1 Joint Spatio-temporal Modes of Wind and Sea Surface Parameters Variability in 2 the North Indian Ocean during 1993-2005 3 Thaned Rojsiraphisala, Balaji Rajagopalanb,c, and Lakshmi Kanthac 4 5 6 a Department of Mathematic, Faculty of Science, Burapha University, Thailand 7 b Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of 8 Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA 9 c Co-operative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, versity of Colorado, 10 Boulder, Colorado, USA 11 d 12 Colorado, USA Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Submitted to 20 21 ………………………………….. 22 Journal of Geophysical Research 23 2008 24 25 26 27 28 Corresponding author: 29 Thaned Rojsiraphisal 30 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Burapha University 31 169 Long-Hard Bangsaen Road, T. Saensook, A. Muang, Chonburi 20131, Thailand 32 Tel: (66)-89-174-6747 Email: thaned@buu.ac.th 33 Abstract 34 35 Sea surface height (SSH) and sea surface temperature (SST) in the North Indian 36 Ocean are mostly affected by the monsoon. Their variability and dynamics are of interest to 37 surrounding population. In this study we use a set of data generated from a data-assimilative 38 model to examine coherent spatio-temporal modes of winds and surface parameters via 39 Multiple Taper Method with Singular Value Decomposition (MTM-SVD). Our analysis 40 shows significant variability at annual and semi-annual, while only joint variability of winds 41 and SSH is significant at an inter-annual mode (2-3 yr timescale) which is related to ENSO 42 mode and its pattern exhibits a situation of “dipole” mode. The winds seem to be the driver of 43 variability in SSH and SST at the annual cycle, semi-annual and interannual frequency bands. 44 Furthermore, the forcing patterns in the winds are consistent with the large scale monsoon, 45 especially the Indian summer monsoon feature in the basin. 46 47 Keyword: MTM-SVD, joint spatiotemporal variability, ENSO 48 49 1. Introduction 50 51 North Indian Ocean (NIO hereafter) is the least explored among the Oceans in the 52 world. It is forced by seasonally reversing monsoons, which play an important role in its 53 variability. In particular, the monsoonal winds in the NIO greatly influence the variability of 54 Sea surface height (SSH) and sea surface temperature (SST) which have an impact on the 55 regional rainfall and consequently, the socio-economic well being of large population in the 56 surrounding regions. Thus, better understanding of the nature of this variability is critical for 57 improved resources planning and management. . 58 The relationship of ENSO-monsoon during 1997-98 created climate and oceanic 59 anomalies (Saji et al., 1999; Webster et al., 1999). SST anomaly affected from ENSO line 60 condition yields SSH anomalies piling up along the South Asia coast. Sea level rises up and 61 retards the outflow of estuaries resulting flood in the deltaic area especially in Bangladesh 62 and India (University of Colorado at boulder, 2001; Singh, 2002). 63 The SST anomaly is also an important key to climate change. One of the strong SST 64 variations shows an out-of-phase SST in the tropic in the Indian Ocean, called Indian dipole 65 Ocean (Saji et al., 1999; Webster et al., 1999; Yu and Rienecker 1999 and 2000) or the Indian 66 Ocean zonal mode (IOZM). Situation of warm SST anomaly in the Indian Ocean, usually in Page 2 of 28 67 order of 0.5oC, leads too strong monsoon (Hastenrath, 1987; Harzallah and Sadourny, 1997; 68 Clark et al., 2000). Not only the monsoon affects the South Asia area but also the East 69 African. A few studies confirmed that the SST variation in the Indian Ocean is a major 70 contribution to the East African precipitation variation (Mutai et al., 1998; Goddard and 71 Graham, 1999; Clark et al., 2003). 