Aaron Babu, Windy William Saves Greyville, Fourth

Aaron Babu
Windy William Saves Greyville,
Once a man named Diesel Dan owned a city called Greyville which was always overcast and
dull. Diesel Dan adored diesel. Everything in Greyville was energized by diesel. Diesel polluted
the air. This is the story of how Greyville was saved.
One day a man named Windy William arrived at the city of Greyville. Windy William did not like
what Diesel Dan was doing with his city. Greyville was close to the ocean so it was the perfect
candidate for wind powered energy because of the current. He started to protest. Many people
were on Windy William’s side, but more people were on Diesel Dan’s side.
Windy William started to say things like, “wind does not pollute the air, and because of this it is
green energy. Wind is renewable and diesel is non-renewable so wind is better. Wind is easier
to find.” He started to tell the people about turbines. “Turbines can produce electricity with
wind. The wind can spin the turbine and that spins the generator. When the generator spins, it
produces electricity. The electricity goes to the substation. From the substation it moves to the
grid where the volts decrease, and then it arrives at the houses.” Everyone started to like the
idea of wind powered electricity and all of Diesel Dan’s people went to Windy William’s side.
Windy William said, “We win! We have more people.” Diesel Dan raged, “I don’t need people to
rule Greyville. Diesel is all I need. The people of Greyville can’t operate their homes and
equipment without my diesel. Diesel is used for most freight trucks, trains, busses, boats, farm
and construction vehichles. Diesel also generates electricity. Diesel can also be made into diesel
fuel which can be used for cars. Greyville can’t live without diesel. Diesel is the best. As long as I
own Greyville, it will continue to run on diesel.” Windy William replied, “None of your people
want this city to be run by diesel. I will even fight you for rule of this city.”
They got into a big fight in the center of Greyville which is Greyville Square. All the people fled
inside their houses to watch the fight. The battle was tough. Finally, Windy William blew Diesel
Dan out of town with his super breath. No one heard from him ever again.
Windy William renamed the city Wind City and he owned it. All the energy was generated by
wind. Windy William constructed turbines on the hillsides. Everyone lived happily ever after
except for Diesel Dan.