[For Proceedings of Conference on Frequency in Wuppertal, 2008] Interfaces, Frequency, and the Primary Linguistic Data Problem Abstract: Interfaces are definted biological relatioins, like the link between heart and lung, while interactions describe non-designed but inevitable biological consequences of being a mechanism with a single source of energy. A careful look at the representations needed show that each mental module has a separate form of representation. And therefore interfaces require careful matching. Merge and labeling describes a hierarchy in language but perhaps not other mental hierarchies. It is distinct from Concatenation, which may be a broader mental capacity; Language calls for recursive Merge and Label hierarchies. We argue that “frequency” is not a meaningful concept in psychology without a representation whose frequency is being tabulated. Therefore every model of change must work with representations. However it is possible for representations that are not perfectly captured by grammar to be identified. For instance, the notion of leftward focal stress can apply at the word, phrase, or morphological level at first before being liniked to sepate modules in the mature grammar. Lebeaux’s notion of AdjoinAlpha as an acquisition primitive is thereby supported. In sum, it is possible that frequency-linked representations, still connected to an innate UG, play a role in acquisition. We conclude with an analysis of gradual –ed acquisition that re-introduces a role for LAD. 1.0 Introducton The classic contrast between Empiricism and Rationalism falls under a new light when we try to build realistic, mechanical interfaces that will assist in language acquisition. The notion of an interface automatically entails the assumption that other mental modules---with other mental purposes---are systematically engaged not only in our model of adult grammar, but possibly with a special role in the acquisition process. Does grammar interact or interface with a General Learning Capacity, familiar from behaviorist and connectionist approaches in the empiricist tradition? A prior question is whether there are any General Learning Capacities? Daily life gives us the impression that we can develop knowledge schemes whose heterogeneity would suggest that such General Abilities exist. Nonetheless one of the lessons of using modes of formal representation for grammatical theory is that abstractions have strong biases that are visible only when abstractly formulated. A second possibility is that the identical ability is independently represented in the brain. We illustrate each of them. 1.1 Interfaces and Interactions First we need to articulate an elementary contrast. The suggestion (Chomsky (2005), (2008)) of an interface with a “conceptual-intentional system”, for instance, means that our methods for representing actions of all kinds are linked--- in highly particular ways----to our linguistic system. For instance, whatever notion of Agency exists in planning action gets linked to the affix –er in language in a sentence like John is the organizer. By contrast, the notion of interface (see Roeper 2009) must be kept distinct from the broader notion of an interaction. All bodily activities interact----solemn verbal news might cause a heartattack, but that does not mean that there is specific architecture linking the heartpump and the representation of a recent Past Event in language. The distinction can be captured with an image: the sharpest example of an interface is like a key and a keyhole. One is designed to fit the other. The empty space has the “concept” of a key in it, but it is made of air. An interaction, however, occurs when any two objects share an energy source, say if a runner slows down if he wants to converse. Each activity (run, talk) must draw from a common source of energy but they are not architecturally linked in an interface. 1.2 A Formal Approach: Concatenation versus Merge Hornstein (2009) argues that Concatenation---the capacity to combine indefinite numbers of obects: A, B => {AB} which then can be combined with C => {ABC} is a kind of pre-linguistic capacity, but UG uniquely defines Assymmetric Merge. We take Concatenation to guarantee association but not ordering, therefore it is a form of Set Formation. Computer scientists often include ordering, but there is logical possibility of association without ordering. Therefore: AB = BA. Thus the linguistic module interfaces with a Concatenation capacity which might be used to divide chairs in a room as well as organize words in grammar. Concatenation, in this sense, captures a kind of iterative recursion which which is reflected in an instance of conjunction, applicable to any linguistic category: (1) Noun: John, Bill, and Peter left Preposition: Bill jumped over, under, around, and through a hedge. Notably the interpretation does not change if the order of elements changes (Bill, Peter, John left). Recursively embedded possessives involve order effects (my father’s friend’s car =/= my friend’s father’s car), which characterizes the central grammatical notions of recursion. Grammatical hierarchies are a particular choice from numerous possible hierarchy types because they involve Labels, Assymmetric Merge, and binary structures which allows the Label to express a directional bias: (2) A / \ B A B =/= / \ B A N / \ Adj Noun | | blue ocean A / \ N Adj | | ocean blue Thus the labels allow us to say that blue ocean