72 In the past few decades, several mathematical and statistical techniques have been 73 developed and used to identify variability from signal data. Techniques such as Singular 74 Value Decomposition (SVD) (Wallace et al., 1992; Bretheron et al., 1992) related orthogonal 75 multivariate spatiotemporal decompositions (Bretherton et al., 1992), Spectral Analysis 76 (Emery and Thomson, 1998), Principal Oscillation Patterns (von Storch and Zwiers, 2003), 77 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (Preisendorfer, 1988; Jolliffe 2002), Wavelet Spectrum 78 (WS) Analysis (Torrence and Compo, 1998) as well as Multiple-Taper Method-Singular 79 Value Decomposition (MTM-SVD) (Mann and Park, 1994) have been applied in the analysis 80 of atmospheric and oceanic data. Some methods only limit to identify either frequency 81 domain or spatial domain. Some methods can only identify standing mode without 82 information of dynamics and some methods can only identify localized variation. 83 Unlike other univariate or multivariate, MTM-SVD is a powerful multivariate tool to 84 simultaneously detect an oscillatory signal in both spatial and temporal data that can be used 85 to identify frequencies where an unusual concentration of narrowband variance occurs. It can 86 also be used to reconstruct the time history and spatial pattern associated with a frequency of 87 interest (Mann and Park, 1999). Mann et al. (1996) applied the MTM-SVD to investigate 88 decadal climate variation in the Northern America. Tourre et al. (1999) identified joint 89 variability between SST and sea level pressure with MTM-SVD. Rajagopalan et al. (1998) 90 and Mann and Park (1999) used the MTM-SVD to show how reliable the method was by 91 testing through a synthetic data set with colored noise added and applied the method to 92 climate data. 93 In this study we intend to investigate joint variability and its dynamics of wind and 94 two surface parameters; SSH and SST using MTM-SVD. The paper is organized as follows. 95 Data description used in this study is first discussed and follows by brief detail of the MTM- 96 SVD on joint variability. Results of MTM-SVD analysis is presented next. Discussions of the 97 results conclude the paper. 98 99 2. Data 100 Page 3 of 28 101 Wind and surface parameters are derived from satellite observations and hence, have 102 coarse resolution and sometimes contain missing values. Thus, to have data on a finer scale 103 and devoid of missing values, we used assimilation numerical ocean model applied to the 104 NIO on a hindcast mode for the period 1993-2005 (Rojsiraphisal, 2007). The numerical ocean 105 model used is the University of Colorado version Princeton Ocean Model (CUPOM) based 106 on a primitive equation model using topographically conformal coordinate in the vertical and 107 orthogonal curvilinear coordinates in the horizontal. Details of the basic features of CUPOM 108 can be found in Kantha and Clayson (2000) and Mellor (1996). 109 The NIO hindcast model has 1/4o resolution in the horizontal and 38 sigma levels in the 110 vertical, with the levels closely spaced in the upper 300 m. The model is forced by 6-hourly 111 ECMWF winds with Smith (1980) formulation for the drag coefficient CD to convert the 112 ECMWF 10-meter wind speed to wind stress at the surface: 113 1.110-3 , U10 6 m / s Cd . 3 (0.61 0.063U10 ) 10 , U10 6m / s 114 It assimilates altimetric sea surface height anomalies and weekly composite MCSST 115 using a simple optimal interpolation-based assimilation technique. The model and the 116 assimilation methodology based on conversion of SSH anomalies into pseudo-BT anomalies 117 for adjusting the model temperature field via optimal interpolation, have been described in 118 great detail in Lopez and Kantha (2000a and b). Details of CUPOM applied to the NIO along 119 with validation of model’s results can be found in Kantha et al. (2008) and Rojsiraphisal 120 (2007). The SSH is calculated explicitly using the split-mode technique. 121 This coupled assimilation resulted in a continuous space-time data of wind and all the 122 surface parameters (i.e., SST, SSH) for the 1993-2005 period. Weekly values are computed 123 from this data for use in this research. To keep the data size reasonable and maintain all the 124 spatial information data at every 1.5o×1.5o degree resolution north of 10oS in the Indian 125 Ocean is used in the analysis. In all the data consists of 13-years (1993 to 2005) of weekly 126 and monthly SSH (N = 676 weeks assuming 52 weeks a year) covering 10oS-26oN, 39o- 127 120oE; total of 888 locations (M = 888 grid points) in the spatial domain (Figure 1). 