Participation in Conferences

October 2012
October 2012
October 2012
October 2012
May 2012
June 2012
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
Ukraine. Chernigiv. Chernigiv NationalPedagogical University named after
T.G. Shevchenko. The International Scholarly and Practical Conference
“Languages in Open Society” (Role Plays as the Means of Modeling Future
Professional Activities in Linguistic and Extralinguistic Training of Tertiary
School Students)
Ukraine. Odessa. III Open International Scientific Forum “Modern Tendencies
in Pedagogical Education and Science of Ukraine and Israel: The Way to
Integration” (Constructivism in Language Education at Tertiary Schools)
*China. Beijing. Beijing Foreign Studies University. GloCALL 2012
Conference, 2012 International Symposium on CALL “Globalization &
Localization in CALL.”
Ukraine. Yalta. The Crimean Republican Institute of Post-Diploma
Pedagogical Education. The 4th International Crimean Linguistic Congress
“The Language and the World” (Teaching Foreign Language Communicative
Competence in the Area of Business Communication: Basics)
Poland. Lublin. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University. Department of English.
International conference “Language Skills. Traditions, Transitions & Ways
Forward” (Developing ESP Students English Speaking, Reading, Listening
and Writing Skills in Internet-Assisted Project Work)
Ukraine. Lutsk. Volyn National University named after Lesyia Ukrainka. The
4th International Scholarly Coneference “Priorities of Germanic and Romanic
Linguistics” (The Principle of Developing Students’ Informational
Competence in English When Teaching ESP with the Aid of the Internet at
Non-Linguistic Tertiary Schools)
Great Britain. London. International Academy of Science and Higher
Education. “Problems of Modern Philology, Pedagogics and Psychology.” The
XXV International Scientific and Practical Conference and the II stage of
Research Analytics Championship in pedagogical sciences, psychological
sciences and the I stage of the Research Analytics Championship in the
philological sciences (Definition and Essence of the Constructivist Approach
to Teaching Foreign Languages for Professional Communication)
Ukraine. Sevastopol. Sevastopol City Himanitarian University, Sevastopol
Institute of Banking. The 1st All-Ukrainian Scholarly and Practical Conference
“Topical Issues of Language Education” (The Constructivist Method of
Foreign Language Teaching)
Ukraine. Sevastopol. Sevastopol City Himanitarian University, Sevastopol
Institute of Banking. The 1st All-Ukrainian Scholarly and Practical Conference
“Topical Issues of Language Education” (The Principle of Integrating
Learning Different Communication Skills in Teaching Foreign Languages for
Specific Purposes at at Non-Linguistic Tertiary Schools)
Ukraine. Kyiv. The Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine. The 5th International
Scholarly and Practical Conference “Innovative Technologies in the Process of
Teaching Professionally Directed Foreign Language” (Using Corpus
Linguistics in Teaching Professionally Directed Foreign Language at Tertiary
*Ukraine. Lviv. Lviv State University of Safety of Human Activities. The 5th
International Scholarly and Practical Conference “Linguistic Issues and
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Foreign Languages at Tertiary Educational
April 2012
March 2012
March 2012
October 2011
October 2011
October 2011
June 2011
June 2011
May 2011
Ukraine. The Crimea. Evpatoria. The Evpatorian Institute of Social Sciences.
