Title: Impact of naturally-spawning captive bred Atlantic salmon on wild populations: depressed recruitment and increased risk of climate mediated extinction. Authors Philip McGinnity1, 2, Eleanor Jennings3, 4, Elvira deEyto2, Norman Allott3, Patrick Samuelsson5, Gerard Rogan2 Ken Whelan2 and Tom Cross1. 1. Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Science, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK, Ireland. 2. Aquaculture and Catchment Management Services, Marine Institute, Newport, Co. Mayo, Ireland. 3. Centre for the Environment, School of Natural Science, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland. 4. Department of Applied Sciences, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk, Ireland. 5. Rossby Centre, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, 60176 Norrköping, Sweden. Corresponding author Philip McGinnity Address: Department of Zoology, Ecology & Plant Science, Distillery Fields, North Mall, University College Cork, Ireland. Phone: 353 98 42317 Email: p.mcginnity@ucc.ie Fax: 353 98 42340 ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL. Materials & Methods Study Site The Burrishoole river system is situated in NW Ireland (5359N, 0937W). Lough Feeagh, the largest lake in the catchment, has a surface area of 3.9 km2, a mean depth of 14.5 m and drains an area of 83 km2. The water in the lake is soft and distinctly coloured. Catchment soil is composed primarily of blanket peat and exposed rock and the principal land uses are forestry and sheep grazing. Burrishoole is situated close to the Atlantic coast and has a temperate oceanic climate. Average annual rainfall at the meteorological station on the eastern shore of Lough Furnace, is 1560 mm year-1 while mean summer and winter water temperatures are 15oC and 6 oC respectively. The lake stratifies thermally between June and September although surface water temperatures are seldom greater than 20oC in summer. The surface water temperature in winter is typically greater than 4oC and prolonged periods of ice cover are unknown. The lake and its catchment are an important habitat for salmon (Salmo salar), trout (Salmo trutta) and eel (Anguilla anguilla). Adult Atlantic salmon in the Burrishoole river system typically return to freshwater between June and September and spawn the following December. At this latitude (53o 59N) juveniles generally spend three winters in freshwater, including the winter when eggs are in the gravel, before migrating to sea in May or June as smolts (Metcalfe & Thorpe 1990). Estimating fecundity and egg to smolt survival There are some unpublished data to suggest that there has been a progressive reduction in size of both adult wild and ranched fish returning to spawn in Burrishoole over the period of our study and that the fecundity values applied above may not hold for the latter part of the time series, such that egg to smolt survival rates in the most recent years may actually be higher than those calculated. We have not adjusted the fecundity values to account for this potential change as there are no contemporaneous fecundity estimates available. The consequence of not doing so is we suggest, to reduce the sensitivity of the model to determine the population response, specifically the performance of the progeny of wild fish, to environmental variability, as the natural spawning cohorts from 1990 to 2007 are dominated by wild fish. It might therefore be expected that a reduction in the size of spawning fish in the latter part of the time series underestimates the performance of wild fish and not that of the ranched fish. The survival values for the period when wild fish predominate would therefore be higher than those reported. It is also possible that hatchery females carry proportionally more eggs per unit weight than wild females; the ranched eggs being smaller (McGinnity et al. 1997). More eggs would mean that we have underestimated the negative effect of ranched fish on egg to smolt survival values, and that our model outputs are quite conservative in this regard. We have also considered that winter temperature and a reduction in adult size may be correlated and that as a result our interpretation of the model response might be erroneous because of a co-variation effect. However, as neither January water temperature nor the proportion of ranched fish show any significant linear trend over this period, this unmeasured factor does not co-vary with the terms contributing to the interactive effect. Jan and Aug were included as they produced the best fit. All individual