RST 2nd Period Mayra Garcia Gonzalez Elementary Mrs. D. Ibarra Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 12/11/03 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Math Observed By: Mayra Garcia activities/Spelling Assessment Mrs. D. Ibarra 1st Grade Bilingual Class Today the students were preparing for their upcoming test tomorrow. They will be testing on fractions and probability (Ex. 1 out of 3 are blue). They will be using colors and manipulatives to help their knowledge in math, and help them in their math assessment. After they finished working on their math activities and games, they took a spelling test after lunch. Testing folders were placed around each student’s paper, so that they wouldn’t look at any other student’s paper. They were testing over words such as: cat, fat, big, duck. Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 12/12/03 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Math Assessment Observed By: Mayra Garcia Mrs. D. Ibarra 1st Grade Bilingual Class The students in Mrs. Ibarra’s first grade were taking a test over fractions. They did this by coloring several shapes different colors. They were also able to use manipulatives and different tools to help them along their way to complete their test. The teacher, Mrs. Ibarra, used manila folders and placed them around each student, so that they wouldn’t be able to look over onto each other’s test. Date: Setting: 12/15/03 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Math Games & Observed By: Mayra Garcia Activities Mrs. D. Ibarra 1st Grade Bilingual Class Today, the students played games involving math. They played with a gingerbread man shaped place mat, and 2 dice: one informing them on whether they should add or subtract the number that rolled on the dice. They also played with unifex cubes. They went to lunch and after that, they read a new story and went over the spelling words. Class: Observation: RST 2nd Period Mayra Garcia Gonzalez Elementary Mrs. D. Ibarra Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 2/3/04 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Computer Lab Observed By: Mayra Garcia st Mrs. D. Ibarra 1 Grade Bilingual Class As I arrived to Gonzalez Elementary, I found out that the students were in their computer class. I observed them there and I learned some new things. The students were not only learning how to type, but they were also learning how to add and subtract, and spell. I helped them by teaching them how to place their hands correctly on the keyboard, and I also helped them in their math and spelling skills. When they went back to the classroom, they began practicing their counting skills by counting by 1’s, 2’s, and 5’s all the way to 100. After lunch, they had a restroom break for about 10 minutes. When we came back to the classroom, the students started reading a new story called “The Bug Bath.” After they listened once, and read along twice, the teacher, Mrs. Ibarra went over the spelling words with them. She helped each student along as she pronounced every sound and syllable. Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 2/4/04 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Math Place Value Observed By: Mayra Garcia Mrs. Lydia Cisneros 1st Grade I was transferred over to Mrs. Cisneros’ class for the day. I helped out my classmate Edna Hernandez, and also taught the kids about place value. They did activities quietly at their desk while me and Edna fixed the door decorations outside. Mrs. Cisneros was silently grading papers and keeping an eye on the students’ behaviors. Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 2/5/04 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Spelling Assessment Observed By: Mayra Garcia st Mrs. D. Ibarra 1 Grade Bilingual Class During this time, I observed that the children really had progressed in their spelling skills. Before the lunch, the teacher reviews the words and their pronunciations with the students. After the lunch hour, and the restroom break, the teacher tests the students on 10 spelling words. After repeating each word once, she asks the students if they need any of the words repeated. She only repeats the word twice after, and then waits for the students to finish their spelling test. RST 2nd Period Mayra Garcia Gonzalez Elementary Mrs. D. Ibarra Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 2/10/04 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Math Activities Observed By: Mayra Garcia st Mrs. D. Ibarra 1 Grade Bilingual Class Today, the students were instructed by the teacher to sit at each math center assigned to them. The teacher has different activities for each station, or center, which helps the students learn how to add and subtract in easier ways. These different activities contain different materials such as worksheets, laminated writing paper, and manipulatives (unifix cubes). The teacher stays at one center and helps each and every student. The students stay at each activity for about 5 minutes, and then rotate to the next activity. Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 2/11/04 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Math (Counting) Observed By: Mayra Garcia st Mrs. D. Ibarra 1 Grade Bilingual Class Today, the students go over their counting skills with Mrs. Ibarra by gathering on the colored area rug. They do have a chart with all the numbers listed from 1 to 100, to help some of the students that have difficulty counting. They slowly count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s all the way to 100. She helped them by doing hand motions. She also handed links (as manipulatives). The teacher also gets the students to participate with more enthusiasm by saying that she will give them free time, or stickers if they count correctly, and loudly. Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 2/5/04 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Spelling Assessment Observed By: Mayra Garcia Mrs. D. Ibarra 1st Grade Bilingual Class During this time, I observed that the children really had progressed in their spelling skills. Before the lunch, the teacher reviews the words and their pronunciations with the students. After the lunch hour, and the restroom break, the teacher tests the students on 10 spelling words. After repeating each word once, she asks the students if they need any of the words repeated. She only repeats the word twice after, and then waits for the students to finish their spelling test. RST 2nd Period Mayra Garcia Gonzalez Elementary Mrs. D. Ibarra Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 2/12/04 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Reading Observed By: Mayra Garcia Comprehension/Spelling Mrs. D. Ibarra 1st Grade Bilingual Class The students were being tested on reading comprehension, and also on their math (adding doubles, ex. 5+5). During the restroom break, Juan Mata had an injury to his cheek, and I had to take him to the nurse. The substitute then had to also fill out certain forms for the nurse. He (Mr. Rios) then instructed them on writing sentences containing each spelling word, and went over the spelling words as well. Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 2/17/04 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Spelling/Computers Observed By: Mayra Garcia st Mrs. D. Ibarra 1 Grade Bilingual Class The students practiced reading and writing their spelling words. They had to one sentence with each spelling word and turn it in as a daily grade. They also went to the computer lab, and played spelling and arithmetic games on the computer. Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 2/18/04 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Math/Coins & Value Observed By: Mayra Garcia st Mrs. D. Ibarra 1 Grade Bilingual Class Mrs. Ibarra instructed the children to write a letter to their parents informing them that they were going to start to learn about coins and their values here in the United States. She posted up a poster sized writing paper, with a message the children had to write themselves to their parents. It informed them about how many pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters they needed to bring to learn about money. Date: Setting: Class: Observation: 2/19/04 Time: 10:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m. Coin Value Observed By: Mayra Garcia Mrs. D. Ibarra 1st Grade Bilingual Class Today, the students learned about coins and their values. The teacher asked the students about the details on the coins such as who was on there, what monuments were on the back of the coin, and how much they thought it was worth. She went over each coin and posted up notes on the board for the students to write down. Each student had a chart divided up into four sections. Here, they wrote the name of the coin on the top, and wrote information about the coin on the bottom. Information about the coins, such as color, worth/value, and history is important so that the students can remember and recall how much each coin is worth, and what it looks RST 2nd Period Mayra Garcia Gonzalez Elementary Mrs. D. Ibarra like. After the lunch hour, and a quick restroom break, the students took a spelling pretest on spelling words that were going to be used in their new story of the week.