Russian Language Courses We offer high-quality tuition in small groups at all levels. Courses often incorporate cultural programmes, which allow you to see Belarus as well as learn the language. Accommodation can be in a student hostel. A wide variety of courses is available: Academic Courses last a full academic year; Summer Courses allow you to combine your holiday with a study programme; Crash Courses involve intensive study over a short period, and start throughout the year. Daytime groups last for 4 or 8 academic hours, depending on the track. One academic hour is 45 minutes. Standard groups meet 5 times a week (20 - 30 ac. hours a week). Fast-track groups meet 5-6 times a week (30 - 36 ac. hours a week). They are for those who want to make particularly rapid progress; they demand greater commitment and a more intense level of self-study. Average group size is 6-7 students. Small size groups (3-4 students) and individual classes are also available. Students enroll for one term at a time, and new students can join at the beginning of any term. Non-beginners may be able to join a class mid-term if room is available at the right level. P E R I O D S Course Length 2 weeks 4 weeks 12 weeks 16 weeks 32 weeks standard or fast track daytime groups standard or fast track daytime groups standard or fast track daytime groups standard or fast-track daytime groups academic course standard daytime groups C O U R S E S E l e m e n t a r y B a s i c I n t e r m e d i a t e Russian for Special Needs R u s s i a n f o r C a t e r i n g B u s i n e s s R u s s i a n R u s s i a n P h o n e t i c s Fees Tuition Fees Group size 1-2 persons 3-4 persons 5-6 persons 7-10 persons $10 US $5,3 US $4,3 US $4 US Cost per 1 academic hour Housing Fees Single room $50 US Double room $25 US Sightseeing Programme Walking tour in the city of Brest Tour to the Brest Hero Fortress Memorial Tour to the Belavezhskaya Pushcha Biosphere Reserve Tour to the Dudutki Ethnological Museum Tour to the Belarusian Folk Architecture and Lifestyle Museum in Strochica Tour to the Marc Chagall Museum Tour to Minsk, Troetskoe Predmestie Contact Information Brest State Technical University Address: 267, Moskovskaya Str., 224017 Brest, Belarus Telephones: + 375 162 40-83-74, + 375 162 42-40-84, fax: + 375 162 40-83-74 Website: e-mail:, Course Description Course Linguistic Skills This course creates a platform for successful communication in everyday life, in social and cultural spheres: in the shop, on the street, in the restaurant. Active vocabulary - 760 words * introduction * describing one’s family * describing one’s house * request * shopping * age * describing locality, asking the way * reporting what someone did or did not * reporting what someone will or will not do * likes and dislikes * motion verbs: travelling * restaurants * modal verbs: reporting what one needs to do This course develops habits and skills in communication in all spheres of everyday life and extends linguistic knowledge. Active vocabulary – 2300 words * telephoning * modal verbs: giving advice * modal verbs: asking/giving permission * getting around the city: public transport * getting around the city: places of interest * seasons and weather * health; reporting how one feels * reporting how you spend your day; free time * socializing; discussing hobbies and interests * holidays * countries and people (geography, economy, history) * environmental issues * professional life * topics related to your professional sphere Elementary Basic Intermediate Content This course creates a base for successful communication in professional spheres of the humanities, natural science, engineering and technical science. Active vocabulary – 6000 words Russian for Special Needs Russian for Catering This is an elementary course for the staff of hotels and restaurants – managers, receptionists, waiters and barmen. It covers the introductory phonetics as well as basic grammar and key topics to help service staff understand Russian customers’ needs and successfully communicate to them. Active vocabulary - 1200 words * reservation * checking in and out * dealing with problems * giving directions * taking an order * servicing a customer * explaining the dish * receiving payments * business correspondence Business Russian This advanced course is designed for those business professionals who actively operate in the Russian business environment and want to successfully negotiate with their Russian-speaking partners. The course presupposes that the students can communicate in Russian on general topics, have sound knowledge of Russian grammar and basic vocabulary. Active vocabulary – 2000 words * travelling on business * joint ventures * exhibitions, fairs, auctions * prices, terms of delivery and payment * insurance * banking * stock exchange * taxing Russian Phonetics This interactive phonetic course covers 36 hours of regular study plus intensive homework assignments for listening comprehension. The teaching method is based on rhythmical-melodious models (a natural synthesis of Russian speech and musical rhythm patterns) and methods that facilitate automatic memorization. Active vocabulary - 1200 words * articulation of Russian * vowels and consonant; soft and hard consonants * Russian stress; stressed and unstressed syllables * reduction of the vowels in an unstressed position * intonation of affirmative and negative sentences * intonation of general and special questions * intonation of exclamations