128 129 130 3. Investigation Tool – Frequency Domain Multi Taper Method-Singular Value 131 Decomposition (MTM-SVD) Approach Page 4 of 28 132 Robust diagnosis of the key low-frequency modes of large-scale climate entails 133 capturing the coherent space-time variations across multiple climate state variables. 134 Traditional time-domain decomposition approaches for univariate and multivariate 135 data provide useful details on the broad-scale patterns of variability. However, these 136 approaches lack the ability to isolate narrow-band frequency domain structure (Mann 137 and Park, 1994; 1996). Detailed methodology development and examples of the 138 MTM-SVD methodology can be found in Thomson (1982); Mann and Park (1994, 139 1996); Lees and Park (1995). The method relies on the assumption that climate modes 140 are narrow band and evolve in a noise background that varies smoothly across the 141 frequencies. 142 computed based on the multi-taper spectral analysis (Thomson, 1982; Park et al., 143 1987). Subsequently, spectral domain equivalents of each grid point are 144 Here we applied the MTM-SVD approach to study the individual and joint 145 spatiotemporal modes of variability of wind and sea surface parameters in the NIO region. 146 The spatial time series of each parameter is standardized by removing the long-time mean at 147 each grid point and normalized by dividing the long-term standard deviations by weekly (or 148 monthly) basis so that the variability has a unit variance and also the weekly (seasonal) cycle 149 is removed. This normalization eliminates the disparity in the units between the variables. 150 The details of the technique can be found in the aforementioned references but below we 151 provide a brief description of the method abstracted from the references for the benefit of the 152 readers. 153 Consider a standardized of spatiotemporal time series at site m-th of 154 x , n 1, 2, 155 time series, M and L M are numbers of sites of first and second variables, respectively. 156 The first M term of x ( m ) are time series of the first variable, and the next L M are time 157 series of the second variable. The standardized xn( m ) is calculated from xn( m ) xn( m ) / ( m ) , 158 where prime notation represents the anomalies data and ( m ) is the standard deviation at site 159 m-th. Note that the location of each variable need not be at the same site but both 160 spatiotemporal time series must have same length in temporal space. Then we apply multiple- 161 taper transform to the time series and obtain “eigenspectra” at each frequency as (m) n , N and m 1, 2, , M , M 1, M 2, , L , where N is the length of the Page 5 of 28 N 162 (1) Yk( m ) ( f ) wn( k ) xn( m ) ei 2 f n t , n 1 N 163 where Δt is the sampling interval and wn( k ) 164 of K data tapers (also called Slepian tapers), k 1, 165 have energy peaks within a narrow frequency bandwidth of f pf R , where f is a given 166 frequency and f R 1/( Nt ) is the Rayleigh frequency (the minimum resolvable frequency 167 range for the time series). Note that the number of tapers K represents a compromise between 168 the variance and frequency resolution of the Fourier transforms (Mann and park, 1996). Also, 169 note that the Slepian tapers can considered as a sequence of weighting function, an example 170 of the first three Slepain tapers can be found in Mann and Park (1999). is the k-th member in an orthogonal sequence , K . The set of K tapered eigenspectra With the set of eigenspectra, we can form a (M L) K matrix 171 172 n 1 (2) w Y (1) 1 1 w2Y1(2) w Y (M ) M 1 A( f ) w Y (M 1) M 1 1 w Y (M 2) M 2 1 ( M L) wM LY1 w1Y2(1) w2Y2(2) wM Y2(M ) wM 1Y2(M 1) wM 2Y2(M 2) wM LY2(M L) (2) w2YK wM YK(M ) , wM 1YK( M 1) ( M 2) wM 2YK wM LYK( M L) w1YK(1) 173 174 where each row is calculated from a different grid point time series. Each column uses a 175 different data taper from equation (1) and wi represents specific weighting at each grid point. 