MARCH 2, 2005
The Board of Elko County Commissioners met in a regular session on March 2,
2005 at 1:30 p.m., in Room 105 of the Elko County Courthouse at 571 Idaho Street,
Elko, Nevada.
There were present:
County Commissioners
County Manager
Deputy District Attorney
Deputy County Clerk
County Sheriff
Road Supervisor
County Assessor
Planning & Zoning
Charlie Myers, Chair
John Ellison
Warren Russell
Sheri Eklund-Brown
Mike Nannini
Robert Stokes
Kristin McQueary
Marilyn Tipton
Neil Harris
Otis Tipton
Joe Aguirre
Randy Brown
--The proceedings were as follows:
Chairman Myers called the meeting to order at 1:34 p.m.
Commissioner Myers led the meeting participants in the Pledge of
No public comments were submitted.
The Board considered approval of a Certificate of Appreciation and
Thanks to Lance Cpl. Stacy Alexander for his brave duty to his country which
had led to a Purple Heart and the Combat Action Medal.
MOTION: Commissioner Eklund-Brown moved to approve the
certification of appreciation and thanks to Lance Cpl. Stacy
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Alexander. Commissioner Ellison seconded the motion. The
motion was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Myers commented that this Board, this community and
this County was very proud of him and wished to express their appreciation.
Lance Cpl. Alexander received a standing ovation from the meeting
Lance Cpl. Stacy Alexander stated that he appreciated the support
from them. He stated there would be another Marine coming back from his
unit at a later date. Commissioner Ellison stated that they would show him
the same support as they had of Stacy. He commented upon the
candlelight vigil ceremony that had been performed at the Courthouse.
The Board considered the approval of a Certificate of Congratulations
to the Calvary Baptist Church who was celebrating their 40th Anniversary in
MOTION: Commissioner Nannini moved to approve a Certificate of
Congratulations to the Calvary Baptist Church.
Commissioner Russell seconded the motion. The motion was
passed unanimously.
Commissioner Russell noted the Calvary Baptist Church was formed in
January of 1964. He stated the Calvary Baptist Church over the past four
decades had demonstrated a commitment to building strong families,
Christian instruction, and challenging its members to morale excellence in
their vocations and their relations to the community. Commissioner Russell
stated that they congratulated the faith based institution in Elko County on
four decades of service and inspiration to us. He presented the plaque to
Pastor Chris Cupples who became the senior Pastor in 2001.
Commissioner Russell noted that there would be a banquet held on
Saturday night and three of the past Pastors would be present.
The Board received an updated report from Sheilagh Gilles, Executive
Director, on the United Way of the Great Basin organization.
Sheilagh Gilles stated the County employees had suggested that she
speak to the Commission. She reviewed their past programs inclusive of the
Carlin Clinic. She noted that United Way was a community investment
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program and the contributors were the employees. Sheilagh Gilles reported
that last year United Way of the Great Basin was 12th within the nation with
increased funding and believed that spoke for the citizens in the Great Basin
who chose to make a difference. Sheilagh Gilles explained these
contributions come from the mine employees, grocery clerks, etc., within the
community. Sheilagh noted those contributed dollars were spent by zip code
and United Way was just the investment manager. She stated that they hope
to establish a social services 211 phone number to provide services for the
needy citizens. Sheilagh Gilles stated that they have worked with Robert
Stokes and his staff when they have had questions in the past about the
services of the individual agencies. Sheilagh Gilles commented that some of
the organizations that they have worked with were the Igloo, the local clinics,
the Boys and Girls Club, Hospice, etc. She noted the County staff
participation had raised an extra 7% since last year. Sheilagh Gilles reported
that 37% of the Elko County employees participate in this program. She
noted 100% of the money raised was spent within Great Basin because they
had 0% overhead rate. She stated that corporate dollars paid for her and
her equipment.
Commissioner Myers thanked her and her organization for their services
offered to the community. He asked if the family members of the servicemen
who were deployed to Iraq were in financial need. Sheilagh Gilles replied
that there were approximately six families. She stated they have utilized the
Red Cross and co-workers have helped with some of the other issues
affecting those families. She noted they had deployed those families to the
necessary services. Commissioner Myers felt it would be advantageous for a
couple of the County Commissioners to meet with those families. He
believed soldiers should not have to worry about their families while they
were across the seas. Commissioner Ellison asked if they could put that on
their form for the soldier=s families. Sheilagh Gilles stated that they could
designate that on their application.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown asked which five counties represented the
Great Basin. Sheilagh Gilles replied Humboldt, White Pine, Lander, Elko and
Eureka were the five counties. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if the
Elko County employees’ donations stayed within Elko County. Sheilagh Gilles
stated the donors could direct which organization they want to donate to on
their application. She noted that sometimes people sign on to several
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organizations. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that Wells Resource
Community Center had met with them and asked if the WRCC had been in
contact with Sheilagh. Sheilagh Gilles replied that they had reviewed their
business plan and targeted several avenues. She stated they would help
with the business end and the audit. She stated in case of an emergency
they may gather all the members and seek funding resources. Commissioner
Eklund-Brown inquired if she had made a decision. Sheilagh Gilles replied the
Wells Resource Center had not sought funding. She noted that she would
meet with them again on the 14th of March. Commissioner Myers asked that
Sheilagh Gilles come back and report to the Board upon her continuing
efforts in the community. Sheilagh Gilles stated that they could submit a
quarterly report.
Robert Stokes thanked Sheilagh Gilles and all the County employees
who were participating in the payroll deduction program. He stated some of
the County employees have spouses who work at the mines and they do
their donation through the mining employment.
Sheilagh Gilles noted that the State of Nevada Employment group
participation rate was five percent. The Elko County employees were
participating at a 37% rate. The mines participation was a 78% rate. Sheilagh
Gilles commented that the casino workers in Wendover collectively had
contributed, on an average, of over 25 cents a payday. She stated they had
collectively raised over $5,000 dollars for themselves this year at 25 cents a
payday. She stressed it was through the power of participation that they
were able to accomplish so much.
The Board considered a request from the Carlin Booster Club for
financial support for a new sign in front of school.
Robert Stokes noted that John Kirkwood had intended to be here
today. Commissioner Myers asked that it be tabled until later and perhaps
Mr. Kirkwood would be in attendance.
Chairman Myers called the Jackpot Town Board to order at 2:03 p.m.,
and adjourned the Town Board at 2:18 p.m.