is a kind of Noun and ocean blue is a kind of Adjective. The notion of Assymmetric Merge here has a plausible claim to the idea that it reflects a UG specified instance of innate predisposition. In the grammar it is the interface with Labelling which makes it particular to grammar, and which by hypothesis invokes the innate dimensions of Universal Grammar. If it operates immediately as a mechanism, then it provides further support to the notion that it is innately specified. Roeper (1981) argued that all mental operations might be decomposeable into units found elsewhere in the mind. If so, it is the claim that they are mechanically connected which is the locus of innate structure. It is possible that the artist who uses a form of Concatenation to group objects or colors is allowing an interface between a Concatenation ability and a 3-dimensional model that imposes constraints other than labeling (or in addition to Labeling). It is also possible, in fact likely, that the Concatenation capacities linked to 3dimensional abilities are biologically independent even though conceptually identical. It would be hard to imagine (though not impossible) that an injury to the Concatenation Module which would suddenly affect both language and visual organization in the same way. 1.2.1 Multi-dominance There are other possibilities that show a more complex hypothesis space, for instance, Multi-dominance models, which are gaining a footing in linguistics and which may be pertinent to visual planning as well. These are trees of the following form which, again, might be useful visuallly: (3) A B / \ / \ F C G / \ D E Here one node (C ) has two higher nodes. Multi-dominance seem intuitively appealing for structures like: John saw Bill swim where Bill is the object of see and the subject of swim (S. Cable pc). It is an empirical question, with acquisition consequences, whether such representations that increase the power of grammars, are necessary. It is an interesting fact that among children’s first 3-word sentences we find: (4) “help me dress” which suggests that if this is the correct analysis of the adult grammar, then it is immediately available to the child because me is both object of help and subject of dress. Even if there are common connections between the formal structures behind vision and language there is, by hypothesis, a specific genetic bundling that allows these interfaces to be built so that they can participate in very rapid mechanisms. Thus although we are capable of making a generalization over the abstract notion Concatenation, it is not clear that it refers to any particular, independent biological entity, which the brain draws upon. Another example may help. Both eyes and ears utilize stereoscopy to develop a single representation from two sources. Yet we all suppose that the property of stereoscopy is separately represented—and innate-- in these domiains (we don’t lose out auditory ability if we are blind or vice versa--see Roeper (2007) for more discussion). Concatenation like stereoscopy may not describe an ability that is separately represented in the biology of the mind for modules like language and vision. 2.0 Frequency Now let us introduce a topic that seems to have perennial interest: frequency. It is evident in everyday life and in many psycholinguistic experiments that, at some level, frequency seems to dictate acquisition order and processing preferences. These are broad generalizations which need to be articulated in the kind of abstract terms we have introduced. First there is a fundamental logical observation that seems to go often unrecognized. There is no possible mental ability that can capture frequency without a form of representation for the object counted (Roeper 2008). If I hear X six times, it is impossible for me to know that unless I can represent X in some non-auditory mental form such that I knew that I heard it before when I hear it again. If it disappeared entirely, I could not know I heard it. If I know I heard it, then I must have some mental representation that allows me to assert that it is identical to that representation. The sound representation, of course, is a very complex object never perfectly reproduced and therefore the form must be abstracted. What is the abstraction? Would it be the same as a cat’s, dog’s, or monkey’s? To take another example, if I show you red, green, and yellow apples, and ask how many apples you see, you must be able to have an apple representation which is not automatically red, green, or yellow but essentially abstract and without a fixed color in order to count them. The same holds for sounds: they vary in form depending upon volume, duration and much phonotactic variability which must be abstracted away from in order to create a representation to compare to incoming sounds. While sensitivity to frequency and statistical generalization might seem to be a good candidate for an independent mental module, it might also be built into various mental abilities in very precise ways. If so, then we have re-established the need for claims about prior linguistic assumptions. Are we tabulating frequency in all directions at once? If an interface between two systems is fixed, then it can participate in a frequency representation. If the interface is arbitrary, then it is obviously beyond computation, as an example will readily reveal. Suppose the notion of agency involved cross-modular representations, jointly computed. Then