Integrated Preschool Program Miller School 646 S. Chillicothe Rd

Integrated Preschool Program
Miller School
646 S. Chillicothe Rd.
Aurora, OH 44202
(330) 562-6199
2006-2007 Parent Handbook
Aurora City Schools
Integrated Preschool
Program Philosophy
The philosophy of the Aurora City School’s Integrated Preschool Program is to provide learning
opportunities for all children ages three through five in an integrated early childhood
environment. Our early childhood classrooms will strive to provide children with a variety of
experiences within the following developmental domains; cognition/academics, gross and fine
motor, social/emotional functioning, and communication. It is our belief that every child
should have the opportunity to interact with and engage in hands on activities that will foster
whole-child development. We also believe in providing differentiated instruction, using a
variety of instructional methods to meet the diverse needs of our students. We seek to provide a
safe, healthy, nurturing environment that encourages all children to explore, question,
problem-solve, and use creativity. We strive to create an open environment that is both positive
and rewarding for children and their families.
1) To view each child individually and uniquely in order to promote growth and development.
2) To provide developmentally and age-appropriate learning experiences.
3) To provide a variety of approaches and specialized instruction in order to meet the needs of all children.
4) To provide a language-rich educational setting that encourages intellectual, social, emotional and physical development.
5) To provide quarterly reports to all parents regarding their child’s progress.
6) To integrate children with varying needs and abilities within one educational setting.
7) To include parents within the decision-making process.
8) To help children recognize their individuality and special worth and to develop respect for and understanding of
individuals who are different than themselves.
9) To encourage creativity to enhance each child’s ability to think and to stimulate the desire to learn.
10) To encourage independence and self-direction by helping children learn to make their own choices and decisions.
11) To provide a safe healthy learning environment where all children can learn and grow.
Preschool Pupil Performance Objectives
(School Board adopted May 2006)
Fine Motor
Uses two hands to manipulate objects, each hand performing different movements
Cuts out shapes with straight and curved lines
Writes using three-finger grasp
Copies shapes and prints pseudo-letters
Prints first name
Gross Motor
Runs avoiding obstacles
Alternates feet walking up and down stairs
Jumps in place, off and forward
Rides and steers a two-wheel bicycle
III.) Adaptive
Eats and drinks a variety of foods using utensils with little or no spilling
Prepares and serves own food
Carries out all toileting functions
Washes and grooms self
Unfastens fasteners on garments
Selects appropriate clothing and dresses self at designated times
Fastens fasteners on garments
Demonstrates understanding of color, shape, and size concepts
Demonstrates understanding of qualitative and quantitative concepts
Demonstrates understanding of spatial and temporal relations concepts
Groups objects, people, or events on the basis of specified criteria
Follows directions of three or more related steps that are not routinely given
Places objects in series according to length or size
Retells events in sequence
Cognitive Pupil Performance Objectives Cont…
Evaluates solutions to problems
Makes statements and appropriately answers questions that require reasoning about objects, situations, or people
Engages in cooperative imaginary play
Engages in games with rules
Counts at least 20 objects
Demonstrates understanding of printed numerals
Demonstrates phonological awareness skills
Uses letter sound association to sound out and write words
Reads words by sight
Social Communication
Uses words, phrases, and sentences to inform, direct, ask questions, and express anticipation, imagination, affect,
and emotions
Uses conversational rules
Establishes and varies social-communicative roles
Uses verbs
Uses noun inflections
Asks questions
Uses pronouns
Uses descriptive words
Interacts with others as play partners
Initiates cooperative activity
Resolves conflicts by selecting effective strategy
Initiates and completes age-appropriate activities
Watches, listens, and participates during small group activities
Watches, listens, and participates during large group activities
Meets physical needs in socially appropriate ways
Follows context specific rules outside of home and classroom
Communicates personal likes and dislikes
Understand how their own behaviors, thoughts, and feelings relate to consequences for others
Relates identifying information about self and others
*The Preschool Pupil Performance Objectives (PPOs) are derived from the Ohio Early Learning Content Standards and the
Assessment, Evaluation, and Planning System (AEPS).
