Eastland ISD Extracurricular Activity Code 2013

Eastland ISD
Extracurricular Activity Code
2013 - 2014
Student participation in extracurricular activities is highly encouraged. EISD makes
extracurricular activities available as an extension of the regular school program, with the following important
difference: participation in the regular curriculum is a right afforded to each student, while participation in an
extracurricular program is a privilege that carries additional expectations for acceptable conduct. Students
engaging in extracurricular activities represent not only themselves, but also other students and the school
district. For this reason, their behavior is expected to be exemplary.
Important goals of the extracurricular program are to give students direction in developing selfdiscipline, responsibility, pride, loyalty, leadership, teamwork, respect for authority, and healthy living habits.
Because participation in extracurricular activity is a privilege and not a right, Eastland ISD is authorized
to set higher standards than it would for those students who choose not to participate in these activities.
Therefore, this Extracurricular Activity Code extends beyond the Eastland ISD Student Code of Conduct not
only in types of behavior prohibited, but also in corresponding consequences and jurisdiction for imposing
The establishment of a uniform extracurricular activity code reflects the district’s concern for the safety,
well-being, and conduct of students participating in all extracurricular organizations. This code is neither a
contract nor a substitute for the official district policy manual.
In addition to obeying rules set forth in the EISD Student Code of Conduct, all students
in grades 9 through 12 participating in EHS extracurricular activities will be required to
comply with the following guidelines and disciplinary regulations.
Dress and Grooming – Students who participate in extracurricular activities shall
comply with the district’s policy on student dress and grooming as well as the director/sponsor/coach’s specific
requirements for the activity.
Attendance - A student must be in attendance as a full time student of EISD in order to participate in
any extracurricular activity, including tryouts. Students who elect to attend ECC are not eligible to participate in
extracurricular activities.
Students engaged in extracurricular activities are expected to participate in all practices, performances,
competitions, and other events identified by the director/coach/sponsor.
Academically ineligible students may practice or rehearse with other students, but may not participate in a
competition or other public performance in accordance to UIL rules. A student ineligible to participate in an
extracurricular activity/organization, but who is enrolled in a state approved course that requires demonstration
of mastery of the essential knowledge and skills in a public performance, may participate in the performance
only if the general public is invited to the performance and the requirement for student participation in
public is stated in the essential knowledge and skills of the course. Example: Fall or Spring theatrical
Students who fail to appear for a scheduled event without a valid documented excuse and parent
validation of reason for absence is subject to suspension* from the next scheduled event of the same activity.
A students’ absence from a scheduled extracurricular activity (practice or performance) shall only be excused at
the discretion of the director/coach/sponsor. A second unexcused absences from a scheduled extracurricular
activity may result in suspension or dismissal from that activity/organization. Such decisions shall be made in
consultation with the campus principal. *Suspension defined throughout this document refers to a
Students will be excused from participation in any practice or activity if they are observing holy days,
including days of travel to or from a site where the student will observe holy days. Excused days for travel shall
be limited to not more than one day for travel to and one day for travel from the site where the student will
observe the religious holy day(s). Students are responsible for notifying the director/coach/sponsor in a “timely”
manner prior to the absence. “Timely” refers to a time frame suitable to prepare a substitute that is or can be
prepared to perform for the scheduled event.
Students should make every effort to schedule health care appointments at times that will
not interfere with school or activity participation. If a conflict is unavoidable, the student shall inform the
director/coach/sponsor prior to the appointment and provide written documentation of the appointment upon
return to school. Failure to do so may result in reasonable make up and / or loss of playing / performance time.
Note: Regarding violations that occur on campus or at a school related event, the consequence for a
violation of the Student Code of Conduct may result in a consequence greater than the one that is noted
in this document. Students may not participate in practice or performance on any day in which he/she is
suspended or assigned to DAEP. A student may practice but not perform on any day in which he/she is
assigned to ISS.
Level I : Inappropriate Conduct (non-criminal)
A student in grades 9 through 12 participating in any EHS extracurricular activity
shall not engage in the following conduct at any time both on and off campus (24-7). A violation and
consequence shall be determined by the director/coach/sponsor of the activity or the campus administrator..
1. Disrespect, Disobedience, or Defiance of authority (written, verbal, gesture)
2. One or more unexcused absence from practice or performance
3. Unsportsmanlike and/or inappropriate behavior during performance
4. Cheating, lying, profanity
5. Intentional defacing of school property less than serious vandalism
6. Violation of other non-criminal activities of the student code of conduct
Students who violate these guidelines are subject to Level I consequences as follows:
1st Offense
Degree of violation determined by Coach/Director/Sponsor - Departmentalized consequence.
