SECTION 3 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY AREA 3.1 STUDY AREA The study area for the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan, as shown in Figure 3-1, includes the incorporated area of the City of North Bend and the adjoining unincorporated areas of King County within the City’s urban growth area. The unincorporated area includes the Maloney Grove, Tanner, and Wood River communities. Most of the study area lies within a broad, relatively flat alluvial floodplain between the South and Middle Forks of the Snoqualmie River. While the unincorporated area is included for the overall stormwater program evaluation, the capital improvement plan (CIP) study area is limited to areas within the City’s corporate limits. A total of six study areas were addressed by the CIP (see Figure 5-1). Those CIP study areas include the Central Business District (North and South), Silver Creek Northeast, Si View Southeast, Forster Woods Southwest, and Ribary/Gardiner Creek West (see Section 5 and Figure 5-1). The hydrology for drainage basins within those study areas was evaluated for the cumulative tributary area within and beyond the corporate limits. However, drainage problems and solutions assessment, including drainage system mapping and hydraulic analysis for CIP development, was limited to areas within existing City of North Bend corporate limits. 3.2 CLIMATE The climate in the Upper Snoqualmie River basin varies from moist alpine conditions in the Cascade mountain range headwaters, to moist temperate conditions in the lower valley in and around the study area. The Cascade mountain range forms a barrier to the easterly movement of moist air from the Pacific Ocean, resulting in significant precipitation during the late fall and winter months. Winter snowfall and subsequent snowmelt also result in elevated spring runoff conditions in the rivers, which can result in flooding. Annual precipitation on the west side of the Cascades is typically around 100 inches. Most precipitation in the headwaters falls as snow from October through January and as rain for the remainder of the year. Rainfall dominates the lower elevation portions of the upper river basin (EES/KCM, 1999). In the North Bend area, the average annual precipitation is 60 inches per year (URS Greiner, 2000). X001582_3093 2/13/16 SECTION 3 3.3 TOPOGRAPHY, SOILS, AND GEOLOGY The study area is within a broad, relatively flat alluvial floodplain between the South and Middle Forks of the Snoqualmie River at the foothills of the Cascade mountain range. To the west, east, and south of the study area, the topography is moderate to steep. Mount Si is located to the east of the City along the east side of the Middle Fork of the river. The river floodplain continues to the north and northwest toward the city of Snoqualmie. Figure 3-1 shows the study area and topography based upon USGS topographic information. Soils in the study area are largely the result of sediment load deposits, termed alluvium, from the rivers on the flat valley floor. The alluvium within the Three Forks area primarily consists of unconsolidated gravel, sand, and silt that have been laid down and reworked by surface water flows in the active floodplain. 3.4 LAND USE Land use within the study area consists of a mixture of single family, multifamily, commercial/industrial, agricultural/pasture, and open spaces. The historic development pattern of the City is along its northwest-southeast axis, parallel to the old Highway 10 corridor. Much of the more intense uses, including commercial, community business, and multi-family, are along this corridor. Following the completion of Interstate 90 south of the City, newer commercial and manufacturing park activities developed along North Bend Boulevard, the major access to downtown North Bend from I-90. Residential development is spread throughout the City. TABLE 3-1 EXISTING LAND USE CITY OF NORTH BEND Percent of City Parks/Open Space General Undeveloped Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Manufacturing Commercial Retail/Community Business Total 3-2 R. W. Beck 26% 5% 34% 7% 20% 6% 2% 100% 2/13/16 X001582_3093 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY AREA SOURCE: 1995 CITY OF NORTH BEND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 3.5 DRAINAGE SYSTEM Much of the City is located in the 100-year floodplain of the Middle and South Forks of the Snoqualmie Rivers. Upstream of North Bend, the river system has a collective basin area of approximately 347 square miles.1 A combination of high annual precipitation and melting snow in the Upper Snoqualmie Basin contribute to the potential for significant winter flooding from November through February. Flooding of the lowland from South and Middle Fork river overflows combined with local drainage systems is one of North Bend’s most costly natural hazards. Significant river flooding events occurred in 1932, 1933, 1943, 1947, 1951, 1959, 1964, 1975, 1977, 1986, 1990, 1995, and 1996. According to published records, the largest flood flow on the South and Middle Fork occurred in 1959, and in 1990 on the mainstem (below North Bend). In the 1990 event, both the South Fork and Middle Fork Snoqualmie Rivers overflowed and these river flood flows were delivered through the Ribary and Gardiner