THESIS EFFECTIVENESS OF BACK FLUSHING FOR CLEANING POROUS PAVEMENTS Submitted by Nilesh Arjun Shirke Department of Construction Management In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Degree of Master of Science Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado Spring 2007 I COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY December 1, 2006 WE HEREBY RECOMMEND THAT THE THESIS PREPARED UNDER OUR SUPERVISION BY NILESH ARJUN SHIRKE ENTITLED EFFECTIVENESS OF BACK FLUSHING FOR CLEANING POROUS PAVEMENTS BE ACCEPTED AS FULFILLING IN PART REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE. Committee on Graduate Work ________________________________________ Dr. Scott Shuler Adviser/Chair ________________________________________ Dr. Angela Guggemos ________________________________________ Dr. Charles Smith ________________________________________ Dr. Ramchand Oad (Outside Committee member) ______________________________________ Dr. Larry Grosse Department Head/Director II ABSTRACT OF THESIS EFFECTIVENESS OF BACK FLUSHING FOR CLEANING POROUS PAVEMENTS Permeable pavement is an alternative to traditional asphalt and concrete surfacing. Porous pavement is a permeable pavement surface with a stone reservoir underneath. Permeable pavement allows storm water to infiltrate into either a storage basin below or infiltrate directly in to the soil and ultimately recharging the water table, while also potentially removing pollutants. Thus, pollutants are prevented from entering into the water system and therefore, porous pavements are considered sustainable construction by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1999). Porous pavements eventually fill with debris and get clogged, preventing water infiltration. Thus, the greatest concern with using porous pavement is its susceptibility to clogging (Field, 1982). Therefore, the overall maintenance goal for porous pavement is to prevent clogging of the void spaces within the surface. Once particles and dust gets trapped in the surface pores, it is very difficult to clear it. Many owners avoid this type of pavement because of the difficulty associated with this maintenance. Additionally, its failure rate is about 75%, mostly attributed because of poor design, inadequate construction technique and clogging. Debris gets clogged in the pores of the pavement making it impermeable. This thesis explores the idea of removing particles trapped in the pores of the pavement by back-flushing water from the bottom to III the top of pavement. This is a true experiment type of research and porous pavement is constructed in laboratory and experiments and analysis is done on it to know the efficiency of back-flush and to calculate water pressure required for cleaning it. Four variables are evaluated which may influence the efficiency of particle removal. These are: 1) water pressure, 2) type of clogging, 3) size of pores of the porous concrete layer and 4) number of flushes. The summary of findings suggests that back-flush method of maintenance on porous pavements works efficiently on the clogging materials evaluated, is independent of pore size and also effective for low pressure of water to back flush. Cleaning properties show no fixed trend with combination of different variables. Among all variables used, pressure is a significant variable in particle removal after back-flush. Nilesh Arjun Shirke Construction Management Department Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 Spring 2007 IV TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..2 2 Literature Review…………………………………………………………….6 2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………..6 2.2 Design of Porous pavements…………………………………………7 2.3 Construction of porous pavements…………………………………...9 2.4 Advantages of Porous Pavements……………………………….......13 2.5 Disadvantages of Porous Pavements………………………………...14 2.6 Maintenance of Porous pavements…………………………………..14 2.7 Costing………………………………………………….....................15 2.8 Conclusion……………………………………………………… …..16 3 Problem Statement…………………………………………………………...17 4 Research Question……………………………………………………………20 5 Methodology………………………………………………………………….22 6 Construction of a Model………………………………………………………24 6.1 Sections of a Model…………………………………………………..25 6.2 Construction of Section 1…………………………………………….28 6.3 Construction of Section 2…………………………………………….30 6.4 Construction of Section 3…………………………………………….32 6.5 Construction of Section 4…………………………………………….34 V 6.6 Construction of Section 5…………………………………………….35 7 Detailed Procedure of Experiments……………………………………………. 37 8 Experiments and Results…………………………………………………………40 8.1 Strength of Porous Concrete…………………………………………41 8.2 Sieve Analysis………………………………………………………..41 8.3 Classifications of clogging material used for clogging by ASTM D 2487-00 and gradation of soils by ASTM D 2487-00……………..44 8.4 Percentage Removal of Particles After Back-flush…………………..46 8.4 Average Permeabilties and Percentage Removal Recorded on Highly Porous Concrete Sample…………………………………..53 8.5 Average Permeabilties and Percentage Removal – Recorded on Less Porous Concrete Sample……………………………………..57 9. Analysis of Data……………………………………………………………….....58 10. Result and Conclusion…………………………………………………………...62 11. Future Research………………………………………………………………….63 12. Appendices……………………………………………………………………….64 13. References………………………………………………………………………..68. VI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my Advisory and Examining Committee members Dr. Scott Shuler, Dr. Angela Guggemos, Dr. Charles Smith and Dr. Ramchand Oad for their support and guidance throughout my education, and for their critical review of this document. Their time, interest, and assistance are greatly appreciated. I wish to extend special thanks to Dr. Shuler for providing me with the opportunity to study under his guidance and for his extra effort in helping me to develop as a M.S. candidate. His continuous instruction, supervision, and enthusiasm helped to bring this research to fruition. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Charles Smith for his support, great help and letting me to use his facilities for the construction of a model and experiments. In particular, I extend thanks to Kevin Jones for his support, help and sincere interest in this research. I thank Dr. Oad for guiding me regarding my long term career when I was confused and his valuable time spent while serving on my committee. I would like to thank Dr. Angela for suggesting this topic of research and her guidance throughout this research work. Finally, I extend sincere thanks to my sister and brother in law for their neverending support and encouragement throughout my years of study. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Increased runoff rates from traditionally paved surfaces have increased peak flow through stream channels causing erosion and stream bank instability along with overland erosion (Bean, Hunt, Bidelspach, & Smith, 2004; Leopold, Wolman, & Miller, 1964). Frequently ignored, thermal enrichment is also a critical stressor of aquatic habitats and ecology downstream of urban areas because of the detrimental impacts of these contaminants, and increasing concern for the natural environment (James & Langsdorff, 2003). Additionally, drainage has become more of an issue in site development all over the world. Porous pavement is an alternative to traditional asphalt or concrete surfaces which may help alleviate some of these issues. Porous pavement is a permeable pavement surface with a stone reservoir underneath which is considered as a sustainable construction process. There are many different types of porous pavements, including: porous asphalt pavement (PAP), porous concrete pavement (PCP), modular interlocking concrete bricks with internal drainage cells (MICBID), and modular interlocking concrete bricks with external drainage cells (MICBEC) (James & Langsdorff, 2003). Porous pavement allows storm water to infiltrate into either a storage basin below or infiltrate directly in to the soil through the open cells (Bachtle, 1974) and the underlying supporting soils. This allows cleaner water to replenish ground water or flow into lakes 2 and streams (Mississippi Concrete Industry Association, 2005). Porous pavement was constructed for the first time at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1971 (Bachtle, 1974). The void space in porous concrete is in the 15% to 22% range compared to three to five percent for conventional pavements, offering improved filtration and an enormous amount of surface area to catch oils and chemical pollutants (Georgia Stormwater Management Manual, 2002). This practice should only be used on sites with gentle slopes, permeable soils, and relatively deep water table and bedrock levels. Soils should be well or moderately well drained. Since, subgrade soils differ in their capacity to percolate water, the design of porous pavement varies slightly based on soil type. (The Urban Land Institute, 1992) Hence, it is a unique and effective pavement that meets growing environmental demands and is recognized as a best management practice (BMP) for stormwater management by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (The Pervious Company, 2005). Porous pavement is significantly more expensive than traditional asphalt (CWP, 1998). Porous concrete systems should not be used on slopes greater than 5% with slopes of no greater than 2% recommended. If low spots do develop in the porous pavement area, it may be advisable to install drop inlets to divert runoff into the stone reservoir more quickly (Urban Land Institute, 1981). There are several methods available for calculating the runoff for design of Porous Pavements. The rational method is based on direct relationship between rainfall and runoff. It is expressed by the Rational Formula: Q=CIA 3 Q = The peak runoff rate (cfs) C = The runoff coefficient I = Mean rainfall intensity over a period equal to the time of concentration (in/hr) A = The area (acres). (Surface System Drainage Design, 2005). There are four layers in the porous pavement: 1. Porous Concrete Layer/Porous Asphalt Layer – The porous concrete layer consists of an open-graded concrete mixture usually ranging from depths of 2 to 4 inches depending on required bearing strength and pavement design requirements. GADOT No. 8 coarse aggregate (3/8 to No. 16) per ASTM C 33 or No. 89 coarse aggregate (3/8 to No. 50) per ASTM D 448 is used (Georgia Stormwater Management Manual, 2002). Porous concrete is designed to attain a compressive strength of 400 to 4000 psi though strengths of 600 to 1500 are more common (National Ready Mix Concrete Association, 2004). The top porous asphalt course is an open-graded asphalt concrete surface course approximately 24 inches thick. This course consists of porous asphalt concrete containing little sand or dust, with a pore space of approximately 16% (as compared to 2-3% for conventional asphalt concrete). (The Urban Land Institute, 1981). Pervious concrete is much more porous than underlying soils. Typical infiltration rates are 250 to 300 inches per hour (Permeable Pavement, 2000). 2. Top Filter Layer – Consists of a 0.5 inch diameter crushed stone to a depth of 1 to 2 inches. This layer serves to stabilize the porous asphalt layer and can be combined with reservoir layer using suitable stone. 3. Reservoir Layer – The reservoir gravel base course consists of washed, bank-run gravel, 1.5 to 2.5 inches in diameter with a void space of about 40% (GADOT No.3 4 Stone). The depth of this layer depends on the desired storage volume, which is a function of the soil infiltration rate and void spaces, but typically ranges from two to four feet. The layer must have a minimum depth of nine inches. 4. Bottom Filter Layer – The surface of the subgrade should be a 6 inch layer of sand (ASTM C-33 concrete sand or GADOT Fine Aggregate Size No. 10) or a 2 inch thick layer of 0.5 inch crushed stone, and be completely flat to promote infiltration across the entire surface. This layer serves to stabilize the reservoir layer, to protect the underlying soil from compaction, and act as the interface between the reservoir layer and the filter fabric covering the underlying soil. Filter Fabric is very important to line the entire trench area, including the sides, with filter fabric prior to placement of the aggregates in bottom filter layer. The filter fabric serves a very important function by inhibiting soil from migrating into the reservoir layer and reducing storage capacity (Georgia Stormwater Management Manual, 2002). The following diagram shows the typical cross-section of a porous pavement. Figure 1. Typical Cross-section of Porous Pavements. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION Urbanization has a detrimental effect on our surface water systems. Increased runoff rates from traditionally paved surfaces have increased peak flow through stream channels causing erosion and stream bank instability along with overland erosion (Bean, Hunt, Bidelspach, & Smith, 2004; Leopold, Wolman, & Miller, 1964). Thermal enrichment of storm water is one of most important effects of urbanization in cold-water fishery areas – it destroys fish and aquatic ecosystems and affects other indicators like oxygen concentration or pollutant concentration, because of the temperature dependence of many related processes (James and Verspagen, 1996, James & Langsdorff, 2003). All over the world the drainage has become more of an issue in the site development. One solution that is becoming increasingly popular is the use of storm water recharge beds topped with porous pavements for parking lots (Brown, 2003); in addition, porous pavement filters some pollutants through the open cells and the underlying supporting soils and this allows cleaner water to replenish our ground water or flow into our lakes and streams (Mississippi Concrete Industry Association, 2005). Permeable pavement, or drainable pavers, use dates from the Roman Empire when large stones with spaces between the stones were used for drainage (Knapton, 2005). 6 Porous pavement is a special type of permeable pavement which was constructed for the first time in the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1971 (Bachtle, 1974) that allows rain and snowmelt to pass through it, thereby reducing the runoff from a site and surrounding areas (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1999). Unlike traditional concrete or asphalt, pervious pavements typically provide a void content of 15 to 25 percent, offering improved filtration and an enormous amount of surface area to catch oils and chemical pollutants (Georgia Concrete and Products Association, 2005, p. 2). Storm water technology with porous pavements can be built for the same cost or slightly more than conventional systems (Brown, 2003). It is a unique and effective pavement that meets growing environmental demands and is recognized as a Best Management Practice (BMP) for stormwater management by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (The Pervious Company, 2005). It is not difficult to design and construct a system with appropriate infiltration capacities, but maintaining infiltration capacity over several years is a challenge due to clogging and maintenance practices (James & Langsdorff, 2003). This paper emphasizes the appropriate design of the porous pavements, its maintenance and benefits. 2.2 DESIGN OF POROUS PAVEMENTS The process of subsurface drainage design focuses on the removal of water from the pavement structure. Typical components of a subsurface drainage system are: (a) a base drainage (Stone reservoir), (b) a filter layer, (c) a collector pipe, and (d) an outlet pipe (UNI-Group U.S.A., 1998) constructed above the existing soil. This practice should only be used on sites with gentle slopes, permeable soils, and relatively deep water table and bedrock levels. Soils should be well or moderately well drained (The Urban Land 7 Institute, 1981). Soils need to have permeability between 0.5 and 3.0 inches per hour and the bottom of the stone reservoir should be completely flat so that infiltrated runoff will be able to percolate through the entire surface (The Storm water mangers resource center, 1997, p. 1) Following table shows coefficient of permeability and porosity of various layers used in the design of the Porous Pavements. Table 1 Parameters for Porous Pavement Design Material Coefficient of permeability Porosity (Voids) (ft/day) % Asphalted concrete surface 200 22 Asphalt treated base 16,000 40 Granular sub-base 23,000 40 Compacted sub-grade 0.004 - Natural soil - 25 (Anon, 1987, p. 83) Porous asphalt pavement is a paved surface and sub-base comprised of asphalt, gravel, and stone, formed in a manner resulting in a permeable surface and theses various layers, called ‘courses’, which have the potential for storm water detention (Jian-Shiuh Chen, Kuei-Yi, & Sian-Yun, 2004). 8 Figure 2. Typical cross-section of porous pavements (The Urban Land Institute,1981, p6) When out flow capacity of the stone reservoir is less than the infiltration rate, the infiltrated water will accumulate in the pavement (UNI-Group U.S.A., 1998). Pavement design is based on the following three separate kinds of flow: (a) percolation through the pavement to the stone reservoir; (b) lateral flow through the base course to disposal trenches; and (c) percolation from the disposal trenches into the surrounding soil (Anon, 1987). An open graded asphalt-concrete mix must be designed for stability and permeability if it is to be successfully used for a porous pavement (Woelfl, 1981). Factors that affect permeability, such as grain size distribution and the percent of fines passing through the #50 sieve, are important considerations and should be carefully selected by the engineer relative to the retention time and desired amount of storage capacity (UNI-Group U.S.A, 1998). A geo-synthetic liner and sand layer can be placed 9 below the stone reservoir to prevent preferential flow paths and to maintain a flat bottom (The Storm water mangers resource center, 1997). 