Practice Leaflet - Brunton Place Surgery

Dr Suzanne Waterer
MB, ChB, DRCOG, DFFFP – Qualified in 1982 in Dundee
Dr Samuel Watt
MB, ChB, MRCGP – Qualified in 2005 in Manchester
Dr Gillian McGovern
MB, ChB, DRCOG, DFFP, FRACGP – Qualified in 1988 in Edinburgh
Dr Iona MacCallum
MB, BCh, DRCOG, MRCGP – Qualified in 2008 in Cardiff
0131 557 5545
0131 524 1188
Welcome to Brunton Place Surgery. Our address is 9 Brunton Place, Edinburgh EH7 5EG,
phone number 0131 557 5545. We hold a General Medical Services (GMS) contract
with Lothian NHS Board, Pentland House, Ground Floor, 47 Robb's Loan, Edinburgh EH14
1TY phone number (0131) 536 9000. Details of this contract are available from the
Practice Manager. There has been a doctor practising from this address for over 100
years. The practice has expanded during this time from being single-handed, through a
small family practice to our current size. The architect William Playfair, who was
responsible for much of Edinburgh’s fine architecture, designed the practice building,
which is listed. Unfortunately, being listed limits the amount of adaptation we can
undertake and therefore, we are unable to provide disabled access.
It is the aim of all members of the practice team to provide appropriate health care
equally to all our patients with either acute or chronic problems, and to promote good
health through lifestyle advice.
If you wish to register as a patient of Brunton Place Surgery you need to be living within
the practice boundaries and entitled to register as an NHS patient. Registration forms
are available from reception. You would need to complete the form yourself, or have
someone complete it on your behalf. All patients who register must provide proof of their
address and ID, please refer to the advice sheet provided with your registration form.
When the forms are completed please return them to reception. We only accept forms
handed in by a prospective patient, so that the forms can be checked by a receptionist
in their presence. Once registered as a new patient with the practice, patients are
welcome to book an appointment with our Practice Nurse for a new patient health
check up and review. If you prefer a particular doctor, e.g. female for a female
patient, we will note this and do our best to respect your choice. However, not all the
doctors in the practice provide all services and specific doctors may not be
immediately available.
The practice area includes parts of districts EH1, 6, 7 & 8. Specific details are available
at reception. We are unable to accept patients living outside the practice area.
Monday – Friday
8.00am – 12.00pm & 1.00pm – 6.00pm
The surgery may occasionally be closed at other times for staff training
8.30am – 10.10am
11am onwards – Urgent Problem Clinic
1.30am – 5.40pm
Monday to Friday
Dr Samuel Watt - Full Time
Dr Gillian McGovern - Full Time
Dr Suzanne Waterer - Part Time
Dr Iona MacCallum – Part Time
Caroline Houston
Gemma, Gwynn and Eileen
Issy, Helen, Craig, Lorraine & Janis
Joanne Veitch – RGN, FPCert, Dip in Asthma, Dip in
Coronary Heart Disease, Dip in Professional Studies 1.
Anne Kilgour - RGN, BA Community Health, FPCert, Dip in
Asthma, Dip in COPD and Spirometry, Dip in Coronary
Heart Disease, Dip in Diabetes, Dip in District Nursing Dip
in Professional Studies , nurse Prescriber.
Dot McManus SVQ2, SVQ 3
Norina Marwick RGN DipDN
Gillian Brydon
Nichola Cook
Claire Bisset
Lisa Luhanga, Jeannette Abbeels, Alice Poole
Patricia Bell
You may consult any doctor however, you are encouraged to see the same doctor for
a particular episode of illness where possible to ensure continuity of care. An
appointment can be made by telephone, online or by calling at the surgery during
normal working hours. If you prefer to see a male or female doctor, or a particular
doctor or nurse, please make this clear when you contact the surgery to make your
appointment. You may book an appointment up to 4 weeks in advance, with a doctor
or nurse. Appointments are for 10 minutes. Please advise the receptionist if the
appointment is for a first antenatal check or a postnatal check or if you think that your
problem will require a longer consultation. If you feel that you require to be seen
urgently, please make this clear to the receptionist who will book you into our Urgent
Problem Clinic.
