
911 In Plane Site – Director’s Cut
(Producer: Dave vonKleist/Director: William Lewis)
[Time Code] 00:00:00 - 00:01:31
[Time Code] 00:01:32
“May God bless the victims, their families, and America.
Thank you very much.”
[Time Code] 00:01:43
“It’s been said that all truth passes through three stages. The first
stage being denial; the second stage being violent opposition, and
the third stage being widespread acceptance as common knowledge.
Well as you view this documentary keep in mind that people watching
will probably fall into one of those 3 categories. One group of people
will absolutely deny that what they’re seeing could possibly be true.
The second group of people will be violently opposed to this kind of
information being released, and they’ll do everything that they can to
discredit the messenger, rather than pay attention to the message.
And yet there will probably be a third group of people that will sit back
in their easy chairs and say, I’m not surprised, I knew it all along.”
With this in mind, let’s begin by playing a little word association. I’ll
say a word, and you think of the first word that comes to mind.
Conspiracy…(pause)… Theory, is what most people think of. We’ve
all been conditioned to associate the word theory with the word
conspiracy because after all, no conspiracies could possibly be true,
they’re all just “theories” aren’t they?
Well in the phrase conspiracy theory there are two words, the first
word conspiracy, the second word is the active word–theory. By
definition, a theory is a supposition, an idea, a concept, a hypothesis.
Let me give you an example. In theory, if I purchase a raffle ticket I
could win a prize. Now as long as I don’t purchase a raffle ticket, my
win is theoretical. But once you purchase a raffle ticket, the win is no
longer a theory, it becomes a possibility. And the more raffle tickets
you purchase, the more possible, and eventually probable, the win
Such is the case with a conspiracy theory. As long as there is no
evidence, it is a conspiracy theory. But once you have a piece of
evidence, no matter how flimsy or circumstantial it may be, it
becomes a possibility. And the more evidence that is gathered, the
more possible and eventually probable the conspiracy is.
You’ll be looking at evidence in this documentary. And it will be up to
you to decide if this is a conspiracy theory, or indeed a conspiracy.”
[Time Code] 00:04:07
“Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the
attacks of September the 11th, malicious lies that attempt to shift the
blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty.”
[Time Code] 00:04:19
“On September 11th, 2001, 4 events occurred within an hour and
fifteen minutes of one another. The first event occurred at 8:45
eastern standard time when American Airlines flight 11 hit the North
Tower of the World Trade Center.
And then 18 minutes later at 9:03 eastern time United Airlines flight
175 slammed into the South Tower of the world trade center.
And then at 9:43 it was reported that American Airlines flight 77 had
hit the pentagon.
And then finally, at 10:00 eastern time, United Airlines flight 93
crashed in Shanksville Pennsylvania.
Now unless this is one incredible coincidence, is it not safe to assume
that all four of these events are inescapably married to one another?
And is it not also safe to assume, that if you find one person involved,
or a party involved in one of these events they’re probably involved in
all of them?
Well following this train of thought, since there was no credible claim
of responsibility, is it not safe to assume that those involved, or those
parties involved, or agencies or groups that were involved in the
events of 9-11, would do anything that they can to obfuscate, distract,
distort or cover up any information that might lead to their discovery?
And if that’s true, is it not also safe to assume that if you find
somebody, a group, agency, a party, that is involved in the
obfuscation, distraction, distortion, or cover up of any information
involved in ANY of the events of 9-11, does it not indicate possible
involvement and even guilt in the events of 9-11? Keep this in mind
as we look at the video evidence of September 11th.”
[Time Code] 00:06:07
VIDEO SEGMENT (Translate the text that rolls across the screen.
Use a softer voice, but not quite a whisper…)
[Time Code] 00:06:11
“A bomb had gone off. I could smell the cordite. I knew explosives
had been set off somewhere – Don Parkal”
[Time Code] 00:06:21
“The Plane appeared to hold 8 to 12 people – Steve Patterson”
[Time Code] 00:06:27
“It looked like a commuter plane – Don Wright”
[Time Code] 00:06:34
“We heard what sounded like a missile – Tom Seibert”
[Time Code] 00:06:38
“I was convinced it was a missile – Lon Rains”
[Time Code] 00:06:46
“I mean it was like a cruise missile with wings, that went right there,
and slammed right into the pentagon. Huge explosion, great ball of
fire, smoke started billowing out…”
[Time Code] 00:06:59
Shortly after September 11th, as what usually happens many
conspiracy theories began to emerge as to what really happened on
September 11th, of 2001, and because many of these theories were
not grounded with evidence, we didn’t really pay too much attention
to them.
However in February of 2002 my attention was drawn to the following
website, entitled Hunt The Boeing - test your perceptions.
Now the original website was completely in French, and was released
by the French and drew some very serious questions as to what had
really happened at the Pentagon. I mean after all we had all seen the
big hole that was created by the 757 that had slammed into the
pentagon at 9:43 on September 11th. But some of the photographs
that were shown on this website raised very serious questions as to
whether or not that’s exactly what had happened. Some of these
photographs showed a smaller hole, and in some cases showed that
there was no way that a 757 could have created this damage.
So we began our own investigation, and that started by taking a look
at some of the magazines that we all saw at the supermarket
checkout stands shortly after the events of September 11th.
As I began pouring through the photographs I had one goal in mind,
and that was to prove the French wrong with their website “Hunt The
Boeing.” After all there must’ve been some photographic evidence
that showed that a 757 had hit the pentagon.
But as we went through all these photographs we could find no
pictures whatsoever showing a tail, a nose, a fuselage, wings,
engine, wheels, luggage, seats, nothing. There were no photographs
showing any recognizable wreckage from a 757. Furthermore, when
you look at the size of the hole of the pentagon, it was approximately
65 feet across, and the height of the pentagon is approximately 73
From wing tip to wing tip, a 757 is 124 feet, 10 inches. From nose to
tail, a 757 is 155 feet and 3 inches in length. And the height is 44 feet,
6 inches. However when you look at the hole in the pentagon, you
find that it’s only approximately 65 feet across. How does a plane of
those dimensions fit into a hole only 65 feet across?
Upon further inspection, we found that the damage to the pentagon
was completely and totally inconsistent with the damage of the planes
that had hit the world trade center. I mean after all, the planes that
had hit the trade center created a fire so intense, that it fatigued the
steel and collapsed the building, or so that’s what we were told.
And yet when you look at the left side of the pentagon, you’ll note that
there is very little if any smoke damage or heat damage at all. On the
3rd floor it’s very plain to see a file cabinet with a computer monitor.
Neither of them are damaged. On the second floor you can see a
wooden desk, it hasn’t burned. And on the first floor, a very curious
sight indeed, a wooden stool with a book that is laying open. The
pages aren’t even singed.
