foods, such as specific types of bread etc
Negative effects
 The different cultures can be mixed together; this has the
consequence that new cultures can arise, but also a change or lost
of culture.
 Another point is, that migrants maybe don´t speak the native
language or not as well as the people there. For this reason
communication problems originate with each other.
 Religious conflicts.
 Xenophobia, racism and prejudice
 National alienation.