creek systems (from the South Fork) and along the Silver Creek system (from the Middle Fork). Damages in the 1990 flood were more significant than earlier floods, which is likely a result of increased development in the floodplain in recent years. The Corps of Engineers estimated the average annual cost of flood damage in the Snoqualmie Valley to be over $3 million (1995 Comprehensive Plan). The City’s Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan is evaluating options to reduce flood hazards from river flooding and provides more information about the nature of river flooding. The South Fork Snoqualmie River, designated as water resource inventory area (WRIA) #07-0467 (Williams et al. 1975), is classified by King County (1990) as a Class 1 stream. According to the North Bend Municipal Code (NBMC) Ch. 14.10, Sensitive Areas, this system is classified as a Category 1 stream. Levees along the banks of the South Fork Snoqualmie River upstream from the Snoqualmie Valley Trail confine river flows (except for periodic overflows during major floods, typically greater than approximately 10-year recurrence interval) so that its width averages 80 feet throughout most of the urban growth area. However, within the northernmost segment of the urban growth area, the river floodplain widens and the river channel is less confined. The Middle Fork Snoqualmie River (designated as WRIA #07-0219) is located outside the urban growth area, bordering its northeast edge. The undeveloped 1 More specifically, the upstream drainage for the three forks are: South Fork, 82 sq. mi., Middle Fork, 169 sq. mi., North Fork, 96 sq. mi. at North Bend gauges, for a total of 347 sq. mi. X001582_3093 2/13/16 R. W. Beck 3-3 SECTION 3 eastern bank of the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River is confined by steep slopes rising up to Mount Si, while the west bank is relatively flat and is bordered by residential development and agricultural land uses (USGS 1968 and 1993). The Middle Fork Snoqualmie River channel averages 150 feet in width and exhibits a more braided channel across the floodplain compared to the South Fork. The segment of the river east of the City’s east corporate limits is subject to periodic overflows over its southwest bank (upstream and downstream from the Mount Si Bridge) during major flood events (typically greater than approximately 10-year recurrence interval) as discussed below. Within the North Bend study area, there are several tributaries that flow through the corporate limits and into the South Fork Snoqualmie River. These include Gardiner Creek, Ribary Creek, and the Silver Creek system, including additional unnamed tributaries (see Figure 3-1). Each stream system is described in more detail below. Gardiner Creek (within WRIA #7), with a tributary drainage area of approximately 1.3 square miles, originates on steep slopes of Rattlesnake Mountain southwest of North Bend and flows through the Forster Woods Southwest study area, under I-90 (by culvert), and through the Ribary/Gardiner Creek study area with multiple road/rail-line crossings within the northwest corporate limits. According to NBMC Ch. 14.10, Gardiner Creek is classified as a Category 2 stream. Gardiner Creek is lined by a narrow band of riparian vegetation along the majority of its length, and joins the South Fork Snoqualmie River just north of the north corporate limits. Ribary Creek (designated as WRIA #07-470) has a tributary drainage area of approximately 1.3 square miles, and also originates on the steep slopes of Rattlesnake Mountain southwest of North Bend. As with Gardiner Creek, it flows through the Forster Woods Southwest study area, under 1-90, and north through the Ribary/Gardiner Creek study area (with multiple road/rail-line crossings within the corporate limits) as it parallels the South Fork Snoqualmie River for several miles. Ribary Creek discharges to the South Fork channel downstream of the Snoqualmie Valley Trail. According to the NBMC Ch. 14.10, Ribary Creek is classified as a Category 2 stream, and King County (1990) classifies it as a Class 2 stream. Silver Creek (within WRIA #7), with a tributary drainage area of approximately 0.5 square miles (drainage areas of other tributaries in Silver Creek Study area total approximately 0.2 square miles), has been fragmented by residential development and numerous road/driveway crossings, resulting in restrictions to flood flows and loss of riparian vegetation. This study area is actually a large alluvial fan that spans between the Middle and South Forks of the Snoqualmie River (the apex of the fan is located near the Mount Si Bridge crossing of the 3-4 R. W. Beck 2/13/16 X001582_3093 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY AREA Middle Fork). The Silver Creek tributaries generally flow from the Maloney Grove residential area within the northern portion of the urban growth area to the South Fork Snoqualmie River with outfall below the Snoqualmie Valley Trail. Portions of Silver Creek outside developed areas have not yet been specifically classified. However, based on field investigations and the categories of streams defined in the NBMC Ch. 14.10.230, the reaches of Silver Creek that lie between the South Fork Snoqualmie River and Ballarat Avenue would likely be classified