Census Form - St John the Baptist Catholic Church, Trowbridge

The Parishes of St John the Baptist, Trowbridge
and St Bernadette, Westbury
Canon Liam O’Driscoll wishes to update the parish mailing list. Please be assured that this
information will not be used for any other purpose and will not be made available to others.
Adults in your household:
First Names: …………………………………….
Surnames: ………………………………………….
……………………………………………………… Postcard: ……………………………
Telephone Number: ……………………………………………… Email: …………………………............
Children in your household:
Name: …………………………Age: ……….
Name: …………………………Age: ……….
Tick the box if you would be prepared to contribute to the work of the parish in any way
Please place in the box on your way out of church.
Thank you
The Parishes of St John the Baptist, Trowbridge
and St Bernadette, Westbury
Canon Liam O’Driscoll wishes to update the parish mailing list. Please be assured that this
information will not be used for any other purpose and will not be made available to others.
Adults in your household:
First Names: …………………………………….
Surnames: ………………………………………….
……………………………………………………… Postcard: ……………………………
Telephone Number: ………………………………………………… Email: …………………………...........
Children in your household:
Name: …………………………Age: ……….
Name: …………………………Age: ……….
Tick the box if you would be prepared to contribute to the work of the parish in any way
Please place in the box on your way out of church.
Thank you