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Grand Awards 2005-06
The following associations, clubs/organisations & individuals that have received grant aid this
Harris Kayak Club
Tiumpan Young at Heart
Stornoway Canoe Club
Send a club coach to attend Level 5 Coach Development course
Harris Golf Club
Allow the club to send 2 club members to attend a PGA Level 1 Coaching course
Allow a club coach to attend a UK Athlete Level 2 Coach course
Stornoway Golf Club
Provide 8 clubs members the opportunity to attend a PGA Level 1 Coaching course
Stornoway Rugby Club
Club coach to attend a First Aid course as part of the SRU Coaching Programme
NLSC Leagues
To assist with organising and running sports leagues for the young people of Lewis and Harris
Provide the club with the opportunity to attend mainland events
Western Isles Pony Club
Enable club members to attend the North section of the Margaret Wyper Quiz
Assist with the club organising the Harris 10k and Fun Run
Donald Riddell
To attend various rounds of the Scottish Rally Championships
Gavin Earons/Paul Smith
To assist both athletes to participate in the Scottish XC Mountain Bike Series
Provide club member with the opportunity to take part in the annual U14 and U17 uni-hoc
Allow top club athletes to attend National events on the mainland
Richard Middlemiss
To attend various LTA ranking events on the mainland.
Western Isles Motocross Club
To assist a club member to compete in various rounds of the British Quad Bike
Western Isles Pony Club
To attend the Scottish finals at the Margaret Wyper Quiz representing the North of Scotland
Stornoway Golf Club
To allow 4 junior club members to take part in the Donald Ross invitational at the Royal
Eilidh Mackenzie
Assist Eilidh to travel to Ireland to represent Scotland in the Celtic Cross Country
Eve Carrington
To assist Eve to attend the Scottish Squad Development Training Weekend
Point Junior FC
Provide one of the Junior Associations teams with assistance to relocate their home fixtures
Stornoway United Jun ior FC
Allow club member to attend the Aberdeen International Football Festival
Western Isles Pony Club
To allow the club to bring 3 top riding instructors to assist at the summer camp
Stornoway Squash Club
To provide junior club members the opportunity to attend the mainland for matches and
receive top coaching from a Scottish Squash Coach
Western Isles Motocross Club
Further assist in the development of the track by providing club members with Scottish Auto
Cycle Union training
Stornoway Golf Club (Junior Section)
Provide some of the clubs junior members the opportunity to play mainland golf courses and
receive tuition from a PGA Professional
Ionad Loch a Tuath
Provide new sports equipment of the ever expanding Youth Programme in the Back area
Ness Junior FC
Allow the junior football club to purchase a new set of soccer 7 goals for the junior members
Stornoway Bowling Club
To assist the club with the purchase of new indoor bowling mats
Tong Youth Club
To provide the club with assistance to purchase a new Table Tennis Table