Preschool Director:
Miller School Principal:
Mrs. Carol Denzinger
Mrs. Patty Minrovic
(330) 995-7710
(330) 562-6199
Classroom Instructors:
Mrs. Lauren Barker
Miss Dana Barto
Miss Jaime Frey
(330) 562-9646, Ext. 3303
(330) 562-9646, Ext. 3305
(330) 562-6199
Classroom Assistants:
Mrs. Mary Houlahan
Mrs. Carol Jasinski
Mrs. Lynn Gallagher
Mrs. Susan Piazza
Mrs. Jeanne Loferski
School Psychologist:
Mrs. Erin Bradic
(330) 562-9646, Ext. 3323
Speech Language Pathologist:
Mrs. Megan Janzig
(330) 562-9646,
Occupational Therapists:
Mrs. Natalie Mandle & Mrs. Leslie Lucas (330) 562-9646, Ext. 3332
School Nurse:
Mrs. Sandy Petti
Special Services Secretary:
Mrs. Kathy O’Haire
(330) 995-7710
Miller School Secretary:
Mrs. Sherry Rogalski
(330) 562- 6199
Program Hours
AM Session Duration: 8:50 – 11:30 AM (Monday – Thursday)
PM Session Duration: 12:50 – 3:20 PM (Monday – Thursday)
Structured Teaching Program Duration: (11:30 – 3:20) Monday - Thursday
If you should need to make special transportation arrangements please contact your child’s teacher.
Please note that we can only release your child to individuals with your written consent. If you would like to
have a friend or family member pick-up your child, please make sure you have included their name on your
release list or send a note to our staff. Please note that we will check IDs of unfamiliar individuals who have
come to pick up your child.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival and dismissal procedures are put into place to help maintain the safety of all children at Miller School. If you are
bringing your child to school, please enter the front doors of the school and walk your child into the building. When picking
your child up at the end of the day, parents should wait in the lobby of the Main Office. If you choose not to come in to the
building to pick your child up please follow the line of traffic directly in front of the building and wait for your child to be
individually dismissed. At the end of the day, if you should have questions for your child’s teacher please find an appropriate
parking space and come into the building so as to prevent a traffic problem during dismissal. If special arrangements need to
be made for arrival and/or dismissal, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange an alternate drop off/pick up location.
If it is necessary for a student to check out during the school day, we ask that parents come to the school office and contact the
secretary or principal. For the protection of children and parents, parents are required to sign the student out when he or she
leaves the school. It is suggested that parents schedule doctor appointments after school hours when possible.
Children identified as a preschooler with a disability have a right to request special bus transportation to and from school.
Children attending the preschool program identified as a community peer must have transportation provided by their families.
If you should have any questions related to the transportation of your child, please direct your questions to your child’s
classroom teacher.
Office Hours
Miller School
Special Services (Located at Leighton Elementary)
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
7:30 AM – 3:30 PM
(330) 562-6199
(330) 995-7710
Reporting Absences
Parents are required to call the school before 9:30AM for the morning session and before 1:30 PM for the afternoon session to
report absences. Please report absences through the school absence line at (330) 562-9646 Ext. 9402.
Student Records
The Aurora Schools maintain official student records on each student. These records, which include all information related to
the student’s education, are commonly known as the student cumulative folder. In addition, we maintain records related to any
special education needs and services. These records are generally held in the Special Services office. Records of a temporary
nature, such as a teacher grade book and personal notes, are not a part of the cumulative record folder.
Parents of preschool students shall have a right to inspect and review official student records and related information upon
written request to the Special Education Manager. An appointment for review of the records will be made at a mutually
convenient time as soon after the receipt of the written request as possible.
Report of Abuse
Any staff member of the Aurora City School District who suspects child abuse and/or neglect is required by the State of Ohio to
report to the appropriate authorities. To avoid confusion please be sure to maintain open communication with your child’s
teacher or the school nurse regarding injuries your child may sustain.
Aurora City Schools
Medical Policy
Immunizations: Students enrolled in preschool are required to have on file at their school written proof that they
have received the following immunizations as required by the Ohio Revised Code: DPT (Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus);
Polio; Measles; Mumps; Rubella; Hepatitis B series; Varicella. According to Ohio Law, on the 15th day after
school entrance it will be necessary to exclude from school all pupils without evidence of completed immunizations.
Communicable Disease/Illness: The classroom teacher will be trained on recognizing signs and symptoms of illness
and will be responsible to evaluate students on a daily basis. If the teacher feels further assessment is required, the
student will be taken to the Health Clinic and the school nurse will be consulted as necessary. Children who are
exhibiting signs of illness including fever, vomiting, diarrhea, head lice, pinkeye, or other highly contagious conditions
will be sent home following the district’s procedure on communicable disease.
Medication: We recommend that all student medication be administered at home. However, we are happy to provide
any prescription or non-prescription medication that must be administered at school, provided an order signed by both
the parent and the child’s physician on file. Please contact the Miller School Secretary for a copy of the proper forms.