Now each of the planes involved in the September 11th attacks had
embarked upon transcontinental flights, which means that they had a
majority of their fuel left over when they hit their respective targets.
That means that approximately 8600 remaining gallons of fuel
would’ve been ignited on the 757 that had hit the pentagon. Again we
look at the photograph, and ask ourselves, “Is the smoke and heat
damage consistent with that amount of fuel being ignited?”
Miss Therese Aigner, a certified environmental specialist, and a
member of the Environmental Assessment Association sent us the
following letter after a brief conversation we had on the telephone.
She had said to us, “that the amount of fuel that would’ve been left in
the aircraft that had hit the pentagon would basically have reduced
that section of the pentagon to rubble, and would have burned for
days.” And that “8600 gallons of fuel had a BTU rate of 86 million.”
She also stated that, “looking at the total weight of this aircraft in
conjunction with it’s velocity, the pentagon should’ve been reduced to
the thickness of a pancake. Also the fuel spill of 8600 gallons would
have posed a very large soil removal and disposal project; since the
contaminated soil would be considered HAZARDOUS WASTE under
Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Another interesting question that is raised is in the photographs of the
collapsed area of the Pentagon, if you’ll note the upper floor and roof
area, it appears that that area simply collapsed and does not show
any impact damage from a tail section that was over 43 feet in height.
How could a 757 slam into the Pentagon, and not have an impact
area where the tail section would’ve hit the upper floors?
Shortly after these questions were raised and the topic was open for
discussion on our radio show, the Power Hour, these 5 frames were
released from a security camera at the Pentagon. The only problem
is that the release of these 5 photographs, seemed to raise more
questions than they answered. First of all, why was the date incorrect
on the lower left corner of the screen? Second of all, they really didn’t
show that there was a 757 that had hit the Pentagon. And thirdly,
many people asked, “Is this the only security camera that was on at
the Pentagon?” The Pentagon. This is the nerve center for the United
States military. Supposedly the most secure building in the country.
And this was the only video footage that was available of the most
heinous attack ever recorded at the pentagon?
Where were all the other security cameras aimed? What about the
security cameras in the hallways of the pentagon? Every inch of the
Pentagon is under video surveillance! Where are those video
We also had a report about a gas station, whose video camera was
pointed in the exact direction where the 757 would’ve hit the
Pentagon. Shortly after the event, it was reported that Federal
officials showed up at that gas station, and confiscated that footage.
[Time Code] 00:13:58
In addition to all the magazines that hit the newsstands and the
supermarket checkouts, there was a flurry of book releases that hit
the local bookstores, and in some cases the book section of your
local grocery store. One book, is “America Attacked” which was
released by university press of California and it was edited by, Sarah
Jess, Gabriel Beck, and R. Joseph. In reference to the attack on the
Pentagon, on page 194 it states, “The jet had plowed a crater 100
feet wide that ripped away the walls of all 5 stories of the building,
collapsing the outermost rings, which encircle the Pentagon.”
In this picture we ask, “Do you see a crater 100 feet wide? Or 50 feet
wide?” How about in this picture, or this picture? It doesn’t appear
that there was any crater at all. They went on to say that it had
“ripped away the walls of the 5 story building, collapsing the
outermost rings, which encircle the Pentagon.”
Now there should be no question that the outer rings of the pentagon
have indeed collapsed. We’ve seen pictures from one angle, from
another angle, and America has seen these pictures. We all assumed
that was the damage that was caused from the 757 hitting the
pentagon. But shortly after the release of the article, “From Deception
to Revelation” we were sent some photographs that were taken
apparently right after the event, and BEFORE the outer walls had
When examining these photographs we can clearly see that the area
in question had not collapsed. In fact, there is very little evidence of a
hole big enough to accommodate a 757. The hole that we do see is
approximately 14 to 16 feet across.
Question–How does a 757 fit into a 16 foot hole and leave no
damage, or wreckage on the outside of the pentagon? These are
questions that deserve serious scrutiny.
[Time Code] 00:16:12
Let’s take a look at some of the photographs that were taken
BEFORE the outer wall of the pentagon collapsed.
In this first photograph we can see the firefighters pulling the hoses
away from the fire truck. In the foreground we can see wire spools
that were left in the front lawn of the Pentagon, after all, this section
of the Pentagon was under renovation. We’ll use these wire spools as
reference points.
Also to the right of those wire spools and on the face of the Pentagon
we can see that some concrete facing has broken away. We’ll also
use this as a reference point as we examine these photographs. Now
to the left of that area where the facing has broken off we can clearly
see that the pentagon has NOT YET COLLAPSED. There are some
flaming areas, and that area appears to be the only section where
there is a hole approximately 14 to 16 feet.
Question–How does a 757 fit into a 16 foot hole, and leave no
wreckage o n the front of the building?
We can also see that the roof of the building does show fatigue, but
has not yet collapsed.
In this photograph an astonished onlooker sees exactly what we’re
seeing. The pentagon had not yet collapsed. And again, there is no
sign of any wreckage whatsoever, no tail, no fuselage, no wings, no
wheels, no engines, no seats, no luggage, nothing on the outside of
the Pentagon. The Pentagon roofline is clearly visible and again it is
under fatigue, but it had not yet collapsed.
As we examine this next photograph let’s take a good close look at
the lower left hand corner you’ll see engine 331 from the Metropolitan
Washington Airport Authority, and we contacted the fire chief from
this engine company. Chief Plower agreed to come on our radio show
along with 2 of his firefighters. But 1 hour before airtime, they
cancelled. We were told that the firefighters had been placed on
indefinite leave.
When we look at this photograph we can see that the fire retardant
foam is being sprayed on the front of the Pentagon, and again, the
area in question had not yet collapsed.
And you can see right in the center of the photograph, a big area
where some of the concrete facing has broken away, and it appears
as if this is the only major hole in the front of the pentagon. Again, is
this hole big enough to accommodate a 757? And where is the
In this photograph we again see engine 331 and fire retardant foam
being sprayed on the front of the pentagon. Note clearly in the center
of the photograph we see the upper floors of the pentagon again yet
to collapse, but… also notice that there does not appear to be any
damage to these upper floors.
Question–If the height of the Boeing 757 was 44 feet 6 inches, there
should’ve been some point of impact in these upper floors and yet
when we look at these pictures, there doesn’t appear to be any
impact whatsoever in the area where the tail, should have hit. And
again, there is no wreckage visible on the front of the lawn.
