Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 1 APPENDIX A – CLIMATE VARIATION 2 Temperature and rainfall show marked variations among cohorts (Figure A1). Only temperature 3 during June showed a significant temporal increase (F1,15 = 16.94, p = 0.0009, + 0.29 °C ± 0.07 s.e. per 4 year, see Figure A1). The temporal autocorrelation coefficients of the time series for temperature and 5 rainfall were weak and non significant (p > 0.05). Furthermore, correlations of temperature and 6 rainfall data between life stages within a given birth cohort were usually small (Table A1). 7 8 24 Figure A1. Climate conditions were 10 calculated for each birth cohort at 11 distinct life stages of the common lizard 12 as defined in Figure 1. For the ease of 13 visualization, we represent here only 14 the data for mid-gestation and early 15 juvenile stages. (A) Means of maximum 16 daily 17 exceptionally warm summer for the 18 cohort born in 2003 and the warming 19 trend 20 Cumulative rainfall for birth cohorts (A) 22 Mean temperature (°C) 9 20 18 16 14 12 Mid-gestation stage Early juvenile stage 10 8 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Birth cohort temperatures; note the 350 (B) during mid-gestation. (B) 21 from 1988 to 2004; note the large 22 temporal variation in rainfall during 23 mid-gestation. Cumulative rainfall (mm) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Birth cohort 24 25 1 Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 26 Table A1. Pairwise correlations of temperature (TP) and rainfall (RF) data between life stages within 27 birth cohorts (upper triangular matrix: Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, lower 28 triangular matrix: sample size). Significant correlations are bolded. Life stages are numbered 29 according to notations defined in Figure 1: 1 = conception, 2 = mid-gestation, 3 = early juvenile, 4= 30 late juvenile, 5 = sub adult and 6 = adult. Bolded correlations are significant without correction for 31 multiple testing (p < 0.05). 32 TP1 TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP5 TP6 RF1 RF2 RF3 RF4 RF5 RF6 0.153 0.377 -0.042 -0.258 0.327 0.015 0.065 -0.293 -0.194 0.052 0.290 0.354 0.458 0.462 0.181 -0.270 -0.636 0.114 -0.376 -0.380 0.207 -0.075 -0.204 -0.273 -0.279 -0.075 -0.480 -0.092 0.085 -0.156 0.679 0.176 0.302 -0.108 0.404 -0.315 -0.667 -0.240 0.337 0.085 0.197 0.464 -0.336 -0.370 -0.614 -0.105 0.276 0.041 0.195 -0.107 -0.372 0.208 -0.231 -0.275 -0.048 -0.251 -0.067 -0.104 0.078 -0.451 -0.066 -0.120 0.190 -0.036 -0.001 TP2 16 TP3 16 16 TP4 15 15 15 TP5 14 14 14 14 TP6 13 13 13 13 13 RF1 16 16 16 15 14 13 RF2 16 16 16 15 14 13 16 RF3 16 16 16 15 14 13 16 16 RF4 15 15 15 15 14 13 15 15 15 RF5 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 RF6 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 2 -0.070 13 NA Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 33 APPENDIX B – ADULT GROWTH AND REPRODUCTIVE TRAITS 34 Table B1. Cohort variation in adult body size (55 individuals from 13 cohorts). Results are 35 from the minimum adequate mixed effects linear model. F- indicates the low-density site and 36 M indicates males. Fixed effects Estimate ± s.e. F ndf,ddf P value Age (years) 5.36 ± 0.87 37.91,124 <.0001 Age^2 -0.35 ± 0.09 15.61,124 .0001 Sex M: -6.78 ± 1.36 24.71,41 <.0001 Random effects Estimate [95% CI] LRT test P value Cohort identity 1.34 [0.72, 2.49] 25.09 <.0001 Female identity in cohort 1.70 [1.21, 2.39] 19.65 <.0001 Residuals 2.33 [2.06, 2.64] 37 38 39 