2.3 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF POROUS PAVEMENT Many localities determine base thickness with the 1993 Guide for the Design of Pavement Structures by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), but others may have specific local requirements and specifications (UNI-Group U.S.A, 1998). 2.3.1 An Open Graded Asphalt Concrete Surface Course: The top porous asphalt course is an open-graded asphalt concrete surface course approximately two to four inches thick (The Urban Land Institute, 1981. p. 2). Porous asphalt consists of a wearing course of open graded asphalt concrete laid over a base course of uniformly graded aggregates and it differs from conventional asphalt concrete chiefly because it contains little dust or sand (Field, 1982). Asphalt or concrete to be used for porous pavement must have a high stability and high permeability but when permeability increases, the stability decreases as aggregate gradation becomes more open graded; still a compromise must be made when selecting an aggregate specification (Woelfl, 1981, Appendix 2). The void volume, of porous asphalt, typically is around 16 percent; as compared with two to three percent void volume of conventional asphalt concrete (Field, 1982, p. 252). Durability of asphalt concrete increases with increasing asphalt contents and a high asphalt content is especially important to provide durability for open graded asphalt concrete since the high porosity of open-graded asphalt concrete promotes rapid oxidization of the asphalt film surrounding the aggregate particles (Woelfl, 1981). 10 Table 2 Typical* Ranges of Materials Proportions in Pervious Concrete Cementitious materials 270 to 415 kg/cu m (450 to 700 lb/cu yd) Aggregate 1190 to 1480 kg/cu m (2000 - 2500 lb/cu yd) Water-cement ratio (by mass) 0.27 to 0.30*** Aggregate-cement ratio (by mass) 4 to 4.5:1*** Fine-coarse aggregate ratio (by mass) 0 to 1:1**** *** Higher ratios have been used, but reductions in strength and durability may result. ****Addition of fine aggregate will decrease the void content and increase strength. (Farny, 2004, p. 3). Following table shows the grading of a porous Asphalt Mix. Table 3 Standard Porous Asphalt Mixes US Standard Sieve Size Percent Passing 1/2 in. 100 3/8 in. 95 #4 (4.75 mm) 35 #8 (2.36 mm) 15 #16 (1.18 mm) 10 #30 (0.600 mm) 2 11 (Adams, 2003, p. 2) Porous asphalt pavement consists of standard bituminous asphalt in which the aggregate fines (particles smaller than 600 µm, or the #30 sieve) have been screened and reduced, allowing water to pass through the asphalt (Adams, 2003) 2.3.2 Filter Layer Course: A one to two-inch thick layer of 0.5-inch stone can be placed over the reservoir or base course, and manually graded to plan specifications (The Urban Land Institute, 1981, p. 2). In certain places, such as areas adjacent to curbs, drainage and utility structures, or over a stabilized base, a geo-textile may be used to prevent migration of bedding sand (UNI-Group U.S.A., 1998). 2.3.3 Reservoir Course or Base Course or Stone layer: The reservoir course is a base of 1.5 to 3-inch stone bed (The Urban Land Institute, 1981, p. 2) is usually between 18 and 36 inches deep, depending on stormwater storage requirements, frost depth considerations, and site grading. This depth provides a significant structural base for the pavement (Adams, 2003, p. 1) Sometimes drainage pipes are used in this course to increase the drainage through pavement in case of excess rainfall. There are three types of infiltration pipes; type-1 is a round porous concrete drainage pipe; type-2, a boxshaped porous concrete drainage pipe; type-3, an egg-shaped vinyl chloride pipe with pores (Wada, Miura, Tada, & Kodaka, 1997). Clean, washed 1.5 to 3-inch aggregate should be placed in the excavated reservoir in lifts, and lightly compacted with plate compactors to form the reservoir or base course and the minimum depth of this layer is usually nine inches (The Urban Land Institute, 1981, p. 2). 12 2.4 ADVANTAGES OF POROUS PAVEMENTS Porous Pavement allows storm water to percolate into the soil rather than increase runoff in the storm drains or combined sewer lines (Bachtle, 1974) and provides many benefits in an urban environment, such as storm-water flow attenuation, aquifer recharge, and storm-water pollution control (Pratt 1997). By using pervious concrete in a parking lot of a building, the ambient air temperature will be reduced, requiring less power to cool the building (The Pervious Company, 2005). Porous pavements reduce the need for curbs and storm sewer installation or expansion (Field, 1982). Studies in the United States have shown that the ice and snow cover during midwinter are similar on a porous asphalt surface as on an impermeable asphalt surface (Ferguson 1994, Magnus, 2000). But later studies found that a porous pavement is more resistant to freezing than an impermeable pavement due to higher water content in the underlying soil, which increased the latent heat in the ground (Magnus, 2000); thus, snow and ice tends to melt more quickly on porous pavement (Adams, 2003). The strength and durability of pervious pavement appears to be equal to traditional pavements. There are several examples of parking lots built more than twenty years ago with pervious pavement that are still structurally sound and in use (Georgia Concrete and Products Association, 2005). Additionally, it reduces soil erosion (Field, 1982) and restores natural moisture, benefiting roadside vegetation (Bachtle, 1974). For large highways on sufficiently permeable subsoil, porous pavement, if applicable, is less expensive than conventional surfaces since it can greatly reduce the need for storm drains (Miller, 2005). 13 2.5 DISADVANTAGE OF POROUS PAVEMENTS The greatest concern with using porous pavement is its susceptibility to clogging (Field, 1982). Traffic levels and type of usage, as well as sources that may wash sediment onto the paved surface often reduces infiltration levels (UNI-Group U.S.A., 1998). Fuel may leak from vehicles and toxic chemicals may leach from asphalt and/or binder surface and porous pavement systems are not designed to treat these pollutants; so porous pavement gets clogged if improperly installed or maintained in the heavy traffic area (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1999). Use of porous pavement does create risk of groundwater contamination and has a high failure rate - approximately 75 percent mostly attributed due to poor design, improper construction techniques and clogging (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1999). 2.6 MAINTENANCE OF POROUS PAVEMENTS Estimated costs for an average annual maintenance program of a porous pavement parking lot are approximately $4,942 per hectare per year ($200 per acre per year) (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1999. p. 2). It is not difficult to design and construct a system with appropriate infiltration capacities, but maintaining infiltration capacity over several years is a challenge, due to clogging and maintenance practices and the greatest concern with using porous pavement is its susceptibility to clogging (James, & Langsdorff, 2003). All porous pavements should be inspected several times in the first few months after construction, and at least annually thereafter. Inspections should be conducted after large storms to check for surface ponding that might indicate local or widespread clogging. If severe clogging occurs, the entire structure may have to be replaced (The Urban Land Institute, 1981). Spot clogging of the 14 porous pavement layer can be relieved by drilling half-inch holes through the porous asphalt layer every few feet and in the cases where clogging occurs in a low spot in the pavement, it may be advisable to install a drop inlet to route water into the stone reservoir (The Urban Land Institute, 1981). Clogging can be a result of fine particles accumulating in void spaces of permeable pavements because smaller particles trap larger particles, therefore the rate of clogging increases as more fines are trapped (Pratt et al., 1995). Clogging can be remedied by maintenance, either by vacuum truck, street sweeper or high pressure washing (Balades et al., 1995; Bean et al., 2004). Periodic maintenance is critical, and surfaces should be cleaned with a vacuum sweeper at least three times per year. (Permeable Paving, 2006). Following Table 4 shows the typical maintenance activities for porous pavement Table 4. Routine Maintenances for Porous pavement. (Georgia Stormwater Management Manual, 2002, p 37) 15 Concerns about clogging of pervious pavements can be "designed out", by reducing erosion and sediment runoff through strategic design and water retaining ground cover (Georgia Concrete and Products Association, 2005). Runoff from adjoining areas should be prevented or minimized by grading the surrounding landscape away from the site, or by installing trenches to collect the runoff (Miller, 2005). 