
新北市 101 學年度國民小學讀者劇場比賽劇本
參賽學校 : 新北市私立竹林國民小學
參賽班級 : 六年己班
學校類型 :  一般學校
 偏遠地區之學校 (請打)
組別 :  國小低年級組
 國小中年級組
 國小高年級組
劇名 : I was born this way!
劇本出處 : 100%自編。作者 : __________________
75%改編,改編作者 : Lindsay Gregory,原作者(出處) : Hans
Christian Andersen
50%改編,改編作者 : ________,原作者(出處) : ________。
25%改編,改編作者 : ________,原作者(出處) : ________。
0%改編,完全引用自原作者(出處) : __________________。
能力指標 : C2-1-12 能進行簡易的角色扮演
D6-1-2 樂於參與有助提升英語能力的活動
教材屬性 : 自我肯定
劇本簡介 :
This short drama reexamines the well-known children's classic "The Emperor's New
Clothes" by Hans Christian Andersen. While the original weaves a tale of pretentiousness
and snobbery, this modern version asserts a very different view. The pop-diva Lady Gogo
enthralls her fans with her individuality and confidence. She enjoys showing them her new
outfits as a way of expressing her individuality. However, her costume designer has
trouble keeping up with her demands for ever original and daring creations. Finally, Lady
Gogo is presented with an outfit that the costume designer insists can only be appreciated
by someone truly special. To her fans' surprise, Lady Gogo appears wearing nothing at all!
They believe she has been tricked, but Lady Gogo loves her new "outfit". She explains that
she was born this way, and that she loves who she is and is always true to herself and has
nothing to hide. As born this way, and that she loves who she is and is always true to
herself and has nothing to hide.
本劇改編自兒童文學經典名著「國王的新衣」。以流行歌曲天后 Lady Gogo 為
主角,Lady Gogo 是個頗具個人特色的藝人。她告訴歌迷們要勇於接受真正的自己、
詳細劇本 :
Fan 2 : Oh, I can't believe it! We're here! It's Lady Gogo's dressing room! I'm going to
Fan 3 : Pinch me! I must be dreaming!
Chorus : There's no business like show business. There’s no business like show business,
like no business I know!
Fan 1 : Listen, girls. Lady Gogo is right behind this door. Take my picture.
Fan 2 : Good idea. Me too. Let me make a pose.
Fan 3 : I can't take a picture! My hands are shaking too much!
Chorus : Crazy fans! Crazy fans! Knock on the door and ask for an autograph!
Fan 2 : Should we?
Fan 3 : Could we?
Fan 1 : I don't dare!
Manager : Girls, girls! What are you doing out here? These fans are really gaga for Lady
Gogo! Go ahead! Go on in. She won't bite!
Chorus : I can't believe it! They actually get to meet Lady Gogo! She's a star, super
star! Oh, my baby! Super star!
Manager : Lady Gogo, some fans are here to see you. They are standing outside your
dressing room. Happens all the time!
Lady Gogo : Oh, my lovely dear little monsters! I love my fans!
Fan 1 + Fan 2 + Fan 3 : Lady Gogo! It's really her!
Chorus : Wow! Pop diva Lady Gogo herself!
Lady Gogo : It's me, girls. Lady Gogo! It's so wonderful that you've come. You can help
me pick out my clothes for the concert.
Manager : Costume! Where's the costume woman? Lady Gogo is waiting!
Fan 1 : We love you so much!
Fan 2 : I love all your music! I want to be just like you!
Fan 3 : You're so beautiful!
Lady Gogo : Don't be silly, girls. I'm just an ordinary, special, pop diva.
Fan 2 : Lady Gogo, how can you be so amazing?
Lady Gogo : I don't know, dear, I was born this way!
Chorus : I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way!
Costume : Costume! Did someone call me?
Manager : You're late! Lady Gogo is waiting! Show her the new dresses for the show!
Costume : Oh, look at the green dress! It's spectacular!
Lady Gogo : I wore that last week!
Fan 1 : The purple dress is unbelievable!
Lady Gogo : Don't you think it's too short?
Fan 2 : Look at this dress! It's made out of steak!
Lady Gogo : I wore that last month at the MTV awards show.
Chorus : She has more dresses than the Queen of England!
Costume : How many dresses do I have to make? She wears something new every day!
Manager : Costume, show Lady Gogo something new. Something out of this world
Costume : Something new? Again? Well.... I do have one more.
Lady Gogo : Show me! My fans are waiting!
Manager : This dress is magnificent! I know you will love it! But… I warn you! Only the
truly most outlandish, craziest, most wonderful pop diva in the world could
wear this!
Fan 1 : It must be marvelous!
Fan 2 : It must be super!
Fan 3 : I'm going to faint!
Lady Gogo : Just show me this amazing new dress for goodness sake!
Chorus: She's a star, super star! Oh, my baby! Super star!
Manager : Ta da! Lady Gogo in her newest fashion!
Lady Gogo : I love it!
Manager : But...but...you're not wearing anything!
Fan 1 : You're naked!
Chorus: She's not wearing anything! Oh! My Gogo! She’s naked! Completely naked! Oh,
Fan 2 : You can't go on stage like that!
Fan 3 : I'm not looking! I'm not looking!
Lady Gogo : I love it! This is the best dress I've ever worn!
Manager : You're going to sing tonight like that? In your birthday suit?
Lady Gogo : Why not? I was born this way!
Fan 1 + Fan 2 + Fan 3 : We love you, Lady Gogo! We love you. We love you. No matter
what you wear. We love you.
Lady Gogo : Remember, my dear little monsters. Always be yourself and always love who
you are.
Chorus : Always be yourself and always love who you are. I’m on the right track, baby. I
was born this way!