All-Ukrainian Scholarly and Practical Conference with International
Participation “Communicative-Cognitive Approach to Teaching Philological,
Psychological and Pedagogical Disciplines” (New Approaches to Teaching
*Ukraine. Kyiv. National Aviation University. All-Ukrainian Scholarly and
Practical Conference “Topical Issues of Higher Professional Education in
Ukraine. Zhitomir, Zhitomir State University. The International Scholarly
Internet-Conference “Ukrainian Education in the European Educational Space”
(Learning by Doing When Teaching a Foreign Language for Professional
Communication to Students of Non-Linguistic Specialities)
Belarus. Brest. The Educational Institution “Brest State University named after
A.S. Pushkin. The International Scholarly and Practical Conference
“Linguacultural Education in the System of tertiary Training of a Specialist”
(The Levels of Students’ Autonomy in Teaching Business English at Tertiary
Technical Schools)
Belarus. Brest. The Educational Institution “Brest State University named after
A.S. Pushkin. The International Scholarly and Practical Conference
“Linguacultural Education in the System of tertiary Training of a Specialist”
(The Kinesthetic Approach in Teaching English to Pre-School Age Children)
Ukraine. Kyiv. The Institute of Tertiary Education at the National Academy of
Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. The 6th International Scholarly and Practical
Conference “Tertiary Education in Ukraine in the Context of Integration to the
European Educational Space” (Psychological Support of Pedagogical
Innovations at a Tertiary Educational Institution)
Ukraine. Chernigiv. Chernigiv NationalPedagogical University named after
T.G. Shevchenko. The International Scholarly and Practical Conference
“Languages in Open Society” (Practical Organization of Content-Based
Instruction in Foreign Language Classes at Non-Philological Tertiary
Educational Institutions)
*Ukraine. Kyiv. The National Pedagogical University named after M.P.
Dragomanov. The 1st (5th) International Scholarly and Practical Conference.
“Theory and Technology of Foreign Language Education”.
Ukraine. Yalta. The Crimean Republican Institute of Post-Diploma
Pedagogical Education. The 3d International Crimean Linguistic Congress
“The Language and the World” (Project Method of Teaching Foreign
Languages for Specific Purposes at Non-Linguistic Tertiary Schools)
Ukraine. Kharkiv. Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin. The
15th International Scholarly and Practical Conference “Teaching Languages at
Tertiary Educational Institutions at the Present Stage. Interdisciplinary Links”
(Experiential and Interactive Foreign Language Teaching at Non-Linguistic
Tertiary Educational Institutions: The Essence of the Approach)
*Ukraine. Kharkiv. Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin.
The 15th International Scholarly and Practical Conference “Teaching
Languages at Tertiary Educational Institutions at the Present Stage.
Interdisciplinary Links”
Ukraine. The Crimea. Alushta. The 10th International Scholarly Conference
“Intercultural Communications: Competence Oriented Language Teaching”
(The Combination of Communicative and Intercultural Approaches in Foreign
Language Teaching at Tertiary Schools)
May 2011
April 2011
April 2011
February 2011
October 2010
October 2010
October 2009
October 2009
October 2009
May 2009
*Ukraine. Nizhyn. Nizhin State University named after Mycola Gogol. The
Third International Scholarly and Practical Conference “Priority Directions in
Training a Foreign Language Teacher in the Context of Bologna Process
*Ukraine. Ternopyl. Ternopyl National Economic University. The Third
International Scholarly and Practical Conference. “Issues and Prospects of
Linguistic Research in the Conditions of Globalization Processes."
*Ukraine. Lugansk. The Eastern-Ukrainian National University named after
Volodymir Dahl. The 6th International Scholarly and Practical Conference
“Modern Trends in Computerizing the Process of Foreign Language Teaching”
Ukraine. The Crimea. Evpatoria. The Evpatorian Institute of Social Sciences.
Inter-University Scholarly and Practical Conference “CommunicativeCognitive Approach to Teaching Philological, Psychological and Pedagogical
Germany. Bielefeld. VHS. 23d IATEFL BESIG International Conference
(Experiential B.E. Teaching: Intercultural and Communicative Approaches
Ukraine. Zhitomir, Zhitomir State University. The 4th International Scholarly
Internet-Conference “Intercultural Education in the Conditions of the
Information Society” (Using Internet Technologies in Teaching English for
Professional Communication to Students of Non-Linguistic Specialities)
*Ukraine. Lviv. Lviv State University of Safety of Human Activities. The 4th
International Scholarly and Practical Conference “Linguistic Issues and
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Foreign Languages at Tertiary Educational
Ukraine. Yalta. The Crimean Republican Institute of Post-Diploma
Pedagogical Education. The 2nd International Crimean Linguistic Congress
“The Language and the World” (The Experiential Approach in Teaching
Foreign Language Presentations to Students of Economic Specialties)
Ukraine. Odesa. Odesa National University.Third All-Ukrainian Scholarly
Conference of Romanists “Structural-Semantic and Cognitive-Discursive
Paradigms of Contemporary Romanic Linguistics” (Does Intercultural
Orientation Oust the Communicative Approach in Foreign Language
Poland. Poznan. Poznan University of Economics. 22nd IATEFL BESIG
International Conference (Stages in BE Immersion Teaching to University
Students of Economics)
*Ukraine. Ternopyl. Ternopyl National Economic University. The Second
International Scholarly and Practical Conference “Issues and Prospects of
Linguistic Research in the Conditions of Globalization Processes”.