2.7 COSTING From the results of the 1972 economic analysis, it was found the cost of conventional pavements with storm sewers to be higher than the cost of an equivalent porous asphalt installation without storm relief (Field, 1982). But recent studies show that Porous Pavement is significantly more expensive than traditional asphalt. While traditional asphalt is approximately 50¢ to $1.00 per square foot, porous pavement can range from $2 to $3 per square foot, depending on the design (CWP, 1998; The Storm water mangers resource center, 1997, p. 1). Subtracting the cost of traditional pavement, this amounts to approximately $45,000 and $100,000 per impervious acre treated, which would be quite expensive (The Storm water mangers resource center, 1997, p. 1). 2.8 CONCLUSION Recent studies have found positive results using permeable pavement with respect to both runoff reduction and water quality improvement. The use of permeable pavement, instead of traditional asphalt has been shown to decrease surface runoff and lower peak discharge significantly (Bean et al., 2004; Pratt 1995). It is a unique and effective pavement that meets growing environmental demands and is recognized as a Best Management Practice (BMP) for stormwater management. In addition to the relatively strict site constraints for porous pavement, a major limitation to the practice is 16 the poor failure rate it has experienced in the field. Its probability of clogging is very high and it makes maintenance difficult. Several studies indicate that, with proper maintenance, porous pavement can retain its permeability. This sustainable construction could be a major relief in stormwater and ground water problems if maintenance is simplified. 17 CHAPTER 3 PROBLEM STATEMENT It is not difficult to design and construct a system with appropriate infiltration capacities, but maintaining infiltration capacity over several years is a challenge due to clogging and maintenance practices (James & Langsdorff, 2003). Porous pavement requires extensive maintenance. In addition to owners not being aware of porous pavement on a site, not performing these maintenance activities is the main reason for lack of porous pavement utilization. The susceptibility of a porous pavement to clogging is one of the great concerns in porous pavement applications (Siew-Ann et al., 2003). The clogging of the void spaces within the permeable base by foreign particles can severely reduce its drainage capacity. This will, in turn, reduce the service life of the permeable base layer within the pavement. (Siew-Ann et al., 2003). Clogging can be remedied by maintenance, either by vacuum truck, street sweeper or high pressure washing (Balades et al., 1995; Bean et al., 2004). To maintain the infiltrative capacity of porous pavements, quarterly vacuum sweeping in conjunction with jet hosing or jet hosing alone is recommended (Schueler et al., 1992). Therefore, the installation of porous pavement Best Management Practices (BMP) in regions that lack the equipment or resources for routine maintenance is not recommended (Pratt et al., 1995). 18 Permeable paving can be prone to clogging from sand and fine sediments that fill void spaces and the joints between brick pavers. As a result, it should be used carefully taking measures to prevent entering sand in the porous pavement area, where frequent winter sanding is necessary as the sand may clog the surface of the material. A clogged permeable base layer will suffer a reduction in its drainage and storage capacity because surface runoff will have difficulty infiltrating into the permeable or reservoir base layer. Thus, the greatest concern with using porous pavement is its susceptibility to clogging (Field, 1982). Traffic levels and type of usage, as well as sources that may wash sediment onto the paved surface often reduces infiltration levels (Uni-Group U.S.A., 1998). Clogging can be a result of fine particles accumulating in void spaces of permeable pavements because smaller particles trap larger particles, therefore the rate of clogging increases as more fines are trapped (Pratt et al., 1995). Soil retention is found to increase with gradation openness. A narrower particle size distribution implies a more open base matrix. As gradation openness increases, the amount of soil retained in each base gradation also increases. This is because more clogging particles are now able to penetrate deeper into the base and reside in the void spaces. (Siew-Ann et al., 2003). If severe clogging occurs, the entire structure may have to be replaced (The Urban Land Institute, 1981). Hence, it has a failure rate of approximately 75 percent (Galli, 1992; United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1999). Failure has been attributed to poor design, inadequate construction techniques, soils with low permeability, heavy vehicular traffic and poor maintenance (Georgia Stormwater Management Manual, 2002). 19 CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH QUESTION When water is pumped into the stone reservoir of the pavement, it will try to come out through the clogged porous concrete layer. While coming out from bottom to the top of the pavement, water should remove the particles and debris trapped in the pores of the pavement. The result of this flushing should make the pavement permeable again. The concept to be explored in this research is removing dust particles and other debris trapped in the pores of the porous concrete pavement by back flushing with water. This back flushing method is the process of moving water through the pavement from the bottom to the top with enough pressure to remove the debris particles trapped in the pores. When water is pumped into the stone reservoir of the pavement, it will try to come out through the clogged porous concrete layer. While coming out from bottom to the top of the pavement, water should remove the particles and debris trapped in the pores of the pavement. The result of this flushing should make the pavement permeable again. Following figure 2 shows the concept of back flush method 20 Figure 3 shows the Concept of Back Flush Method 21 CHAPTER 5 METHODOLOGY Main Steps in the experiment 1. Fabrication of steel frame to mount a model on it. 2. Construction of a porous concrete layer in 8” diameter pipe which can be detached form the pavement base layer and stone reservoir. 3. Installation of model on a steel frame and construction of pavement with stone layer, filter layer, base layer in an 8” in diameter and 3’ long pipe. 4. Sieve analysis for clogging materials which is used to clog the pavement by ASTM c709-98 Splitting Method. 5. Calculation of initial permeability of the porous concrete layer. 6. Clogging the porous concrete layer with a clogging material. 7. Measurement of permeability of clogged porous concrete layer. 8. Installation of clogged porous concrete layer on the stone reservoir. 9. Selection of a head and back-flushing water through pavement by opening a valve connecting to pavement and 10’ long and 8” in diameter pipe which holds a water to back-flush. 10. Drainage of water coming out from the top of the porous concrete layer along with removed clogged material. 22 11. Detachment the porous concrete layer from the model and checking its permeability. 12. Getting detachable porous concrete layer to the model, installation of it on a stone layer and back flush it for the second time. 13. Detachment of porous concrete layer from the stone layer and measurement its permeability after second back-flush. 14. Repetition of the procedure by randomly selecting variables such as clogging material, water head, and types of concrete porous pavement (with high or low permeability). 15. Analysis of the data for analysis of variances by using SAS software and further analysis by S-N-K test. 23 CHAPTER 6 CONSTRUCTION OF A MODEL 6.1 SECTIONS OF THE MODEL 6.1.1 Section 1: A two feet long and 8” diameter pipe for a construction of porous concrete layer inside of it. 6.1.2 Section 2: A three feet long and 8” diameter pipe for construction of filter layers, stone layer of the pavement in it. 6.1.3 Section 3: A ten feet long and 8” diameter pipe to store water to create head difference. 6.1.4 Section 4: A 1½” diameter pipe connected to tap water with water flow control valve in between. 6.1.5 Section 5: A 1½” diameter pipe connected to section 3 and which is used to drain the water out after back-flushing. Following figure 4 shows the sketch of a model constructed for the analysis of BackFlush method of maintenance on porous pavements. Figure 5 and figure 6 show the photograph of actual model constructed in the laboratory. Figure 5 shows various sections of the model and figure 6 shows a full view of the model. 24 Figure 4. Diagram of a Model Constructed for the Analysis of Back-Flush on Porous Pavement. 25 Following figure 5 and figure 6 show the photograph of a model constructed in the laboratory for analysis of back-flush on porous pavements. Figure 5 shows sections 1 to 5. Figure 5. A Photograph showing various sections a model constructed for Back-flush Analysis. 26 Figure 6. A Photograph Showing Full View of a Model of Back-flush Analysis. 