If you are unable to keep your appointment please advise the surgery, giving as much
notice as possible, so that the appointment may be offered to another patient. If you are
more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, the doctor or nurse may not be able to
see you and you may be asked to reschedule.
Doctor’s appointments at the surgery can be made or cancelled online via the website 24 hours a day. To register for this service please ask a member of
reception staff for details.
After the morning surgery the doctors run a session which is for urgent problems only. If
you have a problem which cannot wait for the next available appointment, you should
phone before 10.00am and a receptionist will give you a time to attend. The Urgent
Problem Clinic will only deal with the most pressing problem. This allows your problem,
and those of other patients waiting, to be dealt with speedily so reducing waiting times
and increasing efficiency. This extra session must not be used for obtaining routine sick
lines, prescriptions or test results.
Please note that as this clinic is very busy, space is limited. We request that adults
attend alone whenever possible, and that children are brought by only one parent or
guardian. Thank you for your co-operation.
Adults should realise that many colds, coughs, sore throats and other minor infections
will clear by themselves and do not require prescribed medications. Often advice from
the pharmacist or symptomatic relief is all that is required. You do not require a doctor’s
certificate (sick note) unless you have been off work for 7 or more days.
Please read all the screens carefully once you have checked yourself in. The screen will
advise you where to take a seat as the building has three levels and you may miss your
appointment if you are not sitting in the correct waiting area. If you are waiting more
than 20 minutes please approach reception.
We also have telephone consultations, which can be booked in the same way as faceto face consultations with a doctor. You will be asked for your contact number home,
mobile or work, and the doctor will phone you at a specified time about your problem.
These are available as part of the doctor’s regular surgeries. Occasionally you might be
phoned later if the doctor is not running to time.
Practice nurses are available for telephone advice between 12.00 and 12.45 by
telephoning the surgery number 0131 557 5545. Please give the receptionist as much
information as possible about your problem so your call can be prioritised appropriately.
We are not able to return calls to a withheld number.
These should only be requested for patients who are too ill or infirm to travel to the
surgery. When making a request for a home visit please phone before 10.30am
whenever possible. The receptionist will ask you for some details about the problem to
help the doctor decide how urgent your request is. You should also give clear
instructions, such as address, stair or flat number and telephone number.
The duty doctor will review requests for home visits each day and may give advice or
suggest surgery attendance if appropriate. There are very few illnesses that could be
made worse by a short trip to the surgery.
If you require urgent medical advice outside normal hours a doctor is always available.
Out of hours calls are dealt with by Lothian Unscheduled Care Service, between 6pm
and 8am Monday to Friday and 6pm Friday to 8am Monday. If you require urgent
medical advice outside the surgery’s opening hours please telephone NHS 24 on 111
( A receptionist in the emergency call centre will answer your call and
take your details. They will either arrange advice from a doctor or a nurse, invite you to
attend an emergency centre to be seen or arrange a home visit. Leaflets about this
service are available at the surgery. Out of hours is now the responsibility of Lothian NHS
Board. Telephone calls to the out of hour’s service are recorded. If there is a lifethreatening emergency dial 999 and ask for ambulance services.
If you are a registered patient of the practice, are disabled and unable to access the
building, we will visit you at your home as necessary.
If you are on regular treatment you will be given a computer sheet listing your
medications. When you require a further supply of medication please tick the items you
require on the computer printed list and hand, or post it into the surgery. If you do not
have the computer form, please come to the surgery and fill out a medication request
form. Or you can order online via the website 24 hours a day. If a
child is registered for this service, they will be responsible for their own log in details when
they reach the age of 12. Please allow two working days for repeat prescriptions. Only
patients who are 80 years old and over, and those who are permanently housebound
may request their prescription by telephone.
