Research 6 Trait Rubric Name ___________________________________ Ideas/Content x 7 4 The message is very clear and is supported by multiple layers of interesting and important ideas and details. Clear, focused thesis Content (the message) is logical, varied, effective and supports the 4 thesis Concrete details are relevant, sentence 4 accurate, and support the topic Commentary effectively explains concrete details’ relevance to the Commentary draws from knowledge and/or experience and shows Includes quotations and paraphrasing from thesis insight a variety of sources Text notes and citations properly used 3 3 Organization x 6 The message is clear and is supported by layers of adequate ideas and details. 3 Clear, focused persuasive thesis Content (the message) is adequately logical, varied, effective and Concrete details are mostly relevant, mostly supports the thesis accurate, and support the topic sentence Commentary adequately explains concrete details’ relevance to the Commentary adequately draws from knowledge and/or experience Adequately includes quotes and paraphrasing from thesis and shows insight a variety of sources The writing is well organized and easy to follow. 4 The introduction is clever or unusual and pulls the reader in Concrete details and commentary are sequenced in an intentional way that makes sense Transitions are interesting and sound natural. Paragraphing is equally proportioned The introduction pulls the reader in Concrete details and commentary are sequenced in a way that makes sense Transitions are plain and simple 3 Paragraphing is adequately proportioned The conclusion wraps up the writing in a satisfying way Text notes and citations adequately used 2 The message may be unclear and/or some supporting ideas and details are missing or confusing. Inadequate thesis Content (the message) is not logical, varied, effective enough to 2 support the thesis Concrete details are not relevant, the topic sentence 2 accurate, and/or do not support Commentary ineffectively explains concrete details’ relevance to the Commentary does not draw from knowledge and/or experience and thesis does not show insight Does not include quotes and paraphrasing from a variety of sources (if applicable) Does not include text notes and citations properly used 1 1 The message is unclear and/or supporting ideas and details are missing. No thesis Content (the message) is illogical and not focused Concrete details are not present, irrelevant, inaccurate, and/or do not support the topic sentence Commentary is not present Quotes and paraphrasing are not present ; or plagiarism is evident Text notes and citations are not used 1 An attempt has been made to organize the writing. The introduction has been attempted. The sequencing of information and/or events does not always make sense. Some transitions don’t fit or are missing. Paragraphing is inadequately proportioned Word Choice x3 The writer behind the writing is clearly seen. 4 Tone is appropriate for the audience and purpose Writing shows confidence and personality Precise, interesting and vivid words effectively convey the message. Words are specific, precise, and appropriate for the task. Powerful words strengthen and clarity the paper. The introduction is missing The sequencing of information and/or events is scrambled Transitions are missing The conclusion is missing 4 The sentences are clear, varied and easy to read. expressive. One idea flows easily into the next. Sentences begin in many different ways. construction throughout the piece of writing. Grammar is used appropriately. third person point of view Uses 2 There is a sense of the writer behind the writing. Tone is mostly appropriate for the audience and purpose Writing shows some personality 3 Spelling is nearly perfect. All paragraphs are indented. Editing and proofreading is evident and the work is publication-ready When necessary, MLA documentation is excellent Most words are specific, precise, and appropriate for the task. The writing is generally smooth Capitalization is correct most of Most of the sentences begin in Punctuation is used correctly are occasionally present, but some may be ordinary. 3 Punctuation is used correctly. 3 Powerful words The sentences are clear, readable, and smooth with just a bump or two. Capitalization is correct. Words are carefully chosen so the message gets across. and readable. different ways and are different lengths. most of the time. Most words are spelled There may be a sentence correctly. Most paragraphs are indented. Editing and proofreading are Grammar is used appropriately evident most of the time. Written in third person Minor errors, though noticeable, do not interrupt the reading. the time. fragment, a run-on sentence or a few choppy, short sentences. The feelings of the writer are evident When necessary, MLA documentation is adequate. There is limited sense of the writer behind the writing. Tone has limited sense audience and purpose. The feelings of the somewhat evident. Errors are so few and so minor that they may be overlooked, even in complex writing. Writer takes some risks by revealing who s/he is and what s/he thinks Writing shows personality. Conventions x3 4 The writing is smooth and Sentences vary in length and Writer takes risks by revealing who s/he is and what s/he thinks 2 of limited writer Words convey the message with little strength or precision. Several words may be misused. Words are ordinary or repetitive—no powerful words are used (may include slang or clichés). Written in first or third person for the most part 2 The conclusion has been attempted. The writing is unorganized and difficult to follow. Period __________ Sentence Fluency x3 exclusively, but does not sound dry/monotone The conclusion wraps up the writing in a unique and compelling way. Organization is present and the writing is easy to follow most of the time. Score ____________ Voice x3 Some of the sentences are smooth and some are hard to read. 2 Errors may make the writing difficult to read or understand in places. Some capital letters are missing In some places, it is hard to tell where one sentence stops and the next one begins. or not used correctly. Some punctuation is missing or Most sentences start the same way. not used correctly. Many words are misspelled. Some paragraphs are indented. Editing and proofreading are There are several fragments, run-on sentences, or many short, choppy sentences. lacking. Grammar is used appropriately some of the time. When necessary, MLA. documentation less than adequate. 1 There is no sense of the writer behind the writing. Tone is inappropriate for audience. Lacks originality Personality of the writer is not seen. The feelings of the writer are not evident Not entirely written in third or first person (“you” issue”) 1 Words are boring, misused, or unclear. Words are often misused. The wording is vague, ordinary or repetitive (may include slang or clichés). 1 This is hard to read. The reader can’t tell one sentence from another. Sentences structure does not vary. Sentences are incomplete. Frequent grammatical errors interrupt the reading. 1 Many errors make the writing almost impossible to read. Capital letters are frequently missing or rarely used correctly. Punctuation is frequently missing or misused. Misspellings make the work difficult to understand. There is no indenting. Editing and proofreading are not apparent. MLA documentation is not present.