176 Note that each row is computed from a different series (grid point), and each column 177 corresponds to using a different taper. Subsequently, a complex singular value 178 decomposition (CSVD)is performed through, 179 Page 6 of 28 K A( f ) k ( f ) u k ( f ) vk ( f ) 180 k 1 181 182 where u k is complex spatial pattern and v k is spectral domain containing information of both 183 variables (i.e., the first M components contain information of the first variable and the next 184 L M components contain information of the second variable). These eigenvectors can be 185 inverted to obtain the smoothly varying envelope of the kth mode of variability at 186 frequency f (Mann and Park, 1996). The localized fractional variance (LFV) provides 187 a measure of the distribution of variance by frequency, and above a select confidence 188 level threshold (e.g., 90%, 95%), represents a dominant narrow band mode. The 189 confidence levels are computed based on the locally white noise assumption, and are 190 constant outside the secular band. Mann and Park (1996) describe a bootstrap method 191 used to obtain the confidence bands for this study. In general, the computed principal 192 eigen-spectrum (described above) yields a number of narrowband peaks. The MTM- 193 SVD technique has been effectively applied to the analysis of global SSTs and SLPs 194 (Mann and Park, 1994 and 1996), identification of dominant modes of variability in 195 the Atlantic basin (Tourre et al., 1999), and also for forecasting (Rajagopalan et al., 196 1998). 197 The LFV spectrum was used to identify significant frequencies, and temporal and 198 spatial reconstructions were carried out to understand the joint variability of the 199 climate fields in the NIO region. In this study, we used the choice of bandwidth parameter 200 p = 2 and K = 3 tapers, which provide enough spectral degrees of freedom for signal-noise 201 decomposition, and allow reasonably good frequency resolution as well as stability of 202 spectral estimates according to Mann and Park, (1994) and Mann and Lees, (1996). The 203 monthly data allows for a maximum frequency of f = 6 cycle yr-1 (2 months period) to be 204 resolved efficiently. 205 In this section we will isolate the dominant frequencies of each individual surface 206 parameters; SSH and SST then we will discuss its individual dynamic. Later, we will analyze 207 spatiotemporal variability jointly between a pair of zonal and meridional wind stresses and 208 SSH and SST. This allows us to obtain insight information of possible dynamical processes 209 governing such signals. 210 Page 7 of 28 211 Results 212 The MTM-SVD method is applied to the fields individually and also jointly. First we 213 present results from the individual analysis of SSH and SST and then jointly between winds 214 and SSH and winds and SST. 215 216 Sea Surface Heights 217 The LFV spectrum of SSH based on the analysis of monthly data is shown in Figure 218 2a (blue). The dominant frequencies can be seen in, 1.6-4 years period band (f ~ 0.3-0.6 cycle 219 yr-1), annual cycle (f ~ 1.0 cycle yr-1), semi-annual cycle (f ~ 2.0 cycle yr-1), and seasonal 220 cycle (f ~ 4.0 cycle yr-1). All these peaks appear to breach the 99% confidence level. The LFV 221 spectrum from the weekly data (green curve in the figure) is similar to the the one from 222 monthly data. 223 224 Sea Surface Temperature 225 The LFV spectrum of SST (Figure 2b—Plan to omit) reveals two significant 226 frequencies (>99% confidence limit) at annual and semi-annual periods (f = 1.0 and 2.0 cycle 227 yr-1) in both weekly and monthly data. The frequencies in the interannual bands at f = 0.25- 228 0.4 and 3.0 cycle yr-1 are barely significant at 90% confidence level – this a difference from 229 the SSH results. A linear trend is evident between f = 0 and 0.75. cycle yr-1 , this reddening of 230 the spectrum and a secular trend is consistent with prior results in the Indian Ocean (xxxx). 231 232 Joint Wind and SSH Variability 233 NIO, as mentioned earlier, is most influenced by the Indian summer monsoon, thus, 234 the variability of SSH and SST are likely to be tied firmly to the monsoonal winds. To 235 identify the joint variability, we performed joint analysis of the winds (zonal, WSX and 236 meridional, WZY, winds separately) with SSH. Figure 4 shows the LFV of this joint analysis. 