Specimens should be handed in to the surgery before 2.00pm to ensure collection that
Please phone after 2.00pm. Results will only be given to the patient or parent/guardian.
You may be asked to consult the doctor if this is more appropriate.
Joanne Veitch and Anne Kilgour are our 2 Practice Nurses. They work 8.40 – 5.00 and
they are available by making an appointment either at reception or by phone. Their
services include: asthma, coronary heart disease, hypertension and diabetes
management, health promotion and general advice, travel immunisations, cervical
smears and family planning advice, leg ulcer and wound management, ear syringing,
blood pressure checks, blood tests (mornings only). Dorothy McManus our Healthcare
Assistant runs blood clinics on a Monday and Wednesday morning.
District nurses provide home based nursing care for housebound patients who have
acute and chronic needs. If you wish to contact a District Nurse please telephone 0131
524 1180 and leave a message on the answer phone. Our District Nurses work from
8.15am until 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Out-with these hours there is an emergency
service and details about how to contact this service are left on the answer machine
Lisa Luhanga is the practice Health Visitor. Her remit is in health promotion for pre school
children and antenatal mothers. All consultations are confidential however, she shares
a responsibility to disclose information to the relevant authorities should she have
concerns about the welfare of a child. The health visitor can be contacted directly by
phone. The telephone number is 0131 669 3368. This machine has a voicemail facility
where messages can be left. The Health Visiting Service works Monday to Friday.
All GP practices are contracted to provide “essential services”, that is basic treatment
of ill people. We also provide the following additional services:
This is held on Wednesday afternoons with the Doctor conducting development checks.
This system is run by appointment.
You should contact the Health Visitors directly on 0131 669 3368 to discuss details of this
This is held on Wednesday afternoons and is run by appointment only. The appointments
are sent out directly from the Child Health Department.
All of the doctors and both practice nurses provide advice on all forms of contraception
and emergency contraception. Coils and contraceptive implants can be inserted at
the practice by Dr Waterer.
Our practice nurse will advise on travel immunisation and boosters. Please book at least
6 weeks before your intended date of departure. Please note the NHS does not cover
certain immunisations and a fee will be charged.
Our practice nurse runs a respiratory clinic on a Tuesday afternoon for the monitoring of
patients with asthma and chronic obstructive airways disease.
Our doctors can undertake a variety of minor surgical procedures including excision,
biopsies and joint injections. These appointments can be booked with Dr Watt.
The Community Midwife Patricia Bell runs a weekly clinic at the surgery on a Tuesday
afternoon. This is by appointment only.
All patients between the ages of 5 and 75, who are new to the practice, can request a
registration check, which is provided by our practice nurses.
It is important that all women aged 20-60 who are eligible for smears present for this
examination as regular smears do detect cervical cancer. A letter will be sent to you
directly from Lothian Health Board when your smear is due. Once you receive this
please make an appointment with our practice.
We have close co-operation with our psychiatric colleagues. We have access to
Community Psychiatric Nursing, who provide a service of continuing care and support in
the community for those with mental illness.
We also hold contracts with Lothian NHS Board for the following enhanced services: 
an annual flu immunisation programme to protect the elderly and patients at
regular monitoring, by blood and urine tests, for patients on a range of drugs
for arthritis and bowel problems
annual comprehensive reviews for patients with heart disease, diabetes and
minor surgery including joint injections
review monitoring for patients with drug abuse problems.
You do not require a doctor’s sickness certificate for any illness lasting 7 days or less.
However, your employer may require you to complete a self-certificate form (SC1),
which is available from your employer. For any illness lasting more than 7 days, you will
need to see a doctor for a fit note and for any subsequent renewal of this certificate.
There is an interpreting service available, which is provided by the City of Edinburgh
Council Interpretation and Translation Services. Please inform reception if you require
an interpreter for you appointment.
The Practice has written information about various illnesses and conditions in the main
reception area. If you need information on something not on display please ask out
practice nurse for further information.
