Planning Meeting for the Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment 8-9 September 2008 Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel Palo Alto, California, USA Review of relevant assessment processes and their theoretical frameworks 1. Purpose of this review The primary purpose of this review is to draw lessons from relevant assessments and their frameworks that can be used in developing a conceptual framework for an indigenous peoples’ climate change assessment. It has been prepared in order to provide a background document for the preparation of a draft conceptual framework and methodology for the Assessment (document # 3 for the Palo Alto meeting). An indigenous peoples’ climate change assessment will require broad-based acceptance to receive world-wide political and scientific credibility. In order to overcome the peer reviewing requirement of the IPCC’s work, it will be important to develop a credible and robust theoretical framework for the assessment. A well-designed framework for either assessment or action provides a logical structure for evaluating the system, ensures that the essential components of the system are addressed as well as the relationships among those components, gives appropriate weight to the different components of the system, and highlights important assumptions and gaps in understanding1. It will also enhance the ability of the synthesis report to draw together the various individual assessments. A secondary purpose of this document is to provide a brief literature review relating to traditional knowledge and climate change - highlighting the major conceptual and methodological work undertaken in assessments of traditional knowledge and climate change. This part of the document will serve as a first step towards a more comprehensive literature review that will inform a future indigenous peoples’ climate change assessment. Section 2 of this document briefly outlines the methods used in selecting specific assessments for review; section 3 looks at traditional knowledge and western science; section 4 reviews major international environmental assessment frameworks; and section 1 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment ( 1 5 reviews frameworks used in major climate change impact assessments. Section 6 concentrates on assessments related to traditional knowledge and climate change, with an emphasis on community-based assessments. This section also aims to highlight some of the conceptual and methodological underpinnings of these assessments, and their relationship to the conceptual frameworks of the major international assessments reviewed in previous sections. Finally, section 7 draws some preliminary conclusions of the material reviewed and sets the scene for an indigenous peoples’ climate change assessment. Annex 1 provides a list of assessments and other related documents of relevance to traditional knowledge and climate change. 2. Methods This document is based on a preliminary review of major international environmental assessments, as well as of other (local to global) assessments of relevance to traditional knowledge and climate change. The international assessments reviewed here were selected because of their status as well-accepted intergovernmental efforts and their demonstrated importance for policy-making. The assessments were also selected due to their reliance on an agreed-upon conceptual or theoretical framework. The review of assessments and studies of relevance to traditional knowledge and climate change aims to be more inclusive in its approach. The list of assessments and relevant documents in Annex 1 is constructed from a variety of sources, including web searches, partner websites, studies cited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment and other assessments. Donor websites and case study databases (for example the UNFCCC database on local coping strategies) were also searched for relevant information. Because of the wide variety of sources, the list in the Annex is a mixture of published and peer reviewed literature, grey literature, informational websites and videos. The underlying premise was to include all work that might be of importance or relevance to a future indigenous peoples’ climate change assessment. It should be noted that the review of assessments and other work of relevance to traditional knowledge and climate change is still preliminary and will likely have missed relevant information. It is therefore expected that Annex 1 will be expanded and made more comprehensive with the assistance of project partners as the work progresses. In short, Annex 1 should, at this stage, be viewed as indicative rather than comprehensive. 3. Traditional knowledge and western science Scientific assessments designed to provide a basis for global policy making have, over the course of their short history, adopted characteristics and procedures that combine an archetypal ‘scientific method’ as understood by western science at its most rigorous with a series of quasi-diplomatic negotiation procedures designed to lead to consensus conclusions. The reasons for this lie in the misgivings with which sovereign states and their negotiators view the potential implications of the assessments and thus of the assessment processes. 2 Western scientific method has evolved since the Enlightenment to a point where from the mid-nineteenth century onwards results be deemed rigorous and acceptable only by following its procedures. In these assessments such demands have been taken to a new level. Scientific method is taken to involve a sequential process involving: definition of the question, observation, formulation of hypotheses, experimentation and data collection, analysis, interpretation and conclusions, publication, retesting. Individual bias or preference is eliminated by the public nature of ‘doing science’: placing the hypothesis, experimentation, interpretation and conclusions in the public domain; allowing others to repeat the process to test for fallibility; peer review; encouraging refutation and/or adaptation. In the case of an assessment such as the IPCC, the political and economic sensitivities are such that this methodology is employed not by a single researcher or a single laboratory, but by as globally broad a sample of climate scientists as possible, from as many countries as possible and conducted under the scrutiny of governments and the media. With the possible exception of the experimentation and data collection phases, the other links in the methodological chain – definition, hypotheses, interpretation and conclusions – are collective activities conducted in public. Only in this way can the – often unpalatable – scientific conclusions be placed on the negotiating table as the indisputably consensus views of the global scientific community. There may be some variation between global and regional assessments. For example, governments of neighbouring countries who commission a scientific assessment of an issue of common concern may be looking mainly for validation of their concerns and expert advice on policy options, rather than preparing to negotiate policies palatable to parties with divergent views on where the national interest lies. Nevertheless they are still likely to require an assessment methodology that can be defended as ‘unbiased’, ‘rigorous’ and based on the ‘best available science’ to counter the inevitable pressures from domestic and regional vested interests. It is clear that a global assessment will raise far greater levels of misgiving, criticism and opposition from vested interests at all levels as compared to a regional assessment. The IPCC is an example of how such opposition can be neutralized to the extent possible, such that its findings can form the basis for intergovernmental policy negotiations. It is salutary to compare the success of the IPCC in this regard with the failure of the GBA (Global Biodiversity Assessment) carried out under the auspices on UNEP from 1993 to 1995 and intended to provide the scientific basis for policy making under the Convention on Biological Diversity as it entered into force. Despite convening a large, representative and authoritative group of scientific experts; adopting similar procedures for data gathering, analysis, editing and review; and producing a unique and authoritative assessment, the GBA was de facto rejected by Parties to the CBD. The cause of this was the failure by UNEP to bring governments on 3 board at the inception of the assessment, thereby not ensuring a binding commitment by governments to consider the outcomes and subsequently enabling them to characterize the GBA as nothing more than another of a series of voluntary external inputs to the Convention process. This was a lesson the future Millennium Ecosystem Assessment would be obliged to learn when it came to consider how to ensure its conclusions would be taken account of by the CBD policy making process. How does this have a bearing on the conceptual framework to be adopted for an indigenous peoples’ climate change assessment? As we have seen above, the success or failure assessments intended to place scientific evidence with potentially unpalatable policy conclusions on the negotiating table process revolve around perceptions of ‘science’, ‘balance’ and ‘consensus’. The key questions that an IPCCA needs to address clearly revolve around reservations that will be made regarding scientific method, review and universality. According to the western paradigm, phenomena that cannot be positively observed or measured cannot exist. Thus modern western thought separates what is verifiable and capable of formulation into universal laws (‘science’) from unverifiable ideas about how the world operates (‘belief’ or ‘superstition’). One of the clearest examples of this can be seen in the way that science has become separated from religion. In pre-modern societies interceding with the divine and healing human sicknesses were one and the same, often undertaken by a single specialist member of the community. Traditional knowledge, broadly speaking, operates from a different paradigm. It forms the basis of an holistic cosmology. The various separations that have come about in western society over the recent past – science and superstition, healing and intercession with the divine, rationality and spirituality – are not made. Humanity is perceived as an integral part of the cosmos, rather than standing outside (and examining) it. Therefore, from the perspective of the holders of cosmovisions that have not undergone such separations, it is clearly proper and necessary to honour the animal that allows itself to be hunted so that you and your community may survive, it goes without saying that the plants that re-germinate year after year so that you and your family may eat should be propitiated, there is no mystery about your shaman interceding with spirits in order to guide the destinies of your village or heal your sick, and if your clans and moieties are denominated as jaguars or eagles or tortoises this is because their members really are or are at least descended from jaguars and eagles and tortoises. The bridges between these epistemologies are few and shaky. Resistance to acknowledging the validity of other cosmovisions is the norm in western science, notwithstanding this science derives from Greek, Arabic, Chinese, Indian and other bodies of knowledge, which in turn derived from prior ‘traditional’ knowledge. The reality is that it is the western tradition that is deemed to validate the scientific basis of global policy making. Thus the disconnect between western science and traditional 4 knowledge has potentially serious implications for an initiative such as the IPCCA designed to introduce the findings of traditional knowledge systems into the international policy arena on as equal a footing as possible with the findings of western science. However, in this particular case the gulf may not be as unbridgeable as it can be in other examples. In the fields of medicine, cosmology or human evolution and dispersal there are likely to be major conflicting paradigms. In the case of observed impacts of climate change and implications for cultural survival, there may well be a high degree of coincidence. For example, indicators of weather and climate – and thus of climate change over time – employed by indigenous and traditional communities may include dates of germination or flowering, timing of migrations, location of nests, rainfall patterns, volumes of melt water and so on. These are indicators familiar to and employed by scientists in the western tradition. In some cases it will be possible to argue that the conclusions of indigenous observations using such indicators can be compared to and validated by observations and records of western scientists - ornithologists or entomologists, for example. In many cases community perceptions of climate change over time, as evidenced by changes of temperature and rainfall will be able to be validated by official meteorological records, since all countries keep national data and most will have relevant local data. The sophisticated adaptation strategies that many indigenous and traditional agricultural communities have adopted in response to locally observed climate change – for example, altering the dates or the altitude of planting – can if necessary be replicated in trials by others, thereby fulfilling one of the methodological requirements of western science. Although some indicators of climatic conditions employed by indigenous and local communities may be unacceptable to, or at least have not been investigated by, western science, there is probably going to be a sufficient level of coincidence between the categories of indicators used in both traditions such as to endow the assessment with a level of recognition that will provide the necessary credibility within the UNFCCC process. The fact that the individual assessments will have been community undertakings will also endow the overall assessment with considerable political weight within the process. In a real sense the IPCCA may be pushing at an open door as the IPCC has identified local knowledge as an important missing element in its previous assessments and a focus of its work for its next assessment process. The last report of Working Group II, in its cross-chapter case studies observed that “recent studies have emerged that explore how indigenous knowledge can become part of a shared learning effort to address climatechange impacts, mitigation and adaptation, and links with sustainability”. “Indigenous knowledge is the basis for local-level decision-making in many rural communities. It has value not only for the culture in which it evolves, but also for 5 scientists and planners striving to improve conditions in rural localities. Incorporating indigenous knowledge into climate change policies can lead to the development of effective adaptation strategies that are cost-effective, participatory and sustainable” (IPCC 4AR, WG II, Cross-chapter case studies, p865, citing Robinson and Herbert, 2001). At its most recent meeting (April 2008, Budapest), the IPCC recognised that there is an increasing need for coordinated treatment of adaptation and mitigation within an integrated sustainable development strategy and the development of regional approaches to complement the global approach, particularly in assessing the impacts of and vulnerability to climate change. The IPCC Bureau will decide on how this and other ‘new’ issues will be incorporated into the mandate and functioning of the Working Groups for the preparation of the fifth assessment due in 2014. 