237 The LFV of joint variability of both pairs (WSX-SSH and WSY-SSH) yield 238 significant peaks (over 99% confidence limit) at inter-annual, annual, and semi-annual 239 periods seasonal and intra-seasonal (at 90% confidence level). The significant peaks observed 240 in this joint analysis are same as the frequencies identified in the individual analysis of SSH. 241 Here too, the LFV spectra from the weekly and monthly data are similar. 242 To understand the joint variability in space and their evolution at these dominant 243 frequencies, we performed spatial reconstructions for the two fields at the frequencies 244 identified above. Spatial patterns of the zonal and meridional wind fields and the Page 8 of 28 245 corresponding SSH at the annual cycle (f = 1.0 cycle yr-1) frequency, from the respective joint 246 analyses are shown in Figure 5. The vector lengths in this (and subsequent spatial 247 reconstructions) figure are indicative of the magnitude of the signal and the phase (i.e., 248 directions) are with respect to a reference location (grid 529th at 7.25oN, 76.75oE) – the vector 249 at the reference location is always horizontal pointing right (i.e., at the 3 o’clock position). 250 The direction of vectors at other locations corresponds to temporal difference (time lead/lag) 251 relative to the reference vector. In the spatial pattern, clockwise vector rotation represents 252 negative relative lag (or “lead”), and counter-clockwise rotation represents positive lag (or 253 “lag”). A complete rotation represents a periodicity of the mode; e.g. 1 year for f = 1.0 cycle 254 yr-1, and a grid point vector at 12 o’clock (90o) experiences peaks at 4 months lag relative to 255 the reference grid point. 256 257 Annual frequency 258 The zonal winds (Figure 5a) exhibit an out of phase relationship between the NIO 259 region and the Southern Indian Ocean region – this is indicative of the annual cycle in that the 260 winds in the northern hemisphere are always out of phase with the southern. The meridional 261 winds (Figure 5c) show a strong signal in the Arabian Sea region of the NIO the Bay of 262 Bengal region and the South China Sea – all active regions of the Asian monsoon, and Indian 263 monsoon in particular. In fact, these wind patterns are almost identical to the monsoon wind 264 features (xxx reference xxx). The vectors all in the same direction indicative of the feature 265 happening in the same period (i.e. the summer period), the slight changes in vector directions 266 between the South China Sea region and NIO shows the delay in the South China monsoon 267 relative to the Indian. 268 The spatial pattern of SSH variability at this mode (Figures 5b and 5d) from the joint 269 analysis of the two wind components is similar. The SSH signal is strong over most of the 270 basin except in the southern hemisphere where the winds are quite a bit weaker as seen 271 above. variability is dominant in most area of the NIO except area of 50o-80oE and 5oS-0oN. 272 From these plots, we see that the strong magnitude of SSH in the southwest region is not 273 locally affected by the zonal wind since the zonal wind in that region is weak during that 274 time. It may be affected from strong easterly wind in the south leading by about 2 months. 275 The propagation of the SSH signal at the annual cycle frequency is apparent and can 276 be explained as follows. Starting in the black-vector region in the southern Indian Ocean it 277 takes about 1-2 months (~30o-45o) to propagate westward into the southwest (green-vector) 278 area. The large magnitude along the west coast of India propagates westward into the red- Page 9 of 28 279 vector area in the southern Arabian Sea. Similarly, the signal in the southwest propagates 280 northward along the Somali coast into red/blue-vector areas. Then the red area near the 281 Socotra Island propagates eastward into the middle of Arabian Sea; while the blue area 282 moves southward into the Equatorial region which next propagates eastward along the 283 equatorial waveguide into the Sumatra Island area and completes the cycle with a stronger 284 magnitude along the east coast of Bay of Bengal. The propagation of the SSH signal lagged 285 by a few months to the wind signal – which is consistent, in that the SSH anomalies are 286 driven in large part by the strong wind forcing in the basin (xxx refs xxx). 