Now while these photographs were being taken videographers from
several different networks were on the scene to capture the
firefighters in action as they battled the blazes at the front of the
(Translate first phrase from news anchor… Let the rest of this footage
play as is without translation of the reporter. Only translate the
screen graphics at designated time codes)
[Time Code] 00:19:41
NEWS ANCHOR: “Jim Angle is joining us now from Washington…”
[Time Code] 00:20:57
(SCREEN GRAPHIC – speak softly, but do not whisper)
“Actual collapse of the outer wall”
[Time Code] 00:21:05
(SCREEN GRAPHIC – speak softly, but do not whisper)
“Actual collapse of the outer wall – approximately 20 minutes after
initial impact”
[Time Code] 00:21:36
“Question… What could have caused this type of damage? What
could’ve caused a 14 to 16 foot hole and pierced 3 of the rings of the
Pentagon? Keep in mind that each ring of the Pentagon has an outer
and inner wall. Each wall approximately 18 inches thick of steel
reinforced concrete. That means that each ring consisted of 36
inches or 3 feet of steel reinforced concrete, for a total of
approximately 9 feet of steel reinforced concrete.
Question–Could a 757 have pierced 9 feet of steel reinforced
concrete, and left a 14 to 16 foot hole, and no wreckage? If not, what
could have created that type of damage?
On our radio program, The Power Hour we have a lot of veterans
and military experts that listen in. And many have called up and
agreed that it could NOT have been a 757 that created that damage,
but in fact, had to be something else all together. What could have
caused that damage? Some call it a bunker buster, or a missile.
Now as this controversy percolated through 2002, in January of 2003
the entire issue was resurrected, when the American Society Of Civil
Engineers, released a report entitled, “The Pentagon Building
Performance Report.”
The announcement was made on CNN, and they showed an
animated video that illustrated how the 757 slammed into the
Pentagon and took out 50 support columns.
Let’s take another look at this computer-generated animation from the
American Society of Civil Engineers at Purdue – and as we look at
this plane ask yourself this question…
What significant information was overlooked in this computer graphic
model from the American Society of Civil Engineers?
Well, first of all, the eighteen and a half inch steel-reinforced concrete
exterior wall of the Pentagon was omitted.
Second of all, you’ll note that when the tail section enters the
Pentagon, it remains intact.
How is it possible that the tail section over forty feet in height would
have remained intact as it entered the Pentagon and left no entry
point as is seen in this photograph?
Thirdly and probably the most significant omission of all is that the
engines are missing in the computer graphic model. Despite these
omissions the American Society of Civil Engineers claimed that the
plane took out fifty support columns as it entered the Pentagon
When we again look at these photographs, I ask, do you see support
columns that have been destroyed? Which support columns were
destroyed? How could it possibly be, that the American Society of
Civil Engineers could release such a report, when the photographs
clearly show that the entire report is in question?
[Time Code] 00:24:37
Now let’s look as a computer-generated animation that was
broadcast on the National Geographic program “Seconds from
Disaster” in which they dealt with the attack on the Pentagon on
September 11th.
In this computer-generated animation, they show that the wings broke
off before the plane entered the first ring.
Question… if the planes wings broke off then why didn’t we see any
wing parts in the photographs that we examined earlier?
Furthermore, in this computer-generated animation, it clearly shows
the plane almost completely disintegrating as it passes through the
first ring.
Question… how could it have continued along its path and pierced
another seven and a half feet of steel reinforced concrete – piercing
the second and third rings of the Pentagon and leave this hole? You
can’t have it both ways.
[Time Code] 00:25:35
(Translate the text that rolls across the screen)
[Time Code] 00:25:35
“A Boeing 757 has two engines”
[Time Code] 00:25:46
“Each engine is about 9 feet in diameter… and 12 feet in length”
[Time Code] 00:25:55
“A Boeing 757 uses either a Pratt & Whitney PW2000 series engine
or a Rolls Royce RB211 engine. Each of the turbofans used in either
of these engines is approximately 7 feet in diameter.”
[Time Code] 00:26:17
“Nothing this large was found at the Pentagon”
[Time Code] 00:26:27
“Is this an engine rotor …(PAUSE)… from a Boeing 757?”
[Time Code] 00:26:37
WHITE SCREEN: (Translate screen text – Quick pace)
“It’s not a part from any Rolls Royce engine that I’m familiar with”
John W. Brown – Spokesman for Rolls Royce, Indianapolis
[Time Code] 00:26:45
Reported by Christopher Bollyn – American Free Press
[Time Code] 00:26:48
“There’s an old saying in Tennessee I know it’s in Texas probably in
Tennessee that says fool me once...(PAUSE)…shame
on...(PAUSE)…shame on you...(PAUSE)… it fooled me--can’t get
fooled again.”
[Time Code] 00:27:07
“You know there are those that see these pictures and hear this
information for the first time and, they inevitably ask the question,
“Well if the plane didn’t hit the Pentagon, where did it go?” The
answer is, I don’t know where it went. For all I know it could be sitting
in 200 feet of water in the Atlantic Ocean. But then again, I didn’t say
that flight 77 hit the Pentagon. That was NBC, and CBS and ABC and
CNN and FOX and all the other news agencies.
The question should be, if flight 77 hit the Pentagon, then WHERE is
it? And let’s keep in mind that if we do find someone a group or an
agency that is involved in the obfuscation, distraction, distortion or
cover up of ANY information about ANY of the events of September
11th, does that not indicate possible involvement and even guilt, in
the events of September the 11th?
Now let’s move on to what happened in New York City on the
morning of September the 11th.
[Time Code] 00:28:55
”These are just a few of the images that are indelibly etched in the
minds of every man and woman on the face of this planet that
happened to be near a television set on the morning of September
11th, 2001. Most of us will never forget where we were and what we
were doing on that day.
Now right after September 11th many conspiracy theories began to
arise to try to explain how and why the towers came down. Well this
is no different than any other major event in history, from the
assassination of John F. Kennedy to his brother Robert Kennedy.
And from the assassinations of Martin Luther King and John Lennon,
to the explosion in Oklahoma City that destroyed the Murah building
in 1995 and the downing of TWA flight 800. All of these were followed
by conspiracy theories to try to explain these events.
Well on September 11th, there was a lot of discussion about
explosions that went on around the building and in the building. Some
of these reports were televised...but only once. Let’s take a look at
some of these reports and review what happened on September
[Time Code] 00:30:01
REPORTER: “We’re being pushed back as well because there was
some concern that there might be additional explosions – possibly
other bombs.”