*Ukraine. Odesa. The South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K.D. Ushinsky. International Scholarly and Practical Conference
“The Quality of Tertiary Education and the Issues of Preparing Specialists in
Tertiary Educational Institutions”.
Ukraine. Chernigiv. Chernigiv NationalPedagogical University named after
T.G. Shevchenko. The International Scholarly and Practical Conference “The
Issues of Foreign Language Education in Polycultural World” (Content-Based
and Internet-Search-Assisted Teaching of English for Professional
Communication to Students of Departments of Psychology)
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law.
Teaching General and Business English in Eastern Europe: Why and How? III
International Scholarly Conference - the paper was read in English
May 2009
February 2009
October 2008
October 2008
October 2008
June 2008
June 2008
May 2008
March 2008
March 2008
February 2008
Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law.
Teaching General and Business English in Eastern Europe: Why and How? III
International Scholarly Conference (Teaching Writing in English to Tertiary
Students (A Break-Out Session on the Materials of a Monograph and a
Ukraine. Odessa. Odessa National University. The 6th International Scholarly
and Practical Conference on the Issues of Methods of Foreign Language
Teaching Dedicated to the Memory of Professor V.L. Skalkin. (Principal
Approaches to Teaching Foreign Language Communication Skills)
Ukraine. Kyiv. Kyiv National University. The Third International Conference
“The Higher Education in Ukraine in the Context of Integration to the
European Educational Space” (The Foundations of the Consultative-Searching
System of Organizing the Teaching/Learning Process in Special Subjects in
Tertiary Schools)
Ukraine. Chernigiv. Chernigiv State Pedagogical University named after T.G.
Shevchenko. The International Scholarly and Practical Conference
“Polycultural Aspects of foreign Language Instruction in the Eurointegration
Context” (Types of Integrated Learning in Teaching English for Specific
Purposes at Non-Linguistic Tertiary Educational Institutions)
*Ukraine. Lviv. Lviv National University. First International Conference
“Teaching English Academic Writing in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects” the paper was read in English
Ukraine. Yalta. The 15th International Linguistic Conference “The Language
and the World” (Teaching English for Professional Purposes Through Total
English Immersion in Tertiary Economic Educational Institutions)
USA. West Lafayette. Purdue University. The 7th Symposium on Second
Language Writing (Teaching English Writing in Ukraine: Principles and
Practices) - the paper was read in English
Ukraine. Donetsk State University. All-Ukrainian Scholarly and
Methodological Conference “Current Issues in Teaching Foreign Languages at
Tertiary Schools” (Training Teachers for Conducting English Immersion
Programmes in Courses of Speciality Subjects at Tertiary Economic
Educational Institutions).
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. National Mining University. International
Scholarly and Practical Conference “Issues and Prospects of Innovative
Development of Ukrainian Economy”.
*Ukraine. Kyiv. National Aviation University. Scholarly and Practical
Conference “Topical Issues in Higher Professional Education in Ukraine.”
Ukraine. Yalta. The International Scholarly and Practical Conference “The
Development of International Collaboration in in the Field of Education in the
Context of Bologna Process” (The Introduction of Immersion Programs in
Teaching English to Students of Economics).
Ukraine. Kyiv. Kyiv International University. The 13th International Scholarly
and Practical Conference “Ukraine in Eurointegrational Processes”
(Preliminary Immersion in Teaching English to Senior Tertiary Students of
Germany. Berlin. Technische Fachhochschule. 20th IATEFL BESIG
International Conference (Blended Learning of Business English by University
Students of Economics) - the paper was read in English
Ukraine. Chernigiv. Chernigiv State Pedagogical University named after T.G.