4. Environmental assessment frameworks The PSR, DPSIR and associated frameworks All concepts and approaches to environmental assessment seek to link societal pressures with the status of the environment, and explore response options that might improve environmental conditions and manage problems while enhancing (or at least not sacrificing) human well-being. One of the earliest and most commonly used environmental assessment frameworks is the pressure-state-response (PSR) framework. This framework links pressures on the environment that result from human activities with changes in the state (condition) of the environment (land, air, water, etc.). Society then responds to these changes by instituting environmental and economic programmes and policies, which feed back to reduce or mitigate the pressures or repair the natural resource (OECD, 1993). This basic framework has been adopted for environmental reporting by many OECD countries, as well as by the World Bank, and aspects of it are found in almost all later environmental assessment conceptual frameworks, including that of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The PSR framework was later expanded by the European Environment Agency into the DPSIR framework (Driving Forces-Pressures-State-Impacts-Responses). This framework adds the concept of driving forces (socio-economic and socio-cultural forces driving human activities), which increase or mitigate pressures placed by human activities on the environment. State, or state of the environment, is the condition of the environment. Impacts are the effects of environmental degradation. Responses refer to the responses by society to the environmental situation. The DPSIR framework is used to assess and manage environmental problems, and, because of its circular nature, it can be used to assess the effectiveness of response measures. Figure 1 explains the DPSIR process. ( 6 Figure 1: The DPSIR process The DPSIR framework is used by UNEP in the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) and in country-level State of the Environment reporting. Initiated by UNEP in 1995, a key aim of the GEO Integrated Environment Assessment (GEO/IEA) is to influence decisionmaking at different levels, from national to global. GEO objectives are, inter alia, to facilitate the production of accessible, but scientifically relevant environmental information to policymakers, and to increase the capacity of governments to use environmental information for decision-making and action planning for sustainable development. The GEO/IEA methodology facilitates wide participation and cooperation among stakeholders at different levels. 7 The GEO process builds on the concept that assessment and reporting are not goals as such, but tools critical to effective environmental management. By using the DPSIR framework, the GEO process produces the GEO report series and other materials, including data tools for environmental decision-making. The GEO methodology facilitates the integration of the widest possible range of social, economic, political and cultural pressures, and root causes affecting the state of the environment and environmental trends. Every attempt is made to identify cases of state and trends resulting from a combination of pressures, and if possible, to discuss the degree to which each pressure impacts the environment and human health. The assessment evaluates changes in the state of the environment that impact the sustainability of ecosystems and human well-being. An analysis of the effectiveness of policy responses -- for example multilateral environmental agreements -- is a vital part of GEO methodology. Scenarios are used to explore the environmental outlook2. The Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA) also used an application of the DPSIR framework. The UNEP-led GIWA project pulled together 1,500 scientists and other experts in an assessment of national and international shallow water seas and watersheds. The GIWA version of the DPSIR framework was called “Causal Chain Analysis”. Causal Chain Analysis traces the cause-effect pathways from the socioeconomic and environmental impacts back to its root causes. Its purpose in GIWA was to identify the most important causes of selected problems in international waters in order to target them by appropriate policy measures for remediation or mitigation 3. These causes were freshwater shortage, pollution, habitat and community modification, unsustainable exploitation of fisheries and other living resources, and global change. Both the GEO and GIWA processes, as well as other DPSIR assessments, have in common an analysis of the societal and cultural root causes of environmental degradation. A clear understanding of these causes is seen as an important step in developing solutions for environmental problems and for prioritizing remedial action. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) assessed the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being. From 2001 to 2005, the MA involved the work of more than 1,360 experts worldwide. Their findings provide a state-of-the-art scientific appraisal of the condition and trends in the world’s ecosystems and the services they provide, as well as the scientific basis for action to conserve and use them sustainably. The MA incorporated working groups on condition and trends, scenarios, responses, and sub-global assessments4. 2 and Belausteguigoitia, J.C. (2004) Causal Chain Analysis and Root Causes: The GIWA Approach. Ambio vol. 33, Issue 1, pp: 7-12. 3 4 8 The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) conceptual framework has many commonalities with the DPSIR framework. The MA framework includes both indirect and direct drivers of change, the equivalent of driving forces and pressures in the DPSIR framework. Both also consider the state of the environment and human societies in their analyses. The MA conceptual framework is unique in that it places human well-being as the central focus for assessment while recognizing that biodiversity and ecosystems also have intrinsic value and that people take decisions concerning ecosystems based on considerations of both well-being and intrinsic value. The MA conceptual framework assumes that a dynamic interaction exists between people and ecosystems, with the changing human condition serving to both directly and indirectly drive change in ecosystems and with changes in ecosystems causing changes in human well-being. At the same time, many other factors independent of the environment change the human condition, and many natural forces influence ecosystems. Unlike the DPSIR framework, the MA conceptual framework also explicitly recognizes the complex spatial and temporal dimensions of the interactions between humans and their environment. The MA conceptual framework cuts across spatial dimensions from local to global and across temporal dimensions from the recent past to projections into the next century. In this context, the MA included global, sub-global and local-level assessments and scenarios for the future. The conceptual framework was designed to address a set of core questions developed through extensive interaction with users of the MA, including international conventions, national governments, the private sector, and civil society. Stakeholder involvement in the assessment process was one of the key components of the MA and contributed to its success. The five core questions can be seen in Box 1. 9 Box 1: Overarching questions guiding the MA assessment design Five overarching questions, along with the detailed lists of user needs provided by convention secretariats and the private sector, guided the issues addressed by the MA: 1. What are the current conditions and trends of ecosystems and their associated human well-being? o What ecosystems make what contributions to human well-being? o How have ecosystems changed in the past and how has this increased or reduced their capacity to contribute to human well-being? - What thresholds, regime shifts, or irreversible changes have been observed? - What were the most critical factors affecting the observed changes? - What are the costs, benefits, and risks of the observed changes in ecosystems, and how have these affected different sectors of society and different regions? 2. What are the plausible future changes in ecosystems and in the supply of and demand for ecosystem services and the consequent changes in health, livelihood, security, and other constituents of well-being? o Under what circumstances are thresholds encountered or are regime shifts or irreversible changes likely to occur? o What are the most critical drivers and factors affecting future changes? o What are the costs, benefits, and risks of plausible future human-induced changes in ecosystems, and how will these affect different sectors of society and different regions? 3. What can we do to enhance well-being and conserve ecosystems? What are the strengths and weaknesses of response options, actions, and processes that can be considered to realize or avoid specific futures? o What are the trade-off implications of the response options? o How does inertia in the social and natural systems affect management decisions? 4. What are the most robust findings and key uncertainties that affect provision of ecosystem services (including the consequent changes in health, livelihood, and security) and other management decisions and policy formulations? 5. What tools and methodologies developed and used in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment can strengthen capacity to assess ecosystems, the services they provide, their impacts on human well-being, and the implications of response options? The MA conceptual framework is shown in figure 2. The figure lists the issues addressed in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and illustrates their interrelationships. It cannot, of course, portray the complexity of these interactions in their temporal and spatial domains. In particular, the apparent linearity of the relationships between elements of the figure does not fully capture the complex interactions that can occur among them. Given these caveats, the figure and the issues it includes capture the essence of the approach of the MA and provide a framework for structuring the work of the MA. Human well-being and poverty reduction are indicated in the upper left hand box of the conceptual framework diagram. They are placed in this central location to emphasize the primary focus of these issues to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 10 The MA conceptual framework is designed to assess the consequences of changes in ecosystems for human well-being. It assumes that the central components of human wellbeing —including health, the material minimum for a good life, freedom and choice, health, good social relations, and security—can be linked to the status of the environment. By depicting a closed loop between its major boxes, figure 2 reflects the existence of feedbacks within the system. In the course of time, indirect drivers are changed not only by long-term general trends, but even more by people’s and society’s strategies to cope with changing ecosystems in order to maintain well-being. The arrows among the principal contextual boxes of the figure indicate the causal interactions among the components of the system and the general directions of the interactions. The arrows present simplified “if-then” relationships among components: for example, if there is a change in a direct driver, then by definition there will be a change in the ecosystem. In reality, of course, the interactions and their directions are much more complex than depicted. Figure 2: The MA conceptual framework. Changes in factors that indirectly affect ecosystems, such as population, technology, and lifestyle (upper right corner of figure), can lead to changes in factors directly affecting ecosystems, such as the catch of fisheries 11 or the application of fertilizers to increase food production (lower right corner). The resulting changes in the ecosystem (lower left corner) cause the ecosystem services to change and thereby affect human well-being. These interactions can take place at more than one scale and can cross scales. For example, a global market may lead to regional loss of forest cover, which increases flood magnitude along a local stretch of a river. Similarly, the interactions can take place across different time scales. Actions can be taken either to respond to negative changes or to enhance positive changes at almost all points in this framework (black cross bars). By incorporating feedback loops, the MA conceptual framework extends the PSIR and DPSIR frameworks into a more dynamic system in which environmental changes (the impacts) can change the human condition and thereby change the pressures. The MA conceptual framework also explicitly incorporates multiscale considerations. It differs from a standard EIA framework in that places ecosystems and the environment in a central role in the effort to reach development goals5. International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) report The International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)6 is a three-year collaborative effort (2005 - 2007) that assesses agricultural knowledge, science and technology in terms of how they meet the development and sustainability goals of reducing hunger and poverty; improving nutrition, health and rural livelihoods; and facilitating social and environmental sustainability. The IAASTD is an intergovernmental process, under the co-sponsorship of the FAO, GEF, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, the World Bank and WHO and its governing Bureau also includes 30 civil society representatives. Governments formally agreed to the report at an Intergovernmental Plenary in Johannesburg, South Africa, in April 2008. The IAASTD’s conceptual framework assesses both formal science and technology and local and traditional knowledge, recognizing that multiple perspectives exist on the role and natures of agricultural knowledge. Agriculture is characterized as having multiple functions in terms of sustaining economic, environmental, social and cultural goals, and producing multiple outputs, including ecosystem services, landscape amenities and cultural heritage, in addition to the traditional commodities of food, fodder, fibres and biofuels. The IAASTD is composed of one Global Assessment and five Regional Assessments, all of which are peer-reviewed and use the same basic framework related to the overall purpose. The five regions addressed are Central, West and North Africa; East, South Asia and the Pacific; Latin America and the Caribbean; North America and Europe; and subSaharan Africa. Different teams prepared the regional assessments simultaneously with 5 The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2003) Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: A Framework for Assessment. Island Press. 