Curriculum Map: Year 3 These are long term plans drawn up for the start of the school year, therefore there may be some variation as the year progresses. Subject Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 English & Drama Spelling, grammar, comprehension and handwriting Spelling, grammar, comprehension and handwriting Spelling, grammar, comprehension and handwriting Spelling, grammar, comprehension and handwriting . Spelling, grammar, comprehension and handwriting War horse War horse Character descriptions Settings Poetry Chocolate Instructions Adventure Stories Chocolate Information texts Rainforest poetry Spelling, grammar, comprehension and handwriting . Kings, Queens and Castles Fairy tales and traditional tales Counting, partitioning and calculating read,write and order whole numbers to at least 1000 and position them on a numer line, count on from and back to zero in single-digit steps or multiples of 10, partition threedigit numbers into multiples of 100,10 and 1 in different ways, , add or subtract mentally combinations of onedigit and two-digit numbers. Calculating Add a 1-digit number to a 2- or 3-digit number, bridging a multiple of 10 Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2- or 3-digit number Knowing and using number facts Knowing pairs of multiples of 100 that total 1000 Calculating Rehearse division as the inverse of multiplication Understanding Shape Make and describe right-angled turns; identify right angles; use set squares Recognise and use the four compass directions N, S, E, W Locate a position on a grid with the rows and columns labeled Calculating Find a difference between two 2- or 3digit numbers by counting on Use informal methods to record subtractions for 2and 3-digit numbers Understand division as grouping Multiply by 10 and 100, shifting the digits 1 or 2 places to the left Maths Securing number facts, understanding shape Know addition and subtraction facts for pairs that total up to 20, sums and differences of multiples of 10 and number pairs that total 100. Identify patterns and relationships involving numbers or shapes and use these to solve problems, relate 2D shapes and 3D solids to drawings of them; describe, visualize, classify, draw and make the shapes. Measuring Read the time to 5 minutes on an analogue clocks Read the time on analogue and digital clocks; solve problems involving time Calculating Understanding multiplication/division as repeated addition/subtraction Knowing and using number facts Know the multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times table Calculating Recognise unit fractions; find unit fractions of numbers Knowing and using number facts Know doubles of numbers to 20; derive multiples of 5 and 50, and corresponding halves Understanding Shape Introduce, classify and describe prisms Classify and describe common 3-D shapes by properties Measuring Use units of time: days, hours, minutes, seconds Handling Data Organise and interpret data in frequency tables Organise and interpret data in bar charts Calculating Add and subtract a multiple of 10 to and from a 2- or 3-digit number Add and subtract a 2digit number to and from a 2- or 3-digit number Add and subtract a multiple of 10 or 100 to and from a 3- or 4digit number Add and subtract 9, 11, 19 and 29 to and from a 2- or 3-digit number Knowing and using number facts Know the multiplication facts for the 4 times table Calculating Recognise non-unit fractions; find nonunit fractions of shapes and numbers Using and applying mathematics Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100 and 10; understand and use £.p notation Solve 'real-life' problems involving money (comparing amounts) Calculating Add a 2-digit number to a 2-, 3- or 4-digit number by partitioning into T and U Knowing and using number facts Add by identifying near doubles, using doubles already known Measuring Measure and compare weights in kilograms and grams Use units of time: years, months, weeks, days, hours Handling Data Classify and sort data in Venn and Caroll diagrams Calculating Use informal written methods to record additions for 2- and 3-digit numbers Begin to use column addition to add 2and 3-digit numbers Shakespeare Dialogue and play Counting & Understanding Number Begin to recognise simple equivalent fractions Using and applying mathematics Find totals, give change and work out which coins to pay Knowing and using number facts Know the multiplication facts for the 8 times table Measuring Measure and compare lengths in metres and centimetres Use decimal notation for metres and centimeters Knowing and using number facts Know the multiplication facts for the 3 times table Using and applying mathematics Recognise odd and even numbers up to 100; count on in 5's and 50's Knowing and using number