27 6.2 CONSTRUCTION OF SECTION 1 Section 1 has a porous concrete layer in it and is constructed with 3/8” aggregates, No. 2 cement and water. Following Table 5 shows the proportion of materials used to make porous concrete layer. Table 5. Proportion of Materials Used to Construct Porous Concrete Layer. Material Weight Cement 600 lbs Aggregates 3/8” 2900 lbs Water 242 lbs The 3/8” aggregates are taken from the stockpile and sampled by ASTM C 702-98 splitting method to make sure it mixed well and represent the sample. Sieve Analysis is done for 3/8” aggregates as per ASTM C 136-01. Table 6 shows sieve analysis for 3/8” and Figure 7 shows a graph for sieve analysis. Y-axis is percentage passing and x- axis shows sieve size. 6.2.1 Sieve Analysis for 3/8” aggregates as per ASTM C 136-01: Standard Method for Sieve Analysis for 3/8" aggregates as per ASTM C 136-01: Standard Method for Sieve Analysis. Sample Type- 3/8" Aggregates Initial weight (pan) (gm) = 104 Weight of aggregate with pan (gm) = 2373 Weight of aggregate (gm) = 2269 28 Table 6. Sieve Analysis for 3/8” Aggregates Sieve Size Individual Weight with pan retained (gm) Weight of Sand retained (gm) 141 2290 187 37 2186 83 3/8" No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) Cumulative weight Cumulative Cumulative retained % retained % passing 37 2223 2269 1.63 97.97 100.00 98.37 2.03 0.00 Sieve Analysis for 3/8" Aggregates 120.00 100.00 % Passing 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 3/8" No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) Sieve Size Figure 7. Sieve Analysis of 3/8” aggregates as per ASTM C 136-01: Standard Method for Sieve Analysis. A slope of two percent is given to the porous concrete layer to make sure that after back-flush, clogged particles are taken out into the drainage pipe along with water. To check the strength of concrete, four cylinders are made of size 4” by 8”, for low and high porous concrete samples. Curing of concrete is done as per ASTM 192 & C511 29 Storage tank in hydrated lime. Two 1½” holes are drilled exactly above the porous concrete layer into the side of the section 1. Two 1½”diameter pipes are installed into the drilled holes to drain the water coming out of the pavement along with removed particles. Two samples of section 1 are made with different porosity of concrete. Following Figure 8 is a photo showing front view of section 1 and Figure 9 showing the top view of section 1; where, porous concrete layer can be seen inside of the section 1. Figure 8. A Photograph Showing Front view of section 1 30 Figure 9. A Photograph Showing Top view of section 1 6.3 CONSTRUCTION OF SECTION 2 Section 2 has various layers inside of it. There are four layers of the pavement: Uppermost is detachable porous concrete layer which is 4” thick. Filter Layer is underneath of the porous concrete layer and is 2” thick and consist of 0.5” gravel. Third layer is a stone layer 3’ high and consists of 1½” stones. Stones used in the stone layer are sampled by ASTM D 73-03 method. Underneath of the stone layer, gravel layer of 1” thickness is placed with ½” stone as a filter layer. A bell shape funnel is connected at the bottom of section 2 to apply water pressure gradually and evenly into the pavement. Section 2 and section 3 are connected by 1½” diameter pipe with flow control valve attached to it. 31 Following figure 10 shows a photograph of section 2, where filter layer can be seen which is above the stone layer. Figure 10. A photograph of Section 3: Filter Layer and Stone Layer (underneath of filter layer). 32 6.4 CONSTRUCTION OF SECTION 3 Section 3 consists of 10’ long and 8” diameter pipe connected to section 2. Drill four holes at the distances of 4.115’, 5.23’, and 7.62’ and 10’ from the bottom of a Section 3 into 8” diameter pipe and install ½” diameter tube in each hole coming all the way down on the ground. This allows flexibility to choose head of 1.15’, 2.31’, 4.62’ & 7’. These distances are calculated as follows Head (ft) = Pressure (psi) * Specific gravity. (Where, specific gravity of water is 2.31). Therefore, the head of water which is 2.31’ high produces a pressure of one psi. The analysis of back-flush is done for the pressure of 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 psi. To create a pressure of 0.5, 1, 2 & 3 psi, the head of 1.15’, 2.31’, 4.62’ & 7’ is required above the pavement surface. As Section 2 is 3’ long, distances are calculated from bottom of the section 3 by adding 3’ to get the head required. Excess water is taken out from the tubes drilled into the Section 3 by plugging all tubes other than the tube at required head. This gives a freedom of changing head for random sampling. Following Figure 11 shows a photograph of section 3 which is a 10’ long and 8” diameter pipe used to create a head difference. 33 Figure 11. A Photograph of Section 3 34 6.5 CONSTRUCTION OF SECTION 4 Section 4 consists of 1½” diameter pipe with a water flow control valve. This pipe is connected at the tap water at one end and other end is set at the top of section 3 for filling water in it. 6.6 CONSTRUCTION OF SECTION 5 Section 5 consists of 1½” diameter pipe connected to the Section 3, exactly above the porous concrete layer to take the water coming out of the porous concrete layer to the drainage with removed material which is used for clogging. 35 CHAPTER 7 DETAILED PROCEDURE OF EXPERIMENT 1. Unclamp Section 1 from the model which has porous concrete layer in it. 2. Get it to the basin to check its permeability. Start pouring two gallons of water and set the stopwatch at the same time. Let the water drain through the porous concrete. As soon as water drains completely, stop the stopwatch and record the time. The coefficient of permeability was calculated according to the following formula: k= QL Ath Where, k = permeability, in/s Q = quantity of flow, in3 L = length of specimen, in A = cross-sectional area of specimen, in2 t = interval of time over which flow Q occurs, s h = difference in hydraulic head across the specimen, in. (Maupin, 2000). 3. Select the clogging material according to random sampling to avoid any bias while choosing variables. 36 4. Get ten cubic centimeter of clogging material and spray it evenly on the porous concrete surface. 5. Pour four gallons of water on the porous concrete layer to make sure that clogging is properly done. 6. Measure the permeability of clogged porous concrete layer same as in step 2. 7. Get the section 1 to the model, place it over section 2 and clamp it making sure that it is watertight. 8. Attach section 5 to the section 1. 9. Choose the head for back-flushing water and plug all tubes at other heads which are connected to section 3. Keep the tube from the selected head in a bucket (five gallon) to take excess water out and get an exact head. 10. Start pouring water in to section 3 by opening water flow control valve of section 5, which connects tap water source and section 3. 11. Fill the water in the section 3 till it reaches the decided head. Stop pouring into the section 3 by closing water flow control valve of section 5. Let the excess water flow in the bucket to get exact head difference. 12. Open the valve connecting to the section 2 and section 3. 13. As water flow control valve is opened, water starts flowing through stone layer with a decided pressure due to head difference. Water comes out of the porous concrete layer taking clogged material out. The water coming out of the porous concrete layer with removed material is drained out with section 5. 14. When water stops coming out of the pavement, the valve connecting section 2 and section 3 is closed. 37 15. Detach the section 5 from section 1. 16. Detach section 1 from section 3 and take it to the basin to check its permeability after back-flush as per step 2. Make sure that section 1 is plugged with 11/2” stopper. 17. Record the permeability after back-flush and take section 1 to the model and attach it to the section 2 for second back-flush. 18. Attach section 5 to the section 1 and repeat the procedure. 19. Back-flush water for the second time for the same head and record the permeability of porous concrete layer by repeating the procedure. 20. Randomly select head, type of clogging and porosity of concrete layer and repeat the experiment. 21. The efficiency of back-flush which is percentage removal of particles are calculated by following formula: Percentage removal of clogged particles from the porous concrete after back-flush = Permeabili ty after backflush - Permeabili ty of clogged pavement * 100 % Initial Permeabili ty - Permeabili ty of clogged pavement Thus, time is recorded in seconds to drain two gallons of water for different types of combinations of variables for measuring permeability of concrete. The experiment for each type of combination is repeated for three times. This time recorded for these three runs for each combination of variables are listed in Appendix A and B. 38 CHAPTER 8 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS 8.1 STRENGTH OF POROUS CONCRETE Following table 8 shows the results for compressive strength of porous concrete Table 8. Compressive Strength of Porous Concrete Compressive Strength-High Compressive Strength -Low Porous Concrete Porous Concrete Cylinder 1 11800 lbs/939 psi 13081 lbs/1041 psi Cylinder 2 10706 lbs/852 psi 16172 lbs/1287 psi Average 11253 lbs/ 895.59 psi 14626.5 lbs/1164 psi 8.2 SIEVE ANALYSIS FOR CLOGGING MATERIAL Sieve Analysis for a clogging material (which is used to clog the porous concrete layer) is done as per ASTM C 136-01 which is a standard method for sieve analysis for fine and coarse aggregates. Table 9 and 10 shows the weight and proportion of various sizes of clogging particles of the clogging sample. Following Figure 12 and 13 shows the results of sieve analysis for the sand 1& 2 used for clogging. 