Table B2. Cohort variation in parturition dates (453 females from 13 cohorts). Results are 40 from the minimum adequate mixed effects linear model. Fixed effects Estimate ± s.e. F ndf,ddf P value Female SVL -0.50 ± 0.07 48.671,128 <.0001 Current temperature -1.33 ± 0.32 17.641,128 <.0001 Current rainfall 0.013 ± 0.005 6.151,128 0.0145 Random effects Estimate [95% CI] LRT test P value Cohort identity 2.91 [1.78, 4.76] 45.65 <.0001 Female identity in cohort 3.04 [2.27, 4.09] 11.47 <.0001 Residuals 4.67 [4.16, 5.26] 41 3 Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 42 Table B3. Cohort variation in reproductive failures (proportion of unviables eggs within a 43 clutch, 314 females from 14 cohorts). Results are from the minimum adequate mixed effects 44 generalized linear model with a logit link and binomial distribution of error terms. Fixed effects Estimate ± s.e. z test P value Current mid-gestation rainfall 0.004 ± 0.001 2.73 0.006 Random effects Estimate [95% CI] LRT test P value Cohort identity 0 - - Female identity in cohort 2.33 Not available - Residuals 0.82 45 46 47 Table B4. Cohort variation in post-parturition body condition (body mass controlled for body 48 length, 314 females from 14 cohorts). F- indicates the low-density site. Fixed effects Estimate ± s.e. F ndf,ddf P value Female SVL 0.066 ± 0.008 68.561,124 <.0001 Age 0.227 ± 0.006 15.451,124 .0001 Age^2 -0.025 ± 0.007 12.391,124 .0006 Habitat F-: -1.169 ± 0.546 4.581,124 .03 SVL × Habitat F-: 0.043 ± 0.010 5.381,124 .02 Current mid-gestation temperature 0.043 ± 0.010 18.71,124 <0.0001 Random effects Estimate [95% CI] LRT test P value Cohort identity 0.017 [0.00003, 8.08] 0.11 .74 Female identity in cohort 0.193 [0.151, 0.248] 18.47 <.0001 Residuals 0.258 [0.229, 0.291] 49 4 Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 50 APPENDIX C – STATISTICAL MODELS FOR MARK-RECAPTURE ANALYSES 51 Statistical models for juveniles 52 The recapture history file encompassed 4370 individuals and 12 birth cohorts (1989-1995, 1998- 53 2002). We excluded the 1996 and 1997 birth cohorts since sub-adults were not searched in June-July 54 1998, and included one dummy variable (habitat F+), capture effort, two individual covariate (size at 55 birth and birth date) and six climate covariates (rainfall and temperature during conception, past mid- 56 gestation and early juvenile life). Individual, climate, and capture effort covariates were standardized 57 prior to analysis, and time intervals were provided to obtain estimates of monthly survival 58 probabilities. The effect of sex was not included in this analysis since ca. 21% of hatchling born in the 59 laboratory could not be sexed at birth due to logistic failures. This should not be a major problem 60 because male and female juveniles have similar survival probabilities and sensitivities to 61 environmental conditions (Le Galliard et al. 2005, 2006). 62 63 Table C1. Mark-recapture models for age-dependence and cohort variation in capture probabilities (a) 64 and survival probabilities (b and c) of juvenile common lizards. The most parsimonious models 65 according to the AICc are indicated in bold using ΔAICc<2 as a threshold criterion. Notations used in 66 the models: Φ = survival probability, p = capture probability, a = age, a01 = early juvenile stage, a02 = 67 late juvenile stage, cohort = birth cohort, effort = capture effort (number of capture days), ct = 68 constant, linear = linear trend of birth cohort effect, climate = climate covariates (rainfall [rain] and 69 temperature [tp]) during conception [c], gestation [g] and early juvenile life [j], size = snout-vent 70 length at hatching, zone = F+ habitat (dummy variable). Notations “*” and “+” indicate additive and 71 interaction terms, respectively, while “:” indicates that the effect is restricted to a given age class. Model number and name AICc score ΔAICc AICc weight Model likelihood Rank Deviance (a) Selection of a cohort model describing recapture probabilities 1. Φa*cohort pa*cohort # 2. Φa*cohort pa+cohort 3. Φa*cohort pa*effort 6961.25 0.00 1 1 60 6839.85 6992.92 31.66 0 0 50 6891.94 7010.92 49.66 0 0 40 6930.29 5 Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 4. Φa*cohort pcohort 5. Φa*cohort pa 6. Φa*cohort pct 7024.37 63.12 0 0 48 6927.47 7028.62 67.37 0 0 38 6952.05 7051.94 90.68 0 0 37 6977.40 (b) Selection of a cohort model describing survival probabilities 7. Φa01:cohort pa*cohort 8. Φa01:linear pa*cohort 1. Φa*cohort pa*cohort 9. Φa+cohort pa*cohort 10. Φa pa*cohort 11. Φct pa*cohort 12. Φcohort pa*cohort 6955.71 0.00 0.7935 1 49 6856.77 6959.25 3.54 0.1452 0.1703 39 6880.65 6961.25 5.54 0.0496 0.0625 60 6839.85 6962.91 7.20 0.0217 0.0274 49 6863.97 6975.36 19.65 0.0000 0.0001 38 6898.80 7042.21 86.50 0.0000 0.0000 37 6967.67 7048.96 93.25 0 0 48 6952.06 (c) Selection of a covariate model describing survival probabilities 13. Φa01:(raing+rainj+size+birthd) pa*cohort 14. Φa01:(raing+rainj+birthd) pa*cohort 15. Φa01:(size+birthd) pa*cohort 16. Φa01:birthd pa*cohort 17. Φa01:(birthd+zone) pa*cohort 18. Φa01:(raing+rainj+size) pa*cohort 19. Φa01:(raing+rainj) pa*cohort 7. Φa01:cohort pa*cohort 20. Φa01:rainj pa*cohort 21. Φa01:(rainj+rainc) pa*cohort 22. Φa01:(rainj+tpc) pa*cohort 23. Φa01:(rainj+tpj) pa*cohort 24. Φa01:(rainj+tpg) pa*cohort 25. Φa01:tpj pa*cohort 26. Φa01:size pa*cohort 27. Φa01:rainc pa*cohort 28. Φa01:raing pa*cohort 6880.82 0.00 1.0000 1.0000 42 6796.13 6900.63 19.81 0.0001 0.0001 41 6817.97 6906.49 25.67 0.0000 0.0000 40 6825.86 6923.91 43.09 0.0000 0.0000 39 6845.31 6932.75 51.94 0.0000 0.0000 40 6852.13 6944.83 64.01 0.0000 0.0000 41 6862.17 6952.59 71.78 0.0000 0.0000 40 6871.97 6955.71 74.89 0.0000 0.0000 49 6856.77 6956.74 75.92 0.0000 0.0000 39 6878.14 6956.98 76.16 0.0000 0.0000 40 6876.35 6957.62 76.80 0.0000 0.0000 40 6876.99 6958.07 77.25 0.0000 0.0000 40 6877.44 6958.14 77.32 0.0000 0.0000 40 6877.51 6961.57 80.75 0.0000 0.0000 39 6882.98 6970.26 89.44 0.0000 0.0000 39 6891.66 6971.04 90.22 0.0000 0.0000 39 6892.45 6971.47 90.65 0.0000 0.0000 39 6892.88 6 Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 29. Φa01:tpg pa*cohort 30. Φa01:zone pa*cohort 31. Φa01:tpc pa*cohort 32. Φa01:raing pa*cohort 10. Φa pa*cohort 33. Φa01:rainc pa*cohort 72 6972.86 92.04 0.0000 0.0000 39 6894.26 6974.46 93.64 0.0000 0.0000 39 6895.86 6974.84 94.02 0.0000 0.0000 39 6896.24 6982.91 102.09 0.0000 0.0000 39 6904.31 6984.80 103.98 0.0000 0.0000 38 6908.23 6986.44 105.63 0.0000 0.0000 39 6907.85 # Model on which the GOF tests were performed. No evidence of lack of fit was found. 