Robert Stokes stated that there was no report submitted from the
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Laura Oki stated that the Library Board met on February 22nd and they
discussed the new carpeting and the movement of the law library. She
reported that the library staff painted the entire library and new carpet was
installed. She noted that they had received donations from the mines and
Friends of the Library for the paint. She reported that the library staff had
donated their time. Laura Oki stated that while there were books lying on the
floor in the children’s section, there was a roof leak which damaged
approximately 600 books. She reported that the roof was not leaking on the
new carpet. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if there was insurance
coverage on the damage. Kristin McQueary stated that she had been in
telephone contact with C.W. Bennett from A & B Warranty. She noted that
Mr. Bennett had one report from Southam & Associates. Kristin McQueary
commented that she and Mr. Bennett had been playing telephone tag ever
since. She stated that previously Converse Consultants had checked her
office for mold and the Library for mold. At that time, Converse Consultants
believed that where the new roof was bolted upon the old roof there was
seepage at those bolted areas. Commissioner Ellison inquired if they could
get estimates to repair the roof. He believed that they should get quotes, fix
it and then file a legal action to recoup the money. He stressed that the roof
was still leaking and now they have damage to books. Kristin McQueary
stated that every time someone looked at that roof they had a new reason
for the leaking. Kristin McQueary noted that Southam & Associates came in
the end of December or the first part of January and looked at the roof. It
was Southam’s belief that ice damming was backing up and causing leaks
by water freezing in the drain spouts. Kristin McQueary stated that someone
else had said it was leaking around the bolt holes. She stated they did have
the roof shoveled off and all that was left was the moisture from the light
storms. Kristin McQueary liked the idea of getting the roof fixed. However,
she felt they should determine why it was leaking first. Commissioner Nannini
stated if they get a new bid then the new company would guarantee the
problems and they would identify the problems within the bidding process.
Kristin McQueary noted that there was a warranty on the roof so they should
utilize that to the further extent possible. Robert Stokes commented that he
had been here for four years and the roof was put on five years ago. He
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stated that there had been problem after problem with that roof.
Commissioner Ellison suggested they request for proposals. Commissioner
Nannini felt they should notify the company that they were taking that
action. Kristin McQueary stated when she had spoken to Mr. Bennett last
week he seemed very amenable. She would attempt to contact him. Laura
Oki reported that Ron Eastwood had fixed some problems but they were
concerned that they may be in violation of warranty if he fixes any more
problems. Kristin McQueary stated that she had read the warranty and there
was verbiage in the warranty regarding self-help notification. Commissioner
Ellison felt that they had to try and eliminate the amount of damages that
could occur. He believed this was an emergency situation. Commissioner
Eklund-Brown commented that the damage to 600 books was indicative of
that. Kristin McQueary suggested they put their request for service proposals
on the next agenda as an action item. Commissioner Myers suggested that
they look at local contractors.
Laura Oki commented that the Library Board re-worded the job
description and qualifications for the Library Director. She felt that at the next
Library Board meeting there would be something done on advertising. She
stated the next Board meeting would be held on March 15, 2005.
Robert Stokes commented upon the carpet. Laura Oki stated that with
regards to the color of the paint, the Library staff went with the school colors
maroon and white. Laura Oki noted that it had not been painted for over
thirty years. Commissioner Russell commended them upon the new carpet
and the new paint. He informed them of a woman’s comments to him
regarding the Library staff painting the walls. Commissioner Myers stated that
they may see the library during their recess.
James Watson submitted the written the Juvenile Detention and
Juvenile Probation Monthly Report.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if the report depicted the number
of kids that participated in the TESA program. James Watson stated he could
include that in the excel spread sheet. He reported that there were five in
February. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that the numbers were down.
Commissioner Ellison inquired about the officer in Spring Creek. James
Watson stated the officer moved into the school and he was acclimating
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within the school. He believed that in the future they would be able to
generate data which would be a resource as far as comparison with an
officer located in the school.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that within the report it indicated
that their grant funding was declining. James Watson commented that their
grant funding was constantly on a decline. He noted in the past they
received Juvenile Accountability Block Grant funding. Last year they
received $23,700 in JAB funding. However, in the past they were funded in
the approximate amounts of $40,000 to $60,000.00. James Watson stated
that next year’s JAB funding allocation was $7,456.00 which would impact
their programs, specifically the community services projects. James Watson
felt that they may be asking for help from this Board in order to continue
some of their programs. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that the
community services programs were proactive/preventative measures. James
Watson believed that there should be a critical analysis of the program and
its return to the entire community via the grants, etc., versus what the return
was. James Watson stated he could apply numbers to that particular
analysis. He felt the community services program was a worthy program and
the outcome was greater than the cost. Commissioner Eklund-Brown
inquired if some of the programs were a share program with the School
District. She noted a lot of education was involved. James Watson stated to
his knowledge there were no share programs. He stated in the Community
Service Program it was more of an accountability program. Commissioner
Eklund-Brown noted that the community service was actual work in the
community. Commissioner Russell commented that over the last two years
they have only received a report on the activities of the juvenile gang and
narcotic task force only when funding was needed. He asked if James
Watson was related to that or if that was within the Sheriff’s Department.
James Watson stated he would be happy to gather all the information and
report monthly with regards to that program. James Watson stated the
Juvenile Task Force was working everyday. He stated that the Chief and the
Sheriff have committed full time resources to that force. He noted his
department had contributed some resources to that. He stated that task
force made significant inroads into a variety of different areas in the juvenile
crime arena.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that they got tagged on a sign out in
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Kittridge. James Watson stated that was an enforcement district.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted there was not a lot of that done in this
County. James Watson stated that the Community Service Director identified
the sore spots and took care of it. He stated that often the County or the City
had a crew that took care of these matters right away. Commissioner
Eklund-Brown inquired what they would do if it was upon private property.
James Watson stated they would not do anything. He noted in the past they
had been contacted by the private property owners but they did not have
authority to work upon private property unless requested by that private
property. James Watson stated that department was limited to the time at
which the kids could work within the community. He stated the older folks
which had limited snow removal capabilities were addressed by some of the
Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if he had received her e-mails
regarding China Spring. James Watson replied he had not received them.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated that she had a meeting in Minden to
discuss the legislative approach. She commented that Spring Mountain
wanted additional funding to match the amount given to China Spring. She
stated they wanted to get in on the 50/50 legislative bill but did not want
State oversight. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated they received a flat fee
of $300,000. James Watson commented that they had an operating budget
of three million dollars. He inquired if the State would raise their contribution
to 50% of the funding. Robert Stokes stated Cash Minor had attended the
legislative meeting but he did not have a report on that. Commissioner
Eklund-Brown did not believe the Senators were willing to increase to that
percentage of funding at this time. She felt they would need more support.
James Watson suggested to the Commission that they send $150,000 to
Douglas County on an annual basis to support an intermediate program
which was designed to take the pressure off of the State’s training schools.
He stated that they contribute that money annually but their average
commitment to that program was about six kids a year. He did not believe
that $25,000 was too much to spend on a child going to China Spring or
Aurora Pines. James Watson stated that they send that $150,000 to Douglas
County but in turn Elko County receives approximately $26,000 per year to
keep kids out of the State’s training schools. Therefore, it only cost the County
$124,000 per year.
MARCH 2, 2005
Commissioner Nannini asked if the grant funding reduction was upon
State or Federal grants. James Watson replied it was pass-through monies
from the federal government which passed through the State. Commissioner
Eklund-Brown noted that all the kids could go to the State facilities and it
would cost the State more. She noted that currently the counties were
paying 70% of the costs. James Watson stated this County would probably
have to come up with $186,000 next year for the China Spring program.
Commissioner Nannini felt it was an unfunded mandate. He noted the
counties had to come up with additional financing. Commissioner Ellison
inquired how many kids stayed at that facility. James Watson believed that
their capacity was 100 in the boys program and only about 76 or 78 girls in
that program.
Sheriff Harris submitted a written Patrol and Detention operational
report. He stated that the inmate population had risen. In January they had
an average of 94 inmates a day. In February, they had approximately 95 per
day. He stated today they have 100 inmates in custody.
