STEP Turkey Bibliography - William Carey University

STEP Turkey Bibliography
Academic Guidebooks
Akurgal, Ekrem. Ancient Civilizations and Ruins of Turkey. 8th Edition. Istanbul: NET Turistik
Yayinlar, 1993. THE best archaeological site guide for Turkey; available in many editions.
Bean, George E. Aegean Turkey. 2nd Edition. London: Benn; New York: Norton, 1979. [This is an
old-fashioned exploration-travelogue-guide, quite dated (and out-of-print) but interesting
Fant, Clyde E., and Mitchell G. Reddish. A Guide to Biblical Sites in Greece and Turkey. New York:
Oxford, 2003. ISBN: 978-0-19-513918-1. [Good guide to biblical sites, but omits significant nonbiblical ones, and lacks good plans for most sites.]
Freeley, John. Classical Turkey. Architectural Guides for Travellers. London: Penguin, 1990. [Really
nice, not-overdone guide to classical sites, but does not cover earlier or later ones; see the excerpt
listed under articles/chapters below.]
Books: History and Archaeology of Turkey
Lloyd, Seton. Ancient Turkey: A Traveller’s History. University of California Press, 1989 [hardcover,
ISBN: 0-520-06787-8], 1999 [paper, ISBN: 978-0520220423]. [Required text for HIS/REL 4900.]
Ramsay, William M. Historical Geography of Asia Minor. Royal Geographical Society,
Supplemental Papers. London: Murray, 1890. [A very old classic, not for the disinterested casual
reader!; online at Google Books:]
Books: Early Christianity In Asia Minor
Ramsay, William M. St. Paul the Traveller and Roman Citizen. London: Hodder and Stoughton,
1898. [A very old classic with lots about Paul’s work in Turkey; online at Google Books:]
Ramsay, William M. The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia and Their Place in the Plan of the
Apocalypse. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1904. [A dated classic still cited by scholars today;
online at Google Books:; also available in a
reprint edition.]
STEP Turkey Bibliography
page 2
Articles/Chapters: in Subsections by Course
NOTE: articles from Archaeology Odyssey and Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR) may be accessed
online at through the WCU library portal, or by using the login name <william> and
password <carey1>.
Anatolia and Asia Minor (History and Archaeology)—by topic in order of appearance in travel program
Cline, Eric H. “Warriors of Hatti: The Rise and Fall of the Hittites, Turkey’s Splendid Bronze Age
Civilization.” Archaeology Odyssey 5:1 (Jan/Feb 2002): 44-52, 62-63. [History and importance of
the Hittites.]
Aegean Classical Cities
Freeley, John. “Introduction,” “Note on Classical Architecture,” and “Architectural Glossary.” Pages
1-13, 143-146 in Classical Turkey. Architectural Guides for Travellers. London: Penguin, 1990.
[Two short chapters from the guidebook listed above; provides a very readable introductory history
for the classical cities and some notes on architecture.]
Scherrer, Peter. “Ephesus Uncovered: From Latrines to Libraries.” Archaeology Odyssey 4:2
(Mar/Apr 2001): 27-37.
Wickkiser, Bronwen. “Asklepios Appears in a Dream: Antiquity’s Greatest Healer.” Archaeology
Odyssey 8:4 (July/Aug 2005): 14-25, 48-49. [Interesting article about Asklepios and doctors, with
a special section on the Asklepion at Pergamum.]
Brandau, Birgit. “Can Archaeology Discover Homer’s Troy?” Archaeology Odyssey 1:1 (Winter
Early Christianity in Asia Minor
Collins, Adela Yarbro. “Satan’s Throne: Revelations from Revelation.” BAR 32:3 (May-June 2006):
Crawford, John S. “Multiculturalism at Sardis: Jews and Christians live, Work and Worship Side by
Side.” BAR 22:05 (Sep/Oct 1996).
Oustermout, Robert G. “The Cave-Dwellers: Cappadocia’s Mysterious Rock-Cut Architecture.” AND
Kalas, Veronica G. “Monasteries? Heavens, No.” Archaeology Odyssey 1:4 (Fall 1998): 22-41,