hormone handout for 357

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Tropic Hormones - Hormones produced and released by the anterior pituitary:
1. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH): stimulates the production and release of
hormones (including androgens) from the adrenal cortex.
2. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): stimulates the production and release of
hormones from the thyroid (Thyroid controls metabolic rate and skeletal growth.)
3. growth hormone: acts at liver and stimulates the growth of the musculature and
skeletal system.
4. melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH): stimulates pigment-producing cells of the
5. beta-lipotropic hormone (BLPH): precursor of the endorphins or the bodies natural
opiate system.
***The next 3 tropic hormones are in a subclass called the gonadotropic hormones.
These are the ones most involved in the monthly cycle of women.
6. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): 1) stimulates the growth of the ovarian follicles
and 2) works with LH to stimulate ovulation
7. luteinizing hormone (LH): 1) stimulates estrogen (estradiol) production by the ovarian
follicle, 2) works with FSH to cause ovulation, 3) stimulates the formation of the
corpus luteum and 4) stimulates estrogen (estradiol) production by the corpus
8. prolactin (PRL): 1) stimulates progesterone production and release by the corpus
luteum and 2) stimulates milk production by the mammary glands during
Releasing Hormones: Hormones produced by the hypothalamus which control the
production and release of the tropic hormones by the anterior pituitary. Releasing
factors are sent from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary through a
specialized local blood-transport system which runs between the two structures
through the pituitary infindibulum. This blood-transport system is called the
hypothalamo-hypophysial portal system.
Releasing Hormones:
1. corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH): stimulates production and release of ACTH
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2. thyrotropic hormone releasing hormone (TRH): stimulates the production and release
of TSH
3. somatostatin: inhibits the production and release of growth hormone
4. growth hormone releasing hormone: stimulates the production and release of growth
5. gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH): stimulates the production and release of
FSH and LH
(Note: Given the GnRH stimulates the production and release of both FSH and
LH, you would expect the pattern of release for both hormones to be identical. It
is not. The pattern of production and release of FSH and LH differ because
inhibin (from the ovarian follicle and the corpus luteum) acts directly at the
anterior pituitary to inhibit the production and release of FSH.
6. dopamine: inhibits the production and release of prolactin
7. prolactin stimulating factor: stimulates the production and release of prolactin
Hormone relationships you should know:
------> = stimulates production and release
---/---> = inhibits production and release
inhibin---/--->FSH (directly at the anterior pituitary, not through GnRH)
LH------>estrogen (ovarian follicle and corpus luteum)
low estrogen------>GnRH
moderate estrogen---/--->GnRH
high estrogen---->GnRH
prolactin stimulating factor------>prolactin
progesterone---/--->prolactin stimulating factor
Feedback Systems: The levels of hormones in the body at any given time are regulated
by feedback systems. When you hook two or more of the above relationships
together you get a feedback system. Most feedback systems are negative
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feedback systems. In this case, when the level of a given hormone gets too high,
the systems responsible for its production are shut down.
Negative Feedback System example:
GnRH------>LH------->moderate estrogen---/--->GnRH
GnRH stimulates the production of LH which stimulates the production of
estrogen. When estrogen levels get high enough (moderate levels, not very low
and not very high), the estrogen acts at the cells in the hypothalamus that make
GnRH and inhibit GnRH production.
Some rare feedback systems are positive feedback systems. These systems basically run
out of control until some other event, such as another hormone or loss of one of
the hormone-producing sites involved, comes into play to stop the process.
GnRH------>LH------>very high estrogen------>GnRH
GnRH stimulates the production of LH which in turn stimulates the
production of estrogen. When estrogen levels are very high, they stimulate further
GnRH production. This process occurs at mid-cycle just before ovulation takes
place and ends with the rupture of the ovarian follicle. Once the follicle is
ruptured, there's no estrogen-producing site for a short time, so the positive
feedback loop is broken.
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Changes of Hormone Levels Across the Monthly Cycle:
1. very low on Day 1 (no follicle and no corpus luteum to produce estrogen
2. increase gradually throughout most of the preovulatory phase as the ovarian follicles
(and later only the Graafian follicle) grows
3. surges 24 hours prior to ovulation (When the Graafian follicle is mature, it signals its
readiness to the hypothalamus by releasing all of its store of estrogen.)
4. decreases sharply after surge and very low through ovulation and first couple of days
after ovulation (After releasing stores, estrogen levels depleted. The follicle
ruptures and there is no source of estrogen until corpus luteum develops.)
5. rises in postovulatory phase and then plateau at moderate level (Increase corresponds
with development of corpus luteum. Plateau at moderate level due to negative
feedback with GnRH and, thus, LH.)
6. drops off just before Day 1 (With the death of the corpus luteum, no source of
estrogen exists.)
1. low level of Day 1 (Corpus luteum has died and there is no source of progesterone.)
2. stays low through preovulatory phase (No corpus luteum, therefore, no source of
progesterone production.)
3. increase during postovulatory phase with plateau at mid-postovulatory period
(Increase as corpus luteum develops and then plateau due to inhibition of prolactin
stimulating factor.)
4. drops of at end of cycle just before Day 1 (When corpus luteum dies, there is no
source of progesterone.)
1. starts to increase on Day 1 (No estrogen or progesterone inhibition of GnRH. No
inhibin. Stimulates follicle development.)
2. after gradually increasing the early preovulatory phase, levels gradually decrease for
rest of preovulatory phase (Combination of the effect of moderate estrogen
inhibiting GnRH, which would be enough to hold levels steady, and the effect of
inhibin directly inhibiting FSH production at the anterior pituitary, which causes
the levels to actually decline. Prevents multiple follicles from maturing at one
3. surge at ovulation. (Increase not as great as that for LH. Caused by the massive
release of estrogen just before ovulation which stimulated a surge of GnRH. The
surge of FSH and LH at mid-cycle is what causes the follicle to rupture or
ovulation to occur.)
4. gradual decline to very low levels after ovulation and the very low levels are
maintained for the rest of the postovulatory phase (Both estrogen and
progesterone from the corpus luteum are inhibiting GnRH. Also, inhibin from
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corpus luteum directly inhibiting FSH production at anterior pituitary. Prevents
more follicles from maturing when a pregnancy may have already been initiated.)
1. gradual increase beginning on Day 1 (No estrogen or progesterone to inhibit GnRH.)
2. rises to moderate level and stays there through the rest of the preovulatory phase
(Inhibition of GnRH by moderate estrogen levels holds LH levels steady.)
3. surges at ovulation (Increase greater than for FSH. Caused by the massive release of
estrogen just before ovulation which stimulated a surge of GnRH. The surge of
FSH and LH at mid-cycle is what causes the follicle to rupture or ovulation to
4. gradual decline through postovulatory phase (Due to inhibition of GnRH by both
estrogen and progesterone.)