Peer Editing checklist

Paper Owner’s Name: _______________________________________ Period: _______
Peer Editor: __________________________________________
Partner Biography Peer Editing Tool
Does my rough draft seem to follow a chosen format? Please identify it (example: report, letter,
Q&A): ____________________________________________________
If I have done a Q & A format, do I have an Introduction and Conclusion of some kind?
YES /NO What is missing: _______________________________________________________
If I have used paragraphing, do all of my paragraphs have a topic sentence and good supporting
details? YES /NO
Which paragraph(s) need(s) more sentences in it? _____________________________________
Which paragraphs need Topic Sentences? ____________________________________________
Does my report have a heading: name, period, date, partner bio (letter style does not need one):
I should have a minimum of 15-21 sentences in my paper. How many sentences TOTAL are present
in my paper? _________. So, I need ________ more sentences.
Using editing marks, identify any errors for me on my rough draft so that I can correct them. Also,
please tell me about any other issues I might have in sentence structure or
Does personality shine through in my writing? (circle) YES / NO / SORT OF
Please give me some Smiley Face Trick (SFT) suggestions (see page 19-20 in Writing Handbook) that
would add more color to my writing (include the name of the SFT and an idea for using it).
1) ____________________________________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________________________________
What is the most interesting part of my biography?
Here is what the grading rubric will look like for this assignment:
Partner Biography Rubric
2 - 1
I have numerous
My mechanics
errors in conventions
(spelling, punctuation, Basic conventions are
and they impair the
grammar) are spot-on. mostly correct and my
readability. This text
It is obvious I edited
errors do not impair the
was not ready to be
this paper. Presentation is meaning. Presentation
published. My format
a WOW! I followed my
is pleasing. It appears I
is v ague and adds to
chosen format. Easy to
have chosen a format.
the difficulty of
read and follow.
My enthusiasm for the
The writer didn’t seem
My voice is passionate
topic is controlled or
to think about how
and engaging. I have
inconsistent. The
the voice might affect
captured my audience
reader sometimes has
the writing or the
and I am able to keep
to try to stay engaged
reader. The writer
Voice &
their attention. My
because he/she
seems bored—just
Word Choice writing sounds like me.
sometimes feels “factwants to get it done.
I have chosen words
fed”. My writing uses
Writer used words
that are lively &
bland words or words
that were without
unordinary, and I used
occasionally used
color or used words
them correctly.
Requirements (2 points each)
Revised Rough
Minimum 3
draft & Peer
Typed in blue or
paragraphs or
Editing sheet
black ink
15 sentences
4 - 3