287 288 Semi-annual 289 The spatial patterns of the wind and SSH fields at the semi-annual frequency (f = 2.0 290 cycle yr-1) are shown in Figure 6. At this period, the strongest signal in the both the wind 291 components are in the Arabian Sea region – which is the active Indian monsoon region. This 292 is more so in the meridional component where the amplitudes are strongest in Western 293 Arabian Sea region and also a bit in the South China Sea. The main aspect at the annual and 294 semi-annual frequency is similar in terms of the winds in that the variability is strongest in 295 the regions of monsoonal winds and the phase lags are consistent with spatial and temporal 296 variability of monsoons in the region. 297 The SSH signal is stronger with the meridional winds (Figure 6d). The large 298 magnitude of SSH between 2o-10oN and 50o-77oE (referred as area A1 thereafter) is affected 299 by strong WSY in the western Arabian Sea, which leads this by about a month or so. The 300 strong magnitude of SSH in the southern region on the other hand is forced by zonal wind 301 stress locally and is also affected by the strong magnitude of SSH in the area A1. 302 303 Interannual band 304 The dominant frequency in the inter-annual band is (f = 0.4 cycle yr-1). We show a 305 snap-shot reconstruction for this frequency, in that snap shots of the magnitudes of the two 306 fields at several times in the entire cycle are shown. Figure 7 shows the reconstruction of 307 spatial snapshots of joint WSX (left panels) and SSH (right panels) variations of 2.5-year (f = 308 0.4 cycle yr-1) period at various times, spanning one-half of a complete cycle (~1.25 years or 309 15 months). Squares and triangles indicate sign differences and the sizes of these symbols 310 represent magnitude of each variable that is relative to value of WSX at a reference grid point 311 (grid 529th). The initial snapshots (at 0o) correspond to peak WSX anomalies in the east- 312 central of the NIO and the corresponding SSH anomalies. Next snapshots reveals the Page 10 of 28 313 evolution of WSX and SSH anomalies. The WSX anomalies are weakening in the next few 314 months and reverse the signs in about 6-7 months (at about 90o); though the SSH anomalies 315 are also weakening but at slower rate. While the final snapshots correspond to the opposite 316 conditions reveals at about 15 months later. At the phase between 112.5o and 135o, large 317 magnitude of SSH anomalies occur within 10oS - 10oN across the ocean with one sign 318 covering most of the western side of equatorial region and the other sign occurs next to the 319 Sumatra Island. These anomalies in the eastern side intrude into the middle of this region. 320 This is reminiscent of the “dipole” feature (Saji et al., 1999; Webster et al., 1999; Yu and 321 Rienecker 1999 and 2000) identified in the wind fields. 322 To analyze the temporal variability, we reconstructed the time components of these 323 fields at locations (see Figure 8) from regions exhibiting strong magnitudes in Figure 7. The 324 temporal reconstructions are shown in Figure 9. Relationship between WSX and SSH at the 325 western equatorial (top) locations are almost in-phase, while the WSX in this region leads 326 SSH at Sumatra by 10-12 weeks. There is a rather sudden change in WSX during the late 327 1997 that can be seen with an anomalous high in SSH at that time. This potentially could be 328 driven by the strongest ENSO event in 1997-98. 329 330 Wind and SST 331 The LFV spectra of the joint analysis of WSX-SST and WSY-SST are shown in 332 Figure 8. The spectra is very similar to that of joint wind and SSH analysis from before. 333 Significant peaks are found at the annul, semi-annual and interannual bands. 334 The spatial reconstructions of the SST fields (Figure not shown) shows anomalies of opposite 335 sign in the Northern Arabian Sea, Northwestern Bay of Bengal and South China Sea and; 336 near the Tanzanian coast. We observed that the wind fields lead the SST variations by a few 337 months and that the strong SST variantion in the southwest region of the domain is affected 338 by both local WSX and WSY variation. At the semi-annual (f = 2.0 cycle yr-1) frequency the 339 SST anomalies are small everywhere except in Western Arabian Sea. 340 341 342 5. Conclusion 343 344 The MTM-SVD was applied to the joint fields of winds and variables at the surface. 