Themes for students’ work in the 3rd year of study Offer for specialization: Bachelor 4-year study – Information and Automation Technology Bachelor 3-year study - Theoretical Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering (you can finish our school, or continue with the Instrumentation and Control Engineering master program, or continue with any other program of our faculty – in English, they are independent on the bachelor level) Due Study plans for the both 3-year and 4-year study, students should work on an individual project. For the 4-year-study, you should subscribe (in the 6th semester, 3rd year summer sem.) the following subjects: Exx2091 P Exx3091 P OP Project PREP Project presentation 0+2 ca 4/sem a 2 4 , where the Exx code depends on specialization, you like to study (E37 for the IAT, for example E372091). For the 3-year-study, you should subscribe bachelor work directly: Exx2091 P Exx3991 P OP BP Project Bachelor work 0+2 0+0 ca a 2 4 , where the Exx code depends on the department, where you like to study (in our case E37). The new proposition for 3-year bachelor work tells, that the limit is 20 pages maximum, less than 15 pages recommended; for the 4-year-study, 30 pages of text (not counting index, title page, reference listing etc.) is recommended. Pure research of current state of arts as a bachelor work will be although accepted. For the subjects Project and Project presentation in the third year of 4-year-study, the range should be about 15 pages; Project presentation is training for next year state exam, so you should prepare some short Powerpoint presentation as well. On the following pages, there are some samples of our bachelor or project themes. If you like some of them, contact the teacher mentioned on the beginning of the page; if you like to some different theme (and you have an idea), contact me. Some of the bachelor students already have a theme, so they do not need to choose next one. Vladimir Hlavac, New propositions are being on-line added on the address: Our master study web page: Abbreviation used here: ei-engineering informatics, sim-simulation, d-design, el-electrotechnics/electronics Doc. Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D. IRC Sensor signal processing and visualization of robotic hand movement ei/sim Design a reading algorithm for IRC signal processing from a robotic hand with 6 degrees of freedom Create a program in Matlab to vizualize the hand movements Conceptual design of laser distance meter with a webcamera for detecting obstacles in front of a mobile robot el/ei Prepare a literature review of distance meters. Based on literature review desing a setup for measuring distance with laser and a web camera. Conceptual design of a quad rotor plane d/el Create a concept for a quad rotor plane. Select suitable sensors and actuators. Make a literature review about mathematical modeling of the system. Design of mechanical setup, sensors and actuators for a joint with 2 degrees of freedom for a robot d/el Make a literature review about used mechanical design, sensors and actuators for a joint with 2 degrees of freedom for a robot. Based on literature review prepare a concept of joint, selection and sensor placement and select suitable actuators. Module and protocol desing for a wireless transmision system for robot control el With available hardware for radio communication desing a module for wireless data transmision from and to a mobile robot. Implement the hardware and test it in a real enviroment. Selection of sensors and actuators for a small autonomous car model el Make a literature review to select suitable sensors and actuator for a small autonomous car model. Based on review select and test sensors and actuators. Design of a servodrive with windshield wiper motor Design a servodrive with a windschield wiper motor. Prepare the hardware and test under real conditions. el Abbreviation used here: ei-engineering informatics, sim-simulation, d-design, el-electrotechnics/electronics Doc. Ing. Martin Novák, Ph.D. Desing of motor placement for a robotic hand with 6 degrees of freedom d/el Desing windshield motor placement for a robotic hand with 6 degrees of freedom. Desing feedback control in position and torque loop. Literature review of algorithms for obstacle detection with a camera ei Make a literature review of obstacle detection algorithms by using a web camera. Based on literature review compare the algorithms from point of view of required calculation power and possibilities of implementation in a microprocessor system. Robot movement visualisation ei Create a Matlab program to visualize movement of a walking robot. Selection of sensors, actuators and control algorithms for a walking robot d/el Make a literature review of sensors, actuators and control algorithms for a walking robot. Based on review select suitable sensors and actuators. Construction of a robotic hand d/el Create conceptual desing of human similar robotic hand Select suitable sensors and actuators Selection of sensors and visualization of hand movement ei Select suitable sensors to capture movements of a human hand Create a visualisation program to show and record the movemets in Matlab Selection and testing of tactile sensors for a robotic hand Make a literature review of tactile sensors for a robotic hand. Based on review select suitable sensors and test them. d/el Doc. Ing. Ivo Bukovský, Ph.D. ei,el Case study of use programming language Python, Raspberry Pi, and Gertboard for low-cost measurement and control setup. Python is a modern open-source programming language - interpreter, with huge amount of prepared solutions (drivers, libraries). Another difference against Java except clarity of the code is, that Python is very stable, so it can be used for measurement and control. Raspberry Pi is PC-based embedded system (small computer for use for control or technology), using Linux as its operating system. Could be temporally equipped with keyboard and monitor, more common is remote control via net. Both devices are very small and cheap (they can be carried easy) and are available for an applicant. For more info, consult doc. Bukovsky Comparison of conventional and adaptive control algorithms on laboratory systems (Matlab, Python). For more info, consult doc. Bukovsky Ing. Šárka Němcová, Ph.D. Space filter d, opt 1. background research