Sheriff Harris stated that Charlotte Felton had announced her retirement
and would be leaving in May. He commented that Charlotte Felton had
been with the agency since 1979 and had previously worked with the District
Attorney’s Office. Commissioner Myers suggested that this Board recognize
her at the next meeting. Sheriff Harris stated that Charlotte Felton had been
a long-time, loyal employee.
Sheriff Harris noted that Lori Gilbert periodically had people on the radio
with regards to the Juvenile Task Force. He stated that group was very
active. He commented that if that grant money went away then he and
Chief Morris would try to find a funding source to keep that force alive. Sheriff
Harris stated that he could not give names in the reports because they were
juveniles, but they could give the Board numbers. Commissioner Russell
stated the information that had come to him in the last few weeks had been
positive reports.
Sheriff Harris stated he and Commissioner Nannini had been meeting
with regards to the upcoming retirement of Fritz Weighhall. He stated they
did not have anybody in position to move up to the Chief’s position. He
stated that Wendover had asked them to try and provide supervisory
MARCH 2, 2005
guidance. Sheriff Harris stated he would attend Wendover’s council meeting
tomorrow. He stated through Kristin McQueary they had submitted a
contract for services to the City of West Wendover for temporary supervisory
services for a short period of time. Commissioner Myers inquired what type of
decisions Wendover had to make. Sheriff Harris replied they have three
months in which to select a Chief or make a decision with regards to the
supervisory position. Commissioner Nannini stated that they would like to see
the Sheriff take over law enforcement throughout the County. He stated that
the City of Wells had accepted the Sheriff=s services. Commissioner Nannini
noted this was an ongoing offer on the table. Commissioner Ellison inquired if
there were fifteen officers at that location. Commissioner Nannini replied
they had nineteen officers and they had their own dispatch. Sheriff Harris
stated he was not advocating that the Sheriff’s Department take over the
population of the department. He noted that if the City of Wendover asks for
a proposal then they would submit a proposal similar to what they had done
in the City of Wells. Sheriff Harris stated their concern was they do not have a
Lieutenant because he recently resigned. He stated now the Police Chief
was in the process of resigning. Sheriff Harris stated someone would come in
to do a study on that position. He stated that he would know more after the
meeting tomorrow.
Sheriff Harris stated that he went to the steering committee for
communication systems held in Carson City yesterday. He stated that the
proposal had not been finalized with regards to the study performed. He
had told the committee yesterday that he had been in contact with the four
other local Sheriff’s in the Northeastern part of the State which covered 1/3 of
the State. He stated they were in the process of putting together a meeting
with representatives from service people that would provide radio equipment
and their entities to determine whether or not it would be feasible to put
together an organization similar to SNACC or the Washoe County
organization. Sheriff Harris stated that there was good reception to that idea.
He would schedule another meeting early next week with the other Sheriff’s.
Sheriff Harris stated that would put them in a position to be able to put in a
switch to communicate from 800 MHz to VHF to UHF. He stated that was
what happened in Las Vegas and Reno. Commissioner Russell noticed that
some of the proposals for bidding were tied to a maintenance performance
criterion. Sheriff Harris stated that there were specific times in which the
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equipment would be taken care of. Commissioner Russell inquired if those
criteria were attached to the Sheriff’s equipment purchases. Commissioner
Russell inquired about the amount of time a repair agency would respond to
a call. He asked if there were criteria for those types of maintenance issues.
Sheriff Harris noted that there was a warranty on any product that they buy.
He stated that with regards to a service contract, they would have to look to
the service provider. He commented that locally the only one available was
Sierra Communications which handled Motorola products. Sheriff Harris
stated that McIntosh Communications was located outside of the State and
they try to stay locally. Commissioner Russell noted that members of LEPC
had informed him that if repairs were needed the company had ten days for
repair. If the repairs were not performed within those ten days then they
would be free to go elsewhere. He inquired if the Sheriff had such stipulations
within their bids or contracts. Sheriff Harris stated they were not married to
any service provider and they could not wait ten days. He stated if they sign
a contract with a service provider, yes that could be a stipulation.
Alternate Compliance Request - James D. Currivan:
The Board considered an Alternate Compliance Hearing for James D.
Currivan for a parcel map denial by the Elko County Planning and Zoning
Division regarding a private roadway located at NE 1/4 Section 10, T36N,
R60E, MDB&M, in Starr Valley.
Robert Stokes stated that on advice from legal council they asked that
this be tabled for a month for review.
MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved to table the alternate
compliance request of James D. Currivan. Commissioner
Eklund-Brown seconded the motion. The motion was passed
The Board discussed legislative issues from the 2005 Legislative Session
affecting Elko County. This agenda item will appear on the Commission
agenda throughout the 2005 Legislative Session.
Robert Stokes noted that Joe Guild had planned on coming tomorrow
and answering their questions. However, he could not get up here today so
Mr. Guild would give an update over the phone.
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Joseph Guild stated that he had a short report on the important issues.
He stated that on the sales tax he believed that there was a very good
partnership between him and Mary Walker. He felt the tax issue was handled
very well by the Congressional representatives. Joseph Guild reported that
Robert Stokes and Cash Minor were there. He believed that Charlie Myers
had given a good testimony. Robert Stokes stated that they had not
received a full report upon that but the local media had covered most of
that action. Joe Guild stated that he or his associates had worked with every
member of that committee in preparation of that hearing.
Joseph Guild commented that the Legislature had started off slowly. He
stated that the Assembly Government Affairs Committee had not held a
meeting this week and would not hold a meeting because there were no bills
to discuss. He stated that the Ways and Means Committee was one of the
busiest committees in the Legislature but they did not have anything to
discuss because there were no bills. Joe Guild believed that this slow start
was because most of the legislative lawyers were dealing with the
impeachment of the Comptroller. He felt that once they start putting out bills
then there would be a flood of bills all at once. He stated that meant there
would be less time for deliberation. He believed that if there were problems
with the bills then the bills would have to be amended later.
Joe Guild noted he or his associates have sat through all of the
committee hearings on the property tax reform. He believed they had a
complete understanding on the part of everybody to protect the rural
counties. He stated that yesterday in the Senate Tax Committee there was a
very comprehensive analysis of property tax cap alternatives. He noted that
Cash Minor sat through that with him. He commented that there was no
solution presented even though there were various scenarios of tax caps
presented. Joe Guild reported that the Chairman of the Committee had
made the comment that if there was a property tax cap there would be a
differential in the assessment with regards to the various rates which would
potentially violate the uniform and equal clause in our Constitution.
Therefore, there was a Nevada Constitutional problem. Joseph Guild stated
he and Cash Minor felt that under any scenario of a property tax cap every
School District in the State would suffer a substantial hit inclusive of Clark
County. He stated this was a huge problem.
Joseph Guild stated that Andrew List had told him about his electronic
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briefing which went out on a weekly basis to all the Counties. He stated the
NACO bill tracking summary was available but he did not see anything of
particular importance to Elko County at this time.
Joseph Guild believed that the County was concerned with the bill to
help with the jury fees. He was told by Senator Rhoads that bill was dead
because the Court’s Administrator of the State and one of the Justices of the
Supreme Court had significant problems with that bill. He suggested to Cash
Minor that this should be put on the Commission’s interim list to work with their
Court administration to see if there was a resolution to this jury compensation.