8.2.1 Sieve Analysis of clogging sand 1 as per ASTM C 136-01: Standard Method for Sieve Analysis. 39 Initial weight (pan) (gm) = 162.5 Weight of aggregate with pan (gm) = 697.5 Weight of aggregate (gm) = 535 Table 9. Sieve Analysis of sand 1 Sieve Size 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 Individual Weight Individual with pan Weight of Cumulative retained Sand weight Cumulative (gm) (gm) retained (gm) % retained 0 183.3 237.5 270.9 269.7 256.6 238.3 210.2 0 20.8 75 108.4 107.2 94.1 75.8 47.7 0 20.8 95.8 204.2 311.4 405.5 481.3 529 0.00 3.89 17.91 38.17 58.21 75.79 89.96 98.88 Cumulative % passing 100.00 96.11 82.09 61.83 41.79 24.21 10.04 1.12 Cummulative % passing 120 100 80 60 Cummulative % passing 40 20 0 Sieve Size 3/8" No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 Figure 12. Sieve Analysis for sand 1 as per ASTM C 136-01: Standard Method for Sieve Analysis. 40 8.2.2 Sieve Analysis for sand 2 as per ASTM C 136-01: Standard Method for Sieve Analysis. Initial weight (pan) gm =160 Weight of aggregate with pan (gm) = 1254 Weight of aggregate (gm) = 1094 Table 10. Sieve Analysis of Sand 2 used for clogging Sieve Size 3/8" No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 Individual Weight Weight with pan of Sand retained retained (gm) (gm) 0 0 240 418 433.5 473.8 321 182.01 Cumulative weight retained 0 0 77.5 255.5 271 311.3 158.5 19.51 Cumulative % retained 0 0 77.5 333 604 915.3 1073.8 1093.31 0.00 0.00 7.08 30.44 55.21 83.67 98.15 99.94 Cumulative % passing 100.00 100.00 92.92 69.56 44.79 16.33 1.85 0.06 Cummulative % passing 120 100 80 60 Cummulative % passing 40 20 0 Sieve Size 3/8" No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 Figure 13. Sieve Analysis of sand 2 as per ASTM C 136-01: Standard Method for Sieve Analysis. 41 8.3 CLASSIFICATION OF CLOGGING MATERIALS BY ASTM D 2487-00 AND GRADATION OF SOILS BY ASTM D 2487-00 8.3.3 Classification of sand 1 Cu = D60/D10 & Cc = (D30*D30) / (D60*D10) Where, Cu = Coefficient of Uniformity Cc = Coefficient of Curvature D10, D60 and D30 = Particle size diameters corresponding to 10, 60 and 30 % respectively, passing on cumulative particle-size distribution. Graph gives the value for D10 = 0.15, D60 = 1.15 and D30 = 0.4 Hence, Cu = 8.33 Cc = 1.05 Cu>6 and 3>Cc>1 hence it is a Well Graded Sand (SW). 8.3.4 Classification of sand 2 Cu = D60/D10 & Cc = (D30*D30) / (D60*D10) Where, Cu = Coefficient of Uniformity Cc = Coefficient of Curvature 42 D10, D60 and D30 = Particle size diameters corresponding to 10, 60 and 30 % respectively, passing on cumulative particle-size distribution. A Graph gives the value for D10 = 0.45, D60 = 1.8 and D30 = 0.8 Hence, Cu = 4 Cc = 0.79 Cu<6 and 1>Cc. Hence, it is a Poorly Graded Sand (SP). 8.4 PERCENTAGE REMOVAL OF PARTICLES AFTER BACK-FLUSH Following Table 11 shows the percentage removal of clogged particles after backflushing water through the pavement for various variables like clogging type, porosity of concrete layer, pressure of back-flush and number of flushes. The efficiency of backflush which is percentage removal of particles are calculated by following formula Percentage removal of particles = Permeabili ty after backflush - Permeabili ty of clogged pavement * 100 % Initial Permeabili ty - Permeabili ty of clogged pavement There are two type of porous concrete with different porosity: high and low; two type of clogging: sand 1 and sand 2. There are two flushes, 1 & 2. These variables are analyzed for four different types of pressures: 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 psi. For each kind of pressure, three readings are taken and listed in a table for each variable. The table does not provide permeability of the porous concrete and list only percentage removal of particles. 43 Table 11 Percentage Removal of Clogged Particles After Back-Flush Porosity Clogging Flush Pressure 0.5 psi 0.5 psi 0.5 psi 1.0 psi 1.0 psi 1.0 psi 2.0 psi 2.0 psi 2.0 psi 3.0 psi 3.0 psi 3.0 psi High Sand 1 % % Removal Removal for for 1st Back2nd Backflush flush 59.24 54.21 77.17 68.06 66.23 52.53 87.01 80.10 69.75 52.44 87.87 78.53 65.43 72.25 85.12 79.30 78.26 63.19 94.92 83.21 65.25 72.43 88.13 80.35 Low Sand 2 % Removal for 1st Backflush % Removal for 2nd Backflush 54.30 91.08 73.51 56.00 95.15 59.62 60.59 94.68 56.78 81.85 61.30 84.63 71.20 59.25 49.41 49.41 83.67 59.27 58.67 75.28 43.81 74.00 69.80 74.23 44 Sand 1 % % Removal Removal for for 1st Back2nd Backflush flush 52.76 70.21 74.48 72.61 55.11 39.61 75.01 82.96 54.93 65.71 73.66 89.74 53.53 74.08 68.25 78.34 45.49 66.79 70.28 90.21 81.44 82.42 81.17 94.61 Sand 2 % % Removal Removal for for 1st Back2nd Backflush flush 64.30 48.26 67.41 45.08 82.51 64.08 43.80 81.08 87.39 79.56 95.99 94.53 72.78 49.98 80.49 46.74 83.47 77.19 58.91 69.53 80.48 84.08 81.75 90.10 Following Figures 15, 16, 17 and 18 show chart of percentage removal of particles after back-flush. X-axis shows the percentage removal ranging from 0-100 percent and y-axis shows the water pressures used for back-flush. There are four types of pressures used- 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 psi. Figure 15 is a chart showing percentage removal of particles after back-flush for a pressure of 0.5 psi which is basically, average of three readings taken. Similarly, Figures 15, 16 and 17 show chart of percentage removal of particles after back-flush for a pressure of 1 psi, 2 psi and 3 psi respectively. High and Low signifies the porous concrete sample with high permeability and low permeability. 45 100.0 90.00 80.00 70.00 High- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-sand 1) High- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) High- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) High- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) Low- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) Low- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) Low- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) Low- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) 60.00 50.00 40.00 %REMOVAL 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 PRESSURE- 0.5 PSI PRESSURE Figure 15. Percentage Removal of Clogged Particles for Pressure 0.5 psi (Average of three readings) 46 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 High- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-sand 1) High- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) High- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) High- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) Low- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) Low- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) Low- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) Low- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) 60.00 50.00 40.00 % REMOVAL 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 PRESSURE- 1.0 PSI PRESSURE Figure 16. Percentage Removal of Clogged Particles for Pressure 1 psi (Average of three readings) 47 100.0 0.00 90.00 80.00 High- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-sand 1) High- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) High- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) High- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) Low- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) Low- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) Low- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) Low- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) 70.00 60.00 50.00 % REMOVAL 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 PRESSURE- 2.0 PSI PRESSURE Figure 17. Percentage Removal of Clogged Particles for Pressure 2 psi (Average of three readings) 48 100.00 90.00 80.00 High- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) High- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) High- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) High- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) Low- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) Low- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging- sand 1) Low- % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) Low- % Removal for 2nd Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 2) 70.00 60.00 50.00 % REMOVAL 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 PRESSURE-3.0 PSI PRESSURE Figure 18. Percentage Removal of Clogged Particles for Pressure 3 psi (Average of three readings) 49 8.4 AVERAGE PERMEABILTIES AND PERCENTAGE REMOVAL RECORDED ON