Poster Abstract Submission Form - The Practical Playbook Conference

Call for Poster Abstracts
National Meeting Overview
The Practical Playbook is now accepting a Poster Abstracts for its inaugural national meeting. Bringing Public Health and
Primary Care Together: The Practical Playbook National Meeting is 1.5-day meeting bringing together leaders and
practitioners from across health care and community sectors to improve population health. It will take place May 22 – May 24,
2016 at the Hyatt Regency in Bethesda, MD. The meeting features keynote and plenary sessions, hands-on workshops, a
World Café session and a Poster Session.
Poster Session Guidelines
The Poster Session is an important part of The Practical Playbook National Meeting, providing an opportunity for participants
to share their experiences, celebrate successes and learn about effective methods and resources for collaboration from their
peers. Poster Session displays at the national meeting will highlight innovative and impactful strategies, tools and approaches
to public health, primary care and community collaborations.
Poster Session displays may focus on:
1) Successful and/or innovative public health, primary care and community collaborations in the planning stages
2) Successful and/or innovative collaborations currently in the implementation stages
3) Effective tools, resources or strategies to support successful collaborations
Researchers and practitioners who have created and implemented an innovative program, and/or those with an effective
approach or solution to a problem related to public health/primary care collaborations to improve population health are
encouraged to submit a poster abstract.
Poster Session displays should not advertise commercial products or services. Posters may feature tools or resources
that are publicly available at no cost to the health sector.
Instructions for Submitting an Abstract
Submit Via Email: Complete this form and submit it via email to no later than
January 31, 2016. Indicate National Meeting Poster Abstract Submission in the subject line. Incomplete or late
abstracts will not be considered.
Please disclose any affiliation for which there is a conflict of interest.
The mark “CDC” is owned by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and is used with permission. Use of this logo is not an endorsement by HHS or CDC of any particular product,
service, or enterprise.
Call for Poster Abstracts
Criteria for Evaluating Submissions
A poster abstract review committee will review all proposals that follow the poster abstract guidelines. Individuals submitting
abstracts will be notified of the results of the review by March 1, 2016 via email.
Posters may present information on research findings, program implementation and results, or innovative solutions.
Abstracts are evaluated on:
 Substance and clarity of content
 Relevance and timeliness in terms of health literacy practice/issues
 Specificity and practicality
 Clarity of writing and presentation; and
 Appropriateness to session format.
Posters and poster abstracts must articulate key takeaways of the collaboration, tool or resource. For completed
collaborations or tools, this may include results and implications. For collaborations and tools in the planning or
implementation stages, this may include challenges and implications thus far.
Posters selected to be displayed at the National Meeting will be reviewed and scored by a panel of experts. The five highest
scoring posters will be announced and prominently featured at the National Meeting, as well as featured on the Practical
Playbook’s blog and social media channels.
General Information
Poster Session Timing: The Poster Session will be held Monday, May 23, 2016 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m., in conjunction
with a networking reception. Presenters must be at their posters during the evening reception to discuss their
Materials: Presenters may provide handout materials to support their poster presentations. Presenters are responsible
for all their own materials.
Online Submission of Final Poster: Presenters must submit their final poster (that includes all copy and artwork) no
later than, April 23, 2016. Full poster content may be made available on the National Meeting and/or Practical Playbook
website approximately one week after the conference, and will remain online for viewing.
Onsite Presentation of Posters:
o Display boards for the posters will be 4 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide.
o Printed poster dimensions need to be 3 ft. tall by 5 ft. wide (36 x 60 inches).
o Poster presenters are required to bring their own printed posters for mounting onsite. No poster displays will be
printed or mounted by The Practical Playbook.
o No audiovisual equipment is permitted for poster presentations.
The mark “CDC” is owned by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and is used with permission. Use of this logo is not an endorsement by HHS or CDC of any particular product,
service, or enterprise.
Call for Poster Abstracts
Poster Abstract Submission Form
Complete the form below and submit it via email to no later than January 15, 2016.
Indicate National Meeting Poster Abstract Submission in the subject line.
Name (Lead contact for the submission):
Title and Organization:
Poster Title:
Collaboration Case Study/Strategy
Project Dates:
Project Team (list names, titles and organizations):
Background on project/tool (limit 100 words):
Purpose of the project or tool (limit 100 words):
Target audience served (limit 100 words):
Description of project or tool, including goals and objectives (limit 250 words):
Actions taken, including approach and/or methodology (limit 250 words):
Summary of results, including outcomes/impact and metrics used (limit 250 words):
Implications of the project/tool results (limit 100 words):
The mark “CDC” is owned by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and is used with permission. Use of this logo is not an endorsement by HHS or CDC of any particular product,
service, or enterprise.