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Central Facility of Electron Microscopy
Group of Electron Microscopy of Materials Science (EMMS)
Head: Prof. Dr. U. Kaiser
TEM/FIB/SEM Service for members of UUlm
Leader: Dr. Johannes Biskupek
Application form
Institute / Department
Project leader
Head of department
Kostenstelle (account number)
Please, give a short description of the purpose of the electron microscopic investigation.
Attach a scheme of the sample. In case you need cross section TEM lamella preparation, please, mark cutting
directions. If available, add attachments of previous results of AFM/XRD/TEM/SEM investigations, and/or papers
regarding your sample and project.
Please answer the following questions related the safety of your specimen and the operator:
Is the sample sensitive to treatment with temperature (up to 200 °C), water, ethanol, acetone, or mechanical stress?
Is there special storage (temperature, atmosphere) needed? If yes, please specify
Is the sample poisonous or may become poisonous when heated (up to 200°), or pulverized, or treated with water,
acetone, ethanol and other solvents? Are there any other safety issues? If yes, please specify
Frame of the TEM/FIB/SEM investigation
We will charge the costs accordingly the schedule of fees of the Zentrale Einrichtung Elektronenmikroskopie
Arbeitsgruppe Materialwissenschaftliche Elektronenmikroskopie dated June 26th 2013.
Our building is exclusively dedicated to research on common public interest. To ensure your project matches this
requirement, it is mandatory for all third-party funded research projects (BMBF, EU, others, but except DFG) to
consult, prior to the investigations, the Abteilung Recht, Mrs. Heidi Krolopp (Phone: 25085). With your signature you
declare that the Abteilung Recht approved your project for investigation in our building.
Signature applicant
Signature project leader
After the experiments
Depending on the needs of the cooperation you will obtain the results either as a report in a Powerpoint or
a PDF file or you will obtain a stack of single images.
Keep in mind, the copyrights are with the author of the data and that prior to a written or oral publication of
the obtained results (image, spectra, diffraction pattern, etc.) from TEM, FIB, SEM measurements in
journals, on conferences or in project meetings, the publication of the data must be authorised by the
author of the data.
If you have to match deadlines, e.g. conference abstract submission, take care that your cooperation
partners will get sufficient time to read the abstract. The authors of the TEM, FIB, SEM data please give
them, in general, one week for reading the abstract.
In case you plan to publish common data, we will ask you to make the decision on co-authorship jointly
between you and us. As co-authors we are jointly responsible for the whole paper. Therefore we would
like to be given sufficient time to read your draft, i.e. at least one week. In case our results made only a
minor contribution to your studies, please mention our contribution in the acknowledgement. Please, use
the following phrase: ‘We acknowledge XYZ from the Electron Microscopy Group of Materials Science,
Ulm University, Germany for the TEM (FIB/SEM) investigations.’
Signature applicant
Signature project leader
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