[Time Code] 00:30:07
REPORTER: “The Entire top of the building just blew up”
[Time Code] 00:30:09
REPORTER: “There’s a second explosion”
[Time Code] 00:30:10
REPORTER: “and another explosions”
[Time Code] 00:30:11
REPORTER: “We have a report now of a fourth explosion at the
Trade Center”
[Time Code] 00:30:15
REPORTER: “There has just been a huge explosion”
[Time Code] 00:30:19
REPORTER: “It almost looks like one of those implosions of
buildings that you see”
[Time Code] 00:30:24
REPORTER: “We heard a very loud blast – an explosion. Not clear
now is why this explosion took place.”
[Time Code] 00:30:32
REPORTER: “Do you know if it was an explosion or a building
[Time Code] 00:30:35
POLICEMAN: “To me… it sounded like an explosion”
[Time Code] 00:30:39
REPORTER: “but it was a huge explosion”
[Time Code] 00:30:40
EYEWITNESS: “I saw the two buildings, I think it was a bomb
because there was two of them”
[Time Code] 00:30:44
REPORTER: “This is actually, we believe, debris from one of the
planes that hit one of the towers of the World Trade Center. The FBI
is here, as you can see. They had roped this area off. They were
taking photographs and securing this area just prior to that huge
explosion that we all heard and felt.”
[Time Code] 00:31:04
We’ve just heard a virtual barrage of reports of bombs and explosions
going off in and around the World Trade Center, but is there any
reason to believe that some of these explosions might have been
caused by something other than the planes hitting the towers? Rick
Sanchez from MSNBC had this to report.”
[Time Code] 00:31:22
NEWS ANCHOR’S VOICE: “uh Rick Sanchez has been there
throughout this morning for us. Rick, tell us where you are and what
the latest is.”
[Time Code] 00:31:27
RICK SANCHEZ: “Well I’m in that area if you are familiar with this
area of, uh where West Broadway and Hudson come together, uh
right at Chambers. That would put us about a block and a half away
from the site of where the explosion was. That area has just been
evacuated because police have found what they describe as a
suspicious device and they fear that it might be something that could
lead to another explosion. Obviously there’s a real sense of caution
here on the part of police. I spoke with some police officials moments
ago, Chris, and they told me that they have reason to believe that one
of the explosions at the World Trade Center, aside from the ones that
may have been caused by the impact of the plane with the building,
may have been caused by a van that was parked in the building that
may have had some type of explosive device in it… so their fear is
that there may have been an explosive device planted either in the
building or in the adjacent area and that’s why they’re being so
[Time Code] 00:32:30
”In the September 24th 2001 edition of People magazine, on page
34, an interview with Louie Catcchioli, a 51 year old firefighter,
assigned with engine 47 of Harlem New York, and he had this to say.
[Time Code] 00:32:47
“We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I
was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in
position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We
think there was bombs set in the building.”
[Time Code] 00:33:03
Well Louie Catcchioli isn’t the only firefighter that claims that there
were explosives or demolition charges going off in and around the
world trade center.
[Time Code] 00:33:10
FIREFIGHTERS: “We made it at least two blocks and we started
running - floor by floor they kept popping out, it was as if they had
detonated, as if they had planned to take out the building...boom
boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...”)
[Time Code] 00:33:22
“We’ve heard eyewitness accounts and testimony from fire officials
that indicate that there were bombs, explosives, possibly detonating
charges that were utilized in the collapse of the world trade center
buildings. Is there any reason to believe that detonating charges
WERE utilized in the collapse of the north tower, the south tower, or
building 7? One firefighter did say, “boom boom boom boom boom”
that’s how it went down. And many television reporters reported that
as the buildings collapsed both the north tower and the south tower
and building 7, they all appeared to come down just like a controlled
Let’s listen to a clip from Larry Silverstein, he was the lease owner of
the world trade center as he gave an interview on PBS.
[Time Code] 00:34:06
LARRY SILVERSTEIN: “I remember getting a call from the uh, fire
department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were
going to be able to contain the fire. And I said you know we’ve had
such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
Uhhh… And they made that decision to pull, then we watched the
“Now we’ve just heard Larry Silverstein making the admission that
when it came to building seven the decision was made to PULL IT – a
term that is used by demolition experts in bringing a building down,
but what was America and the rest of the world told as to why
building seven came down?”
[Time Code] 00:34:42
“About an hour ago World Trade Center building number seven
collapsed. A forty-two story building - weakened by the devastation
that has occurred earlier today.”
We’ve all seen controlled demolitions on television. Office buildings,
sports stadiums, all brought down by controlled charges. And these
charges and controlled demolitions take weeks of planning. They
have to bring in experts and do structural analysis of the buildings,
study which beams, which girders have to have charges placed on
them. And then a team of experts has to come and set the charges,
wire them all together in sequence. And then, finally after everything
is clear, they let the building go, or “pull it.”
Are we to believe that 8 hours after a surprise attack in New York city,
they were able to “pull” building 7? How is this possible, had it not
been planned in advance? And if they did have planned detonation
charges in place in building number 7, is it possible that there were
charges in building 6? or 5? or 4? or the north tower? or the south
[Time Code] 00:35:50
FIREFIGHTERS: “We made it at least two blocks and we started
running - floor by floor it started popping out, it was as if they had
detonated, as if they had planned to take out the building...boom
boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom... all the way
down. I was watching it and running…”
[Time Code] 00:36:04
“Sound effects added for illustration only.”
[Time Code] 00:36:23
Ladies and gentlemen, so far we’ve seen that we were deceived if not
flat out lied to about many of the events of September 11th. From the
controversy about whether or not flight 77 actually hit the pentagon,
to whether or not there were bombs or explosives or detonating
charges utilized in any of the buildings that collapsed in the World
Trade Center. And also Larry Silverstein making the admission that
when it came to building 7 they made the decision to “pull it.” And
now we come to the main events of September 11th, the north and
south towers being hit by airliners, that were supposedly hijacked by
terrorists. Let’s take a look at some of the clips that we’ve all seen
over and over again.
[Time Code] 00:37:03
Clips of the planes crashing into North and South Towers
[Time Code] 00:37:27
On April 15th of 2004, we received a news release that alerted us to
a web site that was entitled www.letsroll911.org
Phil Jayhan, the webmaster for this website had taken the video clips
that you’ve just seen and slowed them down and examined them
frame by frame and what he found was astounding. There are several
different anomalies that need to be examined and questioned. First of
all, what is attached to the bottom of the plane that hit the south
tower? And second of all, what is that brief flash that occurs just as
the plane makes impact?
Now when we first looked at this video footage, I said to myself “Well
this video footage could very well be manipulated.” So I wanted to
check it out myself. Well we went and found the DVD that we had
purchased shortly after September 11th entitled “America
Remembers.” This was directly from CNN. We took this DVD and put
it in our machine and examined the very clip that you’ve just seen.
Let’s take a look at it.