345 This analysis was able to identify frequencies where an unusual concentration of a 346 narrowband variance occurs. In this study, we performed MTM-SVD along with bootstrap Page 11 of 28 347 procedure on decimated weekly and monthly data. The results revealed higher energy of local 348 fraction variance in weekly data at the high frequency as expected; while at other low 349 frequency, the LFVs of both data are relatively comparable. The LFVs from joint MTM-SVD 350 simultaneously revealed dominant cycles at annual and semi-annual frequencies which 351 should be expected in the NIO because the variability in this region are strongly affected by 352 seasonal reversing monsoons. 353 The LFVs of winds and SSH also reveal dominant variability in the inter-annual 354 frequency, which relates to the ENSO cycle; while variation of the wind components and SST 355 at this mode are not statistically significant. This is not a surprise result since the NIO locates 356 in the tropic region, thus SST is usually warm most of the time and the variability of SST in 357 this region does not vary much from year to year. 358 Reconstructed spatial patterns reveal the dynamics of joint variation at specific 359 frequency. The phase and magnitude differences in each pair allow us to understand the 360 relationship between the two fields. We observed that the anomalous wind during 1997-98 361 strongly affected in the eastern side of NIO which can be seen from signature of SSH 362 anomaly. 363 One can extend the analysis of MTM-SVD to more than two fields but it requires 364 higher computer resources. However, a disadvantage of MTM-SVD technique is that the 365 dominant variability at any frequency requires strong variance in many spatial locations. If 366 there are only few spatial locations with strong variability participating at that frequency, that 367 area will not be dominant. 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 6. References 377 378 379 380 Bretheron, C. S., C. Smith, and J. M. Wallace (1992), An Intercomparison of Methods for Finding Coupled Patterns in Climate Data, J. Climate, 5, 541-560. Page 12 of 28 381 Clark, C. O., J. E. Cole, and P. J. Webster (2000), Indian Ocean SST and Indian summer 382 rainfall: Predictive relationships and their decadal variability, J. Climate, 13, 2 503–2 519. 383 384 Clark, C. 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Black, red, cyan, and 487 magenta lines denote 99%, 95%, 90%, and 50% confident limits from bootstrap procedure, 488 respectively. 489 490 Figure 3 (not shown) 491 Same as Figure 2 but for SST. 492 493 Figure 4 494 LFVs for joint variability between WSX and SSH (a) and between WSY and SSH (b). 495 496 Figure 5 497 Spatial variations at annual (f = 1.0 cycle yr-1) cycle of (a) WSX on joint WSX-SSH; (b) SSH 498 on joint WSX-SSH; (c) WSY on joint WSY-SSH; and (d) SSH on joint WSY-SSH. Vector 499 lengths in (a) and (b) correspond to the magnitude of each variable relative to size of WSX at 500 a reference location (grid 529th at 7.25oN, 76.75oE). Phase of the vectors correspond to 501 temporal difference (time lead/lag) relative to the reference vector (at 3 o’clock). In the 502 spatial pattern, clockwise vector rotation represents negative relative lag (or “lead”), and 503 counter-clockwise rotation represents positive lag (or “lag”). A complete rotation represents a 504 periodicity of the mode; e.g. 1 year for f = 1.0 cycle yr-1, and a grid point vector at 12 o’clock 505 (90o) experiences peaks at 4 months lag relative to the reference grid point. Same analogous 506 is applied for a patterns in (c) and (d), where all vectors are related to vector at grid 529th of 507 WSY. 508 509 Figure 6 510 Same as Figure 5, but for semi-annual (f = 2.0 cycle yr-1) period. Page 16 of 28 511 Figure 7 512 Spatial patterns shown at progressive intervals (~56 days or 22.5o from top to bottom), 513 spanning one-half of a complete cycle (~1.25 years or 15 months). Left and right panels show 514 variations of WSX and SSH, respectively. Sizes of square and triangle represents magnitude 515 of both variables are relative to value of WSX at a reference grid point (grid 529th). The 516 squares and triangles indicate different in signs. The initial snapshots correspond to peaks 517 WSX anomalies in the east-central of the North Indian Ocean and SSH anomalies. While the 518 final snapshot corresponds to the opposite conditions that obtain at one-half cycle later. 