we might expect that the mind has an implicit number representing the frequency of agency that is the combination of how often you see someone act deliberately (eat a banana) and how often you hear the –er on words like winner and singer. So we might, though it is doubtful, have a representation of Agent every time someone does something manifestly deliberate. While each form of agency might be tabulated for frequency, it is implausible that we compute the combination. However if Agency-frequency were specifically tabulated with rerefence to morphology, we might know how often –er is linked to AGENT, how often to INSTRUMENT, and how often to THEME. This tabulation could, and perhaps does, dictate the fact that Agency –er is productive, and the other two are rather exceptional, particularly the THEME case. While a broiler may be a chicken, a cooker is not the object cooked, both forms allow an Agent reading (even if we have heard cooker only as an instrument.) Thus one formal/meaning interface –er/AGENT is being counted. If frequency is measured, it seems very likely that it will follow fixed interfaces, which means in effect that it is defined already within the system it is tabulating. Therefore the liklihood that there is a truly independent statistics-analyzer seems very small. 3.0 Acquisition and the Initial State Now let us turn to the acquisition question. What generalizations define the “initial state” of our language acquisition capacity? One assumption is that it is a Default Grammar which undergoes modification upon the presentation of new input data. However there are other possibilities which deserve attention. In the Aspects (1965) model Chomsky discusses the question of how we represent the Primary Linguistic Data (PLD). He suggests that some forms of distributional analysis modeled on structural grammars could be present at the outset which, moreover, are contained in a Language Acquisition Device (LAD) that is present at birth but declines with age. It is certainly notable that children learn words at an astonishing rate: 14.000 by the age of 6yrs which is roughly one an hour. As adults we are often called upon to learn words with a single exposure---as when one tries to retain the name of someone just introduced---but we do not seem to learn words quite as fast as children. One reason that Chomsky introduced the possibility of LAD is that he assumed the presence of Phrase-structure Rules of the form: (5) Sentence => NP VP This representation is, obviously, far from the child’s initial experience of streams of sounds. Therefore the child must have segmentation and data-sorting capacities for hierarchical abstraction and specific nodes in order to get the representation to the point where it could submit to any analysis at this level. Under Minimalism, however, notions like Merge and Label appear to be much closer to the primary data. This is an important and under-appreciated point. The idea that greater abstraction could be closer to experience seems counter-intuitive. Why could it be true? Because abstract Merge allows analysis of very early structures in asymmetric terms before higher phrasal categories (like NP and VP) can be formed and recognized. In fact, Chomsky has argued that initial Merge may be lexically based, but still asymmetric, if the word itself is projected: (6) the / \ the book In fact this notion generates an hypothesis about early stages which is subject to proof. (7) Hypothesis 1: children begin with Concatenation Hypothesis 2: children begin with Asymmetric Merge If Concatenation were true, then we would expect children to reliably associate two words, but be indifferent as to their order. In fact, however, it has been argued since the first work on two-word utterances that children impose word-order from the outset, even with expressive terms that have no grammatical category: (8) hi Mom/*Mom hi well, yes/*yes well it big/*big it In fact every grammar of the two-word stage has imposed order, although if concatenation were an independent ability, and if it were independently open to a frequency calculation, then it would certainly be true that children should have a stage where they accepted unordered representations and used them. Therefore it appears, from the outset, that the innate system finds an inherently more complex structure, Merge and Label assymmetrically, in fact easier, just as we find it easier to see in 3 dimensions than in 2 dimensions although one could argue that a 2dimensional structure is a logical subset of 3-dimensions and “simpler”. 3.1 Transition Probabilities The logic of order sensitivity is captured in non-grammatical terms via the notion of Transition Probability. That is, a child is sensitive to what typically follows a sound or a word. However one could easily build a machine that was sensitive only to Concatenation or Set-formation with unordered sets. Thus the machine would note: (9) cats cast and see that both words contained {s,t} and therefore indicate a frequency sensitivity to the combination without respect to order. Thus even those models which claim that they have a bias that is not “linguistic” in character implicitly have a very suitable bias in the notion of “transition probability” which from a mathematical point of view appears to be more complex than an unordered set. Of course, this is really an empirical question: do children recognize unordered sets as easily or more easily than sequences with a transition probability? The experiment would be: is there any environment, for instance vision, where an unordered array is more easily learned than an ordered one (where the whole array is guaranteed not to be seen as a unit)? This is an empirical question for which there may already be evidence in the psychological literature. 