First Aide: At the beginning of each school year parents are asked to complete a form giving permission to treat minor
illnesses/injuries. This form of first aide includes, administering a band-aide, ice, etc. The child’s teacher will report any
instance of injury or illness when they occur.
Snack Time
A healthy nutritious snack, including juice, milk, or water, will be offered daily to all preschool students. A weekly snack menu
is available upon request.
We ask that you keep teachers informed of any allergies or treatments that we may encounter during the school day. It is
important to note, we ask that all Sippy cups remain at home.
School Dress
The recommended clothing for preschool is casual pants and tops and sneakers with “Velcro” closures. We will gladly assist
children with clothing during toileting, but request that they are dressed in items that allow for maximum independence.
Children often sit on the floor for activities and go out to the play ground when weather permits. Names on coats, jackets,
boots, hats, etc. will help your child claim his/her personal belongings each day. Children should bring a book bag to school
each day and families are encouraged to check it after school every day for important papers.
Preschool Behavior Management/Discipline
(School Board adopted December 2005)
The Aurora Board of Education recognizes the importance of providing a supportive environment in which children can feel
safe to learn and explore. One of our goals is to help children learn self-control and socially appropriate behavior. In order to
accomplish this, constructive, developmentally appropriate child guidance and management techniques shall be used at all
times. Children shall be encouraged to communicate their needs and try to work out problems with their peers. They shall be
given appropriate warnings and redirection to acceptable behaviors. Separation from problems situations, talking with the
children about appropriate choices, and praise for appropriate behaviors shall also be employed.
The Aurora Board of Education realizes that harsh forms of discipline are counterproductive to positive social and emotional
development of young children. In line with this philosophy, the following methods shall not be used as disciplinary measures:
 Any form of corporal punishment (see board policy JGA)
 Physical restraint other than holding the child for a short period of time such as in a protective hug to help the child
regain control
 Confining the child to any enclosed area
 Separation from the group unless the child is within sight and hearing of a preschool staff member
 Any form of abuse or neglect, including subjecting the child to profane language, threats, derogatory remarks, any
other form of verbal abuse, or the use of techniques that might humiliate, shame, or frighten a child
 The withholding of routine needs such as food, rest, or toilet use
In addition, discipline shall not be delegated to another child and shall never be imposed on a child for failure to eat, sleep, or
for toileting accidents. Any type of discipline will be reported to the parents in an effort to send a clear consistent message to
children about acceptable behaviors.
This discipline policy shall be available to the parents of all children enrolled in the preschool program and all staff upon
Parent Participation
Parents are an active part of a preschooler’s education both at home and school. Parents are encouraged to participate in their
child’s classroom through a variety of activities, including birthdays, class parties, planned special activities, guest readings,
field trips, and observation. To reduce disruption and to ensure safety we ask all parents and special visitors to report to the
Miller School office prior to visiting the classroom.
If issues involving custody should arise parents are encouraged to discuss these matters with their child’s teacher. It is
important to note that non-custodial parents have the same rights to participate in their child’s education as custodial parents,
unless we have a court order prohibiting that involvement.
All preschool parents are invited and encouraged to join the Aurora Elementary PTO. The PTO offers many programs and
activities for parent involvement. Information regarding the PTO will be distributed throughout the school year.
Questions and Concerns
We encourage all families to talk directly with their child’s teacher and/or other preschool staff members involved with their
child’s care. If questions and/or concerns cannot be resolved at this level, please contact the Special Education Manager, Carol
Denzinger, at 330-995-7710. Further questions can be addressed to Dr. Alicia Lopez, Academic Director, at 330-562-6106
Ext. 3103, or the Ohio Department of Education Ombudsman at 1-614-466-0224.
If questions arise concerning state and federal regulations please see your child’s teacher for our copy of the classroom
compliance report completed by the State of Ohio. This report contains preschool rules and regulations. Parents of children
with disabilities are required by federal law to receive a copy of the publication titled “Whose IDEA Is This?”, which reviews
your rights and responsibilities as a parent of a child with a disability.
Committed to Excellence
102 E. Garfield Road, Aurora, OH 44202
Russ Bennett
Board of Education
Gerald P. Kohanski, President
Ann Morrison, Vice-President
Pam Mehallis
Michael Frigo
Beverly Kuch
The Mission of the Aurora City Schools is to ensure that all children reach their
full potential and graduate prepared to become responsible productive members
of society by providing a nurturing environment, with high expectations and
effective programs.