Commissioner Nannini inquired if there was any appetite with regards to
reinvesting the surplus tax monies into infrastructure within the communities.
He commented that they specially had a problem with the communication
system in the rural areas. Joseph Guild stated that the surplus was a huge
sum and was growing over a billion dollars. He noted the new taxes were
adding to that surplus everyday. He believed that there was a natural
growth factor of 9% on the existing budget prior to the new taxes from the last
session. He did not believe the Governor’s proposal to put $300 Million Dollars
back into the hands of the people of the State through the rebate on the
vehicles would make a dent in the surplus. Joe Guild felt that they had a real
opportunity to solve some of these immediate needs which had built up over
the years. Joseph Guild had spoken to his associate, Fred Weldon, and he
felt that there may be so much money in the surplus that they could replenish
the rainy day fund completely even if the Governor’s proposal passes. Joe
Guild suggested that they give him a list of what those needs were and list
them in a priority. He recommended that they also communicate that list to
Senator Rhoads and Assemblyman Carpenter. He stated that he could talk
up those needs. He believed that this was a unique opportunity for rural
counties to address those needs.
Commissioner Myers inquired about the SB38 process. Joseph Guild
stated before the week was out he would go talk to Assembly Speaker of the
House Richard Perkins and remind him of his commitment. Joseph Guild had
talked earlier in the morning with Mary Walker upon this issue and he was
mindful that there was a deadline. He stated that the amendment had to be
drafted which lowered the 70 million in net proceeds to 50 million dollars to
accommodate the needs of Nye County. He was not sure if that
amendment was drafted or completed. Joseph Guild believed they would
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have the second reading on the bill early next week in the Senate. He stated
if passed then the third reading would go to the House. He in the Assembly it
would be referred to Committee probably at the end of that week. He
stated that Speaker Richard Perkins shared that Committee. Joseph Guild
stated he and Mary Walker would talk to every member prior to the hearing.
He felt that they would be on target for the end of March date.
Joseph Guild stated he would work through Robert Stokes and Michele
Petty to get the next Commission meeting date. In the event that he could
not attend their meeting, then he would talk to them telephonically. He
stated that he had been in constant communication with Robert Stokes and
Cash Minor.
Robert Stokes voiced appreciation to Joseph Guild and Mary Walker on
their lobbying efforts with regards to Senate Bill 38. Joseph Guild informed
them that he was gaining knowledge from Mary Walker on this particular
Commissioner Russell stated since their lobbyist could not work on water
issues for this Commission due to a conflict, he had been keeping track of the
legislative action with regards to water. He reported that there were twelve
bills submitted on water. Commissioner Russell stated that only two bills have
heard the First Reading in committees and both were favorable to Elko
County. He stated one bill came from Senator Rhoads and the other bill
came from the Public Lands Committee. Commissioner Russell stated that if
there were other bills or amendments on water he would inform the other
board members.
Chairman Myers called a recess at 3:25 p.m. and reconvened the
meeting at 3:36 p.m.
The Board considered the approval of a Certificate of Congratulations
to the Spring Creek High School Wrestling Team for winning the NIAA 3A State
Wrestling Championship.
MOTION: Commissioner Ellison moved to approve the Certificate of
Congratulations to the Spring Creek High School NIAA 3A
State Wrestling Champions.
Commissioner Nannini
seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that they were the only Elko
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County teams who were the recipients at the State Championships for the
winter sports. She noted that this was the first time that Independence had
ever gone to State. She inquired how many years in a row had the Spring
Creek Wrestling Team went to State Championships and received the reply
of three years.
The Board presented a Certificate of Congratulations to Lonnie
Anderson for winning a NIAA 3A State Wrestling Championship.
The Board presented a Certificate of Congratulations to Bryce Saddoris
for winning a NIAA 3A State Wrestling Championship.
The Board presented a Certificate of Congratulations to Trinity Perkins for
winning a NIAA 3A State Wrestling Championship.
The Board presented a Certificate of Congratulations to Khris Torrise for
winning a NIAA 3A State Wrestling Championship.
The Board presented a Certificate of Congratulations to Jorge Luna of
Independence for winning a NIAA 2A State Wrestling Championship.
Highway Chairman Russell called the Board of Elko County Highway
Commissioners to order at 3:45 p.m. and adjourned the Highway Board at
4:30 p.m.
The Board presented a Certificate of Congratulations to Tyrell Ferguson
of Wells High School for winning a NIAA 2A State Wrestling Championship.
The Board presented a Certificate of Congratulations to Matt Morrison
of Wells High School for winning a NIAA 2A State Wrestling Championship.
The Board presented a Certificate of Congratulations to Jared Hess of
Wells High School for winning a NIAA 2A State Wrestling Championship.
Robert Stokes commented that Lynn Forsberg had submitted a letter
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regarding problem flooding areas with high snow pack winters and
suggested preventive actions. He noted that representatives from NDF and
Otis were present. He stated that Dan Dallas and Paul Flanagan of the Forest
Service were also present. Commissioner Myers noted Lynn had written that
an area in Lamoille was restricted and he inquired if Lynn had spoken to the
individual. Robert Stokes stated it was something to keep someone’s pet on
their property. However, it was something that could hinder the flow of
water. He felt that the property owner should be approached and asked to
remove that obstacle. Commissioner Myers inquired who would take care of
that notification. Robert Stokes stated they would make sure that was taken
care of. Commissioner Myers noted Lynn Forsberg had written that there
were sandbags in storage. Robert Stokes stated that there were 1800 here
and another 2000 in a shed in Lamoille. He had spoken to Keven Hall of the
NDF about this matter. He stated that last year NDF had offered to pick up
sandbags at the Fallon Naval Station. Robert Stokes was informed that NDF
may have a truck coming this way next week and they would be willing to
bring up more sandbags. Commissioner Ellison inquired how big a load that
would be. Keven Hall stated whatever they needed could be brought up.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown asked if they should store some in Jarbidge.
Robert Stokes noted that Otis had informed him that when there was flooding
in Jarbidge sandbagging was of little use.
Commissioner Russell stated that for the past few years they had gotten
together and coordinated some of the pre-placement of sandbags in
Lamoille. He noted that last year Otis brought in sand from the Road
Department and pre-positioned it as well as some of the sandbags. He
suggested that they perform the same procedure this year. He believed that
jointly they should do a press release to notify the population which was
concerned. Commissioner Russell volunteered to walk through Lamoille and
hand deliver these news releases to the residents. He stated that there were
other areas in the County that had flooding potential. He felt that the timing
would be dependent upon the Forest Service as they look at the snow pack,
the weather service, and the Water Resources Division as to when they
should be concerned about this.
Commissioner Ellison asked if they could bring in the prison crews to help
with the sandbagging. Keven Hall of NDF stated that they put together a
packet for Commissioner Russell which had the notifications from last year
MARCH 2, 2005
and stated that those crews were available again this year.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted she had not read all of the biological
assessment but a section had verbiage regarding large woody debris. She
stated that they do not want the debris moved because it provided
spawning habitat for the bull trout. However, the debris provides blockage
for free flowing streams, the river and helped cause flooding. Commissioner
Eklund-Brown inquired what they could do if the river rose in Jarbidge to
eliminate that and inquired if they would be fined. She inquired if the Forest
Service would remove it.
