Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): PI Name Khoo Student Research Award (KSRA) Application Executive Summary: The Khoo Student Research Award (KSRA) provides funding for basic, clinical and translational research projects to fund Duke-NUS year 3 medical student research projects. The goal is to facilitate greater scientific engagement and learning value in their research year. Up to 5 awards of S$10,000 per award will be funded for a maximum period of 12 months from the date of award. The KSRA Review Committee will review and award proposals. Students receiving the KSRA will present at the Research Core Week symposium after project completion. Purpose/Research Objectives: The KSRA aims to facilitate greater scientific and learning value of students. This award supports a broad variety of hypothesis-driven, basic sciences or patient-oriented research projects. The proposed project must be creative, clearly feasible and likely to lead to a high impact publication. Eligibility: Limited to approved, Duke-NUS faculty mentors of MS-3 Duke-NUS medical students who are working in Singapore. The student and mentor will create the project. The Award is given to the Mentor as PI with the student as Co-I. Criteria for Funding: The main criteria for funding are based on the high likelihood of clearly answering (yes/no) to a high impact question in Basic, Translational, Clinical or Health Services Research. The project must be best viewed as very likely to be feasible (7 on a 0-10 NMRC scale) and as having a high likelihood to lead to a high impact publication. Submission and Review Processes: Prior to the actual submission of the grant, students need to: 1. Identify a Singapore-based Duke-NUS approved mentor with a Duke-NUS faculty appointment. 2. Upon submission, the proposal will be reviewed by the KSRA Review committee. PI Name 3. Based on these reviews, the proposal will be recommended for award. Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): 4. Up to 5 awards of a maximum of $10,000.00/award will be given. Fewer awards will be made if not enough proposals meet the award criteria during evaluation. The amount of the award would depend on the justification provided in the budget. Presentation to Khoo Research Committee: TITLE OF PROJECT (LIMIT 75 SPACES) Type of research project (Choose one): Translational / Basic / Clinical / Health Services 1. AMOUNT OF FUNDING REQUESTED FOR (S$): (UP TO $10,000.00) 2. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (MENTOR) Please note that only one Principal Investigator per application is allowed. The Principal Investigator must hold an appointment with Duke-NUS GMS, either regular rank or adjunct at the time of application. The Principal Investigator must also be a Duke-NUS approved mentor. Limited to Mentors of MS-3 Duke-NUS Medical Students who are working in Singapore. Name: Position: Primary Institution/Department: E-mail: Mobile Phone: Co-Investigator (Student): Name: Student Number: Email: Mobile Phone Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): PI Name 3. ABSTRACT OF THE PROPOSAL In no more than 300 words (Arial font size 11), please provide in layman’s terms a description of the proposal including specific aims, hypotheses, clinical or scientific significance, methodology and approach. 4. DETAILS OF RESEARCH PROPOSALS Application is limited to 4 double-spaced pages (16 paragraphs) excluding abstract and references. No more than 10 references please. A typical proposal might have something similar to the following page allocation: Background (2 paragraphs) How will the hypotheses address the gap in literature? (2 paragraphs) Specific aims and hypotheses (2 paragraphs) Significance/Impact (1 paragraph) Methods (6 paragraphs) Budget justification (2 paragraphs) Feasibility (1 paragraph) 4.1 Background / Gap in Literature Please use Arial font size 11 Identify the gap in literature and the problem. Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): PI Name 4.2 Details of Research Proposal: Specific Aims and hypotheses Please use Arial font size 11 State concisely and realistically what the study intends to accomplish. This section should include: (A) Overall Aim, (B) Specific Aim(s), (C) Hypotheses 4.3 Details of Research Proposal: Clinical or Scientific Significance/Impact Please use Arial font size 11 The Significance section should provide a strong rationale for the proposed study by summarizing the clinical context or controversy, or impacts on the research field. 4.4 Details of Research Proposal: Methods Please use Arial font size 11 The Methods section should detail what is to be done, by whom, when, where, how, in what order, and over what period of time. Sufficient details must be provided to address the specific aims. 4.5 Feasibility PI Name Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): 4.6 Timeline (Gantt Chart) REFERENCES There should be no more than 10 references cited. 5. PROPOSED BUDGET Awards are funded at a maximum of S$10,000 for up to 12 months. Please prepare the budget carefully under each category and provide the justification. Please be sure to include 7%GST in all of your line items. Manpower costs for PI cannot be included. Project Year 1 (S$) MANPOWER* Background Role in Project % FTE Sub-total OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES Sub-total No conference support, capital equipment, or computers may be funded by the ward Sub-total Grand Total 5.1 BUDGET JUSTIFICATION All expenses entailed in conducting and executing the proposed project may be included. Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): PI Name BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Please provide a 2 pages CV in the NMRC format of the PI. Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): PI Name UNDERTAKING BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR AND CO-INVESTIGATOR The Head Of Department, Institutional Research Office, ACP Vice Chair for Research, Principal Investigator and Co-I need to tick the checkboxes below before submitting the proposal. Declare that all information is accurate and true Submit supporting documents of ethics approval obtained from the relevant Institutional Review Board (IRB) / IACUC / OSHE prior to initiation of the study. Be actively engaged in the execution of the research and comply with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to human ethics, including the Singapore Good Clinical Practice guidelines To acknowledge the donor “Estate of Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat” in resulting publications. _________________________________ Head Of Department Signature _____________________ Date _________________________________ Institutional Research Office Signature _____________________ Date _________________________________ ACP Vice Chair for Research Signature _____________________ Date _________________________________ PI Signature _____________________ Date _________________________________ Co-I Signature _____________________ Date