Shevchenko. The International Scholarly and Practical Conference “Training
of Polycultural Multi-Language Personality in the Conditions Of Ukraine’s
Integration into the World Educational Space” (Principles of Teaching Writing
in English at a Tertiary Educational Institution).
October 2007
*Ukraine. Ternopyl. Ternopyl National Economic University. The
International Scholarly and Practical Conference “Issues and Prospects of
Linguistic Research in the Conditions of Globalization Processes”.
June 2007
*Ukraine. Uman. Uman State Pedagogical University. International Scholarly
and Practical Conference “Foreign Language as a Factor of Entering the
International Educational Space”.
May 2007
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. National Mining University. International
Scholarly and Practical Conference “Issues and Prospects of Innovative
Development of Ukrainian Economy”.
May-June 2007 Ukraine. Lviv. Lviv National University. International Scholarly and Practical
Conference “Contemporary Issues of Linguistic Research and Didactic
Peculiarities of Teaching Foreign Languages for Professional Communication
in Tertiary Educational Institutions” (A Student in the Function of EFL
Teacher: Influence on Learning Attitudes and Learning Motivation).
March 2007
USA. The Third International Online Conference on Second and Foreign
Language Teaching and Research (Teaching Academic Writing in English to
Tertiary Students in Ukraine).
February 2007 Ukraine. Odessa. Odessa National University. The 5th International Scholarly
and Practical Conference on the Issues of Methods of Foreign Language
Teaching Dedicated to the Memory of Professor V.L. Skalkin. (The Principal
Directions of Reforming Foreign Language Teaching in Tertiary Educational
Institutions of Ukraine).
October 2006
*Ukraine. Chernigiv. Chernigiv State Pedagogical University named after T.G.
Shevchenko. The 2nd All-Ukrainian Scholarly and Practical Conference
“Languages in Open Society”
October 2006
Ukraine. Kyiv. Kyiv National Linguistic University. Scolarly Conference
“Information Technologies in the System of Training Specialists at Tertiary
Educational Institutions” (“Blended Learning” as an Innovational Approach to
Teaching Business English at Tertiary Educational Institution of Economic
Profile: An Introduction to Research)
October 2006
Ukraine. Yalta. Tavria National University. 13th International Conference in
Functional Linguistics “The Language and the World” (Methods of Teaching
Academic Writing in English at Tertiary Linguistic Institutions).
The Czech Republic. Hradec Kralove. The University of Hradec Kralove. The
International Conference “Scientific Research and Teaching Foreign
Languages” (Teaching writing in English as a Foreign Language) – the paper
was read in English.
June 2006
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. National Mining University. International
Scholarly and Practical Conference “Issues and Prospects of Innovative
Development of Ukrainian Economy”.
May 2006
*Ukraine. Yalta. “Teaching Business English in Eastern Europe: Why and
How?” II International Conference
Monaco. International University of Monaco. 18th IATEFL BESIG
International Conference (Teaching/Learning Business English by Doing
Business in English: Emotional and Self-Assessment Aspects) - the paper was
read in English
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. National Mining University. International
Scholarly and Practical Conference “Issues and Prospects of Innovational
Developments in the Economy of Ukraine.
March 2005
USA. Clarksville, TN. 2005 TNTESOL Conference “inSPIREing excellence &
March 2005
March 2005
May 2004
April 2004
May 2003
February 2003
October 2002
March 2002
March 2002
aSPIREing to success” (Creative Writing in EFL: Why and How?) - the paper
was read in English.
USA. Clarksville, TN. 2005 TNTESOL Conference “inSPIREing excellence &
aSPIREing to success” (Plenary Address: EFL in Ukraine: New Ideas and
Vistas, Old Fetters) - the paper was read in English.
USA. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee. Linguistics Lecture Series.
(Creative Writing in EFL: Why and How?) - the paper was read in English
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. Dnipropetrovsk National University. Regional
Scholarly Conference “Innovative technologies in theory and practice of
foreign language teaching”
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. Dnipropetrovsk National University. International
Scholarly and Practical Conference “New horizons and perspectives of
philological science and pedagogical practice” - the paper was read in English
Austria, Vienna. 17th IATEFL BESIG International Conference (Immersion
into Finances: Teaching Finances or Teaching Business English?) - the paper
was read in English
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics of Law.
