33rd Statistical Reports

33rd Statistical Reports
After a delay of several months, we are now able to present the 33rd
statistical report (33rd.xls) of the Canadian Association of Graduate
Studies (CAGS) based on 1999 data.
Unfortunately, this report is shorter than those in previous years. Due
to a change in the method of gathering statistics on Canadian universities,
Statistics Canada is unable to provide us with information on postgraduate
degrees granted by Canadian universities during the year 1999. Thus, the
section on graduation is absent from this 33rd version of the report.
Let's keep in mind that we are talking about registration in master's and
doctorate programs in Canadian universities for the fall 1999 term.
Statistics Canada data was incomplete. That is, information on
universities in the Maritimes, except for Memorial University, was not
available. When I contacted the concerned universities directly to
request the missing information, several deans suggested I get in touch
with the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission, where Mylène
Michaud kindly responded to my request. As a result, I was obligated to
make significant changes to the number of registrations conveyed by
Statistics Canada for the University of Montreal. In fact, the Statistics
Canada data indicates an 18 per cent decrease in graduate registrations
at the University of Montreal, while numbers from the Quebec Ministry of
Education show a decrease of only 1.8 per cent. The Centre for Education
Statistics at Statistics Canada was unable to explain this discrepancy.
Thus, for this particular Quebec university, I used the data from the
Quebec Ministry of Education. The only figures I took the liberty to
estimate affect the number of foreign students. Rather than using the
information from the Quebec ministry, I applied a correction to the
Statistics Canada data that corresponds to the number of master's and
doctorate registrations.
Finally, Tables 15 and 16 could not be completed for fall 1999
registrations. Additional statistics from the Maritime Provinces Higher
Education Commission and the Quebec Ministry of Education were not
gathered with the same strict criteria used by Statistics Canada. However,
to allow comparison with previous years, I have retained the same
numbering as in earlier reports for Tables 17 through 21.
As members of CAGS have expressed a desire to see some trend analysis in
the statistical report, I have selected from the October 2001 document
Trends a number of graphs that I constructed from 1999 data. You will find
these graphs in the second part of the report.
I would like to thank those who made this report possible B the staff of
Statistics Canada's Centre for Education Statistics, in particular
Margaret Potts, Mylène Michaud of the Maritime Provinces Higher Education
Commission, Robert Maheu, director of statistics and quantitative studies
at the Quebec Ministry of Education, Denis Savard for the cover page of
the report and, finally, Jean-Pierre Gaboury, executive director of CAGS,
for his help in contacting Statistics Canada and for the production of
the English version of this presentation.
Jean Lebel, PhD
Director of graduate studies and research
Vice-president teaching and research
University of Quebec
475 rue de l'Église, Quebec, G1K 9H7
Telephone: (418) 657-4118
Fax: (418) 657-2132
E-mail: jean_lebel@uqss.uquebec.ca
Internet: www.uquebec.ca/decsr
ICQ: 139 326 659