73 74 Statistical models for sub-adults and adults 75 The data set totalized 1058 histories and 11 cohorts (1997 was excluded since we did not search for 76 sub-adults in June-July 1998). Adult males, but not females, were not searched for in 1998 and we 77 therefore fixed the capture probabilities of males to zero in 1998. Fixed parameters were discounted 78 from the model selection procedure. Sexes were treated as separate groups since males and females 79 have distinct life histories (Massot et al. 1992). The analysis also included habitat (F+ or F-) and origin 80 (born in laboratory or in the field) as dummy variables, ten climate covariates (rainfall and temperature 81 during conception, past mid-gestation, early juvenile life and late juvenile life, and sub-adult life), and 82 capture effort (number of days spent in the field). Annual survival probabilities were estimated. 83 84 Table C2. Mark-recapture models for age-dependence and cohort variation in capture probabilities (a) 85 and survival probabilities (b, c and d) of sub-adult and adult common lizards. The most parsimonious 86 models according to the QAICc (over-dispersion coefficient, ĉ = 1.20) are indicated in bold using 87 ΔQAICc<2 as a threshold criterion. Notations used in the models are similar than in Table C1 with the 88 exception of age classification (a1 = sub-adult stage, a2 = age 2 years adult, a2 = age 3 years adult, a2- 89 3 = pooled age 2 and 3 years adult, jl = late juvenile life stage, s = sub-adult life stage), and origin 90 (dummy variable = born in the laboratory). Model number and name QAICc score ΔQAICc QAICc weight Model likelihood Rank QDeviance 1.0000 81 1742.61 (a) Selection of a cohort model describing recapture probabilities 1. Φa*cohort*sex peffort † 1913.70 0.00 0.2176 7 Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 2. Φa*cohort*sex pa+effort † 3. Φa*cohort*sex pa*cohort † 4. Φa*cohort*sex peffort+sex † 5. Φa*cohort*sex pa † 6. Φa*cohort*sex pa*cohort+sex † 7. Φa*cohort*sex pct † 8. Φa*cohort*sex psex † 9. Φa*cohort*sex pa+sex † 10. Φa*cohort*sex pcohort+sex † 11. Φa*cohort*sex pa+cohort † 12. Φa*cohort*sex pa*sex † 13. Φa*cohort*sex pcohort † 14. Φa*cohort*sex pa+cohort+sex † 15. Φa*cohort*sex pcohort+a*sex † 16. Φa*cohort*sex pcohort*sex † 17. Φa*cohort*sex pa+cohort*sex † 18. Φa*cohort*sex pcohort*sex † 19. Φa*cohort*sex pa*cohort*sex #† 1913.80 0.10 0.2074 0.9532 83 1738.24 1914.34 0.64 0.1579 0.7253 108 1681.92 1914.59 0.89 0.1397 0.6420 82 1741.26 1916.47 2.77 0.0546 0.2509 82 1743.14 1916.48 2.78 0.0543 0.2493 109 1681.74 1916.65 2.95 0.0497 0.2285 80 1747.79 1917.42 3.71 0.0340 0.1561 81 1746.32 1917.67 3.97 0.0299 0.1372 83 1742.12 1919.25 5.55 0.0136 0.0624 90 1727.97 1919.36 5.66 0.0128 0.0590 92 1723.56 1919.69 5.99 0.0109 0.0500 85 1739.66 1919.73 6.02 0.0107 0.0492 90 1728.44 1921.33 7.63 0.0048 0.0220 93 1723.27 1923.86 10.16 0.0014 0.0062 95 1721.25 1927.11 13.41 0.0003 0.0012 100 1713.10 1927.13 13.43 0.0003 0.0012 102 1708.54 1927.24 13.54 0.0003 0.0011 100 1713.24 1940.82 27.12 0.0000 0.0000 128 1661.47 (b) Selection of a cohort model describing survival probabilities 20. Φa*cohort+sex peffort 1875.10 0.00 0.8773 1.0000 47 1778.08 21. Φa+cohort+sex peffort 1879.50 4.40 0.0973 0.1109 17 1845.10 22. Φcohort+a*sex peffort 1882.39 7.29 0.0229 0.0261 20 1841.84 23. Φa+cohort*sex peffort 1886.92 11.82 0.0024 0.0027 27 1831.92 24. Φa+sex peffort 1892.79 17.69 0.0001 0.0001 7 1878.72 25. Φa*sex peffort 1895.68 20.58 0.0000 0.0000 10 1875.54 26. Φcohort+sex peffort 1907.64 32.53 0.0000 0.0000 14 1879.36 27. Φsex peffort 1913.40 38.30 0.0000 0.0000 4 1905.37 1. Φa*cohort*sex peffort † 1913.70 38.60 0.0000 0.0000 81 1742.61 28. Φcohort*sex peffort 1917.23 42.12 0.0000 0.0000 24 1868.44 8 Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 29. Φcohort*a peffort 1976.05 100.94 0.0000 0.0000 46 1881.16 30. Φcohort+a peffort 1976.12 101.02 0.0000 0.0000 16 1943.77 