[Time Code] 00:38:41
[Time Code] 00:38:45
Let’s take another look at this clip in slow motion but before we do,
keep in mind that sometimes the best place to hide something is in
plain site. We’ve all seen this video clip, and there have been many
publications that have taken frames from this video and published
them in hundreds of magazines.
Here’s an example, on page 3 a full size blow up of this picture. And
in this magazine, it was published on page 4. And on the back of this
book that we discussed earlier, it’s on the back cover. I suggest you
all take a copy of your magazines and books and if you have the
video footage, take a good hard look. We’ve all got this. Now let’s
take a look at this in slow motion.
As the plane approaches the south tower (VIDEO CLIP) notice
carefully, the belly of the plane, there appears to be something
attached, and just as it hits the building there’s a flash.
[Time Code] 00:39:38
Let’s take another look in super slow motion.
[Time Code] 00:39:51
Let’s look at this photograph that was taken near ground zero.
On the right we see the South Tower and the smoke that is rising into
the sky is emanating from the North Tower which is completely
hidden from view.
On the left, just entering the field of vision of the camera, we see the
plane just before it hits the South Tower.
[Time Code] 00:40:12
(Narrate on screen text: Soft voice, not quite a whisper…)
“Bottom of Plane”
[Time Code] 00:40:16
“Note a couple of items here. The engine on the right wing has a
shadow and the shadow moves toward the front of the plane and off
of the plane, so the anomaly that appears to be attached to the belly
of this plane could not be caused by a shadow.”
Also note that the item that appears to be attached to the belly of this
plane is plane is on the right side. This plane has something that is
not symmetrical on the bottom of the plane.
[Time Code] 00:40:46
“When we compare that with the bottom of a regular 767, we will
note, that a normal 767 has belly that is smooth. (PAUSE) This
plane… does not.”
(LONG PAUSE: Video graphic continues to zoom in on anomaly…)
[Time Code] 00:41:05
(Computer graphic changes)
“In the summer of two thousand and three, in Barcelona, Spain, a
publication by the name of “La Vanguardia” did an investigative report
on the plane that slammed into the South Tower.
After a thorough digital image analysis, performed by a Spanish
university, the investigators came to the conclusion that the anomaly
was three dimensional in nature and could not have been caused by
shadows or reflections.
VONKLEIST (now back on camera)
“Question… is it outside the realm of possibilities that an object of
this size and shape could be attached to the belly of a plane of this
(Translate text on screen… soft voice, but not quite a whisper)
[Time Code] 00:41:42
[Time Code] 00:43:01
“E-8C JOINT STARS… J-Stars is used for airborne battle
management, command and control, intelligence, surveillance and
[Time Code] 00:43:18
“The most prominent external feature is the 40-foot long canoeshaped radome under the forward fuselage”
[Time Code] 00:43:28
“The E-8c has four Pratt and Whitney engines”
[Time Code] 00:43:34
“The E-10 has only two engines”
(PAUSE: Video segment ends)
[Time Code] 00:42:48
“Now let’s take another good hard look at this video footage. As the
plane approaches, it is irrefutable that there is something attached to
the bottom of this plane, and a distinct flash as it makes contact. Now
there are some that would say that this is a trick of light, a reflection.
Well let’s keep in mind that if you hold a mirror in your hand and
reflect the suns rays, that reflection only goes where you aim that
reflection. So a reflection should only be seen from one particular
Let’s take a look at this event, from another angle.
[Time Code] 00:43:20
[Time Code] 00:43:23
”And now let’s take a look at it again from a 3rd angle.”
[Time Code] 00:43:30
”And now let’s take a look at it again one more time from a 4th angle.”
[Time Code] 00:43:40
Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve just seen a very interesting event
indeed. Not recorded by one, but recorded by 4 different cameras
from 4 different angles. There can be no doubt, that this is not the
result of a reflection of any sort, but in fact was a flash caused by an
explosion, a detonation, a missile, something happened that was
not...a terrorist with a box cutter.
Let’s take another look at the object attached to the belly of this plane
and ask yourself this question, could something this big go unnoticed
by the passengers, the crew, the baggage handlers, the service
personnel at a commercial airport? The obvious answer is no–it
would’ve been noticed. Which raises the question, where did this
plane take off from? And was it in fact a commercial airliner at all?
[Time Code] 00:44:34
(THREE VIDEO CLIPS WILL PLAY: translate the speaking portions
at the designated time codes)
(Woman is yelling: Speak loudly and boldly)
[Time Code] 00:44:35
EYEWITNESS: “That was not an American Airlines… That was not
an American Airlines”
[Time Code] 00:44:45
EYEWITNESS: “It dove to the other side and crashed right in and the
explosion was so terrific it looked like it had dynamite in it… The ball
of fire that flying out of that one was even worse than the first one…
and we were standing there and I said I can’t believe this… and sure
enough there it was, another plane. The plane wasn’t no uh airliner
or anything. It was a twin engine, big, gray plane.”
[Time Code] 00:45:07
NEWS ANCHOR: “Mark Burnback, a FOX employee, is on the
phone with us. Mark witnessed this from what we understand. Mark,
were you close enough to be able to see any markings on the
[Time Code] 00:45:17
MARK BURNBACK: “Uh hi gentlemen, how are you doing. Yeah there
was uh, there was definitely a blue logo, it was like a circular logo on the
front of the plane. Uh towards the uh, yeah definitely towards the front.
Um, it definitely did not look like a commercial plane, I didn’t see any
windows on the side and uh definitely very low and um I’m completely
panicked. I’m sitting here freaking out. I can’t believe what I just saw. ”
[Time Code] 00:45:37
NEWS ANCHOR: “We are all shaken by this. We are watching the
video now back live, but the upper floors of the World Trade Center, in
Manhattan, after apparently two large airplanes – we’re talking about
jetliners – slammed right into the sides right around nine o’clock this
morning. Mark, if what you say is true, those could be cargo planes
or… something like that. You said you didn’t see any windows on the
[Time Code] 00:46:04
MARK BURNBACK: “I didn’t see any windows on the sides, I saw
the plane flying low, I was probably like a block away from the
subway in Brooklyn and that plane came down very low, and again, it
was not a normal flight that I’ve ever seen at an airport, it was a plane
that had a blue logo on the front and, it just did not look like it
belonged in this area.)
[Time Code] 00:46:23
“We’ve just heard Mark Burnback describe what he saw in
September of two thousand and one when he worked for the FOX
News Network. We spoke with Mr. Burnback in September of two
thousand and four and he stands by his story. (PAUSE)
Now let’s take another clip where the woman screams “That was not
an American Airlines.” There are those that would try to say that we
have dubbed in the voice or somehow altered the sound portion of
this video clip… This time watch carefully the woman on the right half
of the screen.
