Grade 2 Social Studies Geography Map Skills-North America Oceans, Rivers, Mountains Landmarks-China, Mexico, England Civics and Government Citizenship Economics Producers and Consumers Goods and Services History Calendar Skills Historical Times/Timelines Geography related to historical narratives Concepts and Skills History/Geography 1. Using a calendar, are students able to identify days, weeks, months, years, and seasons? Vocabulary: calendar, days, weeks, months, year, seasons Sources: Everyday Mathematics - Lesson 1.3 Morning Message and Meeting Teacher Made Materials Scott Foresman 2.2.3 – On-Level Reader: The Busy, Lively, Sleepy, and Quiet Pond 2. Are children able to use appropriate vocabulary related to time, (now, in the past, in the future), changing historical periods (other times, other places), and causation (because, reasons)? Vocabulary: time, now, past, future, historical periods Sources: Scott Foresman 2.4.1 Quilt Story Leveled Readers: Butterfly Quilt Quilting Memories Windows to the Past Paired Selection: Making Memories (Changing With the Times) SF – 2.3.2 Leveled Reader – Advanced – Mail It …From Here to There SF – 2.4.4 Leveled Reader – Advanced – Simone’s Travels SF - 2.2.2 Leveled Reader – Advanced – The First Big Game Various Biographies SF – 2.6.4 – Anthology – Cowboys Leveled Readers: Below – Ranch Life On Level - Cowboy Days Advanced - Life on the Ranch SF – 2.6.2 – Anthology Red, White, and Blue Leveled Readers: Below – Happy Birthday, America On Level – Heroes of the American Revolution Advanced – Home of the Brave This topic is intertwined with various topics in other areas of the curriculum. 3. Are children able to read and understand a historical timeline and create a timeline of their own life putting their events in chronological order? Vocabulary: historical timelines, chronological order Sources: Timelines in the back of various leveled readers in Scott Foresman (Biographies) Teacher generated timeline of famous person done with students Teacher generated timeline of historical events touched upon during year in class. Student generated timeline of his/her life. Ongoing activities tied into biographical and historical studies. Site: *click on black history timeline *click on Dr. Martin Luther King Timeline Site: Site: 4. Are Students able to identify the differences between a map and a globe and obtain information from each? Vocabulary: map, globe, continent, country, state, Sources: Teacher Resource book: Map Skills Maps, globe Site: Me On the Map by Joan Sweeney 5. Using maps and globes, are children able to follow narrative accounts? (i.e. historical and ancestral voyages: Pilgrims, Columbus) Vocabulary: map, globe, voyages Sources: Maps, globes, historical accounts Teacher Resource: Social Studies Made Simple Civics and Government: 6. Are children able to define and give examples of responsibilities of citizens in the school? Vocabulary: responsibility, citizens, rules Sources: Responsive Classroom routines Class Rules Hopes and dreams Morning Meeting Student Council Classroom elections – votes, etc. 7. Are children able to identify characteristics or qualities of a good citizen and give examples of both fictional and real people who exemplify these good characteristics or qualities? Vocabulary: citizen, characteristics, fictional people, real people, honesty, dependability, modesty, trustworthiness, courage Sources: Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting SF – Anthology 2.2.2 - Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat SF – Anthology 2.5.4 – Horace, Maurice, but Mostly Delores Leveled Readers: Below – What an Adventure On Level – You Can Make a Difference Advanced _ Taking Care of the Earth SF – Anthology 2.5.5 - Signmaker’s Assistant Leveled Readers: Below – Grandpa’s Sign On Level – Responsibility Advanced – Marty’s Job SF – Anthology 2.5.3 – Bad Dog, Dodger Leveled Readers: Below – Sally and the Wild Puppy On Level – Hubert and Frankie Advanced – Training Peanut SF – Leveled Reader: 2.2.4 On Level - Jun and Pepper Grow Up SF – Leveled Reader : 2.4.3 On Level - Frog Friends Frog and Toad Series Henry and Mudge Series Mr. Putter and Tabby Series Site: Economics 8. Are children able to give examples in the school and community who are both producers and consumers? Vocabulary: community, producers, consumers, goods, services, wants, needs, barter, resources Sources: Teacher Resource Book: Basics of Economics Grade 2 