Suspension for up to 90 days may be considered as a result of blatant violation #1 above.
2nd Offense of same Violation
Degree of violation determined by Coach/Director/Sponsor. Departmentalized consequence
increased and one to three game/event suspension invoked. Suspension for one year may be
considered as a result of blatant violation #1 above.
3rd Offense of same violation
Departmental consequence and/or suspension from 3 to 5 games/events invoked. Dismissal may be
considered as a result of violation #1 above.
Level II - Acts of Illegal Conduct
A student who is involved in Serious Misconduct is subject to disciplinary consequences in accordance to the
student code of conduct and may also receive consequences or experience loss of privileges as stated in the
organization’s documented rules.
The following infractions are strictly prohibited:
1. Selling, using, possessing, being under the influence, or having evidence of having used
marijuana, a controlled substance, a dangerous drug, abusable glue, aerosol paint, steroids,
or any other non-prescription mood-changing, mind-altering, or behavior-affecting substance
2. Selling, using, possessing tobacco or alcohol
3. Engaging in unlawfully lewd, disruptive, destructive, or violent conduct
4. Criminal activity subject to a felony offense
5. Any act subject to illegal activity
Upon the administration’s determination that a EHS student in grades 9 through 12
participating in a school-sponsored extracurricular activity has violated any one of the
infractions enumerated above outside the school setting, that student shall be subject to disciplinary action
as outlined below:
1st Offense:
7 day suspension to include the next scheduled game / event / …..
If the offense occurs during the summer or a time period in which the student is not actively
participating, the suspension shall apply beginning with the onset of the new season. If the student is
involved in more than one activity, the suspension shall apply to all activities concurrently. The student
is required to enroll in an intervention program within the suspension period related to the offense
committed, and if relative to the offense submit to the next three(3) consecutive drug tests.
2nd Offense
90 calendar day suspension to include participation in all extracurricular activities…..
In addition the student is required to enroll in and complete an intervention program related to the
offense committed. If the offense occurs during the summer or semester in which the student is not
actively participating, the suspension shall apply beginning with the onset of the next scheduled season.
If the student is involved in more than one activity, the suspension shall apply to all activities
concurrently. The student must agree to the next three(3) consecutive drug tests.
3rd Offense
Dismissal from all extracurricular activities for no less than one (1) calendar year from the time
that the offense occurred. In addition the student is required to complete a rehab or counseling
program related to the offense committed. If the offense occurs during the summer or semester in which
the student is not actively participating, the suspension shall apply beginning with the onset of the next
scheduled season. If the student is involved in more than one activity, the suspension shall apply to all
activities concurrently. The student must agree to the next three(3) consecutive drug tests.
Note: A violation of law either in or out of school resulting in a charge equal to or greater than a
felony offense is subject to mandatory DAEP and may result in consequence greater than the first
offense noted above.
A student or parent may appeal the student’s loss of extracurricular privileges through EISD Board Policy FNG.
2013 -2014
Acknowledgement of Student
I acknowledge that I may request a paper copy of the Eastland ISD Student Code of Conduct, the Student
Handbook, and the EISD Extracurricular Code or that I may electronically access these documents on the EISD
district website at www.eastland.esc14.net .
Student’s Name (please print): _____________________________________________
Student’s Signature: __________________________________ Date: ______________
Acknowledgement of Parent/Guardian
* I understand and consent to the student responsibilities set forth in the documents aforementioned.
I also understand and agree that my child shall be held accountable for the behavioral expectations
and consequences set forth in these documents.
* I understand that in addition to obeying rules set forth in these documents, all students participating
in EISD extracurricular activities will be required to comply with the standard of disciplinary
regulations contained in these documents.
* I understand that neither this Extracurricular Code nor the EISD Student Code of Conduct is a
substitute for EISD board policy. Additionally, I have been advised that my child’s participation in
extracurricular activities and extracurricular organizations, including interscholastic athletics is a
privilege, not a right. Since extracurricular activities are optional, I understand and agree that those
who choose to participate will be held to higher standards of behavior and performance both in and out
of school.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s) (please print): _________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________
Please return this signed form to the Principal’s Office.
Eastland ISD
2013 - 2014