[4] Safwat Hamad, Reda Ammar, Amal Raouf

Phone:+2 (016) 0402989
E-mail: Shamad@cis.asu.edu.eg
Safwat Helmy M. Hamad
General Information
Languages Arabic, English
Marital Status
Current Position
Assistant Professor,
Scientific Computing Department
Faculty of Computer & Information Sciences (FCIS)
Ain-Shams University (ASU), Abbassia 11566, Cairo-Egypt
Educational Ref.
Dec. 2008
 PhD. in Computer and Information Sciences, FCIS-ASU, Cairo, Egypt.
 Research Area: Distributed Computing.
 Thesis Title: “Performance-Based Restructuring of Distributed ObjectOriented Computations for a Cluster of Multiprocessors”.
June 2006- Aug. 2008(UConn)
 A Scholar Student in Computer Science and Engineering Department
(CSE)– University of Connecticut (UConn), USA on a joint supervision
program to accomplish the research part of the PhD.
2004-2005 [FCIS-ASU]
 Qualifying Year for PhD degree in Scientific Computing, FCIS-ASU.
2000-2004 [FCIS-ASU]
 M.Sc. in Computer and Information Sciences, March 2004, FCIS-ASU.
 Research Area: Simulation and Visualization.
 Thesis Title: Satellite System Simulation and Visualization.
 Qualifying Year for master degree at FCIS-ASU, July 2001.
1996-2000 [FCIS-ASU]
 B.Sc. in Computer and Information Sciences, Scientific Computing
Department, June 2004 FCIS-ASU, Cairo, Egypt.
 Grade: Excellent with degree of honor.
Academic Courses
I taught the following courses:
 Distributed Computing (ASU-FCIS 2008-2009-2010)
 Computer Graphics (ASU-FCIS 2008-2009)
 Mathematical Programming (ASU-FCIS 2008-2009)
 Data Structure (ASU-FCIS 2008-2009)
 Computer Algorithm and Design(ASU-FCIS 2009-2010)
Professional Activities
 I have been selected in a competition by EELU the Egyptian E-Learning
University to an author for publishing an e-learning course ”Three Dimensional
Graphics”, 2009.
 Committee member in the ITIDA/CIT Program for Increasing the Competency
Edge of Tourism and Hotels Software Products.
 Team member in a research project; “DNA Profiling System and Biomedical
Applications”, funded by the ITIDA(www.itida.gov.eg), 2008/2010.
 Granted RA in "Restructuring Object Oriented Software onto multiprocessors"
project at CSE, UConn, USA 2007/2008.
 Developing an application for "Information Hiding in Digital Images" as a part
of a student exchange program between FCIS-ASU and L’Ecole Speciale Militaire
de Saint-Cyr in France. 2005
 Member in the Egyptian Association for Prevention of Information and
Internet Crimes.
 Project Manager in CIT-Office Faculty of Agriculture – UConn, USA, 2007.
 Connecticut Farms using Google Map Script, Javascript, CSS, PHP,
HTML and XML. http://www.ctfarms.uconn.edu/
 Online 3D tutorial for Water cycle using 3D Lingo Scripts, Macromedia
Flash, CSS, HTML, PHP and javascript.
 Some interactive forms using PHP and MySQL.
 Constructing the database and web design for the online store of the
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources – University of Connecticut
USA http://www.cag.uconn.edu/store.
 Project manager in some commercial applications 2003-2006:
 Web-based Application for e-learning Course generation (based on
 Preparation for electronic courses offered by FCIS-ASU as a part of
the Middle East Virtual University.
 Developing a Software application for testing and improving hearing
abilities of deaf children.
 Developing a web site for the FCIS-ASU.
Soft Skills
 Interactive and open-minded to learn new technologies and sciences.
 Excellent illustration capabilities even with complex subjects.
 Advanced Research abilities especially in Scientific Computing Problems.
 Highly Communications Skills.
 Self Motivated.
 Ability to work in a group or individually according to the job requirements.
Journal and book chapters Publications
[1] Safwat Hamad, Amal Khalifa, “A High Capacity Image Steganographic technique based
On Wavelet Fusion”, Accepted to be published in the e-Handbook of Research on
Information Hiding, Watermarking and Steganography: Algorithms, Case Studies, Guidelines
and Applications. Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd, USA (2010).
[2] Safwat Hamad, Reda Ammar, Tahany Fergany, Amal RaoufA Performance-Driven
Approach for Restructuring Distributed Object-Oriented Software, Journal of Software
Engineering and Applications, Vol.(2), pp.127-135, (2009).
Conference Publications
[1] Eman Ahmed, K. R. Mahmoud, Safwat Hamad, and Z. T. Fayed, “Using Parallel
Computing for Adaptive Beamforming Applications”, Accepted to be published in the
proceeding of The 28th PIERS 2010 in Cambridge, USA, 5-8 July, 2010.
[3] Safwat Hamad, Reda Ammar, Tahany Fergany, Amal Raouf “A Double K-Clustering
Approach for Restructuring Distributed Object-Oriented Software” Proceedings of 13th IEEE
Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'08) Marrakesh, Morocco, from July
6th to July 9th, 2008. (Best Paper Award)
[4] Safwat Hamad, Reda Ammar, Amal Raouf, and Mohammed Khalifa, “A Performancedriven Clustering Approach To Minimize Coupling In A DOO System”, the 20th International
Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, 24-26 Sept. 2007, Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA.
[5] Safwat Hamad, Reda Ammar, Amal Raouf, and El-Sayed Selit, “Mapping Distributed
Object-Oriented Software to Architecture with Limited Number of Processors”, Proceedings
of 7th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology,
Cairo, Egypt, Pages: 539-544, 2007.
[6] S. H. Hamad, R. A. Ammar, M. E. Khalifa, A. El-Dessouky,"A Multistep Approach for
Restructuring and Mapping Distributed Object-Oriented Software onto a Multiprocessor
System" proceeding of the 6th international conference in informatics and systems, 27-29
March, 2008 Cairo Egypt, Pages(PAR19-PAR23)
[7] Safwat Hamad, Reda Ammar, M. E. Khalifa, and E Soliet “A Randomized Algorithm for
Physical Mapping of Distributed Object-Oriented Software onto a Multiprocessor
Architectures”, proceeding of the 21th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Computing Systems, PDCCS 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, pages. 123-128.
[8] Safwat hamad “Predicting Satellite Passage over a Target Location in a Non-Perturbed
Simulated Environment”, In proc. Of the International Conference on Computational
Science, Emory University, Atlanta-USA, May 22-25 2005.
[9] M. S. AbdelWahaab, A. Hamad, M. ElGamal, Safwat Hamad, "Interactive Visualization of
Satellite Footprint in a Simulated Environment", In proc. of the 9th International Conference
of Soft Computing (Mendel), June-2003, Czech Republic.
[10] . S. AbdelWahaab, A. Hamad, M. ElGamal, Safwat Hamad "Satellite Motion Simulation
and Visualization", In proc. of the 7th IEEE International Conference On Intelligent
Engineering Systems (INES), March 2003, Assiut, Egypt
Research Interests
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Computational Geometry and Numerical Analysis
Computer Graphics and Visualization.
Object Oriented systems
Algorithm Design and Complexity
Programming and Data structure(C++)