4.0 Pre-linguistic Representations Where might we look for representations that do not fall within those directly projected by Minimalism. We might expect words to be simply represented phonologically on a frequency basis and learned in that order. However, we need to carry out the segmentation that identifies words and distinguishes them from bound morphemes. Without such an assumption one would assume that an extremely frequent word like the would be among the first a child uses, since they are very frequent, but they are late acquisitions for English-speaking children. On the other hand, in languages like German den (the) arises much earlier. Why? In fact, the article functions as a pronoun and can appear independently, and we know that in English, demonstrative pronouns like that arise very early. By independently we mean that a discourse might allow them to appear alone: 10) Speaker 1: which do you want? [welchen möchtest Du] Speaker 2: den! (*the) Now we have actually imposed an important criterion: independent appearance. If the system were not built to recognize the distinction between bound and unbound we might expect a child to acquire a morpheme like ing with the meaning of activity. How could that work? We know that children hear ing often—and in diverse contexts. But one contextually salient domain is ongoing activity which the child might recognize as such and link the verb to activity. It is likely that other uses linked to intention ( “going to”) or nominalization (the reading) will be acquired in a different sequence. Suppose a child walked into a room buzzing with other children playing and yelled “–ing”. This would be very plausible given the pragmatic salience of human bustle and phonological clarity. And yet no one reports such a result and it seems intuitively alien. It is intuitively alien because our intuition of what a natural child utterance is, itself, dependent upon innate structural features, such as the principle independent appearance as a criterion for words. The topic is one of interest. Children do allow backformations which infer words, such as the child who said “I have a hammer because I like to ham”. The prediction is then that purely morphological elements, unlike stems, are not mis-identified as words. Could there be, or should there be, representations which fail to be possible UG representations that are nevertheless useful to children? Our image of acquisition is much like a quadratic equation where several modules posit structures which serve as sources of confirmation for each other. Inversion, question intonation, and situations where a question is natural can all coincide to tell us that these ingredients of question-formation are correctly analyzed. Therefore the correct grammatical alignment may involve a shift in representation at multiple levels. While it is attractive and perhaps probable that all representational powers are derived from principles of UG, they might look a bit different, or tolerate unusual variants in the acquisition process. It is precisely here that aspects of frequency might play a role. 4.1 Focus Intonation and focus intonation in particular fail to have a perspicuous mapping onto individual words or morphemes in many instances---it seems to hover over larger units. In addition it is interpretively relevant for units as large as sentences and as small as morphemes. That is, exclamatory stress emphasizes an entire sentence while Focus can fix on just a morpheme: (11) a)You played baseball today! You RE-read the book, good for you! How would the child, the acquisition mechanism, attack the Focus intonation system? Will it begin with the right phrasal divisions? The challenge for many acquisition problems is to envision plausible logical stages. Suppose children seek broader representations first. They could generate a representation that allowed this common perception: Focus occurs leftmost for the sentences in (11b): (11) b) WHAT do you want EGGS I like MEAT-eating is good NO run/*run NO (except if there is a pause) Notice that leftmost like the linear notion of V2, does not fall out of most theories, although it seems akin to principles of linearization. What is leftmost operating upon exactly? It seems here that one might invoke the notion of utterance as an independent intonational object, but this could cut out a lot of available information such as: (12) Aha, MEAT-eating is bad John thinks MEAT-eating is bad Bill thought that MY HOUSE he might be willing to buy. This is plausibly a good first move if one needs to grasp an intricate concept in smaller steps. This is now an empirical question: would a child be able to identify leftmost stress in an utterance, and therefore be unable to identify the stresses in (12), but see those in (11b) as a first generalization? The naturalness of such a proposal increases when we consider the notion of leftmost to be the prototype for the concept of EDGE in current minimalism. One reason that it is perfectly possible that an odd, and hard to notice, step occurs in the acquisition path of every child is that it might also be quite