as Category 2 streams. Using the King County classification system (1990) they would be classified as Class 2 streams. The Silver Creek stream reaches that lie east of Ballarat Avenue are culverted under numerous roads and are conveyed in maintained ditches through sometimes highly manicured, residential lawns. NBMC Ch. 14.10 classifies the reaches of Silver Creek east of Ballarat Avenue as Category 4 streams. In addition to the rivers and smaller stream, the study area includes other local drainage systems that collect and convey surface water runoff. These consist of open channels and roadside ditches, storm sewer pipelines, wetlands, infiltration systems, and retention/detention systems. As a part of this planning study, the City’s existing drainage system was mapped using inventory data and supplemental inventory data collected for this plan. The system maps were developed using an ArcView Geographical Information System (GIS). The drainage inventory includes several large maps at a scale of 1”=200’ which show drainage system features within the various CIP study areas. These maps are on computer files with the City’s Public Works Department. These inventory maps show element numbers that reference attribute information for each drainage system facility (i.e., catch basin, manhole, or culvert). Accompanying these figures are tables that list the attribute information for each facility identified and indexed by element numbers on the figures. For example, the information associated with an element number for a structure describes the structure itself as well as the downstream pipe connected to the structure. When available, the attribute information lists the structure type, elevations (including rim/grate/invert), downstream pipe diameter, material of construction, and length. Information on individual structures/culverts was gathered from a large number of existing sources, including existing drainage studies, roadway improvement design drawings, developer plans, prior City drainage system survey data, and field survey pickup data conducted for this plan within the various CIP study areas. Because the data was compiled from many sources and is not, in many areas, “as-built” information, the drainage system inventory should be used for general planning guidance. It was used for preliminary evaluation of CIP solutions. Specific analysis of the City’s drainage system is discussed in Section 5. X001582_3093 2/13/16 R. W. Beck 3-5 SECTION 3 3.5.1 RELATIONSHIP OF RIVER AND LOCAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM FLOODING Flooding conditions within the City of North Bend are influenced by a combination of river and local drainage system effects. These conditions are interrelated given the City’s location on an alluvial plain adjacent to two major forks of the Snoqualmie River and the hydraulic connectivity that exists between the river and local drainage systems. Direct river flooding results from periodic overflows of the South and Middle Fork river channels during major flood events (typically greater than 10-year recurrence interval). However, local drainage system flooding (backwater flooding) can result from the effects of high river system flood stages (tailwater) on local drainage systems (i.e., creeks and storm drainage systems). High groundwater conditions are also present that can affect local drainage system performance. High groundwater is more pronounced under winter month conditions, as affected by high river stages and the permeable nature of underlying soils in the alluvial plain between the Middle and South Fork channels. Direct river system flooding is most prominent where overflows enter the Ribary/Gardiner Creek system (from the South Fork) and the Silver Creek system (from the Middle Fork). On the South Fork, the southwest levee system has a lower top elevation than the northeast levee (which protects the North Bend downtown commercial area), and was designed to overtop during major flooding events. Flooding analyses conducted for the Tollgate EIS (URS Greiner, 2000) suggest that the 100-year event South Fork overflows upstream from Bendigo Avenue South (SR-202) would be approximately 2,700 cfs. By comparison, Ribary and Gardiner Creek 100-year discharge estimates from these drainage basins alone are 250 and 300 cfs, respectively. South Fork overflows during the November 1990, 25-year recurrence interval event were estimated at approximately 700 cfs. After overtopping of SR-202 and combining with Ribary Creek flows, South Fork overflow floodwaters can also flow to Gardiner Creek (and subsequently to Kimball Slough to the west). Since the stream channels and crossings of those local drainages are not large enough to convey the larger flood flows associated with river system overflows, extensive flooding within the Ribary/Gardiner Creek study area and adjacent urban growth areas are predicted to occur under those conditions. On the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River, infrequent high river stage overflows from above and below the Mount Si Bridge can have a significant effect on the flooding conditions along Silver Creek and its adjacent tributaries. The most recent FEMA estimate (1999 Draft) of 100-year Middle Fork overflow through the Silver Creek study area channels, combined