212 p. 6 12 the Global Assessment. A separate Synthesis Report combines the major points of all of the reports and highlights findings from crosscutting thematic issues, one of which is climate change. The Executive Summary of the synthesis report is currently available, with the full report including figures and references still awaiting publication. 5. Climate change impact assessment frameworks A number of assessments concentrate specifically on the impacts of climate change on the environment and societies. Of these, the assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are considered the most authoritative global assessment reports due to the large number of scientists and governments involved, as well as the degree to which they directly influence policy. These assessments incorporate some mention of traditional knowledge, limited mainly to sections of the Working Group II report7. On the regional level, the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) has a sound scientific basis and incorporates traditional knowledge to an unprecedented degree. Both of these assessments are reviewed below. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) The IPCC was established to provide the decision-makers and others interested in climate change with an objective source of information about climate change. The IPCC does not conduct any research nor does it monitor climate related data or parameters. Its role is to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the latest scientific, technical and socio-economic literature produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change, its observed and projected impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. IPCC reports should be neutral with respect to policy, although they need to deal objectively with policy relevant scientific, technical and socio economic factors. They should be of high scientific and technical standards, and aim to reflect a range of views, expertise and wide geographical coverage.8 The IPCC continues to be a major source of information for the negotiations under the UNFCCC. Further information about the UNFCCC process can be found in Annex 2. The IPCC published its first assessment report in 1990, a supplementary report in 1992, a second assessment report (SAR) in 1995, and a third assessment report (TAR) in 2001. A fourth assessment report (AR4) was released in 2007. Each assessment report is in three volumes, corresponding to Working Groups I, II and III. The Working Group I report covers the scientific basis of climate change; Working Group II deals with impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, while Working Group III reports on mitigation. A synthesis report is also produced. The assessment reports are based on a survey of all published literature, including non-English language and ‘grey’ literature such as government and NGO reports. 7 For a summary see: Parry, M.L., O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson, Eds., 2007: Cross-chapter case study. In: Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 843-868. 8 13 The present document is mainly concerned with the Working Group II report, which is the most relevant to indigenous assessments of climate change. This report addresses, inter alia, one of the key questions before the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): What are the potential impacts for societies and ecosystems of different atmospheric concentrations of GHGs and aerosols that absorb and scatter sunlight (United Nations, 1992). The report therefore deals with assessments of climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability (CCIAV), which are undertaken to inform decision-making in an environment of uncertainty. The IPCC does not seek to prescribe a single preferred method for assessing climate change impacts and adaptations, but rather acknowledges a range of methods, some of which may be more suitable than others to particular tasks, but which yield comparable results across regions and sectors. (IPCC Technical Guidelines, 1994). Towards this end, each IPCC assessment report reviews a large number of methods and tools pertaining to specific sectors, scales of analysis, and environmental and socioeconomic contexts that are available for assessing impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change. Each of the IPCC reports presents an update on methodological advances. The Working Group 2 report of AR4 defines several approaches for CCIAV. An approach is defined by the IPCC as the overall scope and direction of an assessment, which can accommodate a variety of different methods (systematic processes of analysis). The five approaches to CCIAV include impact assessment, adaptation assessment, vulnerability assessment, integrated assessment and risk management. Factors that distinguish a particular approach include the purpose of the assessment, its focus, the methods available, and how uncertainty is managed. A major aim of CCIAV assessment approaches is to manage, rather than overcome, uncertainty, and each approach has its strengths and weaknesses in that regard. Another important trend has been to move away from research-driven agendas to assessments tailored towards decision-making, where decision-makers and stakeholders either participate in or drive the assessment. The standard approach to assessment has been the climate scenario-driven ‘impact approach’, developed from the seven-step assessment framework of IPCC (1994). This framework includes the following components: 1. Definition of the problem 2. Selection of the method 3. Testing the method 4. Selection of scenarios 5. Assessment of biophysical and socio-economic impacts 6. Assessment of autonomous adjustments 7. Evaluation of adaptation strategies This approach, which dominated the CCIAV literature described in the first three IPCC reports, aims to evaluate the likely impacts of climate change under a given scenario and 14 to assess the need for adaptation and/or mitigation to reduce any resulting vulnerability to climate risks. Vulnerability to climate change has been defined by the IPCC as "the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes." Vulnerability is a function of: o The magnitude, character and rate of climate change o The sensitivity of the system, i.e. the degree to which the system is adversely or beneficially affected by climate-related stimuli o The adaptive capacity of the system, i.e. the system's ability to adjust to climate change, to moderate or cope with the impacts, and to take advantages of the opportunities (IPCC, 2001). Vulnerability is highly dependent on context and scale, and has inherent uncertainties, all of which should be clearly described in any assessment. While formal methods for vulnerability assessments are still preliminary, assessment frameworks should be able to integrate the social and biophysical dimensions of vulnerability to climate change, as well as adaptive capacity (IPCC AR4). Vulnerability assessment offers a framework for policy measures that focus on social aspects, including poverty reduction, diversification of livelihoods, protection of common property resources and strengthening of collective action (O’Brien et al., 2004b). Such measures enhance the ability to respond to stressors and secure livelihoods under present conditions, which can also reduce vulnerability to future climate change. Community-based interactive approaches for identifying coping potentials provide insights into the underlying causes and structures that shape vulnerability (O’Brien et al., 2004b). Adaptation is defined by the IPCC as the adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities. An adaptation assessment focuses on risk management by examining the adaptive capacity and adaptation measures required to improve the resilience or robustness of a system exposed to climate change. The IPCC AR4 notes that significant advances in adaptation assessment have occurred, shifting its emphasis from a research-driven activity to one where stakeholders participate in order to improve decision-making. The key advance is the incorporation of adaptation to past and present climate. This has the advantage of anchoring the assessment in what is already known, and can be used to explore adaptation to climate variability and extremes, especially if scenarios of future variability are uncertain or unavailable (Mirza, 2003b; UNDP, 2005). As such, adaptation assessment has accommodated a wide range of methods used in mainstream policy and planning. AR4 also notes that Indigenous knowledge studies are a valuable source of information for CCIAV assessments, especially where formally collected and recorded data are sparse (Huntington and Fox, 2005). A combined vulnerability and adaptation assessment may be well suited for use by indigenous and local communities, and might incorporate historical coping strategies to 15 climate extremes. The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) described in the next section provides an interesting conceptual model for jointly assessing adaptive capacity (resilience) and vulnerability. This model conforms to the methodological guidance provided by the IPCC AR4. The other assessment types described by IPPC AR4 are integrated assessment and risk assessment. An integrated assessment includes integrated assessment modelling and other procedures for investigating CCIAV across disciplines, sectors and scales, and representing key interactions and feedbacks (e.g., Toth et al., 2003a, b). Risk assessment generally measures risk as a combination of the probability of an event and its consequences (ISO/IEC, 2002). Risk management is defined as the culture, processes and structures directed towards realizing potential opportunities whilst managing adverse effects (AS/NZS, 2004). While these two assessment types will offer relevant lessons, methods and tools, they rely heavily on quantitative information and may not be as relevant for use by indigenous and local communities, whose main concerns likely relate to vulnerability and adaptation. In addition to providing information and guidance on different types of assessments, the IPCC assessment reports incorporate language and definitions that might be kept in mind in the context of the planned indigenous climate impact assessments. For example, the IPCC recognizes that its reports are subject to varying degrees of uncertainty. The IPCC has developed guidelines for assessing the degree of uncertainty attached to conclusions of the reports. A set of terms to describe uncertainties in current knowledge is common to all parts of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report. Similarly terminology is available for the degree of confidence in major statements in the assessment reports, as well as for the likelihood of occurrence of certain outcomes. This standard terminology provides the reader with a uniform way to judge the degree of uncertainty associated with the reports. The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) was an international project of the Arctic Council and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), to evaluate and synthesize knowledge on climate variability, climate change, and increased ultraviolet radiation and their consequences. The results of the assessment were released at the ACIA International Scientific Symposium held in Reykjavik, Iceland in November 20049. The 1042-page scientific report provides and assessment of climate change as it relates to Arctic climate and various Arctic ecosystems. Importantly, it also includes a chapter on indigenous perspectives of the changing Arctic (chapter 3). This chapter compiles knowledge gathered by existing projects and studies on indigenous knowledge and climate changes. The chapter presents a number of illustrative case studies, the formats of which vary greatly and reflect the type of material gathered and the way in which the 9 16 study was conducted. A map-based standardized summary of observations by different communities in the Arctic is also presented. The case studies of indigenous observations and perspectives offer great insights not only in terms of the nature and extent of environmental change, but also in terms of the significance of such change for those peoples whose cultures are built on an intimate connection with the arctic landscape. The case studies each attempt to convey the sense of how climate change is seen, not in the form of aggregate statistics or general trends, but in specific terms for particular individuals and communities. The case studies provide