INCE ST MARY’S C.E. PRIMARY SCHOOL KEY STAGE ONE CURRICULUM MAP – SECOND YEAR OF A TWO YEAR CYCLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mr Grumpy’s OutingStories with repeating patterns Meerkat Mail –non chronological reports List poems on a theme Why can’t a Meerkat live in the North Pole? (Geography) Fingerprints in the snowStory writing Non-chronological report Instructions Willy the wizard-stories by the same author – Antony Browne Poems to perform and learn by heart Recounts Traditional Tales Dogger – familiar stories Traditional rhymes Stories from other cultures Non fiction texts Why is the Wii more fun than Grandma and Grandads old toys? (History) Where do the leaves go in winter? (Geography) Would the Beatles have won the X factor? (History) Where do, and did the wheels on the bus go? (Geography) Why were Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong very brave people? (History) Science Which birds and plants would little Red Riding Hood find in our park? Why and humans not like tigers? Which materials should the 3 little pigs have used to build their house? Art/DT Drawing – self-portrait IC – drawing a toy Mechanism – pushes and pulls Textiles - weaving Use of materials – picture frames Painting – colour mixing Warm/cool 3d Sculpture Local Sculpture E- Safety Y1 How to log on and off Y2 PowerPoint Y1 How to use word Y2 Create graphs Y1 Make a game Y2 Computer Science Unplugged Y1 Computer Science unplugged Y2 Create storyboard animations Create simple pictogram simulations Produce a talking book Easiscope Easiscope Esafety Y1 Constructabot- giving and recording instructions Y2 – following and debugginh E-Safety – ongoing throughout the year Friendship Anti-Bullying – verbal SUMO Change your Tshirt(covered throughout the year) Families Anti-Bullying - physical Looking after places Anti-bullying cyberbullying Healthy Eating Anti-Bullying - Racism Keeping safe Anti-Bullying – sexism & gender Keeping Safe & transition Anti-Bullying homophobic R.E. Christianity -God Christianity – the Bible Easter – sorrow and joy Judaism judaism P.E Gym & games Christmas – Jesus’ birthday Gym & dance Gym & dance Gym & games Gym & dance Gym & athletics Possible Experiences Woodland walk Grandparent visit Willow Weaving Musical Visit Southport Museum Visit English History/Geography Seasonal Changes? Music Computing ICT (within other subjects) PSHE