International Conference “Teaching Business English in Eastern Europe: Why
and How?” - the paper was read in English
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. Dnipropetrovsk National University. The 10th
International Conference "France and Ukraine, Scholarly and Practical
Experience in the Context of Dialogue of National Cultures"
Kyiv. The European University. 2003. All-Ukrainian Scholarly-Practical
Conference “Lingua-Methodological Concepts of Teaching Foreign Languages
in Ukrainian Non-Linguistic Tertiary Schools” (Principles of Teaching
Business English to Students of Tertiary Schools of Economics)
Rotterdam. The Netherlands. 16th IATEFL BESIG International Conference
(Business English as a “Super-Language” – Sequence and Principles of
Teaching) - the paper was read in English
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law.
The International Scholarly and Practical Conference “The European Choice
of Ukraine: Issues of Theory and Practice of Implementation” (the paper was
read in English)
Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. The National Mining University. IATEFL Ukraine.
English for Specific Purposes SIG and Business English SIG Joint Conference
“Specific Purposes – Common Purposes (“Innovative Coursebook for Business
English Learners” - the paper was read in English)
Ukraine. Kyiv. Conference Marking the 10th Anniversary of Fulbright Program
in Ukraine ("What Variety of English to Teach in Ukraine?") - the paper was
read in English
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law.
International Conference "Innovative Approaches to Teaching Foreign
Languages and Cultures in the New Millennium" - the paper was read in
Athens. Greece. 23rd Annual TESOL Greece Convention "Broadening
Horizons in ELT" ("Classroom Business: Six Features of Business English
Coursebook Design") - the paper was read in English
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. Dnipropetrovsk State Finance and Economics
Institute. Joint Seminar of Foreign Language Teachers of Tertiary Schools
"Innovative Technologies of Teaching Foreign Languages"
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. The National University. The Regional Conference
"Teaching Foreign Languages in the 21st Century: Trends and Prospects of
October 2001
October 2001
May 2001
May 2001
FebruaryMarch 2001
August 2000
July 2000
April 2000
October 1999
May 1999
April 1999
May 1998
Switzerland. Berne. 14th IATEFL BESIG International Conference ("Let's Play
Business: A Business English Coursebook Concept") - the paper was read in
*Ukraine. Kyiv. The National University. The Institute of International
Relations. The 5th Jubilee International Conference "Strategies and Methods of
Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes" (the paper was read in English)
Ukraine. Kyiv. The Fulbright Conference "Introduction to Ukrainian
Education" - speaker in the Round Table "Current Educational Situation and
Educational Reform: Concepts, Aims, Priorities, and Perspectives" (the paper
was read in English)
Ukraine. Vinnitsa. The State Polytechnic University. The ScholarlyMethodological Conference "The Issues of a Coursebook for Higher Schools"
("Composite Structure, Continuous Simulation, and Project Method as the
Foundation of a Business English Coursebook for Higher Schools")
Ukraine. Kyiv. The Third Fulbright Conference "Scholar, Teacher, Civic
Leader: From Chance to Choice" - speaker in the discussion "Challenges of
Preparing and Giving a Lecture" (the paper was read in English)
USA. St. Louis. TESOL 2001 "Gateway to the Future" ("EFL Teachers'
Professional Development Through Technology") - the paper was read in
Ukraine. Kyiv State Linguistic University. UNESCO International Scientific
Conference "Linguapax - VIII" ("Etiquette Communicative Behavior and
Teaching it in Foreign Language Programs")
Finland. Helsinki. ESSE5-2000 Conference (European Society for the Studies
of English) - panelist in the "Creative Writing" seminar
*France. Paris. XXe Congres de la Federation des Professeurs de Langues
Vivantes (the paper was read in English)
Ukraine. Rivne. The Economic-Humanitarian Institute. The International
Scholarly and Practical Conference "Economic and Humanitarian Issues of
Society Development in the Third Millennium"("International Business
Communication: Aspects of Teaching")
USA. Indianapolis, Indiana TESOL 1999, 21st Annual Conference "Reading
and Writing: Putting the Pieces Together" ("Making Writing Fun") - the paper
was read in English
*Ukraine. Ternopil. The State Pedagogical University. International ScholarlyPractical Conference "Foreign Languages Today and Tomorrow"
*Ukraine. Kyiv. The National University. The Institute of International
Relations. The 4th International Conference "Strategies and Methods of
Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes" (the paper was read in English)
Ukraine. Odesa State University. The International Scholarly-Practical
Conference Devoted to the Memory of Doctor of Pedagogy Professor V.L.