It is very important to advise us of any change of address or telephone number as
failure to do so could cause unnecessary delay in an emergency. Failure to keep us
informed may also result in Lothian Health Board removing your name from our practice
list without your knowledge and this will also cause unnecessary delay in re-registration
and obtaining your medical records. If you move out-with the practice area you must
register with another doctor. We can provide information about how to find a new
A number of services are not available by the NHS and a fee will be charged prior to
completion of the work for these. These include certain medical examinations such as
HGV, sports, pre-employment, private sick notes, certain travel immunisations and
certain insurance forms. A list of the fees is available at reception. GP’s are not obliged
to provide these services. Please note doctors do not complete passport application
We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our
practice. The doctors and staff welcome any suggestions from patients, which will
enhance the standard of care at the surgery. Suggestions can be made verbally or in
writing to the Practice Manager. However, we are aware that things can go wrong
resulting in a patient feeling that they have cause for complaint. If this were so, we
would wish the matter to be settled as quickly and amicably as possible. Should any
patient have reason to make a complaint it should be addressed to the Practice
Manager in writing in the first instance, who will deal with the matter promptly in
conjunction with the doctors. Complaints are handled within the practice using a
system which meets NHS criteria. Further written information about the complaints
procedure is available from reception.
If a patient acts in a violent or abusive manner towards any doctor, staff member or
other person on the practice premises they may be removed from the practice’s
medical list, and will be required to register elsewhere. There is a special GP practice in
the city to which violent patients may be referred.
We will respect patient’s confidentiality at all times. All of the practice staff are bound
by this duty and any breach of this duty would be treated extremely seriously.
We aim to treat everyone with courtesy and respect, irrespective of ethnic origin,
gender, religion, sexuality, age, disability or medical condition. We expect to be
treated in exactly the same way.
The practice has a policy for consent to the treatment of children under the age of 16
that conforms to the current Children’s Act.
Nursing students attend the Practice from time to time. We hope that you will cooperate with us and help the students learn about general practice. You will be
informed of their presence in advance, and if you do not wish a student present at a
consultation your wishes will be respected. This will not affect your treatment in any
Patients have the right to:
Receive treatment from a General Practitioner (GP Service)
Have the treatment explained to you.
 Have a relative or friend with you.
 Decline to be treated in the presence of students or to be involved in medical
 Have a chaperone e.g. when you are having an intimate examination – we will
try to arrange this for you.
 Have access to an interpreter or signer.
 Confidentiality.
 Have access to emergency medical care between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. during the
week, from 6 p.m. Fridays to 8 a.m. Mondays and on some public holidays, this
service is for emergency medical conditions only and is provided by Lothian
Unscheduled Care Service LUCS).
 Complain without discrimination.
 Receive treatment regardless of age, race, gender, social class, religion, sexual
orientation, appearance, disability or medical condition.
 Have access to your medical records under the Access to Medical Records Act
of 1990. You must apply on writing to the Practice Manager.
Be on time for appointments.
Inform the surgery if you cannot keep an appointment.
Inform the surgery or any hospital department or clinic you are attending if you
have moved home or changed your telephone number.
Use emergency services responsibly.
Treat all health care staff politely.
Brunton Place Surgery has a non attender policy. Should patients fail to attend 3
appointments within any 6 month period we will ask NHS Lothian to remove them from
our patient list.
If you cannot attend your appointment, please contact us in good time to inform us. If
you do this we can usually offer the appointment to another patient.
The Practice complies with the Data Protection and Access to Medical Records
legislation. Patients have a right of access to their medical records. If you wish to see
your records you must submit a written request to us, and a fee may be payable.
Identifiable information about you will be shared in the following circumstances: -
to provide further medical treatment for you, e.g. from District Nurse and
hospital services
to help you get other services, e.g. from the Social Work Department. This
requires your consent.
when we have a duty to others, e.g. in child protection cases.
Anonymised patient information will also be used at a local and national level to help
the Health Board and Government to plan services. If you do not wish anonymous
information about you to be used in such a way, please let us know.