Walk details

Allensford Prayer Walk
The Caravan Park - The Start of our walk.
Life is a journey, a journey that God wishes to share with us.
When we pray we are aware of his presence. Remember
that we do not just experience God's presence in
Word and Sacrament but in all his creation. Simply
reflecting on the things we see on our walk and what they can
tell us about ourselves and our relationship with God is a
wonderful way to pray.
2 The Children's Play Area
We all begin our life's journey as children.
Think about the qualities children have such as simplicity,
capacity to love and be loved and to have faith in others
and how Jesus told us we must have those qualities if we
are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
3 The River Derwent
The River is a metaphor for our own lives.
Spend time reflecting on how at its source a river is pure
sparkling water and yet by the time it reaches the sea it has
sometimes become so polluted as to be unrecognisable.
And then think about how our lives can be like the river and what
we must do to end our journey (heaven) as pure sparkling water.
4 The Footpath Sign and the Narrow Path
On any journey we need directions to know where to go and how
to get there. For Jesus, the will of his Father led him to
Jerusalem and death. He never chose the easy route.
Think about how easy it is to follow the broad easy path but that it
is only the narrow path, the path of selfless love which leads to life.
5 The Bridge over a Tributary of the River Derwent
Here a river is changed by the waters flowing into it. Often our
own lives are changed by the experiences we have had, the
people we have met.
Think about which of these people have brought you closer to
God and which have distanced you from Him.
6 The Barbed Wire Fence
Barbed wire — what message does it give?
How might it represent the ways in which we deal with the people
around us?
Do we surround ourselves with 'barbed-wire' so that we do not have
to respond to their needs or do we cut the 'barbed wire' allowing the
reflected love of Jesus Christ to flow from us?
7 The Broom in Bloom
A sudden sight of a blaze of colour! How uplifting this can be –
particularly on dark, rainy days!
When during your life's journey, especially when you felt sad or
lost or lonely, has God's love for you been expressed by another
human – like the sight of broom on a sunny day.
8 The Weir
Sometime the smooth flowing river of our life is suddenly
changed into a raging torrent. Illness, death, unemployment,
relationships can really unsettle us.
When have you had to deal with the disasters and crises we all
We reflected on the fact that after the weir the river returns to
its peaceful slow-flowing meander.
When has a crisis or trauma given way to peace and calm in your
9 The Seat
We read in the Gospels that Jesus sat to teach the crowds. As we
approach the end of our journey, imagine that Jesus is teaching us
from the seat.
What might Jesus be saying to you at this time?
10 The Footbridge – turning to walk back
Bridges can symbolise many things – as can building bridges.
To what extent do we see ourselves as 'bridge-builders' in our
parishes, our families and our communities?
A bridge can also represent a challenge — we are safe
on this side but do not know what dangers may face us on the
other bank.
What bridges have you had to cross? What bridge might you
be being invited to cross?
11 "Beside the Still Waters"
At the end of the walk, we come to this beautiful tranquil part of the river. You might like to find a copy
of the psalm, "The Lord is my Shepherd" and spend some time reminding yourself how fortunate we are
to be on a journey in which we have nothing to fear and in which Jesus is our leader and friend.
Photographs © Neil Munro