“Good,” Trio nodded

AN: Sorry if the ‘Gundam’ thing confused some people, their existence is crucial at the end of the story.
Okay, say this aloud ’ Trey’s’…what other Gundam Wing character does it sound like?? ;)
“Good,” Trio nodded. Poking her head back inside she yelled, “We’re coming! You guys all ready?”
“Roger that!” Heero replied.
“Good, cause it’s show time. Come on out, Daemon.” Trio stepped aside as Daemon walked into the room.
He had his eyes closed.
“Tell me when you’re safely out of range, Trio.”
“Roger that, I’m against the wall,” Trio said, reaching the wall. “GO!”
Daemon’s eyes flew open and immediately latched onto Heero. Heero stepped forward until he was only
three feet away from Daemon. Daemon didn’t fall to his knees like some of the others, the light and wind
didn’t start to swirl like Alex’s, nor did it burst out like Trio, Shinna, or Trey’s. Daemon just stood, facing
Heero. A tear slipped down both their right cheeks simultaneously.
“Daemon, it’s been a long time, too long.”
“Though we’ve never met, we’re both alike, we’re both alone.”
“We are one, the Zero and I, are you one with Zero?”
“No, but I will be one day, a day when I know in my heart he’s my friend and will not go against my will.
That he will help me in my day of need and guide me. That he is not just a machine, who believes in his
heart that his only purpose, is destruction. He has not shown me that, has he shown you?”
“No, he hasn’t. But the worst part about being in your shoes, kid, is that you’re stuck with him…forever…”
“That is why I did not wish to transform, I didn’t know his true intentions.”
“Only one way to find out isn’t there?”
“Yes, but I don’t feel the need to let it all out, I wish to keep my feelings a secret. I wish not to show my
weakness to the enemy.”
“So be it. Control your emotions, I know you can. Don’t let the feeling escape.”
Daemon nodded. “So be…..Master!” Light and wind burst forth from Daemon, but it did not go outward
like the others, piercing their tender vision and pushing them every-which way. It went inward, into
Daemon’s very soul. It shown light upon his troubled and bloody past. It blew away the dark clouds that
covered even his early childhood, which no one ever remembers. Everyone could see the horror he felt
when his families were murdered right before his loving, innocent eyes. Everyone could see his yearning
for revenge that only grew stronger as he transformed. But most of all, every single person in that room,
regardless of position, could see the Wing Zero Custom, inside Daemon’s lighted skull, rearing his
beautiful, metal head, yearning to help his troubled friend.
They could see that Wing Zero Custom was becoming one with Daemon, his arms becoming Daemon’s
arms, his legs becoming Daemon’s legs, and the most tell-tale sign of all: Zero’s wings becoming
Daemon’s wings. They burst forth in a spew of light, Daemon screamed once, calling to Zero. Daemon’s
wings were now that of the Wing Zero Custom, the most beautiful Gundam in creation. Its angelic wings
hardened into feathers, and his tender wings stretched out, to the stars above, crying for deliverance from
the pain.
Daemon was finally able to open his eyes. He saw the Perfect Soldier crying, crying for his son, his
Gundam, and this precious little boy who was forced to become something that no one should have had to
The Gundam’s were killing machines by nature, not innocent little children who had no choice, even when
they were born. People who believed they could create human life out of scratch already chose their
destiny. These poor children had to live with what had been bestowed upon them, and paid a price for what
was now rightfully theirs: life.
Zero’s gentle voice floated toward the crying ex-pilot. “It’s okay, Heero. He has the power to protect
“But he also has the power you’ve bestowed upon him, Zero: the power to kill and from your heart: the
yearning for revenge. He doesn’t deserve this; none of the G-Alloids deserves this. They should have been
our natural children, born from their mother’s womb, and from the father’s loins. And most
importantly…you should’ve stayed dead. The world has no need for you now, you’re work is done.”
“Nonsense, my work is never done, wars are constantly raging.”
“But why a little boy? Why did you have to kill him, yet keep him alive?”
“Someday this boy will become a man.”
“And Trio and Shinna? What of them?”
“The fate of the world should not be placed on the shoulders of man-kind alone, for women also live in this
world. I need your help, Heero. Master, I need you to raise this boy from now on, to show him how to fight
for what is good, and to fight for life. He has yet to know the difference. To him, life is the same as death,
as is good and evil.”
Daemon’s voice took control. “I, Daemon, believe that if I die, it’s the same as being alive, because the
only people that notice are the enemy. Show me compassion, show me love, show me what humanity really
is.” Heero slipped to the ground.
“Mission accepted.” Heero muttered. “Now, finish your duty and leave him be for now.”
“Roger that,” Zero replied. Daemon’s body returned from it’s internal revelation. His wings stayed
stretched out. He did not fall to the ground, but walked over to Heero and leaned down to him.
“Father, get up. Don’t show a sign of weakness.”
“Crying for the pain the G-Alloids have had to go through and his love for his biological son isn’t a sign of
weakness, it’s a sign of humanity. This is what you wanted him to show you.” Relena walked up to two
men. Daemon stood up to acknowledge his mother.
“He’s sad that this had to happen to you. The Gundam’s were a huge part of his life and he wanted them to
leave his troubled soul forever. He cries for all the pain that the Gundam symbolizes in his life.”
“Why then, is he so strong?”
“Because he’s not afraid to show the world. He has proven to everyone time after time that sometimes
sacrifice for the ones you love in any form, is what truly understanding yourself is, and true love.”
Daemon smiled and stepped around Heero to hug Relena.
“This is humanity and compassion? Yes, you’re right, it is. I see it. Caring for people you love and fighting
for their lives is what this fight is all about.”
“This is all very touching, but now that all of our remaining creations are here and ready, we’d like to see
what they can handle.” Every turned from the center of the room to the corner where no one stood.
In it stood…..
“Dr. J.” Heero declared, standing to his feet, regaining his tear-stained glaring face. “I thought you were
“You were suppose to, Heero Yuy. But now all of our creations are here, we’d like to check them out.”
“Keep away from us, and from them.” Daemon said, stepping past the ex-pilot. “We’re not your toys