Skalkin ("Goals and Tasks of Teaching Oral Communication in a Foreign
Language to the lst Year Technical Students")
Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. The National Mining University of Ukraine.
"Innovative Approaches to Teaching English". The Second International
Conference ("Project English for Increasing the Efficiency of Teaching
English to Adults" and "Project Method in Teaching English" - the papers were
read in English)
*Ukraine. Zaporizhia State University. The 4th All-Ukrainian Scholarly
Conference" New Approaches to Philology at Tertiary Schools"
Poland. Krakow. IATEFL Learner Independence Event "Focusing on Learning
April 1998
April 1998
April 1998
October 1997
July 1997
May 1997
April 1997
January 1997
June 1996
June 1996
May 1996
January 1996
October 1995
June 1995
May 1995
May 1995
Rather than Teaching -Why and How?" ("Learner Autonomy in Intensive
Programme of English for Business Purposes" - the paper was read in English)
*Great Britain. Manchester. IATEFL 32nd International Annual Conference
(the paper was read in English)
*Ukraine. Lviv State University "Lviv Polytechnics". The 3d International
Conference "Computer Linguistics and Teaching Foreign Languages at a
Higher School"
*Ukraine. Kriviy Rig. The First International Conference "Science and
Education '98"
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. The National Mining University of Ukraine.
"Modern Techniques in Teaching English". The International Conference,
devoted to the 100th anniversary of the National Mining University (the paper
was read in English)
France. Paris. XVIth International Congress of Linguists. ("CommunicativeAnalytic Approach to Intensive Teaching/Learning of English in the Ukraine"
- the paper was read in English)
*Ukraine. Kyiv State University. The Institute of International Relations. The
3d International Conference "Strategies and Methods of Teaching Languages
for Specific Purposes" (the paper was read in English)
Great Britain. Brighton. IATEFL 31st International Annual Conference
("Intensive English Programmes for Adults and Adolescents in the Ukraine" poster presentation in English)
*Russia. Voronezh State University. The 4th Annual TESOL/Russia
Conference "The Pleasures and Joys of TESOL" (the paper was read in
*Ukraine. Melitopol State Pedagogical Institute. The 3d All-Ukrainian
Scholarly Conference "New Approaches to Philology at Tertiary Schools"
*Spain. Barcelona. Universitat de Barcelona, Institut Europeu de Programes
d'Immersio. III European Conference on Immersion Programmes (the paper
was read in English)
*Ukraine. Donetsk State University. The Jubilee Regional Scholarly and
Methodological Conference "Methodological Concepts of Teaching Foreign
Languages at a Higher School"
Russia Moscow State University. TESOL/Russia Conference & Exposition
"Global Community: EFL in an Evolving World" ("Similarities and
Differences in Teaching English in the USA and Ukraine" - the paper was read
in English)
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk State University. The 3d International Conference
"France and Ukraine, Scholarly and Practical Experience in the Context of
Dialogue of National Cultures" (the paper was read in French)
*Ukraine. Lviv State University "Lviv Polytechnics" The 2nd International
Conference "Lexicographic and Methodological Concepts of Teaching Foreign
Languages at a Higher Technical School" (the paper was read in English)
The USA. New York City. New York State Teachers of English to Speakers of
Other Languages Annual Conference ("Intensive Teaching of Everyday and
Business English in Ukraine" - the paper was read in English)
*Ukraine. Donetsk. The Jubilee Republican Conference "Lingua-Didactic
Concepts of Teaching Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes"
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk State University. The Second International
Conference "France and Ukraine. Scholarly and Practical Experience in the
Context of Dialogue of National Cultures"
*Russia. Nizhny Novgorod. TESOL/Russia. The Second Annual Convention
April 1995
April 1995
June 1994
May 1994
January 1994
June 1993
January 1993
May 1992
October 1991
June 1991
June 1991
May 1991
February 1991
(the paper was read in English)
*Ukraine. Kyiv State University. The Institute of International Relations. The