31. Φcohort peffort 1981.13 106.03 0.0000 0.0000 13 1954.89 32. Φa peffort 1985.95 110.84 0.0000 0.0000 6 1973.89 33. Φct peffort 1987.10 112.00 0.0000 0.0000 3 1981.09 (c) Selection of a model describing age and cohort-dependent survival probabilities 34. Φa1:cohort+a2-3+sex peffort 35. Φa1:cohort+a2+a3+sex peffort 36. Φa1:cohort+a2:cohort+a3+sex peffort 37. Φa1:cohort*sex+a2-3+sex peffort 20. Φa:cohort+sex peffort 38. Φa1+a2-3+sex peffort 1862.41 0.00 0.6251 1.0000 16 1830.05 1864.45 2.04 0.2249 0.3598 17 1830.05 1865.36 2.95 0.1427 0.2283 27 1810.36 1871.63 9.22 0.0062 0.0100 27 1816.63 1875.10 12.70 0.0011 0.0017 47 1778.08 1890.77 28.37 0.0000 0.0000 6 1878.72 (d) Selection of a covariate model describing survival probabilities 34. Φa1:cohort+a2-3+sex peffort 1862.41 0.0000 0.3614 1 16 1830.05 35. Φa1:(cohort+zone)+a2-3+sex peffort 1863.26 0.8546 0.2357 0.6523 17 1828.86 36. Φa1:cohort+a2-3+a:zone+sex peffort 1864.16 1.7481 0.1508 0.4173 18 1827.71 37. Φa1:cohort+a2-3+zone+sex peffort 1864.41 2.0038 0.1327 0.3672 17 1830.01 38. Φa1:cohort+a2-3+a:origin+sex peffort 1864.62 2.2168 0.1193 0.3301 18 1828.18 39. Φa1:tpc+a2-3+sex peffort 1881.70 19.2904 0.0000 0.0001 7 1867.62 40. Φa1:precs+a2-3+sex peffort 1882.19 19.7781 0.0000 0.0001 7 1868.11 41. Φa1:tpj+a2-3+sex peffort 1887.48 25.0745 0.0000 0 7 1873.41 42. Φa1:rainc+a2-3+sex peffort 1890.05 27.6418 0.0000 0 7 1875.98 38. Φa1+a2-3+sex peffort 1890.77 28.3674 0.0000 0 6 1878.72 43. Φa1:raing+a2-3+sex peffort 1891.09 28.6814 0.0000 0 7 1877.02 44. Φa1:rainj+a2-3+sex peffort 1891.17 28.7604 0.0000 0 7 1877.09 45. Φa1:tpjl+a2-3+sex peffort 1891.62 29.2155 0.0000 0 7 1877.55 46. Φa1:tpg+a2-3+sex peffort 1891.96 29.5550 0.0000 0 7 1877.89 47. Φa1:rainjl+a2-3+sex peffort 1892.36 29.9538 0.0000 0 7 1878.29 48. Φa1:tps+a2-3+sex peffort 1892.73 30.3269 0.0000 0 7 1878.66 9 Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 91 # Model on which the GOF tests were performed. Evidence of a slight lack of fit was found and an over- 92 dispersion coefficient (ĉ = 1.20) was included. 93 † Models for which some of the parameters could not be estimated due to limited data; the number of identifiable 94 parameters was estimated with M-SURGE using a numerical approach (Choquet et al. 2005) 95 96 Table C3. Estimates of the mean, cohort variance and coefficient of variation for sub-adult and adult 97 survival in each sex and age class. Estimates were obtained from the best selected mark-recapture 98 model in Table C2b, which controlled for variation in capture probabilities due to capture effort. 99 Survival was calculated from age 1 to age 2 (Φ1), from age 2 to age 3 (Φ2) and from age 3 to age 4 100 (Φ3) for male and female lizards. Φ1 Φ2 Φ3 Males Females Males Females Males Females 0.30 ± 0.06 0.67 ± 0.06 0.15 ± 0.03 0.57 ± 0.07 0.09 ± 0.02 0.53 ± 0.08 Variance 0.023 0.026 0.002 0.023 0.0008 0.006 [95% CL] [0.006, 0.10] [0.009, 0.10] [-0.006, 0.06] [0.006, 0.10] [-0.001, 0.015] [-0.009, 0.09] 0.50 0.24 0.30 0.27 < 0.01 0.15 Mean (± se) CV 101 102 References cited 103 Choquet, R., A. M. Reboulet, R. Pradel, O. Gimenez, and J. D. Lebreton. 2005. M-SURGE 1.8 User's manual. 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 CEFE, Montpellier, France. Le Galliard, J.-F., R. Ferrière, and J. Clobert. 2005. Juvenile growth and survival under dietary restriction: are males and females equal? Oikos 111:368-376. Le Galliard, J.-F., M. Massot, S. Meylan, M. Landys, and J. Clobert. 