months and seasons were assessed in the stepwise regression process but only those that contributed significantly were included in the final model. The alternative models used were: Low contribution of ranched eggs: Egg to smolt % survival = (-0.050 Jan SWT year 0) + (-0.092* Jan SWT year 1) + (0.131* Spring SWT year 2) + (0.010 * 90 ppt Jan year 1) + (-0.011*90 ppt Aug year 1) + 0.265. High contribution of ranched eggs: Egg to smolt survival = (-0.151 Jan SWT year 0) + (-0.092* Jan SWT year 1) + (0.131* Spring SWT year 2) + (0.010 * 90 ppt Jan year 1) + (-0.011*90 ppt Aug year 1) + 0.606. Other factors considered in development of the Multiple regression model In addition to the model parameters reported the impact of year, numbers of sea trout eggs in the catchment, air temperature and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) was also assessed. There was no significant relationship with the number of sea trout eggs. The winter NAO index is known to be highly correlated with surface temperatures in Lough Feeagh (Jennings et al. 2000; Blenckner et al. 2007). The relationship between air temperature and survival was weaker than corresponding water temperatures. The NAO index in year 0, the winter when eggs are incubating, explained a similar percentage of the variability to water temperature in that year. However, the NAO in the second winter, when salmon are 0+ juveniles (parr), was not significant. This is not surprising, as the final model indicated that egg to smolt survival is influenced negatively by high temperatures and positively by high rainfall in that winter. High NAO index years are associated with both milder and wetter conditions on the west coast of Ireland (Jennings et al. 2000; Blenckner et al. 2007). Density effects can also be important in population regulation (Ricker 1958) but were found not to be a contributing factor in this case. Inputs to the DYRESM model (Imberger & Patterson 1981; Imerito 2007) Model inputs include daily solar radiation, cloud cover, wind speed, vapour pressure, air temperature, and precipitation (Imerito 2007). Data are also required inflow volume and inflow water temperature. Steam flow data for the main inflows were only available for the period 2002 to present. Simulated streamflow data were generated using the hydrology sub-routine of the Generalized Watershed Loading Functions (GWLF) model (Schneiderman et al. 2002). These data were used in the validation runs of DYRESM and for all future climate runs. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient for measured daily stream flow v simulated daily stream flow was r2 = 0.78. Stream water temperature data were available for the period 2002-present only. A five day average air temperature was used as a surrogate for stream water temperature. Temperature at 0.5 m depth was output from the model to represent mean daily lake SWT. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient for measured daily lake SWT v daily SWT simulated using DYRESM for a validation period of 1983 to 1996 was r2 = 0.97. References Blenckner T, Adrian R, Livingstone DM, Jennings E, Weyhenmeyer GA et al. (2007) Large-scale climatic signatures in lakes across Europe: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology 13: 1314–1326. Imberger J, Patterson JC (1981) In Transport models for inland and coastal waters. Fischer HB editor. New York: Academic Press. pp. 310–61. Imerito A (2007) DYRESM v4.0 Science Manual. Perth: Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia. Jennings E, Allott N, McGinnity P, Poole R, Quirke B (2000) The North Atlantic Oscillation: implications for freshwater systems in Ireland. Biology and Environment 100B:149–158. McGinnity, P., Stone, C., Taggart, J. B., Cooke, D., Cotter, D. et al. 1997 Genetic impact of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) on native populations: use of DNA profiling to assess freshwater performance of wild, farmed, and hybrid progeny in a natural river environment. ICES Journal of Marine Research 54, 998-1008. Metcalfe NB, Thorpe JE (1990) Determinants of geographical variation in the age of seaward-migrating salmon, Salmo salar. J Anim Ecol 59: 135–145. Ricker WE (1958) Handbook of computations for biological statistics of fish populations. Canada: Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Canada. Schneiderman EM, Pierson DC, Lounsbury DG, Zion, MS (2002) Modeling the hydrochemistry of the Cannonsville Watershed with Generalized Watershed Loading Functions (GWLF). Journal of the American Water Resources Association 38: 1323– 1347.