519 520 Figure 8 (Plan to omit) 521 LFVs for joint variability between WSX and SST (a) and between WSY and SST (b). 522 523 Figure 9 524 Locations of reconstructed time series, WSX at southeast of Sri Lanka (grid 450 th) in yellow 525 squares and SSH at west equatorial region (grid 346th), west Sumatra Island (grid 416th), and 526 west India (grid 484th) in green circles. 527 528 Figure 10 529 Time series reconstruction at inter-annual mode (f = 0.39 cycle yr-1) comparing WSX at 530 southeast of Sri Lanka and SSH at three other locations; western of equatorial region (top), 531 western Sumatra Island (middle), and western India (bottom). 532 Page 17 of 28 533 Page 18 of 28 Figures Figure 1: Locations of data used for MTM-SVD analysis in the North Indian Ocean. Data locations are defaulted by with reference location at the 529th grid point which is just below the tip of Indian. Figure 2: Comparing LFV spectra (relative variance explained by the first eigenspectra) of weekly (green) and monthly (blue) SSH time series as a function of frequency. Black, red, cyan, and magenta lines denote 99%, 95%, 90%, and 50% confident limits from bootstrap procedure, respectively. Figure 3 (Plan to omit): Same as Figure 2 but for SST. Figure 4: LFVs for joint variability between WSX and SSH (a) and between WSY and SSH (b). Page 2 of 28 Figure 5: Spatial variations at annual (f = 1.0 cycle yr-1) cycle of (a) WSX on joint WSXSSH; (b) SSH on joint WSX-SSH; (c) WSY on joint WSY-SSH; and (d) SSH on joint WSYSSH. Vector lengths in (a) and (b) correspond to the magnitude of each variable relative to size of WSX at a reference location (grid 529th at 7.25oN, 76.75oE). Phase of the vectors Page 3 of 28 correspond to temporal difference (time lead/lag) relative to the reference vector (at 3 o’clock). In the spatial pattern, clockwise vector rotation represents negative relative lag (or “lead”), and counter-clockwise rotation represents positive lag (or “lag”). A complete rotation represents a periodicity of the mode; e.g. 1 year for f = 1.0 cycle yr-1, and a grid point vector at 12 o’clock (90o) experiences peaks at 4 months lag relative to the reference grid point. Same analogous is applied for a patterns in (c) and (d), where all vectors are related to vector at grid 529th of WSY. Page 4 of 28 Figure 6: Same as Figure 5, but for semi-annual (f = 2.0 cycle yr-1) period. Page 5 of 28 Figure 7: Spatial patterns shown at progressive intervals (~56 days or 22.5o from top to bottom), spanning one-half of a complete cycle (~1.25 years or 15 months). Left and right panels show variations of WSX and SSH, respectively. Sizes of square and triangle represents magnitude of both variables are relative to value of WSX at a reference grid point (grid 529th). The squares and triangles indicate different in signs. The initial snapshots correspond to peaks WSX anomalies in the east-central of the North Indian Ocean and SSH anomalies. While the final snapshot corresponds to the opposite conditions that obtain at one-half cycle later. Page 6 of 28 Figure 7: (continue) Page 7 of 28 Figure 7: (continue) Page 8 of 28 Figure 8: (Plan to omit) LFVs for joint variability between WSX and SST (a) and between WSY and SST (b). Figure 9: Locations of reconstructed time series, WSX at southeast of Sri Lanka (grid 450 th) in yellow squares and SSH at west equatorial region (grid 346th), west Sumatra Island (grid 416th), and west India (grid 484th) in green circles. Page 9 of 28 Figure 10: Time series reconstruction at inter-annual mode (f = 0.39 cycle yr-1) comparing WSX at southeast of Sri Lanka and SSH at three other locations; western of equatorial region (top), western Sumatra Island (middle), and western India (bottom). Page 10 of 28