Dan Dallas of the Forest Service stated emergency situations were
considered in their procedures. He stated that was a general statement that
they want to save all that for biological reasons. If those were identified as
causing a blockage, such as a tree blocking the flow, then there was an
expedited process, such as a phone call. He stated they had that expedited
process to address those issues.
Commissioner Russell noted that the area of most concern in Lamoille
was an irrigation ditch and other laws apply to irrigation ditches. Dan Dallas
agreed that there were jurisdictional issues. He believed that NDF was the
correct agency to address that task in Lamoille and NDF could call for an
emergency. Dan Dallas stated he wanted to give kudos to Commissioner
Russell for his efforts in Lamoille and felt that holding a meeting ahead of time
was a great idea. He noted that he and Paul Flanagan had on their staff a
person for public affairs which could help put together a joint news release.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that within their assessments of
the mountain ranges what was the potential for flooding this Spring. Dan
Dallas stated in speaking generally the further South you went the more snow
pack there was. He reported that the snow pack at the Dinner Station was
average and it went down the further North they went. He stated his friends
in Idaho expect a visit from him and his fire team later in the year. Dan Dallas
stated the Northern region probably had the driest year they have ever had.
He commented that if they received rain on top of the snow then it would
trigger the flooding. He could only speak in general about where the
moisture was or wasn’t.
The Board considered the request from Bald Mountain Mine to renew
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their parking lot lease in Spring Creek with the County which expired in 1999.
Pursuant to NRS 244.283, the Board considered adoption of Resolution No. 042005, entitled:
Robert Stokes stated that this was a housekeeping item. He noted that
Bald Mountain mine previously had a lease for the parking lot. However, to
lease to them that lot again the Commission had to approve this Resolution.
Robert Stokes noted that this procedure would allow anyone interested in
leasing that parking lot until the first meeting in April to come before the
Commission. Commissioner Ellison inquired if they were making payments.
Robert Stokes stated that currently they were not making payments.
However, if they were the successful bidder then they would begin making
payments. He felt that Bald Mountain had a longer future at that mine due
to the increase in gold prices and they would like to formalize this.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if this would be an annual lease
and received an affirmative response. She noted that Spring Creek had
wanted this property for quasi-multiple use purposes. She stated in the event
this property was leased to Bald Mountain was there a procedure to
abandon the lease. Kristin McQueary stated that she would run out the same
lease agreement with a one year with and additional year term, up to five
years lease term but there would be a termination clause within the lease
She noted that parking lot was only a one acre site.
Commissioner Russell stated that there was another site Spring Creek was
interested in. Robert Stokes verified that this parking lot was only one acre.
MOTION: Commissioner Ellison moved to approve Resolution No. 042005 which declared the interest of Bald Mountain Mine to
lease the property. Commissioner Nannini seconded the
motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
The Board considered authorizing Randy Brown to sit on an oversight
committee investigating the Newmont Mine dump failure closing the
Newmont Mine Road.
MARCH 2, 2005
Commissioner Ellison felt that Randy did not want to get stuck on
another committee but he felt he would be good on this. Commissioner
Eklund-Brown noted that a member who sat upon the SLUPAC committee
had called her and asked specifically if someone from Elko County wanted a
sit upon this committee. She had told him that some of the Commissioners
may have a strong mining background but did not have technical
experience to determine whether it was a waste dump failure. Commissioner
Eklund-Brown had informed David that they did have a staff member who
had dealt with mining claims. She stated that she had run this by
Commissioner Myers and he suggested that this be put on the agenda for the
Board’s discussion.
MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved to authorize Randy Brown to sit
upon the oversight committee investigating the Newmont
Mine dump failure. Commissioner Ellison seconded the
Commissioner Myers asked if they knew the amount of time this would
take. Robert Stokes stated he had spoken to Randy Brown about this but he
did not know the total amount of time this would require. He felt they could
do most of this through phone conferences, e-mail but there would probably
be some on site meetings. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that they
would be having a tour and she felt they should all attend that tour. She
noted that Great Basin Mine Watch’s reaction was in the newspaper and she
felt they had overreacted. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated that Newmont
was doing the cleanup as quickly as possible and was trying to deal with the
issue as safely as they could.
The motion was passed unanimously.
The Board considered adoption of Resolution No. 03-2005 entitled, “A
per request by the Humboldt River Basin Water Authority for a Resolution
regarding the need for a regional inventory of ground water resources similar
to what the Humboldt River Basin Water Authority approved at their
November 12, 2004 meeting.
Commissioner Russell requested approval of the Resolution which would
give them objective information about the resources.
MARCH 2, 2005
MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved to adopt Resolution No. 032005, entitled: A RESOLUTION BY THE ELKO COUNTY BOARD OF
Eklund-Brown seconded the motion.
Robert Stokes noted that at the last meeting Commission members had
requested that agriculture, ranching, mining, wildlife, tourism and economic
concerns be added to the Resolution.
The motion was passed unanimously.
The Board considered support of BDR 504 by Assemblyman Rod Sherer
that pertains to government entities not having to purchase or apply for
water rights for uses that serve the public. That included, but was not limited
to, government buildings, public schools, parks, etc. This Legislation stated
that a government entity should be allowed to put in a water well, as was
currently allowed for domestic use, without any need for water rights.
Commissioner Ellison stated if they read it, the Bill Draft stated
governmental agencies. He inquired if that meant municipalities such as the
Cities and Counties. Commissioner Ellison stated he would have a problem
with this Bill if it extended to the federal agencies. Robert Stokes stated he
had discussed this with Commissioner Eklund-Brown because SLUPAC had
asked to have this put on the agenda. Robert Stokes stated this was placed
on the agenda in the hopes they would have a copy of the bill draft report or
the bill itself at this time. He stated that neither one was available so he
suggested that they table this item until they receive a copy of the bill draft.
MOTION: Commissioner Eklund-Brown moved to table support BDR
504. Commissioner Ellison seconded the motion. The motion
was passed unanimously.
The Board discussed the current consolidated sales tax distribution
formula upon revenues received by the County.
Commissioner Myers noted that Joseph Guild had spoken previously on
this item. He stated this was presented to the Senate’s tax committee. He
believed that the City of Elko, City of Carlin, and County staff did a superb
MARCH 2, 2005
presentation. Commissioner Myers stated that he read a letter from Wells
Mayor Rusty Tybo into the record at that hearing. He noted that during the
earlier radio program he forgot to mention the support from Carlin and Wells.
He felt those community should have been recognized on that radio
program. Commissioner Myers also gave credit to Joseph Guild and Mary
Walker for making those important contacts. Kristin McQueary noted that
when they were testifying at the legislature she received a faxed letter from
the City of West Wendover’s lobbyist. She had provided Michele a copy of
that letter who had faxed down to them. Kristin McQueary stated that she
had not responded to that letter because it was received during the day that
they were down at the legislature testifying on the bill.