with local flows, is approximately 6,500 cfs. This compares with 100-year Silver Creek and tributaries combined peak flow estimated from this drainage basin alone to be approximately 600 cfs. During the November 1990 event where Silver Creek flooding did occur, Middle 3-6 R. W. Beck 2/13/16 X001582_3093 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY AREA Fork overflows were estimated to be less than 1,000 cfs. In the FEMA study it was reported that three of the four overflow channels that carry this flow travel through the Silver Creek study area directly to the South Fork channel; a fourth drains to Reid Slough and back to the Middle Fork floodplain. As a result, the majority of the Silver Creek study area lies within the 100-year Middle Fork floodplain. FEMA has also designated one-foot rise floodways along these Silver Creek overflow corridors that the City will be required to regulate in accordance with its flood hazard ordinance. Non-structural and structural solutions to those river-induced flooding problems are being addressed independently by the City’s Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan. Stormwater CIP improvements listed in Section 5 do not include analysis of these river overflow effects since it is not practicable to design improvements to these local creek systems to carry the larger river-induced flows. However, stormwater plan CIP improvements in the Silver Creek and Ribary/Gardiner Creek study areas will assist in lowering flood levels and evacuating flooding volumes behind restrictive crossings more rapidly after large flooding events when river overflows occur. Therefore, non-structural solutions such as overflow floodway corridor preservation, in combination with local drainage system improvements, may be the appropriate comprehensive flood reduction management solution to areas potentially affected by river overflows (i.e., where alternative river system structural flood reduction measures are not feasible). Local drainage system flooding that is affected by high river stages and elevated groundwater tables was considered in the drainage system solutions evaluation process. This was done by assuming 10-year coincident river flood elevations at outfalls combined with drainage system peak flows for hydraulic analysis of drainage system conveyance facilities. Groundwater inflow effects were considered by assuming a 10 percent added impervious area cover factor in hydrologic analysis. In addition, evaluation of solutions considered the potential for high groundwater tables to be encountered with their installation and operation. For example, this eliminated consideration of any infiltration solutions to local drainage problem areas where high groundwater elevations were likely to exist. The City should integrate the solution recommendations contained in both this Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan and the Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan such that project improvements and development policies/regulation resulting from each plan are consistent. X001582_3093 2/13/16 R. W. Beck 3-7 SECTION 3 3.6 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES Environmental resources, including fisheries/riparian habitats, were studied on a qualitative level supplemented with minor field investigations as a part of this plan. The investigations are summarized below. 3.6.1 EXISTING AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT The portions of both the South Fork and Middle Fork Snoqualmie River within the urban growth area lie three miles upstream of Snoqualmie Falls. Although this natural barrier prevents upstream migration of anadromous salmon, these systems provide excellent habitat for resident fish populations, including cutthroat and rainbow trout, white fish, and sculpin. Gardiner Creek supports a healthy population of cutthroat trout. Ribary Creek primarily supports cutthroat trout, with some presence of rainbow trout as well (Raedeke Associates 1996). 3.6.2 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED FISH The City of North Bend is situated upstream of Snoqualmie Falls, which is an impassible barrier to the upstream migration of anadromous fish in the Snoqualmie River. No anadromous fish are found in the South Fork and Middle Fork Snoqualmie River or its tributaries within the urban growth area (KCM 1999). As a result, the urban growth area is not directly affected by the recent listing of chinook salmon under the Endangered Species Act. However, water quality- and quantity-related impacts to the Snoqualmie River resulting from activities in the City of North Bend could contribute to cumulative impacts on chinook downstream of the falls. Information on the historical and current distribution of bull trout throughout the Puget Sound area is poorly understood, because comprehensive data are lacking. An extensive two-year survey on the North Fork Snoqualmie River and its tributaries has not found any bull trout in this drainage basin. No native char have been observed by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife biologists above Snoqualmie Falls within the last 10 years, nor by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during surveys conducted in the early and mid-1990s (R2 Consultants 2000). Although the USFWS may indicate (via their species database letters) that bull trout may occur in the vicinity of the project, they are not currently known to occur in the North Bend area (Chan 2000 personal communication). Because there is a general lack of data on bull trout presence, this assessment may change pending more extensive sampling. There is also a possibility that if bull trout are not present, they may return to the North Bend area in response to restoration efforts in the Snoqualmie River system. 