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DRAFT Process for National Clinic Type List for the

Choose and Book Directory of Services


Choose and Book



Clare Mitchell

John Rahtz

Arun Gupta/Luke

Davie/Steph reid

28/10/2004 Status Version 0.5

Process for National Clinic Type List for

Choose and Book

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National Clinic Type List for the Choose and Book Directory of Services

Amendment History:









Amendment History



Final version with comments from AG, TD and working group


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National Clinic Type List for the Choose and Book Directory of Services





Purpose ............................................................................................................. 4


Background ....................................................................................................... 4


Overview of Specialty and Clinic Type ............................................................... 5


Structure and Process for the Clinic Type list .................................................... 5


Ownership ................................................................................................. 5


Development and review of the lists ........................................................... 6


Establish a process for the notification of changes ..................................... 6


Future development considerations ........................................................... 7


Diagram of Process for adding and activating items on lists ....................... 8

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National Clinic Type List for the Choose and Book Directory of Services



1. Purpose

This document details recommendations for a process to develop and maintain a national Choose and Book Clinic Type list.

2. Background

‘Specialty’ and ‘clinic type’ form two lists which categorise clinical services so that referring clinicians using Choose and Book may more easily locate appropriate services when referring and booking patients. Services registered in the Directory of Services (DoS) are mapped to both clinic types and specialties.

The term ‘clinic type’ replaces previous terms ‘sub-specialty’ and ‘subcategory’.

In this document t he term ‘specialty’ is used interchangeably with the term

‘treatment function’ following the standard for Patient Administration System

(PAS) suppliers identified in DSCN 26/2003.

It is vital that both these lists are fit for purpose for Choose and Book. As a result of a meeting of the National Choose and Book Clinic Type Working

Group (July 20 th 2004), the following recommendations were made:

1. Continue using the national treatment function list as master reference list from which to derive any candidates for 'specialty' drop list in

Choose and Book.

2. Set up a review of the existing sub-specialty list and combine it with the current clinic type list produced by Early Adopters (EAs) to create a master reference list for all 'clinic types'.

3. Establish future meetings of a Working Group to provide an interface between the NHS, the manager of the

account and National Clinical Reference Panel.

4. Agree and develop a process for the management of the Clinic Type list and a mechanism to inform the national specialty/treatment function list.

This document deals with point 4, and when the process is up and running it will cover off point 3.

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National Clinic Type List for the Choose and Book Directory of Services

3. Overview of Specialty and Clinic Type



Specialties list

The development of the specialties list is the responsibility of the NHS

Information Standards Board (ISB). The current list of specialties in Choose and Book is a subset of treatment functions from the national treatment function list. As each Early Adopter and Early Implementer goes live in a new specialty the list in the Choose and Book application is expanded accordingly by taking the required treatment functions from the ISB maintained list and adding into the DoS. When defining their services in the DoS, Early Adopters and Early Implementers must use the national treatment function list as the master reference list against which to match their services.

Clinic type list

The development of the clinic type list is the responsibility of the Booking and

Choice Programme. Unlike the specialties list, the clinic type list that was developed for go live was not determined by a master reference list. Instead the list of clinic types used for go live in Choose and Book was produced by the Early Adopter sites by combining their suggestions for the most useful clinic type names. This list has formed the beginnings of a national list for the

NHS to categorise their services in the Directory of Services.

When additions to the list are requested by the NHS it is important that new terms are only added where necessary, that multiple terms do not exist for what is essentially the same clinic type, that a maximum number of clinic types is set, that any requests for additions/changes are managed effectively and the results communicated to the NHS.

4. Structure and Process for the Clinic Type list

4.1. Ownership

The clinic type list will be owned by the Choose and Book Clinical Reference

Panel. The Clinic Reference Panel will review, authorise and ratify the national

Clinic type list based on the recommendations of the Working Group, which performs the short listing and administrative support to the list.

The national specialties/treatment function list is not owned by the Choose and Book Clinic Reference Panel. If required the Choose and Book Clinical

Reference Panel will request changes to national specialties/treatment function list through the NHS Information Standards Board and the Working

Group will link with the National Treatment Function Maintenance Group established by the NHS Information Authority.

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National Clinic Type List for the Choose and Book Directory of Services

4.2. Development and review of the lists



Any requests for new clinic types or changes to the clinic type list should be sent to

and must include the rationale for the addition/change together with contact details of the originator of the request as further information/discussions may be required to inform the decisions of the National Clinical Reference Panel. A form is provided with this document for this purpose.

The Clinic Type Working group will comprised of representatives from the

NHS Information Standards Board, Choose and Book Implementation

Reference Group, Choose and Book design team, implementation team,

Choose and Book clinicians and representatives from Early Adopters, Early

Implementers and clusters.

The group will review the current clinic type list to rationalise, develop clear terminology, consolidate similar and duplicate terms and limit any unnecessary proliferation of terms. The group will also review the current specialty list to ensure it is fit for purpose for Choose and Book.

The group will monitor and consider requests for additions and changes from the Service as collated or escalated by the manager of the


The group will meet monthly initially. The timing of meetings will be geared around the preparation of advice to the Clinical Reference Panel, which usually meets during the first week of every month. The need to meet may change during the course of the programme. It is envisaged that there will be periods where there are more change requests to the list e.g. as Wave 1 Early

Implementers prepare for first go live or when Early Adopters collectively go live in a new specialty etc. The frequency of meetings will be adjusted accordingly and the originators of requests for additions/changes to the list will be informed when their request is to be discussed by the Clinical Reference


The working group will prepare recommended additions, consider the removal or consolidation of terms and escalate any issues to the Clinical Reference


4.3. Establish a process for the notification of changes

The current clinic type list will be made available on the Choose and

Book website :


They will be version controlled and clearly show the date of any change, what specialties and clinic types have been changed/added etc.

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National Clinic Type List for the Choose and Book Directory of Services



The posting of amended lists to the website will be also communicated to the NHS via a communiqué from the Booking and

Choice Team of NPfIT.

After go-live, any changes agreed to the list will also occur directly in the Choose and Book application.

4.4. Future development considerations

It is assumed that after an initial period of rapid development and change as more adopters prepare for and begin to implement Choose and Book, the content of the list will be come more stable.

At some point the process for updating the list may be more suitably managed by other bodies and communicated through existing mainstream means (e.g.


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National Clinic Type List for the Choose and Book Directory of Services


4.5. Diagram of Process for adding and activating items on lists




Reference List

(pre-approved specialties)

Early Adopter / Early

Implementer plans to build a local service in DoS

EAs/EIs match service against existing

Treatment Function and

Clinic Type Reference

Lists on the Choose and

Book website

Clinic Type

Reference List

(pre-approved clinic types)


Clinic Type already on reference list?



Function already on reference list?

Send email to

- Complete Request Form including suggested new

Clinic Type and supporting rationale for its inclusion

Send email to

- Complete Request Form including intended go live date to activate this

Treatment Function



I s there another

Treatment Function suitable for new local



Start appeal process for new treatment function via

NCRP member filters requests received from


Decision recommendation made?


Escalated to

Working Group for approval

Escalated to

Working Group for discussion and resolution


Yes recommendation made?

Working Group escalates to

NCRP for approval


Working Group escalates to

NCRP for discussion and resolution

New Clinic Type approved and added to Reference List

New Clinic Type activated


1) Sends notification to person who submitted the request

2) Requests Design team to have new Clinic

Type(s) added to national application

3) Requests Implementation team to update

Clinic Type list on

Choose and Book website and to cascade message re update of list to Clusters via communiqué

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