2006. Ontogenic sources of variation in sexual size dimorphism in a lizard. Journal of Evolutionary Ecology 19:690-704. Massot, M., J. Clobert, T. Pilorge, J. Lecomte, and R. Barbault. 1992. Density dependence in the common lizard: demographic consequences of a density manipulation. Ecology 73:1742-1756. 111 10 Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 112 APPENDIX D – COHORT COVARIATION BETWEEN LIFE HISTORY TRAITS 113 We calculated the mean and variance of the life history traits for each cohort. We included in this 114 analysis the life history traits that exhibited significant cohort variation: birth date (Date_B, time 115 interval since June 1, normal distribution), size at birth (SVL_B, mm, normal distribution), juvenile 116 growth rate (Growth_J,, normal distribution), early juvenile survival (Surv_J, monthly 117 survival probability, binomial distribution), sub-adult growth rate (Growth_S,, normal 118 distribution), sub-adult survival (Surv_S, annual survival probability, binomial distribution), total 119 clutch size (TCS, log-normal distribution) and adult body size (SVL_A, mm, normal distribution). 120 121 Table D1. Pairwise correlations between life history traits (upper triangular matrix: Pearson’s product 122 moment correlations and p values, diagonal: number of cohorts sampled for each life history trait, 123 lower triangular matrix: Spearman’s rho statistics and p values). Significant correlations are bolded 124 without correction for multiple testing. 125 Date_B Date_B SVL_B Surv_J Growth_J Surv_S Growth_S TCS SVL_A n = 15 0.021 p = 0.939 SVL_B Surv_J Growth_J Surv_S Growth_S TCS SVL_A -0.071 -0.286 0.331 -0.239 0.102 -0.329 -0.464 p = 0.800 p = 0.344 p = 0.248 p = 0.479 p = 0.740 p = 0.297 p = 0.80 0.025 -0.071 -0.035 0.076 0.361 0.414 p = 0.936 p = 0.808 p = 0.918 p = 0.805 p = 0.249 p = 0.180 0.081 0.346 -0.01 -0.19 0.213 p = 0.793 p = 0.297 p = 0.974 p = 0.576 p = 0.530 -0.058 -0.687 0.155 0.051 p = 0.867 p = 0.009 p = 0.649 p = 0.882 -0.001 0.377 -0.143 p = 0.875 p = 0.227 p = 0.659 -0.358 0.076 p = 0.254 p = 0.815 n = 15 -0.286 0.170 p = 0.344 p = 0.572 0.235 -0.288 0.120 p = 0.413 p = 0.318 p = 0.689 -0.264 0.136 0.445 -0.064 p = 0.435 p = 0.683 p = 0.168 p = 0.860 0.143 0.242 -0.093 -0.659 0.035 p = 0.636 p = 0.420 p = 0.765 p = 0.017 p = 0.912 -0.476 0.329 -0.009 0.155 0.322 -0.294 p = 0.121 p = 0.292 p = 0.989 p = 0.644 p = 0.303 p = 0.354 -0.168 0.266 -0.400 0.136 -0.266 0.021 0.626 p = 0.604 p = 0.398 p = 0.225 p = 0.683 p = 0.404 p = 0.957 p = 0.024 n = 13 n = 14 126 11 n = 12 n = 14 n = 13 0.634 p = 0.02 n = 13 Cohort variation, climate effects and population dynamics in a short-lived lizard 127 APPENDIX E – MATRIX PROJECTION MODEL 128 Table E1. Long-term mean (± s.e.) estimates from the field, growth sensitivity and growth elasticity 129 of each vital rate. Sensitivity and elasticity were calculated from an age-structured transition matrix. 130 Estimates are given on the logit scale for proportional data and on the log-normal scale for total clutch 131 size. Bold estimates give values on the natural scale. Vital rate Annual juvenile survival Field estimates 27.9% Sensitivity 0.845 Monthly early survival 0.129 (± 0.126) 0.443 Monthly late survival 2.601 (± 0.141) 2.282 Annual sub-adult survival 65.4% Elasticity 0.244 0.361 0.244 0.512 0.268 0.099 0.244 0.635 (± 0.162) Annual adult survival 50.6% 0.024 (± 0.108) Fecundity 2.361 Total clutch size 1.619 (± 0.363) 0.044 Hatching success 2.380 (± 0.073) 0.258 Sex ratio (% females) -0.087 (± 0.028) 132 12 0.494