Second International Conference "Lingua-Methodological Concepts of
Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes"
*Ukraine. Lviv. Ivan Franko State University. IATEFL - Ukraine Second
Conference - 1995 "English Language Teaching in Ukraine: Past - Imperfect,
Present - Indefinite, Future-?" (the paper was read in English)
*Ukraine. Poltava Medical and Stomatological Institute. The International
Conference "Linguistic and Methodological Issues of Teaching a Foreign
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk State University. The lst International Conference
"Language, Culture, Literature, and Philosophy of France. The Experience of
Higher Schools in Ukraine and Other CIS Countries"
*Ukraine. Lviv State University "Lviv Polytechnics". The lst International
Scholarly Conference "Lexicographic and Methodological Concepts of
Teaching Foreign Languages at a Higher Technical School"
*Russia. Moscow State University. International Conference of Teachers of
English to Speakers of Other Languages Held by Moscow Association of
Applied Linguistics (the paper was read in English)
*Ukraine. Odesa Polytechnic Institute. Scholarly and Methodological
Conference "Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Foreign Language Teaching
at a Higher Technical School"
Russia. Moscow. All-Russian Extra-Mural Institute of Finances and
Economics. Conference "Psychological and Pedagogical Fundamentals of
Teaching Foreign Languages at an Extra-Mural Tertiary School" ("Teaching
English Extra-Murally: Practical Experience" - read in Discussion)
*Ukraine. Melitopol State Pedagogical Institute. The All-Ukrainian Scholarly
Conference "New Approaches to Philology at Tertiary Schools"
*Ukraine. Kyiv State University. The Institute of International Relations.
International Scholarly Conference "Issues of Languages for Specific
Purposes, Scientific and Professional Communication"
*Uzbekistan. Tashkent. The Uzbekistan Association of Translators and
Foreign Language Teachers. The International Conference "Foreign
Languages in Specialist's Research Work"
*Russia. Naltchik. Kabardino-Balkarian State University.The Eighth Regional
Conference "Model of Foreign Language Teaching to Senior Students"
*Russia. Voronezh Polytechnic Institute. The Fifth Scholarly and Practical
Conference "Technical Translation and Information Basis of Scientific and
Technical Progress"
*Ukraine. Kharkiv Institute of Municipal Engineers. The Republican Scholarly
and Methodological Conference "Issues of Improving Teaching Foreign
Languages as a Means of International Communication"
Russia. Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute. The All-Union Seminar "ProblemSolving Teaching of Languages for National and International
Communication" ("Solving Problems When Working with a Text in a Foreign
Russia. Moscow. The All-Union Extra-Mural Railway Transport Engineers
Institute. The Scholarly and Methodological Conference "Methodological
Fundamentals of Using Computers in Teaching-Learning Process"
("Computer-Assisted Development and Reinforcement of Grammatical Skills
When Teaching in the Conditions of a Tertiary Level Non-Linguistic School")
*Russia. Sverdlovsk House of Science and Technology. The Second Zonal
October 1990
October 1989
June 1989
May 1989
June 1987
April 1986
January 1986
June 1985
June 1985
April 1984
Scholarly and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Translation"
*Russia. Kuybyshev Railway Transport Engineers Institute. Railway Tertiary
Schools' Theoretical and Practical Conference "Experience and Results of
Training Railway Engineers in Accordance with Requirements of Scientific
and Technical Progress in Railway Transport"
*Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk. Technical Translators' Association. Regional
conference "Scientific-Technical Information and Scientific-Technical
Translation in the Conditions of Operating on the Profitability Basis"
Russia. Saint-Petersbourg Railway Transport Engineers Institute. The
Scholarly and Methodological Conference "Perestroika and the Issues of
Humanitarianization in Training Engineers" ("Personal Orientation as the
Basis of Humanizing Foreign Language Teaching at a Higher Technical
Russia. Perm Polytechnic Institute. The All-Union Seminar of Foreign