the basis for a discussion of resilience, or protecting options to increase the capacity of arctic societies to deal with future change and a review of further research needs. In this context, the reports notes that in making use of indigenous knowledge, several of its characteristics should be kept in mind. It is typically qualitative rather than quantitative, does not explicitly address uncertainty, and is more likely to be based on observations over a long period than on comparisons of observations taken at the same time in different locations. Identifying mechanisms of change can be particularly difficult. It is also important to note that indigenous knowledge refers to the variety of knowledge systems in the various cultures of the Arctic and is not merely another discipline or method for studying arctic climate. In a chapter relating to climate change in the context of multiple stressors and resilience (chapter 17) the ACIA report may offer a useful conceptual framework for undertaking a vulnerability assessment that is in keeping with the general guidance of the IPCC. This vulnerability assessment offers a way of conceptualizing interacting stresses and their implications for particular human–environment systems, and may thus be useful for community-based assessments. The ACIA uses definitions of vulnerability and its elements (exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity) that were adopted in the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The conceptual framework for the assessment is based on the work of Timmerman (1981), which provided the intellectual underpinning for linking the concepts of vulnerability, resilience, and climate change. Examples of recent projects that incorporate these perspectives include the IPCC (particularly the contribution of Working Group II to the Third Scientific Assessment), the Assessments of Impacts of and Adaptation to Climate Change in Multiple Regions and Sectors (AIACC) implemented by UNEP, the Finnish global change research projects FIGARE and SILMU, the European Commission project on Tundra Degradation in the Russian Arctic (TUNDRA), the Norwegian project NORKLIMA, the US National Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the United States (NAST,2000), and the Regional Vulnerability Assessment (ReVA) Program under the United States Environmental Protection Agency (Smith, 2000). Building on this work, the ACIA report approached the issue of vulnerability through the questions in Box 2. 17 Box 2: Questions underpinning Arctic vulnerability assessment 1. How do social and biophysical conditions of human–environment systems in the Arctic influence the resilience of these systems when they are impacted by climate and other stressors? 2. How can the coupled condition of these systems be suitably characterized for analysis within a vulnerability framework? 3. To what stresses and combinations of stresses are coupled human–environment systems in the Arctic most vulnerable? 4. To what degree can mitigation and enhanced adaptation at local, regional, national, and global scales reduce vulnerabilities in these systems? The answers to these questions require a holistic research approach that addresses the interconnected and multiscale character of natural and social systems. A framework for this approach was developed by Turner et al (2003) and can be seen in figure 3. This framework provides a means of conceptualizing the vulnerability of coupled human– environment systems, under alterations in social and biophysical conditions arising from and interacting across global, regional, and local levels. Figure 3: Vulnerability framework (Turner et al., 2003) 18 The multiple and linked scales in each diagram are reflected in the nesting of different colours with blue (place), pink (region), and green (world). The place (whatever its spatial dimensions) contains the coupled human–environment system whose vulnerability is being investigated. Figure 4 presents a more detailed schematic of the place. The influences (including stresses) acting on the place arise from outside and inside its borders. However, given the complexity and possible non-linearity of these influences, their precise character (e.g., kind, magnitude, and sequence) is commonly specific to the place-based system. This system has certain attributes denoted as human and environmental conditions. These conditions can interact with one another and can enable or inhibit certain responses in, for example, the form of coping, adaptation, and impacts. Negative impacts at various scales result when stresses or perturbations exceed the ability of the place-based human– environment system to cope or respond. There are a number of feedbacks and interactions within and around the place-based system and these dynamics can extend across place-based, regional, and global levels. Impacts and mitigating and adaptive responses, for example, can modify societal conditions of the place and/or alter societal and environmental influences within the place and at regional and global scales. Figure 4: Details of the exposure, sensitivity, and resilience components of the vulnerability framework (Turner et al., 2003) The vulnerability of the coupled human–environment system can be thought of as the potential for this system to experience adverse impacts, taking into consideration the system’s resilience. Adverse impacts might arise from phenomena such as climate change, pollution, and social change. The system’s resilience depends on its ability to 19 counter sources of adverse change and to adapt to and otherwise cope with their consequences. This framework has much in common with the DPSIR and Millennium Ecosystem Assessment conceptual frameworks reviewed earlier. The vulnerability framework incorporates impacts and responses, and resembles the dynamic nature of the MA framework in its feedback links between environmental and societal changes. Like the MA framework, the vulnerability assessment framework also incorporates multiscale considerations. While generally consistent with these more general frameworks, the vulnerability analysis framework is unique in exploring the relationship between resilience, exposure and sensitivity with the aim to inform decisions regarding adaptation and mitigation when there is a distinct possibility of social and environmental loss. 6. Assessment related to traditional knowledge and climate change The conceptual frameworks used by the global and regional assessments reviewed above may not translate directly for use by indigenous and local communities, although the Millennium Ecosystem Approach conceptual framework has guided a number of locallevel assessments (see the first section of this review). However, much of the work that has been carried out relating to traditional knowledge and climate change incorporates aspects of the reviewed conceptual frameworks. For example, like the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, all assessments of indigenous and local communities consider human-well being as the central component of the assessment. And like the vulnerability framework of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, many assessments consider linkages between the vulnerability and resilience of indigenous and local communities, and the power of traditional knowledge in enhancing their capacity to adapt to climate change. None of the assessments consider root causes in the manner of the DPSIR framework. This section is based on a review of literature, other documents and websites of relevance to traditional knowledge and climate change, which included local, national and regional assessments, case studies and related information on climate change and indigenous and local communities. The full list is presented in the Annex to this document. The list is still preliminary, and it is expected that it will be augmented with additional assessments in the future. At the present time, there is a relatively large amount of information available on assessments undertaken in Arctic areas and Africa. A moderate number of assessments have also originated from the Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand. Less information at the present time is available about assessments in South and North America and Asia. The following text summarizes some key concepts and methodologies of these assessments, and attempts to show parallels in approach between these local communitybased assessments and the conceptual frameworks of the global assessments. 20 Using the global MA assessment framework as a basis for a local assessment The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) incorporated a number of sub-global assessments. Although not explicitly focused on climate change, some of these assessments were undertaken by indigenous and local communities, and incorporated traditional knowledge to varying degrees. These assessments were intended to meet needs of decision-makers at the scale at which they are undertaken, strengthen the global findings with on-the-ground reality, and strengthen the local findings with global perspectives, data, and models. These assessments not only demonstrate the application of the global MA conceptual framework at the local level, but also the utilization of local assessment results by a global process. In particular, two assessments, in Chirripó (Costa Rica) and Vilcanota (Peru) incorporated traditional knowledge of indigenous and local communities. The Local Ecosystem Assessment of the Higher and Middle Chirripó River Sub-basins, Cabécar Indigenous Territory, Costa Rica, was a user-driven assessment conducted in large part using the traditional knowledge of the inhabitants of the assessment areas. Traditionally, this population conserves deeply-rooted ancestral knowledge on the uses of ecosystems, and lives in a tropical humid forest with dense cover. Their territory is threatened by timber activities, poaching, pollution, and ecosystem fragmentation due to the unsustainable agricultural practices of non-indigenous people. The assessment started by recovering stories and histories from the elders about the habitat, its creation, and the norms that regulate its use. This knowledge was complemented with scientific literature and produced a first interpretation of the relation of ecosystems and human well-being from the Cabécar perspective. The information was validated in community gatherings convened by elders in other Cabécar communities, resulting in a description of the broad cosmovision of the Cabécar people10. The Vilcanota Sub-regional assessment (Peru) aimed to assess the state of the ecosystem in the Vilcanota sub-region of the Peruvian Andes, which is subjected to an increasing intensity of global dynamics and drivers of ecosystem change, such as mass tourism and mining. The assessment was undertaken by the International Center of Traditional Knowledge, Ecology, and Policies (CICTEP), which is a project of the Asociación ANDES, a community-based Quechua-Aymara organization working on conservation and livelihoods promotion in the Andes region. CICTEP worked closely with the Ausangate Community Association (a community organization of Ausangate sub-region associated to ANDES) made up of the indigenous communities of Tinqui, Tayancany, Cotaña, Mahuayani, Pausipanpa, and Anjasi. The assessment considered Cultural services (spirituality); provisioning services (water, food); supporting services (soil, primary production). Agrobiodiversity was also assessed11. 10 11 21 Indigenous observations of climate change A common assessment undertaken with or by indigenous and local communities involves documenting observations of climate change and its impacts. This type of assessment can be extremely powerful as local verification of global models or assessments, including through historical information, and as the basis for developing local adaptation strategies. These types of observations correspond to the “state” in the PSR framework or the “environmental condition” in the ACIA vulnerability framework. If the observations include changes over time, they can also feed into the “impact” portion of the DPSIR framework. Two examples of these types of observations from the Arctic are described below. The Sila-Inuk project is a study of the impacts of climate change in Greenland. The project is undertaken by Inuit Circumpolar Conference, ICC-Greenland and Kalaallit Nunaanni Aalisartut Piniartullu Kattuffiat, The Association of Fishermen and Hunters in Greenland, KNAPK. In 2006, field interviews were conducted from Arsuk to Aappilattoq in South Greenland. Thirteen settlements were visited and 33 persons, hunters, fishermen, sheep farmers and others, men and women, old and young who have been observing the weather were interviewed. Preliminary observation on changes in weather, the environment and species are available. The plan for the project is to get to most areas of Greenland and to circulate the collected information to the interested parties as well as to a larger audience12. In a book called Voices from the Bay, the Canadian Arctic Resources Committee and the Nunavut municipality of Sanikilua, a small Inuit community on the Belcher Islands in Hudson Bay, published a verified collection of ecological change observations, including those related to climate change. The study covered the large bioregion along the shores of the James and Hudson bays. Inuit and Cree hunters and elders from over 28 communities provided the observations in a series of workshops. Published in 1997, this book is an early and comprehensive study of traditional ecological knowledge in the Arctic13. Traditional knowledge in forecasting and predicting weather and climate Another type of assessment seeks to document traditional knowledge of climate, weather and environment, as well as traditional methods and indicators for forecasting weather. This type of assessment provides a historical record of climate observation that can be used together with western science to develop improved understanding of climate, changes in climate, forecasting and climate models. Traditional indicators are generally most accurate locally, and can contribute to developing local climate change coping strategies. These types of assessments can contribute to the “environmental condition” and “resilience/response” components of the vulnerability framework, and the “state”, “impact” and “response” components