(Woman is yelling: Speak boldly)
[Time Code] 00:46:54
EYEWITNESS: “That was not an American Airlines… That was not
an American Airlines”
(Camera pulls right & zooms in) (Woman is yelling: Speak boldly)
[Time Code] 00:47:01
EYEWITNESS: “That was not an American Airlines…”
(Camera pulls right - slow motion) (No translation on the slow
motion clip)
[Time Code] 00:47:06
[Time Code] 00:47:12
”Now we’ve just heard testimony that refutes the official report that a
commercial airliner hit the World Trade Center. Well if it wasn’t a
commercial airliner, it would have to be either a private or a military
aircraft, and I think we can rule out private aircraft.
[Time Code] 00:47:26
“I didn’t see any windows on the side. I saw the plane flying low.”
[Time Code] 00:47:29
“The plane wasn’t no airliner or anything… It was a twin engine, big,
gray plane.”
Now if this was a military plane that would explain the possibility that
there was something mounted on the belly of the plane. Now Phil
Jayhan, webmaster of the website letsroll911.org and many other
people have postulated that this indeed was a “pod” of some sort
mounted to the belly of the plane. Many of our listeners are exmilitary and have agreed that it is a distinct possibility. When you
couple this with the mysterious “flash” that occurs on the side of the
World Trade Center just as the plane makes contact, I think that we
can probably agree that there was some sort of an incendiary or an
explosive that would serve as a match to ignite the enormous amount
of fuel that would be dispersed as soon as the plane hit the building.
Let’s take another look at this one clip and you’ll notice that the flash
is a separate event than the contact of the fuselage as it hits the
building. (PAUSE) Some folks have stated that the flash was the
result of the fuselage making contact with the trade center building.
But as you can see the flash is indeed to the right of the fuselage and
in fact as the fuselage makes contact with the world trade tower
[Time Code 00:47:29] you can see a reflection of the flash in the
fuselage which further supports the contention that these are two
separate events.
[Time Code] 00:49:00
Admittedly what we’ve seen so far in this presentation is disturbing to
say the least. To find that we were not necessarily told the truth about
what happened at the Pentagon on September 11th, and now
according to the clips that you’ve just seen and the testimony that
you’ve just heard, that there was a whole lot more to the story when
flight 175 hit the south tower.
Well, I needed more information. I needed more evidence that
showed there was something else going on on September 11th, and
the only way to get more information was to go to the first plane, flight
11, the American Airliner that hit the north tower. The French
filmmakers the Naudet brothers were in New York City doing a
documentary about the New York City firefighters, and this clip, is the
only known footage of the first plane hitting the first tower.
[Time Code] 00:49:46
[Time Code] 00:50:01
Let’s take another look at this video clip, this time in slow motion.
[Time Code] 00:50:06
You’ll notice that as the plane approaches the tower, first of all, we’re
too far away to get a clear shot of any detail of the plane. So
therefore it’s hard to make out whether anything was attached to the
bottom of this plane as was the case with flight 175. However, there
is another similarity. Just as the plane makes impact, there is a flash.
[Time Code] 00:50:31
Let’s look at it again and keep in mind that as we watch this plane
make impact this flash occurs just before the plane crashes into the
north tower.
[Time Code] 00:50:44
This time as we watch this clip, note the shadow rising from the lower
right of the trade center tower and keep in mind, that the shadow
won’t reach the impact point before the plane and visa versa. This is
very important because the flash occurs BEFORE the shadow and
the plane meet.
[Time Code] 00:51:06
This time let’s look at this clip in reverse. You’ll notice that as the
plane slowly backs out of the north tower, it has cleared the tower,
and then the flash occurs, indicating that the flash occurred before
the plane made impact on the north tower.
[Time Code] 00:51:23
One more time, this video clip showing the flash as the plane hit the
north tower.
[Time Code] 00:51:37
Now this video clip that we’ve just examined came again from the
Naudet brothers documentary that was being filmed in the streets of
New York City on the morning of September 11th. This documentary
about the New York City firefighters was going to be assembled at a
later date and was not televised, in fact, there was no live coverage at
all, of flight 11 as it hit the north tower. After all it was a surprise
attack. So if there was no live television coverage of the first plane
hitting the first tower, how do we explain the following comment from
George Walker Bush?
[Time Code] 00:52:11
STUDENT: “What was the first thing that went through your head
when you heard that a plane crashed into the first...”
[Time Code] 00:52:18
PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, I was sitting in a schoolhouse in Florida. I’d
gone down to tell my little brother what to do, and uh..(laugh) You can
go ahead and sit down. Just kidding Jeb! (Laughs) And uh, it’s the
mother in me. Anyway, I was sitting there and my chief of staff - well
first of all when we walked in the classroom, I had seen this uh, plane
fly into the first building, there was a television set on, and uh...you
know I thought it was pilot error.”
[Time Code] 00:52:51
“You know right off there will probably be some folks out there who
will try to minimize or negate what we’ve discussed in this program,
and turn it into some sort of political football. They’ll say we’re leftwingers or “we’re democrat liberal-types” and we’re Bush bashing.
Well, nothing could be farther from the truth. Let’s not forget that it
was under the Clinton administration that we launched a missile
attack in Afghanistan and Sudan and destroyed what turned out to be
an aspirin factory because they had bad intelligence that said they
were manufacturing chemical weapons. It’s happening again folks. It
has nothing to do with liberal versus conservative, or democrat
versus republican, or right versus left. It has everything to do with
[Time Code] 00:53:36
“On September 11th it was reported that the passengers of Flight 93
were in the process of overcoming terrorists who had taken over the
plane using box-cutters, and in the process the plane crashed in a
field in Shankville, Pennsylvania at ten O’clock A.M. Eastern
Standard Time. Well, if Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville at ten
O’clock Eastern Time, how do we explain the following [Time Code
00:54:01 VIDEO INSERT] story that was carried by WCPO TV
channel 9 in Cincinnati, Ohio?
[Time Code] 00:54:08
This story was posted on the Internet at 11:43 Eastern Time by web
producer Liz Foreman. The headline reads, Plane lands in
Cleveland, bomb feared aboard.
A Boeing 767, out of Boston, made an emergency landing Tuesday at
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may
have a bomb aboard, said Mayor Michael R. White.
United identified the plane as Flight 93.
[Time Code] 00:54:42
“If United Airlines Flight 93 crashed at ten O’clock Eastern Standard
Time in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, then how could Flight 93 also
have landed at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, been
evacuated and searched for a bomb as was reported at 11:43
Eastern Time by Liz Foreman from WCPO TV in Cincinnati?
Which flight was the real Flight 93? Which flight crashed in
Shanksville, Pennsylvania?