facts Know the multiplication facts for the 6 times table Animals need food to Identify common grow. materials. Varied diets. Properties of Different types of material. teeth. Suitability for uses. Permanent & deciduous teeth. Caring for our teeth and having a healthy diet. Bones and joints WW1 Topic Our local area in 1914. Comparing Iwerne Minster old and new. Vertebrates and invertebrates. Sorting living things Magnets produce forces. Uses of magnets. Investigate how magnets behave near each other. Uses of springs. Springs stretch and compress. WW1 Causes of World War 1. Poster campaigns. The role of horses in WW1. WW1 From War Horse to Tank. Trenches. The Home Front. The Christmas Truce. Ancient Egyptians Ancient Egyptians The Stone Age The Stone Age The River Nile Egyptian Society Life at Home Gods & Goddesses Tutankhamun Hunter gatherers. Tools and pottery. Settlements. Farming Animals RS Preparation for Harvest Festival Remembrance Stories from the Old Testament Stories from the New Testament. The Church: buildings, cathedrals, services The Church cont: Lord’s Prayer, Art and Symbols. French Greetings Giving names Recycling of previous language. Days of the Week Recycling of previous language. Quel age as-tu? 1 - 10 Months Colours Recycling of previous language Brothers/sisters Recycling of previous language. Pets Music Animal Magic – Contd. Play it again – Contd. Exploring Descriptive Exploring rhythmic Sounds – developing patterns – developing children’s ability to children’s ability to create, perform and create simple analyse short rhythmic patterns and descriptive perform them compositions that rhythmically using combine sounds, notation as a support. movements and words. (2 x lessons per week in total – 1 lesson is a whole class recorder lesson) Across the Year Whole class singing occurs regularly in lessons & through other mediums (Junior Choir) Junior Orchestra and another smaller ensembles is an option for instrumentalists The Class Orchestra – Exploring arrangements – developing children’s ability to create, combine and perform rhythmic and melodic material as part of a class performance of a song. Contd. Colour Matisse Take one Picture Take one Picture Handling Data Organise and interpret data in simple lists, tally charts and frequency tables Organise and interpret data in pictograms Science Geography History Counting & Understanding Number Round numbers less than 100 to the nearest 10 Order numbers to 1000; say a number lying between two 3digit numbers Count on in 10's, 100's or 50's from zero Using and applying mathematics Recognise odd and even numbers up to at least 50 Rainforests Layers of the rainforest. Plants and animals. How the rainforests help our planets. Destruction of rainforests. Uses of rocks. Grouping rocks by properties. Beneath all surfaces there is rock. Different rocks produce different soils. Separating soils Shadows are formed by blocking light. Investigate size and shape of shadows. Shadow length during the day. The Sun appears to move during the day. Position of shadows. Opaque, transparent and translucent. Farming History of farming. Types of farming. From farm to fork. Diversification. Art Still Life, Christmas Story telling in pictures The Willow Tree pattern DT Computing PSHE PE Games Introduction to the workshop and making skills. Build a pen holder. Making project: Make a wooden puppet. Design skills: 2D and 3D drawing skills. Continue with drawing skills. Desk tidy project. New skills and techniques and combining materials Continue desk tidy. Photography Typing Practice . Cross Curricular Links: Art and English •Peer pressure •Healthy eating •Looking at and managing emotionsanger Gymnastics Dance Weekly Swimming – NTP: Water skills / stroke development Coding – Sequence and Animation Manipulating Sound Coding – Conditional Events Scratch programming E-Safety – Making Videos Peer pressure •Healthy eating •Looking at and managing emotionsanger Gymnastics Dance Weekly Swimming – NTP: Water skills / stroke development •Fair Trade •Go Givers’ Park (Environment) •Kindness and Charitable giving Gymnastics Dance Weekly Swimming – NTP: Water skills / stroke development •Fair Trade •Go Givers’ Park (Environment) •Kindness and Charitable giving Gymnastics Dance Weekly Swimming – NTP: Water skills / stroke development •Identities •Emergencies •Identities •Emergencies Athletics: Running / Jumping / Throwing Athletics: Running / Jumping / Throwing Boys: Rugby / Soccer Girls: Hockey/ Netball Boys: Rugby Girls:Hockey/Netball Boys: Hockey / XCountry Girls: Netball/ XCountry Boys: Hockey / XCountry Girls: Netball/ XCountry Boys: Cricket Girls: Athletics / Tennis/ Rounders Boys: Cricket Girls: Athletics / Tennis / Rounders Cross Curricular Link: Music Cross Curricular Link: PSHE