May 26, 2004 (Revised February 28, 2005)
1. List the OBJECTIVES of the program.
To assist first-year students in moving successfully into an appropriate
major and college
To facilitate the timely transfer of second-, third-, and fourth-year students
into appropriate majors and degree programs
To work with feeder high schools to ensure that more students will enter
the University ready to succeed
To work with two-year institutions to ensure that transfer students will be
able to move into their desired majors.
2. Explain how the department or program will know the extent to which
OBJECTIVES are achieved (alumni or other surveys, employment data, etc.).
Institutional data and student satisfaction surveys will be used. See # 3-5
3. List the LEARNING OUTCOMES of the program.
Movement of new first-year students into appropriate majors by the
completion of required credit hours.
Transfer of native second-, third, and fourth-year students into appropriate
majors by the time 90 credit hours have been earned.
Decreasing number of second-, third-, and fourth-year native students
assigned to University College.
Students enter WSU ready to succeed.
Quick and seamless movement of transfer students into desired majors.
Enhanced student retention.
4. List and briefly describe the MEASURES that will be used to assess each
learning outcome.
Direct Measures: Institutional data
Indirect Measures: Student surveys
Institutional data showing number and percentage of intended majors with
required credit hours who have entered major department and student
satisfaction surveys will be used to measure the movement of first-year
students into appropriate majors by the completion of required credit hours –
Institutional data showing number and percentage of second, third, and
fourth year student who have entered major department and student
satisfaction surveys will be used to measure timely transfer of second,
third, and fourth-year students into appropriate majors
Institutional data showing number and percentage of second, third, and
fourth-year native students assigned to University College and student
satisfaction surveys will be used to measure the decreasing number of
second, third, and fourth-year native students assigned to University
Institutional data showing academic profile and placement testing results
of entering students will be used to measure readiness of students to
enter WSU ready to succeed.
Institutional data showing number and percentage of transfer students
moving to intended majors will be used to measure the speed and
seamlessness of the movement of transfer students into desired majors.
Institutional data reporting fall-fall retention for new, full-time, direct-fromhigh school students will be used to measure the enhancement of student
5. Describe how learning outcomes are made MEASURABLE and
BENCHMARKS or other determinants of success are set.
Baseline data were collected in 2000-2001. Performance criteria were
defined by the dean and administrative team taking into account these data and
figures reported by other universities (where available). Thus, the following
indicators of success were established:
 40% or more of entering first-year students transfer into a degree-granting
college by the end of their first year.
 20% or fewer first-year students placed in one or more developmental
 Incrementally decrease the number of native second, third and fourth-year
students assigned to University College.
 Increased percentage of transfer students move into their degree-granting
college by the end of their first year.
 A first-year, direct from high school full-time student retention rate of 70%
or above.
6. Describe the process by which FINDINGS will be derived from the measures.
Data will be collected and summarized by the Associate Dean, the Assistant
Dean, and Coordinators and reported to the Dean.
7. Describe the process by which findings are analyzed to determine what
IMPROVEMENTS should be made to better meet objectives and learning
Annual results will be shared with the entire University College staff. Each
Associate Dean, Assistant Dean and Coordinator will convene staff involved to
address results, clarify and implement improvements.
8. Identify a TIMETABLE for assessment.
All outcomes will be assessed annually.
10. Describe how the objectives and learning outcomes of the program are
COMMUNICATED to students and others.
Objectives and outcomes are communicated on the University College website.