[Time Code] 00:55:17
“And now we come the ten thousand dollar question. How is it
possible that in the sleepy town of Versailles, Missouri, in a little
production studio, we can do an in-depth analysis and a slow motion
expose’ of video footage that’s been at the fingertips of every major
news network all this time?
How is it possible that they can show you slow motion video of car
crashes and basketball games and they can do frame by frame
analysis of major events in history like the J.F.K. assassination and
yet they haven’t seen fit to show you one slow motion picture of these
planes hitting the towers?
Why is it that shortly after September 11th it was decided that it would
be too painful for America to see these videos any more and so they
decided to stop showing them. Maybe now we know why they
stopped showing these videos… and maybe we should have nothing
but contempt for the mainstream networks for withholding this
information – after all… if you become aware of a lie and you do
nothing to expose the lie, you then become part of the lie.
[Time Code] 00:56:24
Has this ever happened before in American history? Have the
mainstream media networks ever suppressed information in regard to
terrorist attacks in this country?
(Translate these news anchors & reporters – you will have to speak
quickly and try to keep up with the time codes)
[Time Code] 00:56:35
NEWS ANCHOR: “It appears to be the Oklahoma City bomb squad,
uh it’s there bomb disposal unit essentially is what it is and it is what
they would use - if the reports that we gave you just a few moments
ago turns out to be correct – that they have found a second explosive
device of some kind inside this building, they’ll back that trailer down
there and the bomb squad folks will go in and they will use that
trailer… you see that bucket on the back there – this is how they
would transport that explosive device away from this populated area
to try to do something with it…”
[Time Code] 00:57:03
NEWS ANCHOR: “We have now confirmed, through Federal
authorities, that a second bomb has been found inside that Federal
building in Oklahoma City. It was an explosion at nine O’clock this
morning that did that damage you are looking at right there – blowing
off the entire north face of that building. Again you are looking at the
north face there – a second bomb was found on the east side of that
building, a bomb squad is on the scene. That second bomb has not
exploded. We don’t know quite the status, yet, if they have managed
to diffuse it, but it has been confirmed that a second bomb was found
on the east side of…”
[Time Code] 00:57:34
NEWS ANCHOR: “I just took a look down the street at the Murah
Building again. I see another bomb truck going, so apparently they
are going to try to get out that third bomb that’s been talked about.
Still a lot of activity around the Murah building – security concerns
that another one might go off. That’s what everyone is worried about.
[Time Code] 00:57:47
NEWS ANCHOR: “At the present time the medical teams downtown
are unable to get into the wreckage to retrieve more of the injured
because of the presence of other…uh… bombs in the area. I’ve
been told by the police department that just as soon as those bombs
are defused, they will permit the medical teams to enter…”
[Time Code] 00:58:06
NEWS ANCHOR: “We want to update our audience that the Justice
Department is reporting that a second explosive device has been
found in the A. P. Murah Building in downtown Oklahoma City. Mike
you’re still with use aren’t you?
[Time Code] 00:58:19
NEWS ANCHOR: “Yes, I am, and I might tell you in addition to that
that, in fact, what we were told at the scene is that two different
explosive devices were found in addition to the one that went off.”
[Time Code] 00:58:29
NEWS ANCHOR: “So a total of three?”
[Time Code] 00:58:31
NEWS ANCHOR: “A total of three and, of course, there was mass
confusion whenever, uh, uh, there were hundreds of spectators in the
area and when they heard that there were other bombs in the
building, people were running from the area in the opposite direction
as fast as they could.”
[Time Code] 00:58:45
NEWS ANCHOR: “Utter devastation that that one explosion caused
because here is now what we are starting learn about the succession
or what someone, obviously, hoped would be a succession of
explosions. The first bomb that was in the Federal building did go off.
It did the damage that you see right there. The second explosive was
found and diffused. The third explosive that was found, and they are
working on right now as we speak, I understand – both the second
and third explosives, if you can imagine this, were larger than the
first. So try to imagine two or three fold happening – what we’ve
already seen there. It is just incredible to think that there was that
much heavy artillery that was somehow moved into the downtown
Federal building…”
[Time Code] 00:59:27
NEWS ANCHOR: “President Clinton just called Governor Frank
Keating and he says that three FBI anti-terrorist teams are in route to
Oklahoma City. Right now they are saying that this is the work of a
sophisticated group. This is a very sophisticated device and has to
have been done by an explosives expert.”
[Time Code] 00:59:46
NEWS ANCHOR: “You talk about the second bomb that was found,
Devin told us earlier – we got information that the second and third
bomb were bigger than the one that was detonated. Twelve hundred
pounds of explosives in that first one that went off – the second and
third devices that were found were actually larger.”
[Time Code] 01:00:02
NEWS ANCHOR: “Un-detonated bombs that were found that were
bigger than the device that exploded and if this one that they are
looking at right now turns out to be something, it appears that it was
meant for this building to come down – to be leveled, because the
amount of power that could have gone off. Only one explosion that
was obviously tragic enough, but there were four bombs set to go off
according to ATF officials.”
[Time Code] 01:00:25
NEWS ANCHOR: “The question is why that building? And was it
Waco? Is it nation of Islam? We should find out an awful lot, uh
when the bombs are taken apart. I think it was a great stroke of luck.
It’s hard to talk about luck on a day like today in Oklahoma City, but it
was a great stroke of luck that have actually got diffused bombs. It is
through the bomb material that we will be able to track down who
committed these atrocities.”
[Time Code] 01:00:55
VONKLEIST: (Back on camera)
“I’m sure many of you are shocked after seeing these clips that
you’ve just seen, that were taken from local affiliate stations in
Oklahoma City right after the bombing.
Many of us never heard about the discovery of a second bomb, and a
third bomb, and the retrieval of a bomb, and the statement that we
have actually got diffused bombs. This information was suppressed.
I was kept from the American people. Why?
How many pieces of evidence do we need to prove that there is a
In regard to September 11th, we discussed Flight 77. Did it hit the
Pentagon? How could it have hit the Pentagon and left and left a
sixteen foot hole and no wreckage?
And then when it came to building seven, we have Larry Silverstein
making the admission that they decided to PULL IT, indicating that
there could have been demolition charges.
And we couple that with the firefighters who were interviewed and
stated that it was like demolition charges going off.
And then there was the anomaly that was attached to the bottom of
Flight 175, or so we thought Flight 175 – hitting the South Tower.
The mysterious flash as it made contact, caught not by one, or by
two, or by three, but by four different cameras.
And then there is the analysis of the North Tower and the mysterious
flash of that flight slamming into the building.
How many pieces of evidence do we need before America and the
rest of the world recognizes that there is a conspiracy?
