Parent Request for a Special Education Evaluation or Reevaluation

Parent Request for a Special Education Evaluation or Reevaluation
Evaluation Procedure
Initial Evaluation: Only parent or school district is permitted to request an initial evaluation
May not occur more than once a year, unless the parent and district agree otherwise
District Response
Parent submits a
written request
for a special
education initial
or reevaluation.
1. Date-stamp request.
2. Principal and school psychologist provided copy ASAP.
3. Principal contacts parent to clarify request and discuss current school
4. Note: If parent withdraws request to evaluate, date-stamp written request
to withdraw and attach to parent request to evaluate. Place both
documents in student’s educational record.
Day “0”
Complete Review of Existing Evaluation Data
1. District collects relevant student achievement data. REED completed to
analyze current data and determine if the educational or related services
needs, including improved academic achievement and functional
performance, of the child warrant an evaluation (initial or reevaluation).
Parent input is included in the review.
consideration of
parent request to
evaluate or
District WILL evaluate student
1. District presents parent with written evaluation plan and requests written
consent to evaluate per REED process.
2. Parent provided copy of procedural safeguards.
District WILL NOT evaluate student
1. District presents parent with documentation to support decision that
evaluation is not warranted to determine the student’s educational needs
or determine whether the student has a disability, or in the case of a
reevaluation, whether the student continues to have a disability.
2. District provides parent with Prior Written Notice. (Required content and
sample letter contained in Sources below)
3. Parent is provided a copy of the procedural safeguards, which includes
information of parent right to request an independent education
evaluation, and parent resources.
Regulation and Rule Sources
§ 300.301 Initial evaluations
§ 300.303 Reevaluations
§ 300.305 Additional requirements for evaluations and reevaluations
§ 300.39(b)(5) Special education
IDEA Regulation Commentary and Discussion
§ 300.503 Prior Written Notice. Content of notice must include:
 Description of the consideration, action, and explanation of reason(s) of the district’s proposal or refusal;
 Description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report district used in decision;
 A statement that parent has protections under the procedural safeguards provisions in Part B of IDEA;
 A copy of the procedural safeguards and resources to contact for help in understanding Part B of IDEA;
 Sample Letter (District refuses to evaluate student)
OSEP Memo: Office of Special Education Programs, IDELR_OSEP, 2011 (RtI Can Not Delay Evaluation)
B-11 Child Find Guidance (MAASE, August 2010)
Revised November 2012