COMMISSIONERS MEETING SPECIAL SESSION JANUARY 29, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE: COMMISSIONERS: ATTORNEY: AUDITOR’S OFFICE David Berry, President Rick Woodall, Vice President Donald Walton James Ensley Evelyn Williams The Putnam County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on January 29, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Courthouse. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT HEAD David Berry stated that the special session was being held due to a complaint against Planning and Zoning Department Head Doug Ehmen. County attorney James Ensley conducted an investigation into the allegations. On January 13th Mr. Ensley submitted a report of his findings to the Commissioners. Mr. Ehmen stated that he was not guilty of harassing anyone. That is why he didn’t resign two weeks ago when asked to by the Commissioners. Mr. Ehmen stated that Mrs. Jones’s husband threw a jealous fit when he saw him standing in her office. He stated he asked him not to come in the office anymore. He said he realized he didn’t know them very well and should not joke around with her anymore. Mr. Ehmen said he asked Mrs. Jones to stick to a regular work hours instead of running personal errands. He stated that she was never treated differently after the allegations were made. He stated that the workload has dropped considerably, opposite of Mrs. Jones statements. He stated he admitted to the “hooker boots” comment. However, he did not throw anything down her top or call her “babe” as she has accused. Dave Berry asked what the other Commissioners had in mind. Mr. Woodall stated he was deeply bothered. He made a motion to relieve Mr. Ehmen of his duties as Planning and Zoning Director. Dave Berry seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Ehmen brought up the complaint he had made against Jessica Jones. He had spoken to Mr. Ensley about it and does not want it swept under the rug. Mr. Ensley stated that he would need direction from the Commissioners on how they wanted to proceed. He stated that Mr. Ehmen brought the complaint to his attention on Tuesday the 27th. Mr. Ensley stated that it boiled down to funds were not being deposited in a timely manner. Mr. Woodall stated that he wants an investigation into the allegations. He didn’t understand why money would not be deposited in a timely manner. Mr. Ehmen stated that it speaks of Mrs. Jones’ character and frame of mind. He stated that she has sent him texts and he still has them. Mr. Woodall asked what the procedure for accrued leave payout. Mrs. Williams stated that according to the county employee manual it is the department heads decision whether or not it is paid out or not. Mr. Woodall made a motion to approve payout of any accrued time per the employee handbook. Donald Walton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Woodall stated that he wants a plan of action for Mrs. Jones supervision until a new director is appointed. He stated that he would volunteer to do so. He stated that there should be daily accounting of receipts and keeping track of time worked and time off. Mr. Ensley stated that he would keep track of receipting and Mr. Woodall will stop in the office on occasion. Mr. Ehmen stated that permits can be issued without a document of payment. Mr. Ensley stated that if cash was a concern then they should make a policy to no longer accept it. All of the Commissioners agreed that a no cash policy would be in the best interest of the office. Mr. Berry stated that he and Mr. Ensley would go to the office so Mr. Ehmen could hand over his county property. ADJOURN Donald Walton made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Rick Woodall seconded the motion. The motion carried. ______________________________ David Berry, President _______________________________ Rick Woodall, Vice President ______________________________ Donald Walton _______________________________ Attest: Auditor’s Office