of current technical solutions 2. analysis of needed adjusting movements, their ranges and accuracy 3. design of mechanical parts using commercial optical elements A design of a mechanical part of a space filter with a standard microscope objective and pinhole. The shutter for holography d 1. background research of current commercial shutters 2. analysis of the possibility of using a shutter Nikon 3. design of mechanical parts and electronic control The result should be a functional shutter with adjustable time (1 - 150) s, using a Nikon camera shutter. Methods of a deformable mirror piece deflection measurement d, opt 1. background research of measurement methods of small deformations 2. analysis of the limits and advantages of each method 3. design of an optical set-up for a chosen method The result should be to find a suitable optical measurement method of small deformations of a mirror actuated by piezoelements. Ing. Vladimír Hlaváč Library Administration Database with Catalog Accessible from Internet ei 1. Design of the database structure 2. Database supervisor web page composition 3. User access web page composition with user registration The task is to create an application on the internet. Main function is administration of a book loans for a small library up to hundred of books, for example for department library. Functionality is the book subscription, sending mail (for example, if required book is returned, or if librarian demand book returning), listing of free books and the books, which a user has borrowed. The application should be written in php, with use of department SQL server (MySQL database). More info on the web pages of the optional subject: Programming for web. Web Pages Data Collection ei 1. Design of the database structure 2. Prepare program for data collection and visualization 3. Setup of server regular tasks using cron software The task is to create an application on the internet and setup a server for data collection. The program for collection of data can be debugged using web pages, but should be executed regularly by cron software on one of department Linux server. The second part of this bachelor work is data visualization – a table listing is enough, but graphical output would be appreciated. All parts of this complex task are described on the Internet. The data, which could be collected, are for example temperatures from site similar, or for example currency rates. The application should be written in php (even programs executed on the server can be written in php), with use of the MySQL database. More info on the web pages of the optional subject: Programming for web. Proximity Sensors for Exploring Robot r 1. 2. Research study of possibly types of proximity sensors for use with an embedded system Compare advantages/disadvantages of use a contact sensor, the Sharp GP2Y0A21YK sensor and ultrasonic distance sensor 3. Propose method, how and when to use a combination of more types of this sensors. The task is to propose a solution that allows small robots (weighing up to approximately 6 kg weight of its own) motion in an unknown environment - assume that the robot should be able to explore and map the area around this sub-task does not connect the camera, so it is nearly the "touch". In the bachelor work, there is only time for some research, not for construction itself. Semaphore Model Controlled by Internet el/ei 1. Connect a semaphore model to the server 2. Connect a web camera to watch the semaphore 3. Create web page for sequence of traffics light execution We have most of the hardware prepared. Semaphore (traffic lights) is connected to PC using parallel port. On the computer, there is no operating system – some distribution of Linux should be installed. Web page response (writing data to the parallel port) should be solved by C program, but this can be found on the Internet. There should not be problem with the speed of the response, so the complete solution could be a bash script, and the resulting web page then can be created in php. The picture from the camera should be independent, and reloaded at least each second (assume low resolution). Ing. Vladimír Hlaváč Selection of Temperature Sensors for One-Family House Central Heating 1. mie Research study of possibly types of temperature sensors for measuring temperature of the heating water, room temperature and out-door temperature 2. Compare price, accuracy and how problematic is to build-in each of sensor 3. Choose the optimal sensor for each purpose and recommend method of fitting of the sensors. The task is to propose a solution of measuring temperatures (room temperature, out-door temperature, hot heating water and the back-water temperature measurement). The one-family house is a typical problem to control, it can be a magister diploma thesis theme eventually. Recommended reading: Catalogs and pricelists on internet. Abbreviation used here: ei-engineering informatics, sim-simulation, d-design, el-electrotechnics/electronics Prof. Ing. Tomáš Vyhlídal, Ph.D. Processing of measured data from historical buildings ei/sim Design and implement a program tool in Matlab for processing and analysis of data (temperature and relative humidity) measured in historical buildings (e.g. Karlstejn Castle, Cesky Krumlov Castle) The work will be done in the framework of the EU FP7 Project – Climate for Culture Hygrothermal modeling of simple structure historical buildings sim/d Design and validate a model of a simple structure historical builng (e.g. a historical church) in Hambase Matlab. The work will be done in the framework of the EU FP7 Project – Climate for Culture , possibly, in cooperation with TUE Eindhoven Active control algoritmhs for vibration suppression sim/d Theoretical design and simulation based analysis of selected methods for vibration suppression of mechanical systems Experimental verification of the simulation results The work will be done in the framework of a bilateral project with University of Connecticut (or Northeastern university in Boston) Signal shaper design for vibration suppression sim/d Theoretical design and simulation based analysis of selected signal shaping techniques for vibration suppression Experimental verification of the simulation results The work will be done in the framework of a project “New concepts in theory of signal shapers with time delays”