short-lived. Just like half a dozen crucial adjustments occur in a half hour span when a child learns to walk or balance on a bike, a microscopic, but very significant series of steps could be the substructure of many acquisition stages which our current data-gathering practices do not identify. In (12) the notions of leftmost could be extended to capture the facts, but it requires recognition of other phrases, like Nounphrase and Clause, whereupon one might use another linguistic notion PHASE EDGE to capture the concept. It would have to be extended to include complex words as PHASES to capture focal stress inside compounds. But now such steps would presuppose that one already identified a host of languagespecific properties, like a left-peripheral TOPIC position in an embedded clause that qualifies to be a PHASE. Now we will encounter classic learnability problems where each decision depends upon the other. It is here that the order of decisions and a representational basis for acquisition must be articulated. Nevertheless one could imagine frequency definitions that would be connected to grammar-independent notions that defined first steps. This would be the kind of analysis of Primary Linguistic Data that could be accomplished through a language-specific acquisition device, or could depend upon capacities defined over domains much broader than language. 4.2 Focus and Contrast What epistemological sequence can be imposed on a learning sequence that is defineable immediately in terms of properties of Primary Linguistic Data. We were trying to find pre-existing diagnostics that did not depend upon prior language-specific decisions. We chose leftmost as a possible concept, but then had to ask what structure could a child presume on which to define leftmost. This is a hard problem to which we do not have the answer. Therefore let us make an assumption that seems intuitively plausible. The child has a broad-based linear notion of leftmost: Focus seems to be at the beginning or toward the left in a sentence for a sufficiently high proportion of sentences for a system to “take notice”. They must then have an under-defined notion of utterance with enough internal structure to locate a Focus element. In addition, the child would want to hear a fairly frequent input sample to arrive at this conclusion, including examples like those above. Thus the child might have a rule: (13) Assign Focus intonation to the left when some notion of Contrast is intended. In other words, frequency requires a minimal representation of some kind--perhaps partially non- or pre-grammatical—which is then subject to grammatical analysis. This representation, we argue, is then abandoned step-by-step as the particularities of each structure are learned. This differentiates comprehension from production. Focus will only appear in production, unlike comprehension, when a specific and acceptable grammatical form can be generated by the speaker. Comprehension can allow a combination of a vague representation and essentially a contextual guess. A child might be able to guess, with half a grammatical analysis, that a passive is meant by: (14) the HAMBURGERS were cooked by Dad if they could recognize a focal element initially, hamburgers, and a connection to the thematic structure of the verb cooked without yet being able to insert was, by, or participle –ed. Now let us illustrate the claim with a more precise example. Suppose a child hears either of the phrases: (15) Johnny has a big DOGhouse ( = not cat house) Johnny has a BIG doghouse ( = not small doghouse) However let us assume, plausibly, that the child has not yet fixed where adjective phrases occur (to the left or right), nor their recursive character (big, strange house), nor exactly how compound words are built (BLACKboard). The child could implicitly think: 16) There is leftward contrast in this phrase, but I am not sure where. Then the child might look and see if the context allows a contrast between big and small doghouses or between doghouses and cathouses. At this point, the child could probably make a good guess about what is being contrasted, without actually having an adult representation of what is involved. The prediction would be that the child would not yet produce contrastive stress on either the adjective or part of the compound noun, but could often seem to understand it. 4.3 PLD and Adjunction Can we say more about such a represenation? Suppose the child, unsure of what the possible structures are, essentially adjoins the phrase. but then cannot locate Focus which, in the grammar seeks a recognizeable node label, which can be obscure even for lexical categories. (17) Focus => find recognizeable Node Word+Noun = ambiguity Pre-grammatical Adjunction representation = without node label: (18) => Focus / \ =/=> N / ? | big \ house [+N] Here we argue that the child will shift the focus to the higher node, NP, which has a label because they are unsure of the lower one and seek a contrast element anywhere below the higher NP. There is evidence that children can recognize contrastive Focus without being able to localize it on lower nodes (see Hubert (2009). Thus children will answer a question like: (19) John has a BIG house and not……a car while adults will say: ….a small one. The child has allowed the actual focus on big to migrate upward to the node Noun. The topic certainly deserves careful study (See Hubert (2009) for very pertinent evidence on children’s