Robert Stokes stated it was interesting that the letter offering to
negotiate was faxed to the District Attorney’s Office at 10:00 a.m. He stated
the letter was received in his office by 1:00 p.m. Robert Stokes commented
that the Wendover Mayor had mentioned the letter in her testimony to the
Senate Taxation Committee and made a point that Wendover had made
the offer to negotiate. Robert Stokes felt that they should respond to the
letter. He recommended that they respond that the direction had been
given by this Commission to pursue both the legislative and interlocal
agreement paths and that they would be willing to negotiate. Robert Stokes
suggested that they request Wendover to send their future communications
to the Chairman of the Board or the County Manager.
Commissioner Myers inquired if the Board members had received a
copy of that correspondence and received an affirmative response. Robert
Stokes stated they also had a copy of Mayor Thaut’s comments made at the
hearing. Commissioner Myers asked the County Manager to draft a letter
and send it to West Wendover.
Commissioner Ellison felt that they should keep on trying to come up
with an agreement with all the parties throughout the County. He inquired if
they were still trying to keep the 75/25. Robert Stokes felt it was worthwhile
that they continue to try and negotiate with the City of West Wendover and
the other entities. However, he stated it was his opinion that an interlocal
agreement without the passage of SB 38 was not good idea because it was
a temporary agreement. He stated an interlocal agreement had provisions
for any entity to withdraw. Robert Stokes reminded them that the State
Legislature only met every two years. He suggested that they continue on
MARCH 2, 2005
the path previously approved by the Commission to go both ways.
Commissioner Ellison felt that the letter received from the City of Wells
was very well written. Robert Stokes noted that letter was presented to the
Senate Taxation Committee.
The Board discussed legislative issues from the 2005 Legislative Session
affecting Elko County. This agenda item will appear on the Commission
agenda throughout the 2005 Legislative Session.
Joe Aguirre noted that Senator Mike McGinness of Fallon was the
Chairman of the Senate Taxation Committee. He commented that Senator
McGinness had stated after their session on Tuesday that it would eliminate
the cap for what they thought was an easy fix. Joe Aguirre commented that
in another paper Assembly Minority Leader Lynn Hettrick of Gardnerville
supported a cap at some underlying level. Assemblyman Hettrick believed
that the idea could be crafted to meet a constitutional challenge. Joe
Aguirre noted that North Las Vegas Mayor at another legislative hearing
proposed that the local governments and the school district in Clark County
band together and lower the tax rate. He stated their tax rate usually ran
between $3.30 and $3.60 per assessed evaluation. Assemblyman Hettrick felt
they could reduce that by 15% which would cure the problem for the State.
Joe Aguirre felt that the tax cap was rich men=s welfare. Commissioner
Ellison inquired if Joe Aguirre would go back down there. Joe Aguirre replied
yes, and stated that he had met with Assemblyman John Carpenter for an
hour last Friday. Joe Aguirre noted that Assemblyman Carpenter stated he
would call for Joe when he needed him. Joe Aguirre hoped to keep the
dialog open in case the Commission had any ideas. Joe Aguirre had asked
the employees to run some queries on the computer with regards to what
they had discussed on Tuesday to see how it would affect Elko. He noted
that his staff was backlogged and did not know if they would be able to
perform those queries. Joe Aguirre noted that his whole staff would be gone
next week. Commissioner Myers asked if he could have that information by
March 16, 2005. He stated that three members of his staff go to an Assessor’s
conference next week.
MARCH 2, 2005
The Board discussed the ongoing efforts to locate a combined
VA/Nevada Health Clinic at the old Elko Medical Clinic facility to serve
Veterans, Medicare, Medicaid and other patients. This was a partnership
project with participants from Elko County, local Veterans, the Northeastern
Nevada Regional Hospital, the UNR Medical School Rural Outreach
Department, Great Basin College, Nevada Health Centers, Assemblyman
John Carpenter and Nevada=s Congressional Delegation.
Commissioner Nannini stated that he did not have anything new to
report. He and Robert Stokes tried to meet with Dr. Paul Kilpatrick to see how
short on funding they were. Once they met with Dr. Kilpatrick, they would
suggest ideas for fundraising. He would like to bring it back before the
Commissioner Myers felt that they should recognize the Carlin Clinic. He
believed that clinic was the only clinic taking Medicare/Medicaid patients.
Robert Stokes stated that Nevada Health Centers were also located in
Jackpot and West Wendover and they took those Medicare/Medicaid
patients also. Robert Stokes understood that the medical doctors do take
Medicare/Medicaid patients up to a certain percentage. He believed that
the doctors had reached their saturation point on the number of patients
that they can take. Robert Stokes felt that the doctors had to limit the
number of those patients in order to keep their practices open.
Commissioner Myers believed that they were not taking those patients
because Medicaid was not paying. Commissioner Ellison noted that he and
Charlie made calls to the doctor and they would not take Medicaid patients.
Commissioner Myers stated an individual had asked him if they could
declare a State of Emergency due to a lack of Medicare and Medicaid
services in Elko County and use that funding to repair the damage to the old
clinic. Commissioner Nannini stated that Dr. Kilpatrick had indicated that the
basement would be fixed. He stated there would be new carpet and tile in
the basement.
Commissioner Nannini stated he had received a couple of phone calls
from concerned citizens. He clarified that the County would continue to
pursue the Veteran’s Clinic coming to Elko to provide services to the veterans
of Elko County. Commissioner Myers inquired where that concern had come
Commissioner Nannini noted they had emphasized
Medicare/Medicaid and believed that the veterans felt that they were being
MARCH 2, 2005
forgotten. Commissioner Nannini stated that they needed Nevada Health
Clinic as a conduit to get the Veteran’s Clinic in place. He stated they could
pursue this through their Congressional people and show that they have a
facility and they were ready to take care of the Veterans. Commissioner
Nannini stated that they needed their Congressman to expedite this process.
He believed they needed the Nevada Health Clinic conduit in place first to
get the VA outpatient clinic. He stated the Veterans were the reason why
they started this procedure. Commissioner Nannini stated then they had the
situation come up with Medicare/Medicaid. He felt these two needs played
hand-in-hand. He stated they had to go through the process one step at a
time and they were going forward.
Commissioner Ellison clarified that the $30,000 they were short was not
holding anything up. He had spoken to Cash Minor and Commissioner Myers
and they had informed him that the money coming back into the general
fund was previously allocated for the environmental concerns at the old
hospital. Commissioner Myers clarified that funding would go back into the
hospital fund and not the general fund. Commissioner Nannini stressed that
they could not crack into the hospital fund. Commissioner Ellison inquired if
they could use the interest. Robert Stokes explained that the interest was
already budgeted.
Robert Stokes stated he had two meetings with the State Health
Department to discuss if they could consolidate the services or eliminate
duplicate services provided by the Nevada Health Center and the Elko
County Community Health Department. On Friday he had met with the
Assistant Director of the State Health Department who thought consolidation
of services was a good idea. Robert Stokes stated he would have another
meeting with the State Health Department on Friday. He stated that once
they get those things discussed he would go back to Steve Hansen of the
Nevada Health Clinic to see if there were some transitions they could do
within the Community Health Services with regards to the services that they
Gil Hernandez stated the fear was out there that the Commission was
not supporting the VA clinic but it was with the people who were not aware
of how the Commission had the agenda item worded. He stated that when
they first started this adventure the building was to be for a VA Outpatient
Clinic. Gil Hernandez stated then the others got on board. He stated some
MARCH 2, 2005
of the veterans felt that they were being pushed aside. He stated those who
attended the meetings and the press should explain that it would be a
combined VA/Nevada Health Clinic Medicare/Medicaid patient clinic. He
commented that some of the Medicare/Medicaid patients would also be
Veterans. Gil Hernandez stated he would be leaving for Washington, D.C. on
Sunday to talk to their Representatives on Wednesday. He commented it
was the VFW State organization priority to push for the VA Outpatient Clinic.
