List of Buildings: Through History

List of Buildings: Through History
Ancient Egypt:
Ramusseum at Thebes
Great Temple at Abu Simbel of Rameses II
Great Temple of Ammon (Amun) at Karnak
Temple of Horus at Edfu
Temple of Khons at Karnak
Palace of Sargon at Khorsabad
Palace of King Minos at Knossos
Citadel at Mycenae
Citadel at Tiryns
Acropolis at Athens
Olympia – complex of buildings
Delphi – complex of buildings
Temple of Apollo at Bassae
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Turkey
(Thermae) Baths of Caracalla
The Forum (rather large….)
Old St. Peter’s (early Christian)
St. Vitale in Ravenna
SS. Sergius and Bacchus in Constantinople
St. Mark’s, Venice
Pisa Group- Cathedral, Bell Tower, Baptistery and Cemetery
St. Etienne, Caen, France
Worms Cathedral, Germany
Speyer Cathedral, Germany
Church of the Apostles, Cologne (Koln), Germany
Borgound Church, Sogne Fjord, Norway
Notre Dame, Paris
Bourges Cathedral, Bourges, France
Rheims or Reims Cathedral, Rheims, France
Amiens Cathedral, Amien, France
St. Elizabeth, Marburg
Milan Cathedral, Milan, Italy (you’d be crazy….)
St. Maria Del Fiore, Florence, Italy
Sienna Cathedral, Sienna, Italy
St. Gudule, Brussels, Belgium
Doge’s Palace, Venice
Any Gothic cathedral or palace in Sir Bannister Fletcher’s book
Early Russian:
St. Basil’s, Moscow
Cathedral of the Assumption, Moscow
Cathedral ofSt. Sophia, Kiev
Check out Chapter 7 of your book
Dome of the Rock which was recently bombed
Florence Cathedral
Palazzo Medici
Palazzo Zuccari
Pazzi Chapel, Florence
Palazzo Strozzi, Florence
The Palazzao Rucellai, Florence
Churches in Rimini and Mantua
The Villa Madama, Rome
The Uffizi, Florence
The Palazzo del Te, Mantua
S. Andrea, Mantua
S. Lorenzo, Florence
S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
Il Rendentore, Venice
The Palazzo Farnese, Rome
Palazzo Pietro Massimi, Rome
S. Maria della Consolazione, Todi
Sforza Chapel, Rome
S. Andrea al Quirinale, Rome
S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome
S. Ivo della Sapienza,
St. Paul’s. London
OK – there are many other buildings in your book and in Sir Bannister Fletcher – so go
check them out!