Eighth Grade Life Science - Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

The primary focus of science in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is to develop
the ability in each student to conduct scientific inquiry while acknowledging that God is present
in all we think, do, and say. He is the creator of all things.
As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students will develop the abilities to do
scientific inquiry, be able to demonstrate how scientific inquiry is applied, and develop
understandings about scientific inquiry with Catholic infusion.
The student will:
▲ Design investigations, including developing questions gathering and analyzing data, and
designing and conducting research.
▲ Correctly use the appropriate technological tools and mathematics in their own scientific
▲ Actively engage in conducting an inquiry, formulating and revising his or her scientific
explanations and models (physical, conceptual, or mathematical) using logic and evidence,
and recognizing that potential alternative explanations and models should be considered.
As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students will apply process skills to develop an
understanding of physical science including: properties, changes of properties of matter, motion
and forces, and transfer of energy.
Eighth Grade Physical Science
Atomic Structure
The student will:
1. Respect all of God’s creation starting with smallest particle of matter.
2. ▲ Understand atoms, the fundamental organizational unit of matter, are composed of
subatomic particles, organized in a small, dense, positively charged nucleus (containing
protons and neutrons which determines the atomic mass) and surrounded by a negatively
charged electron cloud (containing electrons, which determines the size of the atom).
3. ▲ Understand the periodic table lists elements according to increasing atomic number. This
table organizes physical and chemical trends by groups, periods, and categories.
4. ▲ Understand chemical bonds result when valence electrons are transferred or shared
between atoms. Ionic compounds result from atoms transferring electrons. Molecular
Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas
Eighth Grade Science Curriculum
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▲= indicators assessed on the Grade Ten Kansas Science Assessment
compounds result from atoms sharing electrons.
5. ▲ Understand a chemical reaction occurs when one or more substances (reactants) react to
form a different chemical substance(s) (products).
6. ▲ Understand chemists use kinetic and potential energy to explain the physical and chemical
properties of matter.
Key content vocabulary: atomic number, atomic structure, proton, neutron, electron, valence,
covalent bond, ionic bond, nonmetal, metals, group, periods, solid, liquid, gas
Chemical Equations
The student will:
1. Recognize that the equation for a balanced life is to lead a life of stewardship. The joy of a
human person as God intended.
2. Observe chemical changes. (inquiry)
a. Recognize the four types of chemical reaction.
3. Describe changes in elements and compounds. (knowledge)
a. Explain a chemical reaction in terms of its chemical formula.
b. Correctly balance a chemical equation.
4. Apply understandings of physical and chemical changes. (application)
a. Compare and contrast chemical and physical changes.
Key content vocabulary: subscript, co-efficient, atom, molecule, compound, balanced
equation, synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, law of
conservation, symbols, yields, covalent bond, ionic bond, electron shell, valence number
Acids and Bases
The student will:
1. Investigate solutions and identify them as an acid or as a base. (inquiry)
a. Identify acids and bases with the use of various Ph indicator strips.
2. Understand the Ph scale. (knowledge)
a. Categorize solution according to Ph scale.
3. Explain chemical difference between acids and bases. (knowledge)
a. Relate Ph scale to hydronium ion concentration.
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Eighth Grade Science Curriculum
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▲= indicators assessed on the Grade Ten Kansas Science Assessment
4. Apply understanding of acids and bases in everyday use. (application)
a. Infer the possible uses of a solution according to its Ph #7.
Key content vocabulary: Ph paper, <>acid, >> base, hydroxide, hydronium, blue litmus, red
litmus, indicator blues
As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students will apply process skills to explore and
understand structure and function in living systems, reproduction and heredity, regulation and
behavior, populations and ecosystems, and diversity and adaptations of organisms.
Eighth Grade Life Science
Human Body Systems
The student will:
1. Recognize life begins at conception.
2. Investigate human body systems. (inquiry)
a. Recognize the major organs and body systems and their characteristics.
3. Relate human body systems to their functions. (knowledge)
a. Categorize organs with their functioning system.
b. Relate an organism’s structure to how it works.
c. Determine how parts of the human body systems relate to the whole body as a system.
3. .Apply understandings of human body systems. (application)
a. Map human body systems; research their functions and show how each supports health of
the human body.
b. Differentiate organs from systems through dissection.
Key content vocabulary: systems, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, integumentary, skeletal,
muscular, digestive, execratory, reproductive, nervous.
As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students will apply process skills to explore and
develop an understanding of the structure of the earth system, earth’s history, and earth in the
solar system.
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Eighth Grade Science Curriculum
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▲= indicators assessed on the Grade Ten Kansas Science Assessment
As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students will demonstrate abilities of
technological design and understandings about science and technology.
The student will:
▲ Understand technology is the application of scientific knowledge for functional purposes.
As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students will apply process skills to explore and
develop an understanding of issues of personal health, population, resources and environment,
and natural hazards.
The student will:
1. ▲ Understand the severity of disease symptoms is dependent on many factors.
2. ▲ Understand natural resources from the lithosphere and ecosystems are required to sustain
human populations.
As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students will examine and develop an
understanding of science as a historical human endeavor.
The student will:
▲ Understand scientific knowledge describes and explains the physical world in terms of matter,
energy, and forces. Scientific knowledge is provisional and is subject to change as new
evidence becomes available.
Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas
Eighth Grade Science Curriculum
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▲= indicators assessed on the Grade Ten Kansas Science Assessment