HIGHLY POROUS CONCRETE SAMPLE Following Table 12 shows the average permeability and percentage removal recorded on highly porous concrete layer. There are three readings taken for each kind of pressure. These readings are listed in appendix C and D. The numbers in the each cell of the following table show the average of three readings. Where, k-Initial is permeability recorded before clogging porous concrete layer, k-clogging is permeability recorded after clogging porous concrete layer and k-clean indicates the permeability after back-flush. There are two clogging types, sand 1 and sand 2 which are shown in second row of the table. The efficiency of back-flush is a percentage removal of particles and calculated by following formula, Percentage removal of particles k (Backflush ) - k (Clogged) * 100 % k (Initial) - k (Clogged) Where, k = Permeability (in/hr) k (Initial) = Initial permeability of porous concrete layer k (Clogging) = Permeability of porous concrete layer after Clogging k (Back-flush) = Permeability of porous concrete layer after back-flush 50 Table 12. Average Permeability Recorded on Highly Porous Concrete Sample Porosity of concrete High Cloggging Material Permeabilty (k) Sand 1 k-Initial kClogging before clogging after clogging kClean 1st Backflush in/hr in/hr in/hr k-Clean 2nd Backflush in/hr Sand 2 % Removal for 1st Backflush % Removal for 2nd Backflush % % 1st Backflush k-Clean for 2nd Backflush % Removal for 1st Backflush % Removal for 2nd Backflush in/hr in/hr % % k-Initial kClogging k-Clean before clogging after clogging in/hr in/hr Pressure Level 0.5 psi 947.97 404.09 746.19 805.02 63.54 74.27 947.97 522.38 842.38 796.53 72.96 59.96 1.0 psi 956.78 460.99 771.60 827.64 62.27 73.58 956.78 553.71 834.35 809.55 70.25 64.12 2.0 psi 951.73 489.74 855.45 866.12 78.96 81.13 951.73 549.76 825.63 781.15 70.68 59.25 3.0 psi 970.97 444.35 814.07 861.58 72.95 80.31 970.97 520.65 864.38 848.29 75.93 72.68 51 Following Figure 19 is a chart for the data listed in above Table 12. Axis-x shows the different pressures used for back-flush water through pavement and axis-y shows the percentage particle removal after back-flush. . There are two flushes, 1 & 2 are used to clean the pavement. Table 12 provides the data for this chart which is average of permeability for different readings recorded on high porous pavement. 52 100.0 90.00 80.00 70.00 % Removal for 1st Back-flush (Clogging-Sand 1) 60.00 flush % Removal for 2nd Back1flush ) (Clogging- Sand 1) Back % Removal for 1st Back-flush 1(Clogging-Sand ) 2) flush % Removal for 2nd Back2flush ) (Clogging-Sand 2) Back2) 50.00 % REMOVAL 40.00 R EMOVAL 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 PRESSURE PRESSURE- 0.5 PRESSURE- 1.0 PRESSURE- 2.0 PSI PSI PSI PRESSURE 0.5 1.0 I 2.0 I PRESSURE PRESSURE- 3.0 PSI 3.0 I I Figure 19. Percentage Removal of Clogged Particles 53 for High Porous Concrete (for average of all readings taken) E 8.5 AVERAGE PERMEABILTIES AND PERCENTAGE REMOVAL RECORDED ON LESS POROUS CONCRETE SAMPLE Following Table 13 shows the average permeability recorded on less porous concrete layer. There are three readings taken for each kind of pressure. permeabilities in the table show the average of three readings. 54 The Table 13. Average Permeability Recorded on Less Porous Concrete Sample Porosity of concrete Cloggging Material Permeabilty (k) Low Sand 1 k-Initial kClogging after clogging k-Clean 1st Backflush k-Clean for 2nd Backflush before clogging in/hr in/hr in/hr in/hr Sand 2 % Removal for 1st Backflush % Removal for 2nd Backflush k-Initial kClogging after clogging k-Clean 1st Backflush k-Clean for 2nd Backflush before clogging in/hr in/hr in/hr in/hr % Removal for 1st Backflush % Removal for 2nd Backflush Pressure 0.5 psi 470.27 337.67 427.80 438.78 69.30 76.92 470.27 328.68 432.46 437.75 72.59 76.38 1.0 psi 478.39 341.04 427.32 443.14 62.16 72.11 478.39 339.11 434.34 444.13 68.38 75.55 2.0 psi 476.65 301.62 450.24 454.44 84.81 87.36 476.65 330.70 456.08 455.62 85.74 86.19 3.0 psi 487.62 313.84 465.74 474.02 87.02 92.05 487.62 326.05 467.73 468.86 87.63 88.61 55 Following Figure 20 shows graph for percentage particle removal for less porous concrete sample taken for average of readings. Axis-x shows the different pressures used for back-flush water through pavement and Axis-y shows the percentage particle removal after back-flush. 56 Restoration of Permeability of Less Porous Concrete after Back-flush 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 % Removal for 1st Backflush (Clogging-Sand 1) % Removal for 2nd Backflush (Clogging-Sand 1) % Removal for 1st BackFlush (Clogging-Sand 2) % Removal for 2nd Backflush (Clogging-Sand 2) 60.00 50.00 % REMOVAL 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 PRESSURE PRESSURE0.5 PSI PRESSURE1.0 PSI PRESSURE2.0 PSI PRESSURE3.0 PSI PRESSURE Figure 20. Percentage Removal of Clogged Particles57 for Less Porous Concrete (for average of all readings taken) CHAPTER 9 ANALYSIS OF DATA 9.1 A full factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine whether the independent variables or their interactions had a statistically significant effect at =0.05 on the cleaning ability of the back flush process. Independent variables used in the experiment were: water pressure, clogging material, porosity of the concrete layer and number of flushes. A summary of the results is shown below: Presure levels H, M, L & VL signifies the pressure of 0.5, 1, 2 & 3 psi The SAS System The GLM Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels Values Pressure 4 H L M VL Porosity 2 High Low Clogging 2 Sand 1 Sand 2 Flush 2 Q1 Q2 Number of Observations Read Number of Observations Used 96 96 The SAS System The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: Premove Sum of Squares Mean Square Source DF Model 31 6583.34033 212.36582 Error 64 12719.02260 198.73473 Corrected Total 95 19302.36293 58 F Value Pr > F 1.07 0.4013 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE 0.341064 19.83979 14.09733 DF Type I SS Source Pressure Porosity Clogging Flush Pressure*Porosity Pressure*Clogging Pressure*Flush Porosity*Clogging Porosity*Flush Clogging*Flush Pressu*Porosi*Cloggi Pressu*Porosit*Flush Porosi*Cloggin*Flush Pressu*Cloggin*Flush Pres*Poro*Clog*Flush 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 Source DF Pressure Porosity Clogging Flush Pressure*Porosity Pressure*Clogging Pressure*Flush Porosity*Clogging Porosity*Flush Clogging*Flush Pressu*Porosi*Cloggi Pressu*Porosit*Flush Porosi*Cloggin*Flush 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 Premove Mean 71.05583 Mean Square 3325.215458 6.211837 79.570417 93.102204 652.060537 668.936625 71.115388 265.268504 121.770150 674.690104 71.967954 54.522292 198.030150 22.284204 278.594508 Type III SS F Value 1108.405153 6.211837 79.570417 93.102204 217.353512 222.978875 23.705129 265.268504 121.770150 674.690104 23.989318 18.174097 198.030150 7.428068 92.864836 Mean Square Pr > F 5.58 0.0018 0.03 0.8602 0.40 0.5291 0.47 0.4962 1.09 0.3583 1.12 0.3468 0.12 0.9485 1.33 0.2523 0.61 0.4366 3.39 0.0700 0.12 0.9476 0.09 0.9645 1.00 0.3219 0.04 0.9902 0.47 0.7061 F Value 3325.215458 1108.405153 6.211838 6.211838 79.570417 79.570417 93.102204 93.102204 652.060537 217.353512 668.936625 222.978875 71.115388 23.705129 265.268504 265.268504 121.770150 121.770150 674.690104 674.690104 71.967954 23.989318 54.522292 18.174097 198.030150 198.030150 5.58 0.03 0.40 0.47 1.09 1.12 0.12 1.33 0.61 3.39 0.12 0.09 1.00 Pr > F 0.0018 0.8602 0.5291 0.4962 0.3583 0.3468 0.9485 0.2523 0.4366 0.0700 0.9476 0.9645 0.3219 The SAS System The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: Premove Source Pressu*Cloggin*Flush Pres*Poro*Clog*Flush DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F 3 3 22.284204 278.594508 7.428068 92.864836 0.04 0.47 0.9902 0.7061 59 Student-Newman-Keuls Test for Premove NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate under the complete null hypothesis But, not under partial null hypotheses. Alpha Error Degrees of Freedom Error Mean Square Number of Means Critical Range 0.05 64 198.7347 2 8.1301265 3 9.7646019 4 10.734814 Means with the same letter are not significantly different. SNK Grouping A A B A B B B B Mean 79.953 N 24 Pressure H 72.753 24 M 66.196 24 VL 65.321 24 L The analysis indicates that the pressure of water used for back-flush is the most influencing factor among all the variables used in this experiment. ANOVA indicates an F-statistic for pressure as 5.58 and its power (P-value) is 0.0018 which is less than α= 0.05 making pressure highly significant. This analysis clearly shows that pressure is a significant variable but it does not show which pressure (0.5, 1, 2 and 3 psi) in particular is significant. Therefore, further analysis is done by Student-Newman-Keuls (S-N-K) test for comparing all four pressure levels. According to this analysis 3 psi pressure level is significantly different from 0.5, 1 and 2 psi pressure levels. Also, 0.5, 1, and 2 psi pressure levels are not significantly different from each other. Two way interactions between variables show