ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY PHARMACEUTICAL/INDUSTRY NURSING SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING UNAPPROVED MINUTES DATE: PLACE: TIME: RECORDER: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 Las Vegas, Nevada, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Tradewinds B 4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (PT) Jolene Dirolf ATTENDEES: (List of attendees attached) I. Welcome and Introduction II. Coordinator Report by Jennifer Matthews: a. As of January, 2007 the PIN SIG has 383 members, 4 non-PIN SIG members are present at today’s meeting. b. Deb Mercier, Coordinator-Elect has returned to a clinical position and as a result resigned from the Coordinator-Elect position. Carol DeMarco and Jenn Matthews discussed the need to have an enthusiastic person fill the position. Jenn nominated Christine Pence, who has agreed to take on the role of PIN SIG Coordinator upon approval of the Nominating Committee. III. Old Business: a. A motion to table the review and approval of 2006 meeting minutes until the 2008 Congress meeting was agreed and approved by a unanimous vote. b. ONS Congress Project Team Updates; 1. Christine Pence reviewed the 2 PIN SIG contributions to this year’s Congress. - The first entry included the PIN SIG poster entitled “Nursing Leadership Roles in the Pharmaceutical Industry”. Christine congratulated each of the authors for outstanding contributions to this project. Poster authors included; lead author Susie Newtown and contributing authors, Christine Pence, Lisa Sundquist, Maggie Smith, Lyssa Friedman, and John DiBrango. The CJON editorial board has requested an article submission based on this poster. Contributing authors will be contacted to assist in the development and review of article drafts. - The second contribution was a Special Session entitled “High Cost of Oncology Prescription Drugs”, presented by Anne Markham on Tuesday, April 24th. Based on audience reaction this session was well received by both pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical nurses. IV. New Business a. Judy DeGroot from the ONS Nominating Committee spoke to the group, encouraging members from the PIN SIG to have a succession plan in place for future leadership. The Coordinator-elect position is currently open, members are encouraged to apply. Voting for SIG leadership positions was 19% this year, a decrease from 21% the previous year; members are encouraged to vote. b. Laura Benson on behalf of the ONS Board of Directors encouraged SIG members to run for national office. c. Christine Pence reviewed planning for 2007-2008; 1. The idea of developing a position statement on the role and responsibilities of the industry nurses and their contribution to the nursing genre was suggested and well received. Christine will draft a position statement for distribution to the SIG membership. A final statement will be posted to the Virtual Community. 2. Topic Submissions for ONS Congress 2008 were discussed. Members felt there was a need to educate the ONS community on the role of industry nurses. It was mentioned that this topic was submitted previous years and not accepted for presentation. To learn why this topic has not been selected year after year, it was suggested that members of the PIN SIG discuss the topic with members of the ONS Congress Planning Committee who are responsible for topic selection. It was also suggested that members of the PIN SIG write in on their Congress evaluation forms the need for such a topic. “Shining a Light on The Dark Side” was suggested as a topic title for a session describing the role of industry nursing. Suzie Newton agreed to lead this topic submission. Others willing to assist Suzie on this topic included; Mary Garlick-Roll, Laura Benson, Lisa Sundquist, Jenny Rudolf, Jolene Dirolf. A second topic entitled “From Bedside to Briefcase and Back” was suggested by Laura Benson. This session topic will provide information for nurses interested in entering into industry nursing. Laura Benson will lead this Topic Submission Team. The Clinical Trial Nurses SIG has expressed interest in collaborating on a Congress topic submission. Members in attendance were supportive, expressing that a topic supported by 2 SIGs may reflect a more substantial topic than those supported by only 1 SIG. Jolene Dirolf has volunteered to lead this topic submission for the PIN SIG and collaborate with the Clinical Trial SIG. 3. The new PIN SIG Virtual Community Administrator, Martine Avello was introduced. Members were encouraged to visit the PIN SIG Virtual Community for updates monthly. Topics currently posted include benchmarking survey results from previous years and job postings. Members are encouraged to submit job postings to the newsletter editor for posting. It was suggested that a link to this year’s PIN SIG Poster should be posted to the Community as well. 4. Members were encouraged to sign-up for ONSTAT online and support ONS’s political causes both at the regional and national level. V. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. (PT) Attendees List for PIN SIG Meeting SIG Members Martine Avello amavello@bellsouth.net * Laura Benson lbenson@osip.com Judy Billingsley judy.billingsley@bsci.com Linda Blackburn Linda.m.blackburn@gsk.com Debra Dawson debra.dawson@sanofi@aventis.com Judith DeGroot jdegroot@gene.com Jolene Dirolf jolene.dirolf@bms.com Carol Fier carolf@amgen.com * Bertie Ford bford@gene.com Lyssa Friedman lyssa.friedman@mckesson.com Mary Garlick Roll roll.mary_garlick@gene.com * Betty Jurisich betty.jurisich@novartis.com Susan King sekingrn@aol.com * Beverly Landrigan Beverly.landrigan@sanofi.aventis.com Ann Marie Leighton ann_leighton@merck.com Sandy Maney smaney@charter.net * Kathy Marshall Kathryn@gene.com Jenn Matthews jennrsed@hotmail.com Sheryl Miller nielsher@hughes.net Susie Newton snewton23@hotmail.com * Joanne Parillo joanne.parillo@mpi.com * Christine Pence Christine.d.pence@gsk.com Alice Reichenberger areichenberger@osip.com Alice Senko asenko@gene.com Lisa Sundquist Sundquist.lisa@gene.com Liesel Wabnig liesel.wabnig@spcorp.com Sandi Weyerhaeuser sandi@gene.com Susan Wozniak susan.wozniak@infusystem.com * Debbie Yakaboski yakaboskid@medimmune.com Not ONS Members Lynne Carpenter Hong Dno Lou Hours Debbie Nels Hinty Sebath Joyce Young * Interested in being in a work group Not SIG Members Inga Aksamit inga.aksamit@mckesson.com Sharon Alarcon salarcon@clarian.org Deborah Braccia onswebsiteeditor@ons.org Bev Caraher bcaraher@amgen.com * Rosemary Delaney rosiedel59@msn.com Karen Hamilton-Sandles khamil1866@sbcglobal.net * Jeanne Hayes johrn@aol.com Annette Jones annette.jones2@comcast.net Marjorie Petty Marjorie@petty.tv Cheryl Purdie purdiec@amgen.com Ginny Rudolf ginny.rudolf@pracs.com Danette Schutjer danette.schutjer@bms.com * Sandy Siehl ssiehl@osip.com Teresa Sims simst@medimmune.com Robin Snyder robin.snyder@bms.com * Linda Vocila vocilal@att.net Zita Waclo z_waclo@yahoo.com