Litter Strategy, GCSE Group October 2015 comments to Litter In Moseley and Kings Heath Ward: Everybody's Problem, Everybody's Job This Moseley and Kings Heath Litter Strategy is an active document that enables stakeholders and residents to take focussed action to reduce and eliminate litter in Moseley and Kings Heath Ward. We consider 'Litter' to include all unwanted items and detritus on our streets including chewing gum, cigarette butts and dog poo. This strategy covers business and residential areas along with parks and green spaces in the Ward. This document is designed as an ongoing monitoring tool for the GCSE group. This document will be discussed as an agenda item at every Greener, Cleaner, Safer Environment meeting . COMMITMENT NO LITTER OUTSIDE SHOPS ACTIONS The voluntary litter agreement devised by Environmental Health is promoted to all local businesses and they are encouraged to sign up. Residents are encouraged to 'name and shame' shops with untidy and unswept frontages Businesses are reminded that unkempt frontages , including cigarette buts are bad for business Businesses from both the day and night-time economies should be reminded of their obligations around litter and asked to sweep their frontages at the start and end of every work period. Businesses are asked to be aware of remove detritus and weeds that appear on their frontage and nearby. NO LITTER OUTSIDE SCHOOLS Schools are encouraged to host litter bins at the school gate and to recycle as much as possible. Schools are reminded that a litter strewn school gate, or litter along a walk-toschool pathway reflects badly on the school, its staff and its pupils. This litter strategy to be widely publicised and promoted through local schools. 1 Litter Strategy, GCSE Group October 2015 comments to NO LITTER AT BUS STOPS Residents and Community Groups are encouraged to identify any bus stops without litter bins and any bus stops where the litter bins are ineffectual. Additional litter bins to be requested as necessary. NO LITTER IN CAR PARKS Car park owners are responsible for ensuring litter is cleaned up. We request that city-owned car parks are included as part of the highway, and as such are included in the Fleet and Waste Management street cleaning routines. NO LITTER IN SOCIAL HOUSING GROUNDS Social Housing Landlords are asked to ensure the grounds of their buildings are kept litter free. NO LITTER ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS Residents are asked to ensure they are not responsible for litter on the street. Residents are asked to identify and report residential areas that are attracting litter, so that the GCSE group can take steps to address this through community action. Residents are reminded that public litter bins are not to be used for bags of domestic waste. Residents are asked not to let items of bulky waste fill up their frontages. Enforcement notices will be issued in extreme cases. NO OVERFLOWING LITTER BINS NO FLY TIPPING OF REFUSE, BULKY WASTE OR GREEN WASTE Residents, businesses and community groups are asked to report any overflowing litter bins to the GCSE group. The GCSE group will monitor such reports and request additional or alternative litter bins as required. Community Groups are asked to remind residents of the current options for disposing of bulky waste, green waste and large items of furniture. These options should include both official council methods and local community recycling projects. 2 Litter Strategy, GCSE Group October 2015 comments to Community Clear up days will be organised in areas of frequent fly tipping and repeat offenders will be referred to enforcement. NO FLY POSTING OF POSTERS OR STICKERS Following consultation, Moseley and Kings Heath Ward expects to adopt a zero tolerance approach to fly posting. Official sites for promotional posters will be explored. Community action clean up events will be organised as needed. NO LITTER IN OUR PARKS AND GREEN SPACES Strategic parks (Cannon Hill & Kings Heath) have litter bins emptied and litter picking carried out daily from April - October and then twice a week for the rest of the year. Other parks and green spaces in the Ward have litter bins emptied and litter picking carried out twice a week from April - October and then once a week for the rest of the year. Only the Strategic Parks have dog-fouling bins. Residents, businesses and community groups are asked to report any overflowing litter bins or other issues to the GCSE group. The GCSE group will monitor such reports and request additional or alternative litter bins as required. NO LITTER OUTSIDE OUR FESTIVALS, MARKETS AND EVENTS All markets, festivals and outdoor public events taking part in Moseley and Kings Heath Ward are asked to sign up to the voluntary code of practice for events and festivals. In addition organisers of events lasting several days are asked to contact Fleet and Waste to request large container bins. Fiona Adams is Secretary of the Moseley and Kings Heath Greener, Cleaner, Safer Environment Group and can be contacted on 3