WORD CLUES LESSON 6 - Brookwood High School

A. tom – cut
1. atom (noun) the smallest particle of matter that cannot be cut
2. osteotomy (noun) surgical cutting and removal of bone
B. ton, ten – stretch; tone
3. monotone (adj.) vocal utterance in one unvaried tone
C. chir – hand
4. chirography (noun) penmanship; handwriting
5. chiromancy (noun) foretelling of the future by reading palm of hand
D. pod – foot
6. cephalopod (noun) mollusks with tentacles (feet) around the head
E. cephal - head
7. cephalopod (noun) mollusks with tentacles (feet) around the head
8. cephalalgia (noun) headache
F. dactyl- finger;toe
9. dactylology (noun) sign language
G. gloss, glott, glot – tongue; language
10. polyglot (noun) one who speaks several or many languages
H. osteo – bone
11. osteotomy (noun) surgical cutting and removal of bone
I. derm, dermat – skin
12. pachyderm (noun) thick skinned hoofed mammal (elephant)
13. dermatitis (noun) inflammation of the skin
14. hypodermic (adj) under the skin
J. plas, plasm, plast – mold; shape; form; substance
15. plastic (noun) capable of being molded
K. pachy – thick
16. pachyderm (noun) thick skinned hoofed mammal (elephant)
L. tauto – same
17. tautology (noun) needless repetition; saying the same thing over and
over again
M. –algia, algy – pain
-algiac – one who suffers pain
-algic, -algetic – pertaining to or causing pain
18. cephalalgia (noun) headache
N. –it is – inflammation
-itic – one who has inflammation; characterized by inflammation
19. dermatitis (noun) inflammation of the skin
O. –machy, -machia – war; fight
-machist – one who fights
-machic, -machical, -machal – pertaining to fighting
20. logomachy (noun) fight or battle over words