I thank V.M. Brovdiy, L.A. Burdenyuk, R. Edwards, V.S. Fedorenko, V.P. Fedorenko,
V.F. Drozda,
Yu.T. D’yakov,
V.T. Dyachuk,
N.P. Dyadechko,
Z.S. Golovyanko, O.A. Grikun, V.I. Grimal's'ky, V.A. Grods’ky, T.M. Gur’yanova, A.I. Il’insky,
N.G. Kolomiets, V.A. Kolybin, B.M. Kondorsky, G.V. Lindeman, Lisovyi M.P., V.M. Lobko,
M. D. Lomakin, V.A. Lozinsky, V.A. Mamontova, V.G. Novokhatko, N.A. Men’shikov,
V.P. Omelyuta, M.M. Padiy, E.V. Pashchenko, G.O. Poritsky, G.A. Posylayeva, P.M. Rafes,
D.F. Rudnev, G.I. Sokolov, M.V. Torchik, W.E. Wallner, V.P. Vasil’yev, L.L. Velikanov,
A.M. Voytenko, G.I. Yurchenko, M.M. Zavada, A.I. Zrazhevs’ky.
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