Standing order - The Irish Anti

Please support The Irish Anti-War Movement's on going appeal for funds
Dear Members
We need all the help we can get to pay for the Irish Anti-War Movement and we would appreciate your help if
you can afford it. There is a lot of cost involved in organizing this movement like the printing of posters and the
hiring of venues. All members give their time voluntarily.
We are making a special appeal to all members, to set-up a standing order with your bank, and donate a small
amount of money each month to the Irish Anti-War Movement.
If the movement is to keep running we will need people to make regular donations. If we got 100 people to
make a donation of only €5 per month, this would just about cover the cost of the movement. €5 is just over the
price of a pint.
We are suggesting €5 per month. If you can afford more than this it will be definitely welcome. If you can't
afford this you can go for a lower amount, no donation will be refused.
Richard Boyd Barrett
Chair Irish Anti-War Movement
If you don’t know your bank details you can check your LAZER/ATM card they are usually written on the
front of that. Otherwise please leave your phone number: ___________________ Then fill in the amount you
wish to donate, your address, and sign the form at the bottom. We can contact you for your bank account details
in a few days.
To the Manager of my Bank/Building Society I the undersigned Authorise you to transfer the amount of
€_____ (Once A Month) From My account to the account of the Irish Anti-War Movement A/C NO:
39640902 A/C Sort Code: 90-00-17 Bank of Ireland College Green Dublin 2
Commencing on the Date (DDMMYYYY) ___________________________ Until Further notice.
Account Name_______________________________________________________________
9__ - -
Account number 
Account Sort Code:
Bank Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
Bank address 1: ______________________________________________________________
Bank address 2: ______________________________________________________________
Bank address 3: ______________________________________________________________
Signature(s) of Account holder __________________________________________________
Irish Anti-War Movement Po Box 9260 Dublin1
Tel 353 (0) 1 8727912
E-mail Web