Scott Foresman Anthology 2.3.4 Rosa and Blanca SF – Leveled Reader 2.5.1: Goods and Services A Birthday for Frances – barter A New Coat for Anna – barter Alexander Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday – Bananas for Manolo to Margie by George Ancona – Workers/producers, consumers, specialization Fire Fighters – Workers/producers, services, specialization Helping and Bang-Klang in Where the Sidewalk Ends– Workers/producers If You Give a Mouse a Cookie – Wants In a People House – by Theo LeSieg - Goods What Will I Be A Wish Book by H.I. Peeples Workers/Producers, resources Site: www.socialstudiesfor kids/economics 9. Are children able to explain what buyers and sellers are and give examples of goods and services that are bought and sold in their community? Vocabulary: goods, services, community, consumers, producers, resources Sources: Scott Foresman Anthology 2.3.4 -“Rosa and Blanca” SF Leveled Reader 2.5.1 Advanced: “Goods and Services” A Birthday for Frances – barter A New Coat for Anna – barter Alexander Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday – Opportunity cost Bananas for Manolo to Margie by George Ancona – Workers/producers, consumers, specialization Fire Fighters – Workers/producers, services, specialization Helping” and “Bang-Klang in “Where the Sidewalk Ends” – Workers/producers If You Give a Mouse a Cookie – Wants In a People House – by Theo LeSieg - Goods What Will I Be A Wish Book by H.I. Peeples Workers/Producers, resources Sites: www.socialstudiesforkids/economics Learning Standards 2.1 On a map of the world, can students locate all of the continents? Vocabulary: map, continent Sources: maps Map Skills – teacher resource book 2.2 Can students locate the current boundaries of the United States, Canada, and Mexico? Vocabulary: boundary, continent, country Sources: maps Mexico – teacher resource book 2.3 On a map of the world can students locate the oceans of the world? Vocabulary: ocean Sources: maps 2.4 On a map of the world can students locate the five major rivers of the world? (Mississippi, Amazon, Volga, Yangtze, and Nile) Vocabulary: river Sources: maps 2.5 On a map of the world can students locate major mountains or mountain ranges of the world? Vocabulary: mountain, mountain range Sources: Scott Foresman: Reading Street 2.1.4 A Trek in the Mountains – on level reader 2.1.4 Trek to the Top – advanced level reader 2.6 What is the difference between a continent and a country? What is an example of each? Vocabulary: continent, country Maps Map Skills – teacher resource book 2.7 On a map can students locate their ancestry and describe traditions from that country? Vocabulary: ancestry, traditions Sources: Instant Social Studies – teacher resource 2.8 What are some examples of traditions or customs that can be found in America today? Vocabulary: traditions, customs Sources: Instant Social Studies – teacher resource Molly’s Pilgrim by Barbara Cohen (school library) Dreaming of America: An Ellis Island Story by Eve Bunting Scott Foresman: Reading Street 2.1.1 The New Kid: on level 2.2.5 A Turkey for Thanksgiving: anthology 2.2.5 The Pilgrims First Year: advanced level 2.2.5 Giving Thanks Around the World: on level 2.2.5 Together for Thanksgiving: below level 2.3.2 Dear Juno: anthology Mina’s Day: on level 2.3.4 Rosa and Blanca: anthology An International Food Fair: on level The Tortilla Factory: advanced level 2.6.3 A Birthday Basket for Tia: anthology Very Special Birthdays: below level Birthdays Around the World: on level Family traditions and Celebrations: advanced level 2.6.5 Jingle Dancer: anthology At The Pow Wow: below level A Special Festival: on level Winter Holidays: above level 2.9 Can students identify and describe well known sites and landmarks in China, England and Mexico? Why are they important? Vocabulary: sites, landmarks Sources: Mexico – teacher resource http://www. 2.10 Who are some individuals recognized for their achievements and why and how have they achieved this distinction? Vocabulary: achievements, distinction Sources: Scott Foresman: Reading Street Materials 2.3.5 A Weed is a Flower: anthology Thomas Adams Invents the Chewing Gum: on level 2.4.5 Helen Keller and the Big Storm: anthology 2.6.1 Just Like Josh Gibson: anthology Three of the Greats: below level Women in Baseball: on level Baseball Heroes: advanced level Additional Teacher Resources: Social Studies Made Simple Celebrating Diversity Daily Geography – grade 2