3-8 R. W. Beck 2/13/16 X001582_3093 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY AREA 3.6.3 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED WILDLIFE The South and Middle Fork Snoqualmie River and associated riparian areas provide habitat for federally threatened bald eagles, state endangered peregrine falcons, and several species of concern and state priority species. There are no known bald eagle nest sites within or near the urban growth area. However, bald eagles are observed throughout the year foraging within the Snoqualmie River corridor (URS Greiner 2000). A pair of peregrine falcons reportedly nests approximately one mile outside the urban growth area on the west face of Mount Si. No data are available on the home range or foraging territory for this pair. However, peregrine falcons forage over wide areas, and their territory can extend up to eight miles from a nest site (URS Greiner 2000). 3.6.4 WETLANDS Within the urban growth area there are several palustrine and riverine wetlands that are associated with the South Fork Snoqualmie River and its tributaries (Raedeke Associates 1996, North Bend 1995). These wetland systems include forested, scrub/shrub, and emergent vegetation classes. Some of these systems have been severely fragmented by development and farming, particularly in the southeast portion of the urban growth area, where wetlands have been disturbed and tributaries to the South Fork Snoqualmie River have been channelized and fragmented by roads. Figure 3-2 illustrates wetlands within the study area and is based upon the City’s GIS mapping. The primary source of this information is National Wetland Inventory. Note that these sources indicate only the potential for the presence of wetlands. Jurisdictional wetland determinations must be based upon data obtained during detailed field investigations in accordance with the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987). Some areas depicted on Figure 3-2 may, therefore, not be jurisdictional wetlands; furthermore, some areas not mapped as wetlands by the resources cited may, in fact, be jurisdictional wetlands. The City’s GIS mapping contains more information about the wetlands within the city limits. 3.6.5 WETLAND FUNCTIONS AND VALUES Wetlands play important roles that provide valuable benefits to the environment and society. Detailed scientific knowledge of wetland functions is limited, so that evaluations of the functions of individual wetlands are often necessarily qualitative and dependent upon professional judgment. Several wetland functional evaluation methods have been developed. The most common methods applicable in the Pacific Northwest were developed by the X001582_3093 2/13/16 R. W. Beck 3-9 SECTION 3 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. These methods were modified for use in wetland evaluations of the following wetland functions: (1) water quality improvement, (2) storm and flood flow attenuation and storage, (3) hydrologic support, and (4) natural biological support. Water quality improvement functions of wetlands include the ability of wetlands to remove sediments from surface waters passing through the wetlands. This helps prevent the siltation of fish spawning gravels, particularly for economically important salmonid species. Because many pollutants are associated with particulates, sediment removal results in better water chemistry in receiving waters. Further, many wetland plants and microbial communities associated with plants have the ability to directly remove pollutants or to transform them into less harmful chemical compounds. Storm and flood flow attenuation and storage results in smoother (less “flashy”) hydrographs for streams and other surface waters. This helps prevent flooding conditions on private and public lands, reduces streambank erosion, and maintains the hydrology necessary to support wetland plants. Because stormwater is detained in wetlands, water is released to surface and occasionally to groundwater receiving waters at a slower rate. Such hydrologic support helps maintain proper flow rates in streams and may help recharge aquifers. The hydrologic support function of some wetlands may also assist in providing readily available irrigation water for agricultural uses. Natural biological support functions of wetlands include providing the necessary hydrologic regime for aquatic organisms and providing the habitat resources (for example, food, cover, and nesting materials) for wildlife. Wetlands may be particularly important for biological support because many organisms are partially or completely dependent on wetlands for their survival. In Washington, a large percentage of sensitive, threatened, and endangered species are associated with wetlands. 3-10 R. W. Beck 2/13/16 X001582_3093