He stated that they would continue to push for mandatory funding for the
VA. He commented that there were over 10,000 wounded service men
during this war. Gil Hernandez noted they found funding to send the young
men to war but forget to fund the end of war which was the wounded. He
stated those people who have served for this Country had an agreement to
be taken care of and they were just asking for what they were promised. He
stated they were not as strong as World War II lobbyists which received what
they asked for.
Commissioner Myers felt that the Veterans should be made aware
either through the VA or through the media that this Board would continue
their efforts to get a VA clinic here. He stated when looking at the process
and planning to do the VA clinic by itself it would not look as attractive.
However, when they added the Medicare/Medicaid services then it became
a community partnership for medical services for all those that earned it and
that needed it. Commissioner Myers noted the way it was listed upon the
agenda and felt VA was foremost in his mind. He pointed out that the
structure to obtain Medicare/Medicaid services was more easily to obtain
those services. He stated there was a long process to get the VA outpatient
clinic. Commissioner Myers assured Mr. Hernandez that the Board was trying
to wade through that red tape to make it happen. Commissioner Nannini
stated that this project would not be completed in their minds until the VA
clinic was included in this project.
Commissioner Ellison noted that two congressional representatives have
stated to him that they would help get the VA clinic here in Elko. Gil
Hernandez acknowledged that they were on board. He felt that there was a
lack of communication. He believed that some of the people were ill
informed. Commissioner Myers reiterated that a lot of that confusion was
because the Nevada Rural Clinic process was easier to get a clinic here. He
stated that it would be easier to put a VA clinic in when the Nevada Rural
MARCH 2, 2005
Clinic was already here. He noted they would already have the facility in
that location and staff which would make it less expensive for the VA to
move into Elko. Commissioner Myers stated he had received a call regarding
the bus. He had informed the Salt Lake City Office that they already had the
drivers. Commissioner Myers also informed that office they had donors
identified to help buy the bus. He stated at that time he received the
comment back that the VA may not let the veterans ride in that bus to Salt
Lake City for services because it may not be covered. Commissioner Myers
had replied to her that might be true but it would be covered under the
County. Commissioner Myers had told her that the Board would make sure
that their veterans would have access to that service. Gil Hernandez noted
the old VA vans were in worse shape than the van the County would be
getting. He did not understand why the VA would not insure the new van
and why the County would have to insure it. Robert Stokes inquired if those
veterans would be denied medical services once they got there.
Commissioner Myers stated that she did not come out and say that.
Commissioner Ellison did not believe they would do that because a lot of
those veterans drive their own vehicles to that location for services.
Commissioner Myers asked Gil Hernandez to talk to the service providers and
find out if they had an issue with the transportation. Gil Hernandez noted that
in the past they would have to make appointments one year or six months
ahead. He stated now they were waiting one month. Commissioner Myers
noted that in the past he would take his Dad down in his own car. He felt
that they need to talk about who would drive the van, who would accept
the van, and who would carry the insurance. Commissioner Myers stated a
person had asked if the van would interfere with getting a clinic here. He felt
that this should show a greater need when private individuals, the County
and the community had stepped up to the plate to get better medical
services for their veterans. He hoped that these actions would get their
attention. Gil Hernandez commented that Ely had their own outpatient clinic
but if an individual needed to have major surgery they still had to go to Salt
Lake City. Gil Hernandez pointed out that a veteran would receive
reimbursement for mileage but if they take the van then that money would
go back in to maintain the fleet. Commissioner Myers felt that they would be
saving the VA money. Commissioner Ellison noted that some of the veterans
could not drive. Gil Hernandez commented that the County was providing
MARCH 2, 2005
everything but the Veterans Administration would get money for the
transportation. Commissioner Meyers noted that the Commission had
demonstrated their willingness to partnership to make this happen. Gil
Hernandez thanked the Board for their efforts.
Commissioner Russell noted that Charlie Myers and Mike Nannini were
the point men but the whole Board was behind them. Commissioners Myers
and Nannini stated the whole Board was pushing for this to happen.
Jim Jeffries requested clarification that the VA had not helped in this
endeavor yet. Commissioner Meyers noted that they went to the VA.
Commissioner Nannini commented that the VA came down to meet with
them at the hospital about six months ago. Commissioner Myers stated they
held an open meeting with all the veterans with regards to health care. Jim
Jefferies inquired if the VA had done anything on the outpatient clinic. He
noted that there were now 11,000 coming back along with the current vets.
He offered to help by making phone calls.
Commissioner Warren Russell:
He stated that he did not attend any meetings or there were no
meetings held for the following boards/committees:
Museum Board
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
Humboldt River Basin Water Authority
Library Board of Trustees Liaison
Recreation Board
Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Board
Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) Liaison
Northern Nevada Regional Transit Coalition
Water Planning
Spring Creek Association
Regional Transportation Commission (RTC)
Commissioner Eklund-Brown:
Commissioner Eklund-Brown submitted a written report.
California Trails Center Board -- No meeting.
Nevada State Land Use Planning Advisory Commission (SLUPAC) – No
MARCH 2, 2005
Public Lands Use Advisory Commission (PLUAC) - Meeting cancelled.
Northeastern Nevada Stewardship - Group Mining Sustainability
Conference in Battle Mountain repeating previous one held in Elko. Could
not attend due to NDEP meeting in Winnemucca.
China Spring / Aurora Pines Advisory Committee – Met February 7th in
Minden to discuss upcoming legislative session. Items included budget
requests for additional 6 staff members and increased costs, which would be
contingent on appropriation approval. Also discussed bill regarding returning
to 50/50 cost split with the State as was originally funded. Requested
participation at the Legislature at hearings.
BLM – RAC – No meeting. Next meeting March 31 in Eureka.
Noxious Weed Liaison – Missed February 7th meeting due to meeting in
Minden. Annual Weed Summit held February 17th and was a huge success
with large attendance.
USFS Liaison – No meeting.
BLM Liaison – No meeting.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife – No meeting.
City of Carlin – Attended February 23rd meeting in which 3 pro tem
judges were appointed, all appointed officials and consulting firms were reappointed, city election resolutions approved and “Car and Stars Tour”
event sponsorship was approved. Discussed need to do improvements to
city library, driving range and area projects, finalization of sale in industrial
park to Trans Systems who will bring in 150-175 jobs to Carlin. The City
Manager has met with an interested developer on a proposed project and
several businesses as well. Discussed Carlin’s participation on the SB 38
upcoming hearings, the Mining Sustainability Workshop in Battle Mountain
and the Newmont Waste Dump NDEP Committee.
Commissioner Ellison:
Commissioner Ellison stated that most of these Board had been
discussed previously.
Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Board – No report given.
Debt Management Committee – No report given.
Nevadaworks – No report given.
Senior Citizens - He had asked that Michele make out a certificate for
the Khoury Family, Assemblyman John Carpenter and Stockmen’s Full House
for their donations to the fireplace for the Elko Senior Center.