Language Teachers from Tertiary Non-Linguistic Schools "Exercise System in
a Professionally Oriented Foreign Language Teaching at a Tertiary School"
("Intensifying Exercising for Teaching Professionally Oriented Oral
Communication in English in the Conditions of a Higher Technical School")
*Ukraine. Tchernivtsy State University. The Scholarly Seminar "Automatic
Analysis, Translation, Teaching Text Comprehension"
Russia. Moscow Railway Transport Engineers Institute. Scholarly and
Practical Conference "Lingua-Statistical Data as the Basis of Intensifying
Foreign Language Teaching/Learning Process" ("Using Technical Appliances
for Intensifying Foreign Language Teaching")
Ukraine. Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. The Republican Scholarly and
Methodological Conference "Activization of Students' Cognitive Activity in
the Course of Their Studies at a Tertiary School" ("Activization of Students in
the Process of Learning English at a Higher Technical School")
Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk State University. January Seminar of the Romanic
and Germanic Languages Department of the Philological Division "Issues of
Communicative Teaching of Foreign Language Communication Activities"
("Ways of Implementing Communicativity Principle When Teaching English
at a Railway Educational Institution")
Byelorussia. The Byelorussian Railway Transport Engineers Institute. Seminar
of the Technical Information and Translation Committee of the Railway
Transport Scientific and Technical Society ("Teaching Foreign Languages to
Railway Students Taking into Account the Prospects of Information
Ukraine. Kharkiv Railway Transport Engineers Institute. Seminar "Improving
Structural Logical Schemes of Subjects Taught and Connections Between
Subjects Taught" ("Experience in Designing the Structural Logical Scheme of
the Subject "Foreign Languages" at a Railway Educational Institution").
Ukraine. Kyiv State University. Scholarly and Practical Conference
"Psychology of Learning Russian Linguistic Knowledge and Speech Skills"
("Intensifying Forming Oral Speech Habits and Skills When Studying
Professional Topics in the 2nd Year of a Higher Technical School")
Russia. Chelyabinsk. Scientific and Technical Society of the South-Urals
Railway. Seminar "Experience of Technical Information Bureaus"
("Experience of Students' Translation Bureau Activities at a Railway
Educational Institution")
Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk State University. Regional Scholarly and
Methodological Conference "Ways of Improving Training Specialists Who
April 1984
June 1979
May 1977
Study Without Discontinuing Their Work" ("Improvements in Teaching
English While Working on Professional Topics at the Evening-Studies
Russia. Moscow. The All-Union Extra-Mural Railway Transport Engineers
Institute. The Conference on Issues of Foreign Language Teaching/Learning
Process Intensification in the System of Extra-Mural Training of Railway
Transport Specialists ("Methods of Intensifying Learning English in the lst
Year of Study - Evening-Time Education System")
Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk Chemical and Technological Institute. Seminar
Devoted to the Issue of Foreign Language Teaching Methods in Higher
Learning Institutions of the Ukrainian SSR and the Moldavian SSR ("Using
Technical Appliances for Making Grammatically Correct English Speech
Ukraine. Odesa Polytechnic Institute. Scholarly and Methodological
Conference of Ukrainian Higher School Teachers and Professors on the Issues
of Efficiency of New Methods and Technical Appliances for Learning
("Methods of Using Technical Appliances for Developing Students'
Grammatically Correct English Speech")
Russia. Omsk Railway Transport Engineers Institute. The Scholarly and
Methodological Seminar "Ways of Improving Foreign Language Teaching in
Railway Transport Tertiary Educational Institutions" ("Increasing Students'
Passive Vocabulary as a Means of Increasing the Efficiency of Teaching
Reading in English at Higher Technical Schools")
Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk State University. The Fifth Scholarly and
Methodological Conference Devoted to Extra-Mural and Evening-Time
Education ("Methodology of Using the Film-Strip "Industry, Science, and
Technological Progress in the USSR" for Foreign Language Teaching")