of the DPSIR framework. It should also be possible to use this information in scenario development. Assessments of traditional climate 12 13 22 forecasting have been undertaken in several locations around the world, including in the Pacific, Australia, New Zealand and Africa. In Samoa, preliminary efforts were made to capture and examine traditional ecological knowledge and begin assessment programs. A study of weather and climate knowledge by Lefale served as a first source for historical and baseline data, provided initial insights into how indigenous communities in Samoa can formulate adaptation and response strategies, and recognized the need for continued documenting of local indigenous knowledge (Lefale, 2003). A similar study in Australia has made available on the Internet seasonal weather calendars, developed over thousands of years by indigenous communities. The project is a joint effort involving indigenous communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), the Bureau of Meteorology, and Monash University’s Centre for Australian Indigenous Studies (CAIS) and School of Geography and Environmental Science14. Before the advent of modern scientific methods of forecasting, the traditional communities in Kenya were able to observe the behaviour of some animals, birds, insects and plants and use these to forecast the weather for the coming season. The traditional forecasters are still the major source of weather and climate information for farm management in the rural areas. The Drought Monitoring Center in Nairobi started a project to work with traditional forecasters from Luo, Abasuba, Abaluya and the Akamba communities to determine the indicators used in parts of Kenya and make an attempt to establish their scientific interpretations. The communities have mastered the traditional indicators, which include plants, animals, insects, birds, stars, the moon, the wind the temperature, clouds and lightning patterns15. A study by the New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) Māori Research and Development Unit has recently completed a pilot programme to examine Māori environmental knowledge (MEK) of weather and climate. Through participatory based interviews and workshops, representatives from the tribal groups Ngāti Pare (Coromandel) and Te Whānau a Apanui (Eastern Bay of Plenty), demonstrated an intimate understanding of weather and climate in their respective localities. Analysis of the key themes from these exchanges revealed three principal strands of weather and climate knowledge. These include: (i) The naming and classification of local weather and climate phenomena; (ii) The oral recording of weather and climate based events and trends; and (iii) The use of environmental indicators to forecast and predict weather and climate16. An important component of this project was the development of a matrix linking indicators of change with expected outcomes, as seen in figure 5. This knowledge was used in making decisions about the timing, safety and viability of various activities, and can contribute to increasing community resilience to climate change. 14 16 15 23 Figure 5: Matrix linking traditional Maori indicators and expected outcomes. Using traditional knowledge to develop climate change adaptation and response strategies A third type of assessment connects indigenous observations of climate and environment to potential response strategies. By making this linkage explicit, the assessment becomes conceptually more challenging, connecting exposure to resilience in the vulnerability framework, and response to state and impact in the DPSIR framework. This type of assessment is less common than some of those described in the previous sections, but examples are available from, inter alia, the United States and the Canadian arctic, The United States Global Change Research Program’s Native Peoples-Native Homelands (NP-NH) component conducted an assessment of indigenous responses to climate change. The assessment was part of the larger national assessment Climate Change Impacts on the United States: The Potential Consequence of Climate Variability and Change published in 2000/2001. The report produced from the smaller study on Native peoples includes anticipated impacts and adaptation strategies from Indigenous perspectives across the United States. It represents a starting point from which to build better strategies based on more comprehensive knowledge, data and perspectives (Maynard 2001). The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment contains a table adapted from Nickels et al., 2002) describing indigenous responses to climate change in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region of Canada’s Northwest Territories. This table, available in figure 6, illustrates a systematic way of linking observations with effects and response/adaptation strategies. 24 Figure 6: Indigenous responses to climate change in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region of Canada’s Northwest Territories (adapted by the ACIA from Nickels et al., 2002). Available guidance on local and indigenous climate assessments Some guidance is available on conducting local-level assessments of climate change. The South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has developed a guide to community vulnerability and adaptation assessment and action. This guide outlines the various steps that will assist in the i community adaptation strategies to challenges and opportunities (risks) related to climate change. The CV&A guide is a collection of activities that provides a learning process to empower local communities to identify, analyse, and develop ways and means of increasing their local adaptive capacity to current and future challenges and opportunities related to climate change. This guide is based on the premise that Pacific islanders are continually adapting to climate change in their daily lives17. The Climate Witness Toolkit is the result of a process undertaken on Kabara, Fiji, (the first Climate Witness site in the Pacific) to document local impacts of climate change and to devise appropriate adaptation measures that local communities can implement themselves. The methodologies within the toolkit are an adaptation of participatory techniques WWF South Pacific has used over the years in community resource conservation and development projects, and are designed to give facilitators a clear sense of process when trying to illicit information specific to impacts of climate change and developing appropriate community response. The methodologies include, inter alia, 17 25 mapping, development of a seasonal calendar, time line, animal and plant inventory, community values, root cause analysis and community action plan18. Many Strong Voices has produced a Project Design Outline for a Dynamic Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Small Island Developing States. The document aims to guide and support the development and implementation of a full assessment of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), under the Many Strong Voices (MSV) programme. MSV is a collaborative programme designed to ensure the well-being, security, and sustainability of coastal communities in the Arctic and SIDS in the face of climate change. The programme brings together local, national, and regional stakeholders in the Arctic and SIDS to exchange knowledge about the climate change challenges facing them19. On the global level, the 2008 IUCN report on Indigenous and Traditional Peoples and Climate Change aims to (i) improve understanding of the potential impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities and cultures and their associated ecosystems; (ii) to identify further research required to reduce the risks of climate change; and (iii) to develop appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures, particularly in areas with high risk of socio-cultural impacts. The report reviews factors related to vulnerability (social and biophysical vulnerability factors), the potential impacts of climate change on livelihoods and cultures, and examples of adaptation strategies20. The Resilience Alliance has developed workbooks as well as a workbook wiki on assessing and managing resilience in social-ecological systems. The resilience workbook wiki is a collaborative project involving researchers and practitioners engaged in natural resource management who seek a holistic approach to managing social-ecological systems for long-term sustainability. The workbook wiki is aimed at those who have experience applying resilience concepts to social-ecological systems and who want to share their knowledge by contributing to the on-going development of the resilience assessment guide21. 7. Towards an indigenous peoples’ assessment of climate change The assessment frameworks reviewed in this paper are generally consistent with each other, though increasingly complex and specialized when used to address interconnected human–environment systems subjected to multiple stressors. The vulnerability assessment framework of the ACIA is possibly the conceptual framework most directly useful to an indigenous assessment relating to resilience, adaptation and vulnerability to climate change, though it may not translate directly to use by communities. This framework would likely need to be modified to take into account the special circumstances, as well as spiritual and cultural values, of indigenous and local 18 20 21 19 26 communities. A draft modification of the framework is presented in the next section of this document, as a basis for further discussion. Regardless of which type of assessment framework is used, it is important for indigenous peoples themselves to gain an understanding of the ways in which they are resilient and the ways in which they are vulnerable to climate change. This understanding is an essential starting point in determining how they will respond to the challenges posed by climate change. To date, little has been done to connect indigenous perspectives and observations to potential response or adaptation strategies, and a framework for indigenous climate assessment may wish to explore this linkage. The issue of peer review needs special attention as well. Scientific assessments are generally verified through an extensive peer review process. For example, the assessment reports of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the IPCC underwent extensive peer review by governments and experts. In the case of a community-based assessment, the review of documented information by the communities concerned is a crucial step in establishing whether the information contained in reports about indigenous and local knowledge reliably reflects community perspectives. This step of community review offers a similar degree of confidence to that provided by the peer-review process for scientific literature. 27 ANNEX 1 A list of assessments and related information of relevance to indigenous and local communities and climate change UN Documents and global assessments Global Environment Outlook: Global International Waters Assessment: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: IPCC (2007) Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report. Summary for Policy Makers. Brussels, Belgium. International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD): Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: UNDP's Regional Initiative on Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Development (e.g. has undertaken regional assessments on climate change and biocultural diversity UNEP (2007) Global Outlook for Ice and Snow. Division of Early Warning and Assessment, UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), Nairobi, Kenya General studies and useful references Agrawal, A. (1995) Dismantling the divide between indigenous and scientific knowledge. Development and Change,26 (3):413–439. Bioversity International [Collects and collates information on experiences of indigenous peoples in using agro-biodiversity as part of their response to climate change] Brown, DA (2003) The importance of expressly examining global warming policy issues through an ethnical prism - Global Environmental Change 13 pp229-234 Canziani, O.F. and L.J. Mata (2004) The fate of indigenous communities under climate change. UNFCCC workshop on impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to, climate change. Tenth Session of the Conference of Parties (COP-10), Buenos Aires, 3 pp. Couzin, J. (2007) Opening doors to native knowledge, Science, Vol. 315, pp. 1518-19. 28 Frame, D. 2007. Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change Models. Environmental Change Institute. University of Oxford. IUCN (2008) Indigenous and Traditional Peoples and Climate Change IUCN and IISD (2003) Livelihoods and Climate Change: Combining disaster risk reduction, natural resource management and climate change adaptation in a new approach to the reduction of vulnerability and poverty. A Conceptual Framework Paper Prepared by the Task Force on Climate Change, Vulnerable Communities and Adaptation. Published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Johnson, M., Ed., (1992) Lore: Capturing Traditional Environmental Knowledge. Dene Cultural Institute, Hay River, and International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, 190 pp. Leautier, F. (2004) Indigenous capacity enhancement: developing community knowledge. Indigenous Knowledge: Local Pathways to Global Development. The World Bank, Washington, District of Columbia, 4-8. Many Strong Voices: Project Design Outline for a Dynamic Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Small Island Developing States. Mercer, J., I. Kelman, K., Lloyd, and S. Suchet (2008) Reflections on Use of Participatory Research for Disaster Risk Reduction. Area, in press Minority Rights Group International (2008) State of the World's Minorities 2008. Minority Rights Group International, London, U.K. On the Frontlines of Climate Change: A forum for indigenous peoples, small islands and vulnerable communities. UNESCO LINKS programme. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - Seventh session (2008) Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues. Collated Paper on Indigenous Peoples And Climate Change. E/C.19/2008/CRP. 2. Reid, W.V., F. Berkes, T. Wilbanks and D. Capistrano, Eds. (2006) Bridging Scales and Knowledge Systems. Island Press, Washington, District of Columbia, 314 pp. The Resilience Alliance (2007) Assessing and managing resilience in social-ecological systems: A practitioners workbook. Volume 1, version 1.0. The Resilience Alliance (2007) Assessing resilience in social-ecological systems: A scientists workbook. 