[Time Code] 01:02:27
And now we come to the most important question of all… and that
Who do we trust?
The questions raised in this documentary are admittedly terrifying, but
the answers may be even more terrifying. We offer an open hand
and not a clinched fist to every man and woman that serves in
uniform – whether it be law enforcement or military. You’ve all taken
an oath to protect and serve or to support and defend the Constitution
from all enemies – foreign… and domestic. And you are going to be
charged with the responsibility of protecting the American people.
The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the
Constitution… Our way of life is in jeopardy and you will be charged
with the responsibility of defending our way of life and the people of
this country. The biggest challenge before you right now is… Who is
the enemy?
[Time Code] 01:03:19
“There are those that would ask, why would our government be
involved in such a horrendous act of terrorism? -or- What would the
motive possibly be?
Well, let us remember a couple of things. First of all it’s been said
that those that forget their history are destined to repeat it and it’s
also been said that history was written by those who hang the heroes.
We are now just finding out and it’s becoming common knowledge
that the attack on Pearl Harbor wasn’t [Time Code 01:03:45] the
surprise attack that we were all told it was. In fact, the powers that
be, knew days ahead of time that the attack was pending.
[Time Code] 01:03:54
And then there’s the Northwood’s Documents that were released in
1961, in which the Joint Chiefs spelled out plans to attack their own
ships, sink battleships, let off bombs, and have terrorist attacks here
in the United States to instill patriotism and raise anger against the
Communists so that we could find an entry into the cold war.
We all know that war makes money… and the events at Pearl Harbor
and the very existence of the Northwood’s Documents should
represent a mindset and a clear intent of the powers that be to
involve themselves in clandestine operations and to sacrifice the lives
of our men and women in uniform and civilians, as well, as long as it
will legitimize their involvement in some sort of a military conflict.
[Time Code] 01:04:40
Let’s look at the world situation today. The United States is the only
remaining world super-power. Russia is our best friend now or so we
are told, and China is our biggest trading partner. Simply ask WalMart or Dollar General or any other major retailer where most of the
goods are manufactured in China.
Well, if there is no world super-power boogie man or enemy to be
watching over, well then, what better enemy to have than a
nameless, faceless enemy without a country that can strike at will in
any corner of the globe? …the war on terror. A war that, as Dick
Cheney has said, could last for decades.
[Time Code] 01:05:19
Yes, war means money, and defense contracting is the largest
industry in the country, if not the world. Billions, if not trillions, of
dollars are awarded to defense contractors every year… and they’ll
manufacture seventy-five dollar hammers or six hundred dollar toilet
seats… grossly overcharging the American taxpayer. Where does all
of this extra money go?
And now we have to ask the question: how do defense contractors
guarantee job security and profitability? … and the common sense
answer is to guarantee that there is war.
[Time Code] 01:05:55
Well, you might ask, why doesn’t the mainstream media tell us about
this? Why hasn’t Tom Brokaw or NBC News told us? Well, as an
example, NBC is owned by General Electric. General Electric is one
of the top ten defense contractors.
Keeping this information in mind, it should be easy to understand how
and why the United States would create an Osama bin Laden.
Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset.
He was trained by and funded by the CIA. He was put into power by
the CIA, and he had substantial financial ties to the current
Saddam Hussein was also supported by the United States
Government. He was given agricultural credits which he then used to
purchase illegal chemical and biological weapons, according to
Senator Donald Regal’s report.
Question… Is it not outside the realm of possibilities that the United
States would create a boogie man, create an Osama bin Laden, or a
Taliban, or an Al Quaeda on which they could place the blame of
September 11th and other, yet to occur, terrorist acts?
[Time Code] 01:07:07
In the beginning of this program we played word association if you
recall, the term was conspiracy theory. Now you’ve seen enough
evidence in this presentation to know that we are now dealing now
with a conspiracy. There is plenty of evidence to support it.
The conspiracy theory in fact, is the idea that Osama bin Laden had
something to do with the attacks on September 11th. Let’s not forget
that on September 23rd of 2001, Condoleezza Rice, National
Security Advisor, had stated that they had evidence that linked bin
Laden with the terrorist attacks, and that they would release that
evidence in due time.
Well America and the world are still waiting for that evidence. And in
that time since September 11th, we’ve launched not one, but two
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq based upon NO EVIDENCE or... a
[Time Code] 01:08:00
“Our war is against evil… not Islam.”
[Time Code] 01:08:04
“We don’t hold any religion accountable… we’re fighting evil.”
[Time Code] 01:08:08
”What we see on this video should give us all cause to stop and rethink everything that we’ve been told about September 11th. The
media and our government have relentlessly pounded into
American’s minds, that it was terrorists wielding box cutters that were
responsible for the attacks in America on September 11th. And now
after seeing this video footage we realize that it couldn’t possibly
have been a terrorist and a box cutter that could have created the
flashes on both the north and south tower. Nor could it have been a
terrorist with a box cutter that had that attachment to the bottom of
flight 175.
There is one truth that’s come out of this though, and that is that there
is a war on freedom. But the war on freedom isn’t being waged by
those that they say it is. After all, how many of your freedoms have
been legislated away by Osama bin Laden or the Taliban or Al Qaeda
or Saddam Hussein? The answer is none.
Your freedoms have been legislated away by the very people who
take oaths to defend your freedoms. Republicans and Democrats
Your Congress - your Senate - your President. There is a war on
freedom. And now thanks to the Homeland Security Bill, the Patriot
Act, the terrorist bill, the model states emergency health powers act,
we have thumb scanners and retina scans, face recognition, metal
detectors. At the airports we have body scans and body cavity
searches. Yes there is a war on freedom. And let’s not forget what
George Bush said about conspiracy theories.
[Time Code] 01:09:46
“Let us not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the
attacks of September the 11th, malicious lies that attempt to shift the
blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty.”
[Time Code] 01:10:00
“Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either
you’re with us... or you are with the terrorists.”
[Time Code] 01:10:11
“A much calmer situation and a much better evacuation… and… and
[Time Code] 01:10:17
AUDIENCE MEMBER: (Lady Screaming)
“My son was murdered… murdered”
[Time Code] 01:10:22
AUDIENCE MEMBER: (Man Raised Voice)
“Let’s ask some real questions! Let’s ask some real questions! Is
that unfair? And what about the bunker, you didn’t ask them about the
bunker the office of emergency bunker, on fire! It burned itself to the
ground... Remember this... Your government funded and trained Al
Qaeda. Repeat it again… Your government, FUNDED and TRAINED
Al Qeada.”
[Time Code] 01:10:45
“and now I ask America and the rest of the world – Where is your line
in the sand?”