understanding of recursive adjectives). Lebeaux (2000) has argued that children begin with a rough notion of Adjoinalpha, which is obviously a linguistic operation. However, if the adjunction operates with a mystery Node label, then it is “pre-grammatical” in the sense that it does not meet the requirement that all Nodes have identifiable labels.1 We can argue for Pre-linguistic representations for all of these structures which involve Adjunction with Labels that are not yet grammatically fixed: (20) intonation = (Left Focus +X) affixation = (X + af) complementation = [verb + X] adjuncts = (by X) ([Adjoin-alpha] Lebeaux (2000) These domains may be where small amounts of partially pre-grammatical structures are possible. The prediction is precisely that it will affect comprehension and production differently because adjoin-alpha is essentially a default parsing bias that even for the child fails to be an acceptable grammatical representation although it is sufficient to make semantic inferences upon. Our broad hypothesis is: (21) Frequency-based representations are dropped with full grammatical analysis. This is a strong hypothesis that is not in keeping with those who attempt to utilize frequency models as a substitute for grammatical ones. Let us now construct a more precise scenario. It is actually an odd thing that production is used in arguments about the role of frequency. It is certainly the frequency of input which makes a difference (see Yang (2002)) for demonstrations of its relevance) in parametric choices. At the point of production, there will be evident variation in the use of various constructions. It does not follow that increases in frequency of usage are a result of a kind of habit-formation. It is a less complex system, without a frequency counter, to argue that discrete changes in the grammar, usually meaning related, will cause additions to the frequency of, for instance, a morphological form. Thus if we add to the meaning observable ongoing action (they are dancing) for –ing another meaning: intended action (I am going to the movies tomorrow), then the frequency would naturally increase. Each form then may appear to vary by frequency but small grammatical changes linked to meaning are at the root of the shift. 1 In Roeper (2006) I argued that Compositionality was systematically a second order phenomenon. That is, children adjoin at first without a label, but when adjunction becomes recursive, then it must have a label. 4.4 the Past Tense Controversy Let us provide another example of how stepwise enrichment interacts with frequency. The most famous claim about the role of frequency lies in the apparent gradual appearance of Past Tense –ed (Rumelhart and McClellan (1986)): (22) X + ed => tabulate frequency (23) Stepwise differentiation: past tense [John walked] transitive/intransitive actional/non-actional [John was admired] passive [the house was being painted] implicit argument present participle [the house was painted] result reading pronominal adjective [the painted house] non-verbal adjective [three-cornered] Suppose the child begins with the observation that –ed occurs at the end of some words: Word+ed. We would predict no usage at this point. Suppose he then advances to: V + ed. From this point onward, it is unlikely that the –ed will be used without some semantic features [past tense, perfectivity, result]. In addition, the label V may represent only part of a Feature Bundle that UG says is necessary: designation of transitive, intransitive, actional, and perhaps others. If the child requires several of these features to be present, then –ed will emerge in a dozen steps in production as each domain reaches an adequate level of Feature representation. This will produce, without a refined analysis, the impression of gradual acquisition when in fact a subtle stepwise acquisition is present where, once acquired, frequency is relevant and contextual necessity is the only criterion. 5.0 Conclusions We have sought to explore how the PLD can be realistically represented in light of the abstractions offered by Minimalism. We pointed out that these abstract notions of hierarchy involving Merge and Label, may in fact offer simple modes of representation over which pre-grammatical generalizations, minorly sensitive to frequency, could be computed. We argued that when full grammatical representations appear, pregrammatical representations are simply abandoned. In this respect, our perspective resurrects the notion of a Language Acquisition Device that is tightly connected to UG but not identical to it. We used Contrastive Focus as an exmple of an interface phenomenon whose acquisition might involve a number of steps that a changing representation would accommodate. We reviewed a number of core concepts in linguistic theory in light of modern evidence: the initial state, primary linguistic data, interfaces, and learnability arguments. All of these arguments served, in our view, to etch in the core conceptions behind the innate model of language acquisition while building precise connections to other modules of mind. Bibliography Chomsky, N. 2005. Three factors in the language design. Linguistic Inquiry 36:1–22. Chomsky, N. 2007. Approaching UG from below. In Interfaces + recursion = language? Chomsky’s minimalism and the view from semantics, ed. U. Sauerland and H.-M. Gärtner, 1–30. Mouton de Gruyter Chomsky, N. 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