29 Salick, J., Byg, A. eds., 2007. Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change. A Tyndall Centre Publication. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Oxford. Stigter, C.J., Z. Dawei, L.O.Z. Onyewotu and M. Xurong (2005) Using traditional methods and indigenous technologies for coping with climate variability. Climatic Change, 70, 255-271. 74 Turner, B. L., II, P. Matson, J.J. McCarthy ,R.W. Corell, L. Christensen, N. Eckley, G. Hovelsrud-Broda, J.X. Kasperson, R.E. Kasperson, A. Luers, M.L. Martello, S. Mathiesen, R. Naylor, C. Polsky, A. Pulsipher, A. Schiller, H.S elin and N.Tyler (2003) Illustrating the coupled human-environment system for vulnerability analysis: Three Case Studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,100:8080–8085. Twinomugisha, B. (2005) Indigenous adaptation. Tiempo, 57, 6-8. UNFCCC (2007) Database on local coping strategies. Watt-Cloutier, Sheila (2004) Climate Change and Human Rights—Human Rights Dialogue: Environmental Rights. Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs (Spring) Arctic region The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Scientific Assessment. Note Chapter 3 titled "Changing Arctic: Indigenous Perspectives" (pp. 61-98). Downloadable from See also: Huntington, H., S. Fox and Co-authors, 2005: The changing Arctic: Indigenous perspectives. Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, C. Symon, L.Arris and B.Heal, Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 61-98. Ashford, G. and J. Castleden (2001) Inuit Observations on Climate Change. Final Report International Institute for Sustainable Development. June 2001. Bielawski, E. (1992) “Inuit Indigenous Knowledge and Science in the Arctic.” Northern Perspectives 20 (1). The Bering Sea Sub-Network (BSSN) - Community-based environmental monitoring Berkes, F., 1999: Sacred Ecology: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Resource Management. Taylor and Francis, London, 232 pp. Berkes, F. and D. Jolly, 2001: Adapting to climate change: social-ecological resilience in a Canadian Western Arctic Community. Conserv. Ecol., 5, 18. Berkes,F.,J.Colding and C.Folke (eds.) (2003) Navigating Social-Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change. Cambridge University Press 30 Berkes,F.,J.Colding and C.Folke (2000) Rediscovery of traditional ecological knowledge as adaptive management. Ecological Applications,10(5):1251–1262. Centre for Saami Studies, University of Tromsø. (Contains publications and a searchable database of Sami and Indigenous research) Community Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods – Inuit Observations on Climate Change Project. Includes trip reports and video. Community of Arctic Bay, 2005: Inuit Observations on Climate and Environmental Change: Perspectives from Arctic Bay, Nunavut. ITK, Nasivvik, NAHO, NTI, Ottawa, 57 pp. Cruikshank, J. (2001) “Glaciers and Climate Change: Perspectives from Oral Tradition.” Arctic 54 (4): 377-393. George, J.C., H.P. Huntington, K. Brewster, H. Eicken, D.W. Norton and R. Glenn, 2004: Observations on shorefast ice dynamics in arctic Alaska and the responses of the Inupiat hunting community. Arctic, 57, 363-374 Dene Nation (2002) The Denendeh Environmental Working Group: Climate Change Workshop.] Dene Nation (2003) Report of the Second Denendeh Environmental Working Group: Climate Change and Forests Workshop. Ealát Project - an initiative to look at the vulnerabilities of reindeer herders, and conduct research on how herders might adapt to climate change ECORA project - using an integrated ecosystem management (IEM) approach to conserve biodiversity and minimize habitat fragmentation in three selected model areas in the Russian Arctic. Fenge, T. (2001) "The Inuit and Climate Change" Isuma Canadian Journal of Policy Research 2 (4: Winter) Ferguson,M.A.D.,R.G.Williamson and F.Messier (1998) Inuit knowledge of long-term changes in a population of Arctic tundra caribou.Arctic,51(3):201–219.pp.302–309. Ferguson,M.A.D.and F.Messier (1997) Collection and analysis of traditional ecological knowledge about a population of arctic tundra caribou.Arctic,50(1):17–28. Fienup-Riordan,A.,W.Tyson,P.John,M.Meade and J.Active (2000) Hunting Tradition in a Changing World. Rutgers University Press, xx +310p. Folke,C.,S.Carpenter,T.Elmqvist,L.Gunderson,C.S.Holling,B.Walker,J.Bengtsson,F.Berkes,J.Col ding,K.Danell, M.Falkenmark,L.Gordon,R.Kasperson,N.Kautsky,A.Kinzig, S.Levin,K.G.Maler,F.Moberg,L.Ohlsson,P.Olsson,E. Ostrom,W.Reid,J.Rockstrom,H.Savenije and U.Svedin (2002) Resilience for Sustainable Development: Building Adaptive Capacity in a World of 31 Transformations. Environmental Advisory Council, Ministry of the Environment, Stockholm,74p. Ford, J. and B. Smit (2004) A framework for assessing the vulnerability of communities in the Canadian Arctic to risks associated with climate change. Arctic, 57, 389-400. Ford, J., B. Smit and J. Wandel, (2006) Vulnerability to climate change in the Arctic: A case study from Arctic Bay, Nunavut. Global Environ. Chang., 16, 145-160. Fox, S. (2003) When the Weather is Uggianaqtuq: Inuit Observations of Environmental Change. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, CD-ROM. Freeman,M.M.R.and L.N.Carbyn (eds.) (1988) Traditional Knowledge and Renewable Resource Management in Northern Regions. Boreal Institute for Northern Studies,Alberta,124p. Furgal, C.M., D. Martin, P. Gosselin, A. Viau, Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services (NRBHSS) and Labrador Inuit Association (LIA) (2002) Climate change in Lunavik and Labrador: what we know from science and Inuit ecological knowledge. Final Report prepared for Climate Change Action Fund, WHO/PAHO Collaborating Center on Environmental and Occupational Health Impact Assessment and Surveillance, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quebec (CHUQ), Beauport, Quebec, 141 pp Furgal, C.M., C. Fletcher and C. Dickson (2006) Ways of knowing and understanding: towards the convergence of traditional and scientific understanding of climate change in the Canadian North. Environment Canada, No. KM467-056213, 96 pp. Gaski, H.(ed.) (1997) Sami culture in a new era: the Norwegian Sami experience. Davvi Girji,Karasjok,Norway,223p. GN (2001) Inuit Qaujimajangit Hilap Alanguminganut/Inuit Knowledge of Climate Change: A Sample of Inuit Experiences of Climate Change in Nunavut. Baker Lake and Arviat,Nunavut. January–March 2001.Government of Nunavut, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Protection Services Hovelsrud, G. K., M. McKenna and H.P. Huntington, Marine mammal harvests and other interactions with humans. Huntington, H., 1998: Observations on the utility of the semi-directive interview for documenting traditional ecological knowledge. Arctic, 51, 237-242. Huntington, H.P. (ed.). Impacts of Changes in Sea Ice and other Environmental Parameters in the Arctic. Marine Mammal Commission, Maryland. Huntington, H., T.V. Callaghan, S. Fox and I. Krupnik, 2004: Matching traditional and scientific observations to detect environmental change: a discussion on arctic terrestrial ecosystems. Ambio, 33(S13), 18-23 32 Ingold,T. and T.Kurtilla (2000) Perceiving the environment in Finnish Lapland. Body and Society,6(3–4):183–196. Inuit Circumpolar Conference Jolly, D., S. Fox and N. Thorpe (2003) Inuit and Inuvialuit knowledge of climate change. In:J.Oakes,R.Riewe,K.Wilde,A.Edmunds and A.Dubois,(eds.),pp.280–290.Native Voices in Research. Aboriginal Issues Press Krupnik, I and D. Jolly (eds.). The Earth is Faster Now: Indigenous Observations of Arctic Environmental Change, contains a number of relevant studies, e.g. o Kofinas, G., 2002. Community contributions to ecological monitoring: knowledge co-production in the US-Canada Arctic borderlands. o Jolly, D., F. Berkes, J. Castleden, T. Nichols and the Community of Sachs Harbour, 2002. We can’t predict the weather like we used to. Inuvialuit observations of climate change, Sachs Harbour, western Canadian Arctic. o Thorpe, T., S. Eyegetok, N. Hakongak and the Kitikmeot Elders, 2002. Nowadays it is not the same: Inuit Qaumjimajatuqangit, climate and caribou in the Kitikmeot Region of Nunavut, Canada Krupnik, I., Ray, G.C., (2007) Pacific walruses, indigenous hunters, and climate change: Bridging scientific and indigenous knowledge. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 54(23-26): 2946-2957 Lafortune, V., C. Furgal, J. Drouin, T.Annanack, N. Einish, B. Etidloie,M. Qiisiq, P. Tookalook and Co-authors, 2004: Climate change in northern Québec: access to land and resource issues. Project report. Kativik Regional Government, Kuujjuaq, Québec. McKibbon, S. (2000) “Inuit elders say the Arctic climate is changing.” Nunatsiaq News, June 2, 2000, final edition, Mustonen, T. and E.Helander (eds.) (2004) Snowscapes, Dreamscapes: SnowChange book on community voices of change, pp.302–309.Tampere Polytechnic Institute, Finland. Nickels, S. ,C.Furgal, J. Castleden, P. Moss-Davies, M. Buell, B. Armstrong, D. Dillion and R. Fonger (2002) Putting a human face on climate change through community workshops: Inuit knowledge, partnerships, and research. In: I. Krupnik and D. Jolly (eds.). The Earth is Faster Now: Indigenous Observations of Arctic Environmental Change,pp.300–333.Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S., Fairbanks, Alaska. Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., Association, Kitikmeot Inuit, and Canada, Indian and Northern Affairs (2001) Elders’ Conference on Climate Change, Cambridge Bay 2001,March 29–31.Workshop report,92p. Nuttall, M. (2001) Indigenous peoples and climate change research in the Arctic, Indigenous Affairs, Vol. 4, pp. 26-33. Sila-Inuk project - A Study of The Impacts of Climate Change in Greenland undertaken by Inuit Circumpolar Conference, ICC-Greenland and Kalaallit Nunaanni Aalisartut Piniartullu 33 Kattuffiat, The Association of Fishermen and Hunters in Greenland, KNAPK. See: Spitzer, A. (2001) “Elders, hunters offer evidence of warming Arctic.” Nunatsiaq News, March 16, 2001, final edition, Rankama, T. (1993) Managing the landscape: a study of Sami place names in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland. Etudes/Inuit/Studies,17(1):47–67. Riedlinger, D. (2001) Responding to Climate Change in Northern Communities: Impacts and Adaptations. I Arctic 54 (1): 96-98. Riedlinger, D. and F. Berkes, 2001: Contributions of traditional knowledge to understanding climate change in the Canadian Arctic. Polar Rec., 37, 315-328. Snowchange [working with the various Northern areas and peoples on the topics of ecological, especially climatic and weather changes from the scientific and traditional knowledge point of view] Stevenson, M. G. (1996) Indigenous knowledge and environmental assessment. Arctic, 49(3):278–291. Vlassova, T.K. (2006) Arctic residents’ observations and human impact assessments in understanding environmental changes in boreal forests: Russian experience and circumpolar perspectives. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 11, 897909. Voices from the Bay: Documenting and Communicating Indigenous Ecological Knowledge from the Hudson Bay Bioregion. UNESCO Best Practices on Indigenous Knowledge. and Wall, G. (ed.) (1993) Impacts of Climate Change on Resource Management in the North, pp.43–49.Department of Geography Publication Series, Occasional Paper No.16.University of Waterloo, Ontario. Whiting, A. (2002) Documenting Qikiktagrugmiut knowledge of environmental change. Native Village of Kotzebue,A laska. WKSS (West Kitikmeot / Slave Study Society) (2001) West Kitikmeot / Slave Study Society Final Report. West Kitikmeot / Slave Study Society, Yellowknife, Canada, 87 pp. North America American Indian Institute: Native Peoples / Native Homelands Climate Change Workshop-Summit, 11/01/98, Albuquerque, NM 34 Maynard, N., ed. (2001) Circles of Wisdom: Native Peoples-Native Homelands Climate Change Workshop Final Report. Washington: U.S. Global Climate Research Program. Prince Albert Model Forest Aboriginal Caucus: Building Capacity and Improving Understandings of Environmental Assessment within Saskatchewan's First Nations Communities American Indigenous Peoples share stories of climate change: Indian and Northern Affairs, 2007. Adaptation Strategies. URL: Houser, S., V. Teller, M. MacCracken, R. Gough and P. Spears. 2001: Chapter 12: Potential consequences of climate variability and change for native peoples and homelands. Climate Change Impacts on the United States: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change, Report for the US Global Change Research Program, U.S. National Assessment Synthesis Team, Ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,351-377. NRBS (Northern River Basins Study Board) (1996) Northern River Basins Study. Report to the Ministers 1996. Alberta Environmental Protection, Edmonton, Alberta, 287 pp. Parker, A. et al (2006) Climate Change and the Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations. Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute (NIARI) Asia Allen, K.M., 2006: Community-based disaster preparedness and climate adaptation: local capacity building in the Philippines. Disasters, 30, 81-100. Balancing agriculture and fisheries through sluice gates: Khazans in Goa, India. A UNFCC case study on local coping strategies. Environmental literacy in interpreting endangered sustainability. Case studies from Thailand and the Sudan. By Minna Hares, Anu Eskonheimo, Timo Myllyntaus and Olavi Luukkanen Esengulova, N., A. Japarov and E. Mamytbekov. Community Management of High-Alpine Grasslands in the Kyrgyz Republic: Social, Economic and Ecological Implications. 35 Hassan, S. (2000) Indigenous Disaster Management Culture: A Comparative Study Between the Cyclone Affected People of Bangladesh and Japan. ASA 2000 Conference Papers. For summary see: Huq, S. and M.R. Khan (2006) Equity in National Adaptation Programs of Action (NAPAs): the case of Bangladesh. Fairness in Adaptation to Climate Change, W.N. Adger, J. Paavola, S. Huq and M.J. Mace, Eds., MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 131-153. Lorenzoni, I. and N. Pidgeon, 2006: Public views on climate change: European and USA perspectives. Climatic Change, 77, 73-95. Indigenous forecasting in Sri Lanka – A UNFCC case study on local coping strategies. Lasco, R.D. and J.M. Pulhin. Environmental impacts of community-based forest management in the Philippines. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2005.01.006 Pinto, A. (2006) The India Case Study: Carbon Sinks, Carbon Trade, the Clean Development Mechanism, and the Indigenous Peoples of the North-East Region of India. A case study commissioned by the International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of Tropical Forests. Verma, L.R. (1998): Indigenous technology knowledge for watershed management in upper north-west Himalayas of India. PWMTA Field Document No. 15, Kathmandu: FAO. Woodward, A., S. Hales and P.Weinstein, 1998: Climate change and human health in the Asia-Pacific region: who will be most vulnerable? Climate Res., 11, 31-38. The Pacific Islands Aswani, S. and R.J. Hamilton (2004): Integrating indigenous ecological knowledge and customary sea tenure with marine and social science for conservation of the bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) in Roviana Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Environ. Conserv., 31, 69-86. Barnett, J. (2001) Adapting to climate change in Pacific Island countries: the problem of uncertainty. World Dev., 29, 977-993. Cocklin, C., 1999: Islands in the midst: environmental change, vulnerability, and security in the Pacific. Environmental Change, Adaptation, and Security, S. Lonergan, Ed., KluwerAcademic, Dordrecht, 141-159. Fiu Mataese Elisara-La’ulu (2006) An Assessment of Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation to Climate Change in Samoa. A case study commissioned by the International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of Tropical Forests. Hoffmann, T.G., 2002: The reimplementation of the Ra’ui: coral reef management in Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Coast. Manage., 30, 401-418. 36 Hviding, Edvard (2005) Reef and Rainforest: an Environmental Encyclopedia of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands / Kiladi oro vivineidi ria tingitonga pa idere oro pa goana pa Marovo. Knowledges of Nature 1, UNESCO: Paris, 252 pp. See also project description at The Independent Television Service (ITVS) (2001) Rising Waters – Islander Perspectives. Lefale, P. (2003) Indigenous knowledge in the Pacific. Tiempo Climate Cyberlibrary, Issue 49, September 2003. Mercer, J., D. Dominey-Howes, I. Kelman, and K. Lloyd. (2007) The Potential for Combining Indigenous and Western Knowledge in Reducing Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards in Small Island Developing States. Environmental Hazards, 7, 245-256. MESD (Ministry of Environment and Social Development, Kiribati), 1999: Initial Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Kiribati Government, Tarawa, Kiribati. Nakalevu, T. (2006) CV&A: A Guide to Community Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment and Action. The South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). Nakalevu, T. et al (2005) Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Community-Level Adaptation to Climate Change, Suva, Fiji: 21-23 March 2005. Parker, A. et al (2006) Climate Change and the Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations. Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute (NIARI) Sharing Community Stories: The Pacific Climate Change Film Project. Climate Change Film Festival: 23-24 September 2008, Suva Fiji. Organised by SPREP and the British High Commission. Srinivasan, A. (2004) Local Knowledge for Facilitating Adaptation to Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific: Policy Implications. IGES-CP Working Paper. Sutherland, K., B. Smit, V. Wulf and T. Nakalevu (2005) Vulnerability to climate change and adaptive capacity in Samoa: the case of Saoluafata village. Tiempo, 54, 11-15. Thomas, F.R., 2001: Remodelling marine tenure on the atolls: a case study from Western Kiribati, Micronesia. Hum. Ecol., 29, 399-423. 37 University of South Pacific – Project on Integrated Methods and Models for Assessing Coastal Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Pacific Island Countries. WWF (2008?) Climate Change and Variability in Tikina Wai, Fiji Islands. A case study. WWF (2006) Climate Witness Community Toolkit. WWF South Pacific Programme. Australia and New Zealand Australian Government Department of Meteorology, indigenous communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), the Bureau of Meteorology, and Monash University’s Centre for Australian Indigenous Studies (CAIS) and School of Geography and Environmental Science – Indigenous Weather Knowledge Website Project. [Includes seasonal weather calendars, developed over thousands of years by Indigenous communities.] Braaf, R. (1999) Improving impact assessment methods: climate change and the health of indigenous Australians. Global Environ. Chang., 9, 95-104. CSIRO and Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales- Sharing Knowledge Project. [This project focuses on the impacts and adaptation strategies for Indigenous Australian communities living in northern Australia.] Ellemor, H., 2005: Reconsidering emergency management and Indigenous communities in Australia. Environmental Hazards, 6, 1-7. The Garnaut Climate Change Review (2008) was commissioned by Australia's Commonwealth, state and territory governments to examine the impacts, challenges and opportunities of climate change for Australia. [Although general in nature, this report does highlight the risks to Indigenous health (through disruptions of traditional ways of living in remote Indigenous communities), and social welfare (for example the reliance of small, remote indigenous communities on diesel fuel for power supply and transport). The potential opportunities for Indigenous landowners through large-scale participation of Indigenous lands in the mitigation effort will be addressed in the final report.] Hill, R., 2004: Yalanji Warranga Kaban: Yalanji People of the Rainforest Fire Management Book. Little Ramsay Press, Cairns, 110 pp. 38 Lewis, D., 2002: Slower Than the Eye Can See: Environmental Change in Northern Australia’s Cattle Lands, A Case Study from the Victoria River District, Northern Territory. Tropical Savannas CRC, Darwin, Northern Territory. Living on Earth (2006) Cultural Connection. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) New Zealand - Maori Research and Development Unit. Pilot programme to examine Māori environmental knowledge (MEK) of weather and climate. See: NIWA, 2006: Proceedings of the Second Maori Climate Forum, 24 May 2006, Hongoeka Marae, Plimmerton. See also general information on the Maori Climate Forum at NZ Ministry of Environment (2007) Consultation with Māori on Climate Change: Hui Report. NZ Ministry of Agriculture and Foresty: Māori and Climate Change. Orlove, B., 2003: How People Name Seasons, S. Strauss and B. Orlove, Eds., Berg Publishers, Oxford, 121-141. South and Central America Alcántara-Ayala, I., 2004: Flowing mountains in Mexico: incorporating local knowledge and initiatives to confront disaster and promote prevention. Mt. Res. Dev., 24, 10-13. Amazon Alliance. [Supports the ecological and cultural vitality of Amazonia by ensuring that representative organizations of the region’s indigenous peoples have voice and power in all processes affecting their lands and communities.] Bradley, R.S., M. Vuille, H. Diaz and W. Vergara, 2006: Threats to water supplies in the tropical Andes. Science, 312, 1755-1756. Carey, M. (2005) Living and dying with glaciers: people’s historical vulnerability to avalanches and outburst floods in Peru. Global Planet. Change, 47, 122-134. Hall, G. & Patrinos, A.P. (2004) Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Human Development in Latin America: 1994-2004. URL: 3bb82428dd9dbea785257004007c113d/$FILE/IndigPeoplesPoverty_Exec_Summ_en.pdf Johnson Hugo Cerda Shiguango (2006) The Ecuador Case Study: Sustainable and Effective Practices under Guidelines for Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry. A case study 39 commissioned by the International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of Tropical Forests. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment – Vilcanota Sub-Region. This assessment is undertaken by the International Center of Traditional Knowledge, Ecology, and Policies (CICTEP), which is a project of the Asociación ANDES, a community-based Quechua-Aymara organization working on conservation and livelihoods promotion in the Andes region. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - Chirripó River Sub-basins, Cabécar Indigenous Territory, Costa Rica. This user-driven assessment was conducted in large part using the traditional knowledge of the inhabitants of the assessment areas. Orlove, B.S., J.C.H. Chiang and M.A. Cane, 2000: Forecasting Andean rainfall and crop yield from the influence of El Niño on Pleiades visibility. Nature, 403, 68-71. Pettenger, M.E. Presence of Mind as Working Climate Change Knowledge: A Totonac Cosmopolitics [east central Mexico], William D Smith, Ch 10 in "The Social Construction of Climate Change" Programa Nacional de Cambios Climaticos Componente Salud, Viceministerio de Medio Ambiente and Recursos Naturales y Desarrollo Forestal, 2000: Vulnerabilidad y adaptacion de al salud humana ante los efectos del cambio climatico en Bolivia [Vulnerability and Adaptation to Protect Human Health from Effects of Climate Change in Bolivia]. Programa Nacional de Cambios Climaticos Componente Salud, Viceministerio de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Desarrollo Forestal, 111 pp. World Bank, 2005: Drought in the Amazon: scientific and social aspects. Report of a World Bank Seminar, December 12, 2005. Brasília, Brazil, 14 pp. Africa Ajibade, L.T., 2003: A methodology for the collection and evaluation of farmers’ indigenous environmental knowledge in developing countries. Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, 2, 99-113. Ajibade, L.T. and O. Shokemi, 2003: Indigenous approaches to weather forecasting in Asa L.G.A., Kwara State, Nigeria. Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, 2, 37-44. AGRHYMET, 2004: Rapport synthese de l’enquete générale sur les itineraries d’adaptation des populations locales a la variabilité et aux changements climatiques conduite sur les projets pilotes par AGRHYMET et l’UQAM, par Hubert N’Djafa Ouaga, 13 pp. Corbera, E. et al (2006) Climate Change in Africa: Linking Science and Policy for Adaptation. Workshop Report. The Royal Society, London, March 30th 2006. 40 Dea, D. and I. Scoones, 2003: Networks of knowledge: how farmers and scientists understand soils and their fertility: a case study from Ethiopia. Oxford Development Studies, 31, 461-478. Drought Monitoring Center Nairobi (2004) Traditional indicators used for climate monitoring and prediction by some rural communities in Kenya. A contribution to the harmonization of traditional and modern scientific methods of climate prediction in Kenya. Easton, P. and M. Roland, 2000: Seeds of life: women and agricultural biodiversity in Africa. IK Notes 23.World Bank, Washington, District of Columbia, 4 pp Eriksen, S., 2004: Building adaptive capacity in a ‘glocal’ world: examples from Norway and Africa. ESS Bulletin, 2, 18-26. Eriksen, S. (2005) The role of indigenous plants in household adaptation to climate change: the Kenyan experience. Climate Change and Africa, P.S Low, Ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 248-259. Gana, F.S., 2003: The usage of indigenous plant materials among small-scale farmers in Niger state agricultural development project: Nigeria. Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, 2, 53-60. Maundu, P., Berger, D.J., ole Saitabau, C., Nasieku, J., Kipelian, M., Mathenge, S.G., Morimoto, Y., Höft, R. (2001) Ethnobotany of the Loita Maasai: Towards Community Management of the Forest of the Lost Child - Experiences from the Loita Ethnobotany Project. People and Plants working paper 8. UNESCO, Paris. Mutero, C.M., C. Kabutha, V. Kimani, L. Kabuage, G. Gitau, J. Ssennyonga, J. Githure, L. Muthami, A. Kaida, L. Musyoka, E. Kiarie and M. Oganda (2004) A transdisciplinary perspective on the links between malaria and agroecosystems in Kenya. Acta Trop., 89, 171186 Mwangi, S. (2002) Indigenous knowledge, policy and institutional issues for collaboration between mountain adjacent communities and management agencies. Kenya Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge, National Museums of Kenya Oba, G. (2001) The importance of pastoralists’ indigenous coping strategies for planning drought management in the arid zone of Kenya. Nomadic Peoples, 5, 89-119. Patt, A. and C. Gwata, 2002: Effective seasonal climate forecast applications: examining constraints for subsistence farmers in Zimbabwe. Global Environ. Chang., 12, 185-195. Patt, A., P. Suarez and C. Gwata, 2005: Effects of seasonal climate forecasts and participatory workshops among subsistence farmers in Zimbabwe. P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 102, 1262312628. Ramphele, M., 2004: Women’s indigenous knowledge: building bridges between the traditional and the modern. Indigenous Knowledge: Local Pathways to Development, The World Bank, Washington, District of Columbia, 13-17. 41 Richards, P. (1986) Indigenous Agricultural Revolution: Ecology and Food Production in West Africa. Hutchinson, London, 192 pp Roncoli, C., K. Ingram and P. Kirshen, 2001: The costs and risks of coping with drought: livelihood impacts and farmers’ responses in Burkina Faso. Climate Res., 19, 119-132. Saitabau, H.S.O. and Maundu, P. (2008) Indigenous knowledge in predicting and monitoring climate and seasonal cycles among the Loita Maasai of Kenya. A powerpoint presentation given at the ISE Congress. Kenya Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge Seo, S.N. and R. Mendelsohn, 2006a: Climate change impacts on animal husbandry in Africa: a Ricardian analysis. Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa (CEEPA) Discussion Paper No. 9, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 42 pp. Seo, S.N. and R. Mendelsohn, 2006b: Climate change adaptation in Africa: a microeconomic analysis of livestock choice. Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa (CEEPA) Discussion Paper No.19, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 37 pp. Sinafasi Makelo Adrien (2006) The DRC Case Study: The Impacts of the Carbon Sinks of IbiBatéké Project on the Indigenous Pygmies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A case study commissioned by the International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of Tropical Forests. Thomas, D. et al (2005) Adaptations to climate change amongst natural resource-dependant societies in the developing world: across the Southern African climate gradient. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Technical Report 35. 42 ANNEX 2 The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change The UNFCCC considers what can be done to reduce global warming and to cope with the inevitable increases in temperature. Parties to the UNFCCC are obligated by the Convention and various decisions to assess their national-level impacts of climate change and their efforts to adapt to these impacts as inputs for their national communications. UNFCCC Compendium The UNFCCC Compendium on methods and tools to evaluate impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to, climate change22 is a web-based resource that provides key information on available frameworks, methods and tools, and their special features. It is designed to assist Parties and other potential users in selecting the most appropriate methodology for assessments of impacts and vulnerability, and preparing for adaptation to climate change. The compendium was most recently revised in February 2008 (as part of the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change) and it draws on information provided by Parties and organizations on existing and emerging assessment methodologies and tools; and views on lessons learned from their application; opportunities, gaps, needs, constraints and barriers; possible ways to develop and better disseminate methods and tools; and training opportunities. The frameworks and associated toolkits included in the UNFCCC Compendium span a broad range of approaches, and address the following in detail: IPCC Technical Guidelines for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations U.S. Country Studies Program (USCSP)23 UNDP Adaptation Policy Framework (APF)24 Assessments of Impacts and Adaptations to Climate Change in Multiple Regions and Sectors (AIACC)25 Guidelines for the Preparation of National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA)26 United Kingdom Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) Climate 22 ls/application/pdf/20080307_compendium_m_t_complete.pdf 23 Benioff, T., Guill, S., and Lee, J. (eds.). 1996. Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments: An International Guidebook, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 24 25 26 43 Adaptation: Risk, Uncertainty and Decision Making27 The IPCC Technical Guidelines, the UNEP Handbook, and the U.S. Country Studies Program represent examples of first generation approaches to the assessment of vulnerability and adaptation in that they have an analytical thrust, and focus on an approach that emphasizes the identification and quantification of impacts. The APF is a second-generation assessment and places the assessment of vulnerability at the center of the process. The AIACC approach (technically a collection of projects rather than an explicit framework) incorporates elements of both first generation and second-generation assessments. The NAPA Guidelines provide some conceptual and procedural oversight for the process of producing a document that identifies national priorities for adaptation. The UKCIP report provides guidance to those engaged in decision-making and policy processes. It lays out an approach to integrating climate adaptation decisions and more generally climate influenced decisions into the broader context of institutional decisionmaking. The UKCIP framework is distinctive in that it casts the assessment process in risk and decision under uncertainty terms. The UNFCCC Compendium also describes tools to address cross-cutting themes (such as the use of climate or socio-economic scenario data), decision analysis (tools that are applicable to particular steps of the assessment process), outlined in Table 1. Additional tools specific to different sectors are also examined in detail, covering agriculture, water, coastal resources, human health, and terrestrial vegetation. Table 1: Tools assessed in the UNFCCC Compendium on the development and application of scenarios and stakeholder approaches A. General tools IPCC-TGCIA Guidelines on the Use of Scenario Data for Climate Impact and Adaptation Assessment The Climate Impacts LINK Project NCEP Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) RClimDex SimCLIM UKCIP02 Climate Change Scenarios Climate Information and Prediction Services (CLIPS) Project and Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs) B. Climate downscaling techniques Statistical Downscaling Statistical DownScaling Model (SDSM) Dynamical Downscaling MAGICC/SCENGEN Weather Generators 27 44 COSMIC2 (COuntry Specific Model for Intertemporal Climate Vers. 2) PRECIS (Providing REgional Climates for Impacts Studies) C. Socioeconomic scenarios Developing Socioeconomic Scenarios: For Use in Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments Adoption of Existing Socioeconomic Scenarios Qualitative and Quantitative Scenarios Emphasizing Stakeholder Input UKCIP Socio-Economic Scenarios D. Stakeholder Approaches Stakeholder Networks and Institutions Scoping Vulnerability Indices Agent Based Social Simulation Livelihood Sensitivity Exercise Multistakeholder Processes Global Sustainability Scenarios MPPACC (Model of Private Proactive Adaptation to Climate Change) The downscaling techniques described in the Compendium can be used to produce smallscale climate data useful for developing future climate scenarios at local scales. Some of the techniques detailed require considerable expertise and experience (such as dynamical downscaling), while others are relatively straightforward and easy to use (e.g., MAGICC/SCENGEN software, SDSM, and weather generators). The approaches to socio-economic scenario construction included in the Compendium are mostly part of larger frameworks. In practice, developing socio-economic futures is an ad hoc process with the nature of the planned assessment dictating the choice of scenarios development. The stakeholder approaches described in the compendium represent a way of analyzing the institutional and organizational context of the adaptation strategy planning process more than they do specific tools to be applied to an assessment. UNFCCC National Reports National reports on implementation of the Convention submitted by each Party must submit national reports that include information on national circumstances, vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures. In conducting these vulnerability assessments, reporting Parties typically use both internationally developed methodologies and national models, ranging from the use of sophisticated computer models to qualitative assessments based on expert judgment and literature review. Additionally, statistical analysis and spatial/temporal analogues are applied to develop 45 climate change scenarios for various time horizons up to 2100, which they used to infer relationships between mean climate change and extreme events. Although the information is centred on current and future options, measures and strategies for climate change in general rather than specific to indigenous peoples, the vulnerability assessments contained in these reports contain significant relevant data highlight relevant trends and, some national reports also provide information on vulnerability and adaptation that is directly relevant to their indigenous peoples. For example, the fourth national report of New Zealand28 highlights specific Maori vulnerability to soil erosion from flooding and ocean surge, while the third national report of Canada29 highlights specific outcomes of initial impact and adaptation studies, including community case studies of permafrost degradation and infrastructure in the Mackenzie Valley. The synthesis of fourth national communications, prepared by the UNFCCC Secretariat for consideration in Bali, December 200730, concluded that coastal zones, water resources, human health and agriculture are the areas and sectors most vulnerable to climate change according to Parties’ national assessments. Coastal zones are at increased risk from erosion, flooding, storm damage, changing coastal contours, wetlands build-up and salt-water intrusion into freshwater reserves. Water resources could be diminished through the drying of lakes, reduced stream flow and underground outflow and increased flooding, and degradation through freshwater contamination. Human health is at increased risk from heat (and in some cases, cold) stress, water scarcity, vector-, foodand water-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and diarrhoea, and polleninduced allergies such as asthma and hay fever. Agriculture is at risk from net reductions in crop production, with decreases in many regions and increases in fewer regions. In the sixth compilation and synthesis of initial national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention31 most Parties emphasized that they are already experiencing stresses from climate and climate-related events and phenomena that could be exacerbated by future climate change, which makes them highly vulnerable. Small island developing States, and countries with long coastlines and low-lying areas pointed out their experiences with severe floods and drought, adverse effects from changes in the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, tropical storms and changes in their patterns, salt water intrusion, storm surges, coral reef damage, and changes in migratory patterns of important fish. Some countries stated that they are concerned about long-term sustainability of their arid/marginal regions. Key vulnerabilities identified included agriculture and food security, water resources, coastal zones and marine ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems (forests, rangelands, etc.), human health and human settlements, fisheries, and other areas such as biodiversity, 28 FCCC/IDR.4/NZL FCCC/IDR.3/CAN 30 FCCC/SBI/2007/INF.6 31 FCCC/SBI/2005/18 29 46 infrastructure, coral reefs, tourism and energy. Some countries reported on the fertilization effect of increased atmospheric concentration of CO2. Small island developing States reported on possible agricultural losses and devastating effect on coastal communities and infrastructure as a consequence of the sea-level rise. Many Parties stated that they already experience severe water supply problems caused by a rapid increase in population, growing demands from agriculture and industry, expanding urbanization, unabated pollution of water bodies and the exacerbation of these by the effects of climatic variability and extreme events. Parties reported information on the likely incidence of diseases such as malaria, cholera and dengue fever, and the potential for an increase in cardiovascular and intestinal diseases, influenza, yellow fever and general morbidity, but they also mentioned the lack of data on and understanding of the interactions between health conditions and climate. Therefore much of the information presented on climate change impacts on human health was based on qualitative assessments, although a few Parties used statistical correlation to infer the relationship between climate characteristics, population data and incidence of diseases such as heat stress, cramps, dehydration, rashes, vascular and renal disorders, viral conjunctivitis and influenza. Most countries evaluated the impacts of projected climate change on their forests and rangelands, in terms of changes in biomass, species composition and vegetation types. Impacts were found to be negative in general. Others examined the possible climate change impacts on fisheries as a part of their vulnerability and adaptation assessments. Some Parties provided information on the vulnerability of tourism, infrastructure, energy systems and biodiversity, which would be affected by increased frequency and intensity of storms and hurricanes. Some of the adaptation options considered include introduction of water policy reforms focusing on water conservation, inter-basin water transfer, desalination, flood management and construction of dams, development of drought-tolerant crops, improvement of early warning systems, enhancement of erosion control, training and assisting farmers, integration of coastal zone management, improvement of health care systems, enhancement of forest management, protection of tourism infrastructure, strengthening of environmental legislation and promotion of conservation. Many Parties also reported on plans to incorporate or integrate climate change concerns into their planning processes as a strategy for adaptation to climate change over the long term. Some Parties have included adaptation measures in their national action plans and/or national environmental action plans as a first step towards implementation of adaptation, and others have reported that some legislative changes would help facilitate incorporation of climate change adaptation in the future. Most Parties provided information on possible adaptation measures and strategies in key sectors. Countries in the Africa and the Latin America and the Caribbean regions consider adaptation in agriculture and water resources sectors as top priority, whereas in Asia adaptation in agriculture, forests and terrestrial ecosystems are regarded as high 47 priority. In small island developing States, adaptation in water resources and coastal zones, including sea-level rise, was considered as top priority. A number of anticipatory and reactive adaptation measures have been identified in key sectors. Most of these measures relate to crop management, land management and soil and water conservation in agriculture and food security; supply-side and demand-side management of water resources; conservation and management of forests and other terrestrial ecosystems; land-use planning and zoning and integrated coastal zone management; and improvements in living standards, surveillance, monitoring and early warning systems for outbreaks of disease vectors that threaten human health. 48