PLASTICS CUSTOM RESEARCH SERVICES 695 Burton Road Advance, NC 27006 INDUSTRIAL THERMOFORMING: WHERE IT’S BEEN, WHERE IT’S HEADED PCRS has researched and published studies of the North American industrial thermoforming business in 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2004. Over the period November 2008-January 2009 we revisited this business to determine how the unfolding domestic and global economic crisis is impacting this business and what strategies the processors in this field are adopting to survive the difficult conditions likely to obtain in the major markets they serve. Our earlier research indicated that whereas the regional industrial thermoformers enjoyed vigorous growth in the second half of the 1990s, the growth dynamic in this business stalled from 2000 to 2003, during which period the U.S. economy experienced a recession. Sales of industrial thermoformed output rebounded strongly in 2004. Yet the annual pace of sales growth decelerated steadily from that point until 2008 when total industry sales declined. The average annual growth rate in sales terms from 2003 to 2008 was 3.9%. When one figures in the increase in the processors’ cost structure – particularly the soaring cost of resins that go into heavy-gauge sheet – the conclusion one draws is that there has been no real growth in this sector of the plastics processing business over this 5-year period. Several factors combined to create the difficult market conditions industrial thermoformers confronted in recent years. The demand for plastic parts and products of all types deteriorated in many of their major markets. U.S. sales of cars and light trucks have been trending downwards since 2000. The low interest rate regime introduced in reaction to the 2001 recession restored economic growth, yet it contributed to the housing bubble that began to burst in 2006. Meanwhile much of U.S. manufacturing has relocated offshore to take advantage of low labor costs in China and other developing countries. The industrial thermoformers also experienced loss of market share to alternative plastics processors. The erosion of U.S. manufacturing due to foreign outsourcing was felt particularly keenly by domestic injection molders. Faced with costly excess capacity, they began bidding for part programs marked by lower volumes of production. This brought them into direct competition with the industrial thermoformers. With the twin competitive advantages of available capacity and lower Chinese-origin tooling the injection molders succeeded infringing on the industrial thermoformers’ traditional market space. Officials we interviewed noted they confront today similar competitive challenges from other plastics processors such as blow molders, composite processors, and rotomolders. Several officials interviewed suggested explicitly or implicitly that their strategy for the near-term future is geared to simply surviving the current economic downturn. Yet the more progressive companies are seizing on this cyclical downturn to transform their operations. They are exploring new sheet materials and investing in modern machinery with leading-edge technologies that will permit them to compete for new product introductions. When the three regional economies recover in response to massive planned fiscal stimuli in addition to monetary stimuli already in place, these companies will be in a position to participate in those markets most likely to benefit. FEBRUARY 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PART I – THE EVOLVING INDUSTRIAL THERMOFORMING BUSINESS Defining the Industrial Thermoforming Business The Number of North American Companies with Captive, Custom and Proprietary Industrial Thermoforming Operations The Recent and Likely Future Pattern of Corporate Consolidation in Industrial Thermoforming The Hierarchy of Regional Industrial Thermoformers The Economics of Industrial Thermoforming: The Distribution of Companies by Size of Operations PART II: THE RECENT PATTERN OF GROWTH IN THE VALUE AND VOLUME OF INDUSTRIAL THERMOFORMED OUTPUT The Recent Trend in the Value of Industrial Thermoformed Output The Recent Trend in the Distribution of Sales Growth among the Industrial Thermoformers A Summary of Actual and Anticipated Sales Growth, 2007-2009 The Recent Trend in the Volume of Industrial Thermoformed Output The Recent Trend of Heavy-gauge Sheet Pricing The Recent Trend of Investment in Industrial Thermoforming Machinery PART III: MAJOR INDUSTRIAL THERMOFORMING MARKETS The Current Status of Major Industrial Thermoforming Markets Agricultural Equipment Aircraft Appliances Automotive Building and Construction Electronic and Medical Equipment Heavy Trucks Marine Mass Transit Materials Handling Recreational Vehicles Signs and Displays Opportunities for Industrial Thermoformers in Niche Markets Alternative Energy High-performance Sheet Specialty Vehicles Market Conditions in the Various Regions of the North American Economies The Growing Competition from Alternative Plastics Processors in Industrial Thermoforming Markets PART IV; THE RECENT PATTERN OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE IN INDUSTRIAL THERMOFORMING The Status of Established Innovations Twin-sheet Forming Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) Sheet Paint Film The Status of More Recent Innovations Processing Material Innovations Sheetless Thermoforming Plastic Sheet Material Innovations Bioplastics Composite Sheet High-performance Sheet Nanomaterials PART V: PERSPECTIVES FROM THE INDUSTRIAL THERMOFORMING SUPPLY BASE Forming Machine Suppliers Heavy-gauge Sheet Suppliers Thermoforming Consultants PART VI: THE PCRS SURVEY OF INDUSTRIAL THERMOFORMERS Able Manufacturing & Assembly Acrylon Plastics Allied Plastics Apogee Designs Arrowhead Plastic Engineering Brentwood Industries CSL Plastics Complete Plastic Fabricators Conrad Manufacturing Company Duo-Form Plastics East Iowa Plastics Empire West Formco Plastics Formed Plastics Fox Lite Freetech Plastics General Plastics GeoTex Gregstrom Corporation Hagans Plastics Company Hampel Corporation Hill Plastics Homeland Vinyl Products IPR Automation – Sohner Plastics I-Plus Indiana Vacform Industrial Thermoform JP Plastics Jarden Plastic Solutions KFP Corporation Kal Plastics 120 Pages McClarin Plastics Mechanical Enterprises Meyer Plastics PFC Systems PFI Vacuum Forming Paradise, Inc. Paragon Plastics Penda Corporation/Durakon Industries Plastic Fabricating Plastics Design & Manufacturing Plastik MP PolyJohn Enterprises Corporation PolyPortables Profile Plastics SF Technology STK LLC Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Shamrock Plastics Soroc Products Specialty Manufacturing Spray Control Systems Thermoforme LR Thermopro Trans Form Plastics Travel Star Plastics Usheco Vistar Technologies Welch Fluorocarbon Western Wisconsin Plastics Wilbert, Inc. 6 Tables 11 Figures ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Peter J. Mooney is the founder and president of Plastics Custom Research Services. Dr. Mooney holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of North Carolina, and he has covered the plastics industry as a technical/economic market research analyst and consultant since 1981. He is a member of several plastics industry associations such as the Society of the Plastics Industry, the Society of Plastics Engineers, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, SAMPE, and the Association of Rotational Molders. He has researched and written over 75 multi-client reports, as well as over 75 singleclient reports, in the field of plastics and related industries. He has also organized, chaired, and made presentations to numerous conferences on critical issues facing the global plastics industry. ABOUT PLASTICS CUSTOM RESEARCH SERVICES Plastics Custom Research Services was formed in 1993 in response to the growing demand for accurate and insightful market research tailored to the evolving needs of plastic industry participants. PCRS is able to utilize research methods developed through over 25 years of experience in this field - methods that yield cost-effective and timely data and insights of relevance to the product and service offerings of the plastics industry. These research methods include telephone-based and in-person surveys of key decision-making officials in the field, as well as hard-copy and electronic searches of trade literature and patents. Research findings, conclusions and recommendations are provided in written and oral reporting formats. PCRS also researches and publishes multi-client Plastics Industry Reports, dealing with subjects that are part of its core competencies and that have relevance to a wide range of plastics industry operatives. 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