Humboldt River Basin Water Authority – No report given.
MARCH 2, 2005
BLM Liaison – No report given.
Nevada Fire Safe Council – No report given.
Commissioner Nannini:
Hospital Board – No report given.
Fair Board – No report given.
Juvenile Committee – No report given.
Central Dispatch Administrative Authority - He felt they may have come
to a possible labor agreement.
Wells Tire Recycling Plant – No report given.
USFS Liaison – No report given.
City of Wells – No report given.
City of West Wendover – No report given.
Commissioner Myers:
ECEDA Board – He stated that they had met with the Lt. Governor with
regards to the million dollars allocated to the rural areas for economic –
development tourism. He stated that they had asked for the full million
dollars. Commissioner Myers stated they had spent a lot of time talking to the
Lt. Governor about the transloading facility. He stated that Union Pacific held
a meeting on Tuesday in Las Vegas and used Elko as an example of how the
process should go. He would have Elaine after their meeting with Robert
Stokes and Cash Minor give the Board an overview. He stated that they had
funded one study and swapped one study. Commissioner Myers stated that
there was definitely a need for this facility because they have had people
calling thinking this facility was up and running. Commissioner Myers stated
he would get more information to the Board.
Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) – No report given.
Auditorium Authority Board – No report given.
Wildlife Advisory Board – No report given.
Wildlife Arbitration Board – No report given.
Nevada Division of Wildlife Liaison – No report given.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife – No report given.
City of Elko – No report given.
March 16, 2005 - 9:00 a.m. - Elko - Courthouse.
April 6&7, 2005 - 1:30 p.m. - Elko - Courthouse.
MARCH 2, 2005
April 20, 2005 - 9:00 a.m. - Elko – Courthouse.
Commissioner Ellison inquired when the CDBG meetings would be held.
Robert Stokes replied the CDBG meetings would be held on the 15th and the
SHPO meeting would be held on the 17th and the 18th of March. He
commented that he and Commissioner Ellison were scheduled to attend the
CDBG meetings. He stated that Commissioner Eklund-Brown was scheduled
to go to the SHPO meetings with Gail Rappa on the Tuscarora Tavern.
Commissioner Myers asked how that legislation was sent from the
Senate to the Assembly. He stated that he would be gone on March 8th
through March 10th of next week and then again right after the Commission
meeting on the 16th until the morning of March 18, 2005. Robert Stokes
cautioned them that they would have to keep their schedules fluid for the
next couple of weeks. Robert Stokes stated he would call Steve Robinson at
the Governor’s Office tomorrow to keep them informed on that issue.
Commissioner Ellison understood that the Senate had not put on any
amendments. Robert Stokes noted that bill had not gone through the full
Senate yet and had only been heard in the Senate Taxation Committee. He
stated that there was an amendment to drop the mining net proceeds from
70 million to 50 million.
MOTION: Commissioner Eklund-Brown moved to approve the
Commission=s meeting calendar. Commissioner Ellison
seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
The Board discussed the correspondence and notices received by the
Commissioner Ellison asked the Board to read the letter from
Assemblyman John Carpenter regarding Jarbidge. Commissioner Myers
noted that letter would be added to all the Commissioner’s comments and
would be submitted to the Forest Service. He noted that they had a
deadline of Tuesday to submit their comments. Commissioner Myers stated
that the draft would be ready tomorrow with attachments. Robert Stokes
stated the Board would have an opportunity to review it before it goes out.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown asked that Robert Stokes respond to the
Jackpot Advisory Board. She noted that the Advisory Board’s minutes reflect
that they have grown 47% and West Wendover had grown 97%. However,
MARCH 2, 2005
she noted their excess tax revenues had grown but the towns had not
Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if they had read the
correspondence regarding the Senate Bill on hunting. Commissioner Myers
stated he had just received that last night from Craig Stevens and stated
that he would review it. Commissioner Myers noted that Craig Stevens was
recommending that it not be a legislative change because it would take
two years to correct or amend it. He noted that Craig Stevens suggested
that they leave that authority with the Wildlife Commission so changes could
be faster than every two years. Commissioner Nannini commented that
Senator Reid wanted this to be a State issue rather than a National issue.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated she had spoken at the FBLA
Conference held at GBC on Monday. She stated they discussed job
shadowing and there was a girl from Spring Creek who was interested in an
internship to learn more about government. Commissioner Eklund-Brown
stated that they referred the girl to Robert Stokes. She informed them that
the same girl was going to work for Dawn Gibbons on her campaign.
Commissioner Myers suggested that they leave the bill with the Wildlife
Commission and he would address that.
Approval of Preceding Minutes:
January 27, 2005: 1. Special Session
February 2, 2005: 1. Board of County Commissioners, and 2. Board of
Elko County Highway Commissioners.
Approval of claims:
Presentation and review of claims for approval.
Approval of travel requests:
Review and approval of travel requests that may be pending.
MOTION: Commissioner Nannini moved to approve the consent agenda
with changes submitted by Commissioner Eklund-Brown.
Commissioner Ellison seconded the motion. The motion was
passed unanimously.
Kristin McQueary stated that on Friday, March 11th, she would travel to
Carson City for the Insurance Pool’s litigation strategy meeting. She stated
MARCH 2, 2005
that this meeting was scheduled annually to review the past insurance
Commissioner Russell stated he had attended the White Pine Advisory
Committee meeting. He stated that White Pine wanted Elko County to do a
similar program of water well monitoring. He stated that the well monitoring
would show if there was a lower level of water wells throughout their area,
before they start taking water out for the South. Commissioner Russell stated
that White Pine wanted to establish a baseline level now. He felt this issue
should be brought back before the Water Planning Commission. He believed
that they may want to do a similar program to protect against
encroachment by other entities. He stated that the Southern Nevada Water
Authority was doing research in White Pine County. Commissioner Russell
stated that several people have hinted that the Southern Nevada Water
Authority may have hired companies to do research in Elko County. He
stated that at this time it was rumor or hearsay. Commissioner Myers felt that
information should be available to the public because it was a governmental
agency and was funded by the taxpayers. Commissioner Myers asked that
someone checked into obtaining that information.
Commissioner Russell noted that Pahrump wanted to form a coalition
and define it based upon their individual needs. He stated there was a
working group who wanted to develop the coalition to preserve the water
resources. He stated after the NACO board meeting there was an informal
meeting. Commissioner Russell stated that a representative from the Nevada
Rural Water Resources Association attended that meeting along with NACO
representatives, and Andrew List. He stated that this informal working group
talked about establishing water standards. Commissioner Russell noted that
there was a Uniform Building Code which established standards for
construction. He stated this committee was looking at establishing a set of
standards that could be produced and become a resource for the Nevada
State Water Engineer. He stated that they hoped to establish a uniform data
collection code for this area. Commissioner Russell stated he was not
recommending that they join this group at this time. He felt that they could
participate in this informal group at this point because Nye County was
funding all the efforts of this group. He stated there was no funding required
from Elko County to attend. Perhaps, that would change in the future.
Commissioner Russell noted that there were five counties represented. He
MARCH 2, 2005
stated that Mike Bachman and two individuals from the SNWA had been
present at that meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting
was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
MARCH 2, 2005