that the combination of Type of clogging material*Number of Flushes is significant among all six combinations of variables. It is clearly represented by the P-value (0.07) for interaction model (clogging*flush), which slightly more than α (0.05). Three way interactions give the significance of interaction between three 60 variables. Analysis shows that there is no significant interaction among four combinations of three variables in each group. Four way interaction also doesn’t show the significance when four variables are considered simultaneously. Increase in number of flushes does not give significantly increassed removal of particles from the porous concrete layer. Second flush is not very significant in cleaning as most of the particles trapped in the porous concrete layer are taken out in the first flush. The F-value in SAS analysis for flush is 0.47 and P-value is 0.4962 which is greater than α (0.05). This indicates that less water would be used to clean the pavement as there is no need of many flushes to clean the pavement efficiently Data does not show any fixed pattern in removing clogged particles trapped in the porous concrete layer with combination of variables but as it is initially assumed that all variables are significant in particle removal is proved incorrect. Pressure of water used for back-flush is the only significant variable in cleaning. Efficiency of particle removal doesn’t vary much with different pressure levels though water pressure of 3 psi shows significance among all pressure levels for less porous concrete than high porous concrete. 61 CHAPTER 11 RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Back-flushing could be a big relief for porous pavement owners as other maintenance methods like sweeping, vacuuming, pressure washing etc which makes maintenance difficult. The maintenance of the porous pavements would be simplified to greater extent. Back-flushing water monthly or quarterly depending upon susceptibility for clogging would increase the life of porous pavement. This would lead to increased use of porous pavements resulting greater relief in storm water and ground water problems as water is directly infiltrated into the soil. This research indicates that high pressure (3 psi) is significant for particle removal but efficiency of cleaning for 0.5 pressures is also fair. Additionally, more than one flush is not needed in cleaning the porous pavement which may result into water savings. 62 CHAPTER 12 FUTURE RESEARCH This is a very basic research done for analysis of back-flushing water through porous concrete pavements for cleaning and maintenance. For the first time the idea of cleaning porous pavement with back-flushing water bottom of the pavement to the top is analyzed. This is a laboratory study and needs more research to implement it in the field. A very low pressure of water (0.5 psi) also cleans pavement effectively, although as pressure increases, cleaning ability also increases. It would be possible to create such a small pressure in porous pavement on the field. Sometimes, drainage pipes are used to drain excess water through the porous pavement in the region of heavy rain. These drainage pipes can be used to pump the water into the pavement for back-flushing. Also, analysis of back-flushing can be done on porous asphalt by using different clogging materials like soils and sands of different properties and gradation etc. 63 Appendix A Table 14 Time Recorded on High Porous Concrete Layer to Drain Two Gallons of Water Porosity of concrete Cloggging Material Time (t) Pressure 0.5 psi 0.5 psi 0.5 psi 1.0 psi 1.0 psi 1.0 psi 2.0 psi 2.0 psi 2.0 psi 3.0 psi 3.0 psi 3.0 psi High t-Initial Before clogging (Second) 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.06 15.06 15.06 15.14 15.14 15.14 14.84 14.84 14.84 Sand 1 t-Clogging t-Clean After 1st Backclogging flush (Second) (Second) 38.71 37.59 31.55 36.4 29.17 29.22 33.17 25.97 30.02 47 27.56 28.61 20.2 20.9 17.24 18.53 18 19.56 16.29 16.51 17.81 22 15.72 16.55 t-Clean for 2nd Backflush (Second) 19.24 18.21 16.47 17.14 16.83 18.33 15.57 16.28 18.29 18.29 15.7 16.39 64 t-Initial Before clogging (Second) 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.06 15.06 15.06 15.14 15.14 15.14 14.84 14.84 14.84 Sand 2 t-Clogging t-Clean After 1st Backclogging flush (Second) (Second) 22 28.5 35.44 27.78 25.21 25.24 26.3 23.42 29.64 27.94 26.47 28.71 17.7 15.86 17.91 18.86 15.36 17.99 18.18 15.43 19.2 16.22 17.88 16.03 t-Clean for 2nd Backflush (Second) 17.12 17.56 19.81 19.6 16.12 18.02 18.36 16.59 20.88 16.9 17.11 16.95 Appendix B Table 13 Time Recorded on Low Porous Concrete Layer to Drain Two Gallons of Water Porosity of concrete Cloggging Material Time (t) Pressure 0.5 psi 0.5 psi 0.5 psi 1.0 psi 1.0 psi 1.0 psi 2.0 psi 2.0 psi 2.0 psi 3.0 psi 3.0 psi 3.0 psi Low t-Initial Before clogging (Second) 30.64 30.64 30.64 30.12 30.12 30.12 30.23 30.23 30.23 29.55 29.55 29.55 Sand 1 t-Clogging t-Clean After 1st Backclogging flush (Second) (Second) 44 39.59 44.81 39.4 48.17 40.22 50.33 48.01 45.25 43.98 45.36 48.64 33.51 31.98 35.77 32.42 34.26 34.56 32.62 30.99 32.45 31.52 31.02 30.3 t-Clean for 2nd Backflush (Second) 33.44 31.8 33.33 32.14 31.57 33.93 32.61 30.72 31.85 30.01 31.28 29.94 65 t-Initial Before clogging (Second) 30.64 30.64 30.64 30.12 30.12 30.12 30.23 30.23 30.23 29.55 29.55 29.55 Sand 2 t-Clogging t-Clean After 1st Backclogging flush (Second) (Second) 48.43 39.91 44 44.28 41.22 42.09 39.98 48.48 43.08 38.65 48 47.22 33.56 33.18 33.22 33.04 31.98 34.61 31.82 32.26 30.74 30.48 31.26 30.69 t-Clean for 2nd Backflush (Second) 33.55 33.09 32.14 32.87 31.82 32.66 31.38 32.92 30.66 30.27 31.41 30.54 Appendix C Table 14 Permeability Recorded on High Porous Concrete (For all set of readings) Porosity of concrete Cloggging Material Permeabilty (k) Pressure0.5 psi Pressure0.5 psi Pressure0.5 psi Pressure1.0 psi Pressure1.0 psi Pressure1.0 psi Pressure2.0 psi Pressure2.0 psi Pressure2.0 psi Pressure3.0 psi Pressure3.0 psi Pressure3.0 psi High Sand 1 k-Initial kClogging Before clogging in/hr After clogging in/hr kClean 1st Backflush in/hr Sand 2 kClean for 2nd Backflush in/hr % Removal for 1st Backflush % % Removal for 2nd Backflush % 1st Backflush in/hr kClean for 2nd Backflush in/hr % Removal for 1st Backflush % % Removal for 2nd Backflush % k-Initial kClogging k-Clean Before clogging in/hr After clogging in/hr 947.97 372.23 713.33 748.92 59.24 65.43 947.97 654.96 814.08 841.66 54.30 71.20 947.97 383.32 689.43 791.28 54.21 72.25 947.97 505.59 908.52 820.57 91.08 59.25 947.97 456.71 835.80 874.87 77.17 85.12 947.97 406.58 804.53 727.37 73.51 49.41 956.78 395.86 777.61 840.68 68.06 79.30 956.78 518.69 764.01 735.16 56.00 49.41 956.78 493.97 800.51 856.16 66.23 78.26 956.78 571.57 938.10 893.87 95.15 83.67 956.78 493.13 736.67 786.10 52.53 63.19 956.78 570.89 800.95 799.62 59.62 59.27 951.73 434.40 884.54 925.45 87.01 94.92 951.73 547.88 792.58 784.81 60.59 58.67 951.73 554.84 872.75 885.08 80.10 83.21 951.73 615.25 933.84 868.55 94.68 75.28 951.73 479.99 809.05 787.82 69.75 65.25 951.73 486.14 750.48 690.09 56.78 43.81 970.97 306.58 654.96 787.82 52.44 72.43 970.97 515.72 888.36 852.61 81.85 74.00 970.97 522.83 916.61 917.78 87.87 88.13 970.97 544.36 805.88 842.15 61.30 69.80 970.97 503.64 870.65 879.14 78.53 80.35 970.97 501.89 898.89 850.10 84.63 74.23 66 Appendix D Table 15 Permeability Recorded on Low Porous Concrete (For all set of readings) Porosity Cloggging Material Permeabilty (k) Pressure0.5 psi Pressure0.5 psi Pressure0.5 psi Pressure1.0 psi Pressure1.0 psi Pressure1.0 psi Pressure2.0 psi Pressure2.0 psi Pressure2.0 psi Pressure3.0 psi Pressure3.0 psi Pressure3.0 psi Low Sand 1 Sand 2 k-Clean for 2nd Backflush in/hr % Removal for 1st Backflush % % Removal for 2nd Backflush % k-Initial kClogging before clogging in/hr after clogging in/hr k-Clean 1st Backflush in/hr 470.27 327.48 430.00 430.90 71.79 470.27 363.96 450.57 453.12 470.27 321.56 402.83 478.39 365.72 478.39 % Removal for 1st Backflush % % Removal for 2nd Backflush % k-Initial before clogging in/hr after clogging in/hr 72.42 470.27 297.53 429.36 429.48 76.31 76.39 81.47 83.86 470.27 361.04 434.27 435.45 67.04 68.12 432.32 54.65 74.48 470.27 327.48 433.75 448.33 74.42 84.63 444.45 448.33 69.88 73.32 478.39 325.41 436.11 438.37 72.36 73.84 299.13 420.58 456.42 67.75 87.74 478.39 349.57 450.57 452.83 78.40 80.16 478.39 358.26 416.93 424.67 48.84 55.28 478.39 342.34 416.33 441.19 54.38 72.65 476.65 286.29 441.73 441.86 81.65 81.73 476.65 360.41 452.83 459.18 79.51 84.97 476.65 300.13 464.96 469.05 93.38 95.69 476.65 297.22 446.66 437.70 83.28 78.29 476.65 318.43 444.04 452.41 79.39 84.68 476.65 334.47 468.74 469.97 94.44 95.30 487.62 327.63 457.14 480.15 80.95 95.33 487.62 372.81 472.74 476.02 87.04 89.90 487.62 317.66 464.51 460.65 86.40 84.13 487.62 300.19 460.95 458.74 85.77 84.59 487.62 296.24 475.55 481.27 93.69 96.68 487.62 305.15 469.51 471.81 90.07 91.34 67 kClean 1st Backflush in/hr k-Clean for 2nd Backflush in/hr kClogging REFERENCES ASTM, (1997). 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